The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#21 Post by NJWilliam »

Stern nods and says to Akai, "Sure, I'll come along. Probably worth taking a look around the quarters too, since the scientists may have left something behind."

"Enough shelters and machetes and insect repellent for each of us, too." He says while sorting them into four groups on top of the boxes of rations. Holding up the two holoflares in either hand, and looking about, "Who wants to carry a holoflare?"

If anyone claims a holoflare he'll toss one to them. If no one does, he'll put one on his belt and the other on the nearest group of gear he put together.

OOC: will the holoflares work better with any particular training, and are the weights on the shelters anything to be concerned about?

GM: The shelters are made of state-of-the-art, light weight synthetics, only weigh about 3 kilos and are very compact when collapsed. The holoflares are pretty straightforward and require no special training to operate. Just ignite, stand back and watch the show. Here's the description from Alpha Dawn: Holoflare. A holoflare is a small, solid, ball-shaped device. When lit, the flare rockets about 200 meters into the air and hovers there for 10 minutes. The flare will illuminate an area 1 km across with a dim light.
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#22 Post by Bhart »

Bishop shakes his head "Ah no thanks Akai. I have to go see a doc about this." he says pointing to his bloody nose. "Plus I really should run a systems check on R2 here before he head out." the technician says jerking a thumb in the direction of the Balor security droid.

"I'll take the holo flare. I guess the polyvox should go to the guy who's gonna do the talking for the team and that aint me." He responds before turning to the Balor droid. "Hey Hal carry this stuff for me." Bishop indicates one of the piles Akai has made. He moves toward the exit and waits for the robot. "Let's go boy we need to find a doc for me and then it's tune up time for you."

GM: The bot looks at you and replies, a bit sullenly, "Statement: This unit is programmed for combat and security. It is NOT a simple labor droid. It's capabilities would be better used for more sophisticated tasks." It pauses, sighs dramatically, then adds, "None the less, this unit is programmed for obedience and will... carry out its masters humiliating instructions."

So saying, it places its auto rifle in a magnetic sling on its back, then gathers up the supplies in its arms, and stoically follows Bishop as he goes to visit the camp doctor.

OOC: Bishop takes 1 holo flare, 1 shelter, 1 can of repellant, 1 machette. We can gather food salt and water when we have our mounts ready to load up?

GM: Sure. The stuff is all piled there together. Tucker has made it clear you can pick it up whenever you're ready to leave.

He will then head off in search of a dose of Biocort or some other medical attention.

GM: The camp physician, a placid but attentive Vrusk by the name of Dr. Cl'k'riss, looks you over briefly and says, "It's clear you've sustained only superficial injuries here; nothing a shot of Biocort won't fix. You're fortunate, you and your friends might have been trampled to death." He (she? It's so difficult to tell with Vrusk) gives you a dose of Biocort and your cuts and bruises immediately fade away. "Tell the others to stop by the clinic as soon as they're able and I'll treat them as well. You're fit to return to duty, Mr. Bishop."

After that he gets a meal and heads back to quarters. He opens up his robcom kit and has a second closer look at the Balor. He checks to make sure everything is in working order. Then he would like to list the robot's functions. Since it is under Bishop's command would I still have to roll to remove its security lock?[/ooc]

GM: You look the bot over, and everything appears to be functioning perfectly. You would expect some component stress, due to operating in a high humidity environment, but the the models environmental seals seem particularly robust, and nothing seems to be compromised. And yes, you'll need to make a skill roll to list the robots functions. PGC has only authorized you to give voice commands and to make general repairs and maintenance. You could also give Hal a voice command to list its functions for you, but if PGC has programmed it for some secret purpose, it may not be authorized to reveal that part of its programming. ;)
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#23 Post by Recklessfireball »

Akai and Stern head out to visit Ghazzik, and Steelsmith comes along, as well (OOC: if no one else posts by the end of the day, I will assume that the rest of you go to get treatment for your injuries and then catch up with Akai, Stern and Steelsmith).

When you find Ghazzik, he is feeding the Shanks buckets of some sort of grain which he uses to supplement their diets. The creatures can survive well enough off of the local flora, he explains, but they are happier and calmer if they receive regular helpings of their customary diet. When you explain why you are there, he says (rather crankily), "Very well, I will teach you how to ride the beasts. See if you can pay attention a little better than that idiot Tucker put in charge of assisting me!"

He gives each of you a device which looks like a handle with a long, flexible wire tipped with a metal bead. Then he says, "This device is an electro-prod. It's use is fairly simple. To make the Shank kneel, set the prod to the lowest setting and say "Utah!", while tapping it lightly on the front, left flank. After the creature kneels, you may saddle and mount it, or dismount- as the situation requires." He does this, then demonstrates how to harness the creature with saddle, bit, bridle and saddlebags. Then he mounts the creature, and continues.

"Once mounted, to get the Shank moving, tap it lightly on the right, rear flank and say, "Hut!" The Yazirian does this, and the beast moves into a leisurely trot. "Now then," says Ghazzik from atop his mount, "To get the beast to pick up speed, lash it smartly thrice, in the same place, and say "Hut, Hut, Hut!". When he does this, the Shank utters a low, rumbling noise, and then begins galloping in a circle as directed.

"You can see how I guide the beast, with gentle touches on the right or left side of its head. You do NOT need to use the electro-prods charge to do this, and you will likely receive unfavorable results if you do so. If the beast appears to be about to panic, pat it reassuringly on the shoulder and say, "Ooolok, Ooolok", while gently stroking its mane. This will calm the creature and keep it from bucking or bolting."

He goes on to explain how to hobble the creatures, when you break for camp, and how to treat them for injuries (he shows you the jars of salve that have been packed with your supplies, which can be used for this purpose. It's a thick, gelatinous substance that stinks horribly).

"Now then, if any of you have any questions, this is the time to ask." The big Yazirian looks at each of you expectantly.
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#24 Post by rremedio »

Akai likes to watch how the creature is gentle and responsive when mounted and thinks he would enjoy riding it.

"Well, sir... I'd like to know about the behavior of the creature and the best course of action when we are mounted and any of the wild beasts of this jungle approach us. Is it safe to get it running from the predator or try to using it in combat? If we get off the Shanks to face the predators, will them go crazy like they did earlier or can we do something to keep this from happening?"

GM: Ghazzik nods at Ceeres comment and replies,"An intelligent question. This may sound strange, but Ground Shanks have been domesticated for thousands of years, and have become so accustomed to being ridden that they are a bit insecure without a rider. A Shank with a well trained rider will almost never bolt, and will even faithfully defend its rider from other aggressive creatures. They are, in most cases, strong, sturdy, loyal beasts." He pauses thoughtfuly, for a moment, then continues,"However, like all creatures, they may panic under the right circumstances. This is typically when ambushed by a very large predator, as you witnessed earlier today. Smaller predators may also panic them, if they aren't being ridden, which is why it is important to hobble the beasts when you break for camp. A hobbled Shank feels less insecure, and is far less likely to stampede if attacked."

Ghazzik lets his comments sink in, then says,"If you are attacked by the native fauna, you may give your Shank the command, "Rhuk'tah!" This will cause the creature to defend itself with teeth, tail and headbutts. I recommend you only do this under extreme circumstances, as Shank are very large and powerful and their attacks can be somewhat indiscriminate. If you are in close quarters, and a Shank accidentally strikes one of you with its tail, the results could be... unfortunate."
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#25 Post by Bhart »

Bishop moves his arm in a circle to test for pain, then prods the bridge of his nose to do the same. When he feels nothing he hops off the exam table. "Thanks Doc, that stuff does wonders. I'll send the others your way when I catch up to them." he says.

The technician heads off in search of lunch. He is stuffing the last bite of sandwich into his mouth as he arrives back at his quarters with Hal following. "Alright big guy let's get a closer look at you." he mumbles through a mouthful of food.

"You can put the equipment down on the table over there" he directs the robot as he opens his robcom kit and begins organizing his tools. Bishop goes through his checklist looking for any signs of external mechanical problems. When he finds everything in good work order he makes some notes in his maintenance log.

"Ok Hal I'm going to open your main service panel now. If I'm going to maintain and repair you I'd like know everything about your systems so that I can do the best job possible. That is something we both want. Wouldn't you agree?" the skinny tech asks as he reaches for the power driver. "Hal while I'm doing this, please list your functions for me."

GM: The bots glowing eye blinks, as it collates a response. "Statement: Affirmative, your request is prudent, master. Listing functions:

Primary Function- Obey PGC directive one-seven-seven-alpha.
Secondary Function- Obey corporate asset 9635221: PGC employee Alvin Bishop, for the next sixty days- provided that such obedience does not conflict with Primary Function.
Tertiary Function- Defend all PGC assets against hostile attacks, including sacrificing this unit to preserve the health and safety of said assets, provided that such action does not conflict with Primary Function.
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#26 Post by NJWilliam »

Stern listens and watches Ghazzik attentively, while the Yazirian is showing and explaining how to handle the ground shanks.

He then asks, as politely as possible, "How long should they be ridden each day, and is there any terrain that is better avoided when riding them?" Oh, and, in the event we find the others, do we need additional saddles or saddlebags so the shanks can carry two riders and their gear?"

GM: The Yazirian listens to Stern, the replies,"Shanks are remarkably hardy creatures. They can easily support two riders and their gear over rough terrain, without having to rest, for as much as ten hours. You shouldn't need any additional tack or harness to accommodate the scientists, should you manage to find them." He pauses, then adds, somewhat hesitantly, "They have been gone a very long time, though. This jungle is deadly- I would not have very high hopes of finding them alive."
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#27 Post by Bhart »

Bishop pauses for a moment as the bot lists its functions, but then resumes his work as if he were not at all alarmed. Without looking up from the oscilloscope he asks, "Hal what is your mission?".

GM: The Balor, without missing a beat, replies, "Statement: This units mission is to obey its programmed Functions."
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#28 Post by Bhart »

"Clever boy." Bishop replies with a smirk as he attaches the contacts for the oscilloscope to the next set of boards. " Hal, what is directive one-seven-seven-alpha?"

GM: The bot cocks its head at you, the glowing eye dilating slightly. "Apology: I'm sorry master- details regarding directive one-seven-seven-alpha require Red Level security clearance. You are not authorized for that information."

OOC: Am I right in assuming my chances of getting past the security lock are somewhere around 30% ?

GM: Yep ;)
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#29 Post by rremedio »

"The Shank is a magnificent animal, sir. May I try a short ride?"

GM: Ghazzik grins. "Eager, eh? I like that. Might as well get started, then,"he says, as he gives the Shank the command to kneel, then dismounts. "There you are. Why don't you see if you can remember all of the commands? Mount the creature and take it for a leisurely trot around the compound. I'll keep an eye on you and make sure you've got a handle on things, so to speak."

OOC: You can take it for a spin, now. As long as you give the proper commands and no random event occurs to disrupt things (perish the thought :twisted: ) you don't have to make any skill or ability checks.
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#30 Post by Bhart »

"Very good Hal. We are all done. Wait here until I return" Bishop says as he closes up the service panel and puts his tools away.

The tech heads off to the shank pens to get his lessons in riding and handling. The whole while he contemplates what he has learned and what to do about it.
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#31 Post by rremedio »

Akai gives the creature the first "Utah!" command and mounts it. Then he gets it moving and try to guide it around for a while, being as gentle as possible. He does not want to get the Shank running this time cause he is still impressed with the earlier incident and does not want to create another one so near Stern and Ghazzik.
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#32 Post by Recklessfireball »

The rest of the group arrives just as Akai is mounting the Shank. They watch with interest (all except Bishop, who seems somewhat distracted and lost in his own thoughts) as the Yazirian gives the command, touching the Shank lightly with the shock prod. The beast responds obediently, and Akai takes it once around the enclosure, becoming comfortable with the beasts loping gait. Feeling more comfortable, he spurs the creature into a trot, and then to a short gallop, finally bringing it to a halt in front of Ghazzik, after a handful of laps.

Ghazzik nods approvingly. "Well done. Now we will let the others try."

One by one, each of you take turns mounting and riding the Shank. The beast proves placid and well behaved throughout the process, and all of you feel more comfortable and at ease, after the training. When everyone has had their turn, Ghazzik has you all practice saddling the creature, then removing the harness. Bishop, who is an engineer, seems to pick up on the process more readily than the rest of you- even if he wasn't quite so skilled at mastering the riding. After a couple of hours, you are all hot, sweaty and tired- but competently trained Shank riders.

Ghazzik looks satisfied. "Good enough," he says. "I'd judge you all sufficiently practiced to ride without my supervision. Let me know when you're ready to leave, and I'll have the Shanks saddled and loaded for you. I recommend you grab a meal and a good nights sleep, before you leave on your expedition."

OOC: Now it's up to you guys, to plan and undertake the expedition. You can discuss how you want to go about it it in the OOC thread before proceeding, if you like- or just RP it, and fly by the seat of your pants- or some combination of the two. I'll work with you and give you a nudge to get going, as seems appropriate/necessary.

Some possible things to consider: Will you have a leader/spokesman, or just work together as a group to make decisions? Will you have a marching (or riding, as it were) order? How often will you break for camp? What route will you take? Who will be in charge of caring for the Shanks (or will each of you tend to your own?), and so on.
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#33 Post by NJWilliam »

After the riding and saddling instruction, Stern asks Ghazzik, "How are the shanks trained to handle their rider firing weapons? Are they used to auto pistols and shotguns?"

GM: The big Yazirian grins and climbs atop the saddled beast. Looking down at Stern, he says, "These Shanks are gun-trained. They will not shy at the sound of weapon fire. Observe..."

He pulls an auto-pistol from a holster on his hip, points it skyward, and fires a long, stuttering burst that makes your ears ring. The Shank turns its head and blinks at Ghazzik, looking only mildly curious. The Yazirian holsters the weapon once again, then looks at Stern proudly. "You see? The best trained Shanks in the frontier. I stake my reputation on it."
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#34 Post by Bhart »

That evening Bishop joins the others for a meal. "We should discuss our plans for tomorrow." The technician mentions to the others as he sits. Looking around to make sure no strangers are near he leans in Before we do there is another issue I think you guys should know about. I was running some diagnostics on Hal and I discovered his primary functions list. It seems our security bot has been given a top level directive that supersedes obedience to me or protecting any of us. What ever that order is it has been locked down and requires a high level security clearance to view. What do you think we should do?
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#35 Post by NJWilliam »

"How about you direct the robot to not accompany us and to stay behind and see what it does?" suggests Alex, while continuing to lavish his attention on what he figures is one of his last not-cooked-on-a-campfire meals for quite a while.
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#36 Post by Rotten »

Stan replies, "Do you think you could crack his code? Or is it too dangerous? Corporate pukes..."

Stan plans to spend the rest of the night eating heartily and resting. He enjoyed riding the Shanks, preferring an organic creature over a machine.
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#37 Post by rremedio »

Akai is not sure he wants someone trying to break the code and risking activating some aggressive robot protection mode. "But I'm not the guy with the better understanding of robots, protocols or whatever, so I'm good with whatever you fell safe and worthy."

Before living to the quarters, Akai you ask Ghazzik about information on the missing expedition: "Sir, it's of my understanding that the missing scientists started their expedition from here. Do you know anything about the course they were prepared to take and how well equipped they were for facing the threats of this jungle? And about the jungle itself, there are known creatures and plants and any other threats that we should be specially cautious about? I suppose most of the flora and fauna is still unknown, but you probably had your share of trouble here and maybe could give us some advice."

Akai thinks the group should follow Chief Doyle suggestion and start the search going straight to the crash site of the orbital shuttle.
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#38 Post by Recklessfireball »

Before living to the quarters, Akai you ask Ghazzik about information on the missing expedition: "Sir, it's of my understanding that the missing scientists started their expedition from here. Do you know anything about the course they were prepared to take and how well equipped they were for facing the threats of this jungle? And about the jungle itself, there are known creatures and plants and any other threats that we should be specially cautious about? I suppose most of the flora and fauna is still unknown, but you probably had your share of trouble here and maybe could give us some advice."
Ghazzik frowns thoughtfully. "I know little. They were led by a hunter that seemed very well armed and equipped. The rest were scholars, and did not appear experienced at travelling in the bush. They bore needler pistols with anaesthetic darts- but no other weapons. I believe they set out directly for the crash site, though they intended to look for and gather specimens of the native flora and fauna, on the way.

As far as the local wildlife is concerned, I know little. Supposedly there are many dangerous things in the jungle. Some small, arboreal ambush predators nicknamed bandersnatch killed several of the workers, when they were building this camp, but since we established guards around the perimeter, we haven't had any problems. You saw some of the things that live in the river- so I no I don't need to warn you about those. The best advice I can give you is be on your guard and don't get separated. Good luck to you, Akai."
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#39 Post by Bhart »

Bishop shrugs at the questions. "I suppose we could try leaving him behind, but then we're giving up a decent amount of fire power." He takes another mouthful of food before continuing. "Sure I can break through his security lock given enough time. But it's pretty advanced stuff and the odds are against me.(30%) There's a small chance that it could cause aggressive behavior or even impair his function. I suppose if I'm going to take a shot at bypassing the security then it would be best to do here rather than out in the middle of the jungle where there is no help."

Bishop agrees with Akai about heading straight to the crash site.

After dinner Bishop will take a shot at defeating Hal's Security Lock as long as he has one or more of the other PCs with him. Before he starts he will command Hal to give his weapon to another PC so they can clean and inspect it while Bishop assesses his systems for the addition of new equipment. When he gets the panel open the first thing he does is deactivate Hal. Then he will work on the security lock.

Do you roll or me?
Here's my roll if I do it...
[1d100] = 13
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Re: The Ch'Vax Jungle (S.E.T. 1)

#40 Post by Rotten »

ooc- gutsy and nice roll.
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