Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#301 Post by Zhym »

"We must consider it as an option," says Elethil. "All we know about this whatsit—we really must come up with a name for it, at least—is that it part of a whole that, if assembled, will be powerful. It would be dangerous and reckless to construct a powerful artifact without knowing its nature. The Brothers vow to oppose dark magics. Has your fascination with this thing led you to forget those vows?"

"I assume you have already cast a divination for evil, but I should do the same."

Cast detect evil. If he happens to catch Brother Bolden in the area of effect, well...
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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#303 Post by Rukellian »

"I will have you know that I took the necessary precautions." Brother Bolden says defensively. "The item is not inherently evil itself."

Of course, Elithil didn't need to be told this, he could just see for himself, and so he does. Scanning the room, he notices that the object being inspected gives off no hues of evil (red). Mehath, who is holding the object, has hues of good (blue), though not as bright as Akabel's. Eric's aura, as well as the cockatrice's, remains a whitewash of grey, neither blue nor red, neutral. Elithil's gaze eventually lands upon Brother Bolden and finds that his colors are a bit on the purplish side. Not quite evil, but has an inclination to walk the path if left unchecked. In other words, his aura is definitely on the wrong side of the scale right now.
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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#304 Post by Zhym »

Elethil looks upon Brother Bolden with a sad gaze. These humans are so young...and so foolish.

"Let me make sure I understand you," he says, his speech even more measured and careful than usual. "You have found what you believe to be a shard of the Obsidian Eye of Prometheus. You admit that you do not understand it or know anything about the Eye other than that it is supposed to have the power to shape kingdoms and change the fates of men. And now you wish to assemble the Eye?"

His gaze hardens. His bearing carries the full sesquicentennial of his years—young for an Elf, but already a century older than all but the oldest humans.

"Why?" he demands sternly. "What can you hope to accomplish? Do you seek such power for yourself? If not, who in this world would you trust with such a thing? Are you prepared to hold it against those who would steal it to 'shape kingdoms and change the fates of men' for selfish, evil purposes? Are you even capable of keeping it from the forces of darkness—including those within yourself?" He shakes his head and sighs. "You humans are like children. You play with dangerous powers as if they were toys."

The long-haired elf looks away in thought. "I do not yet know my mind," he declares. "I must learn more first. I should read some old books and consult with sages. But you would do well to listen to Mehath. You have a dangerous artifact in your care. If you are wise, you will consider carefully whether the world is better off without the Eye in it."
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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#305 Post by Rukellian »

It is clear that Brother Bolden does not like being berated like this, a natural human reaction to hearing the truth of the matter, from an elf especially. Old habits are hard to shake off, the same goes for one's cultural upbringing. He purses his lips together and tries to withhold a snarl from forming. Yes, he fully intended to use the artifact, but could he say that out loud so easily, just when he was reminded of his duties as a Brother of Prometheus? No, he couldn't. His face, however, has no problem showing all of this inner turmoil. He looks nervously at Mehath as he throws the object back and forth between his hands. His gaze then scans the room to find that no one else was smiling. His lip quivers.

After swallowing a few times and clearing his throat, Bolden speaks his mind. "I- uh... yes, you are right. It would be wise to learn more about this and figure out what to do with it before we do anything hasty. Our guild master should see into this matter first, and perhaps the court wizard as well. Yes, it is dangerous to keep it here, solely under my protection. I can only do so much to ward off those who would use it for evil." The irony in his words is not lost on him. "Which is why I am glad you all are here. The sooner we can transport this artifact to the guild's headquarters, or perhaps a more secure site if someone knows of such, the better."

Despite Elithil's wise words of caution, Brother Bolden still does not openly suggest actually considering destroying the object, as if afraid that muttering such words would inspire someone to actually do it. The hold that the object seems to have over the man is strong indeed. Whether it is magical or purely psychological remains to be seen.

Flynn speaks his mind as well, his words surer than Brother Bolden's. "Look, I've seen first hand what powerful objects of magic can do. Fenrin made it plain as day that power corrupts. I say we just destroy the damned thing before anyone can think of using it for evil." Akabel nods, seeing the wisdom in this course of action, but also knows that it is not his place to arbitrarily make decisions like that. He is not part of Brotherhood after all, and he understands that magic is a tool, just like anything else in this world. Tools can be used for both good and evil, that hasn't changed, nor will it ever in the future.

I know you guys want a clear goal to follow, so I've broken it down into two paths. Destroy the artifact or learn more about it and eventually assemble it. This is how the game was designed from the beginning, posing this choice to the players. One path is shorter than the other, which I hope is obvious, so this will also clue me in as to how long you want this game to go on.
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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#306 Post by Zhym »

Elethil grimaces at the words, "court wizard." That title might have applied to Fenrin, if he had admitted his powers openly. Now there is such a thing as an official court wizard.

"I agree. We need more information. We will not find it here. Unless we resolve to destroy the thing immediately, which itself may be a rash decision, we must bring the shard with us. So we should make for the guild headquarters at once."

Something occurs to him. "Why did all the people of the town leave at once then come back?" he asks.
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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#307 Post by Rukellian »

"Have you slept in this town by chance," Brother Bolden asks the group. "The shard called out to me in a dream, and to the others in town. It wanted to be found, dug up. I got to it first, but that didn't seem to stop the others from trying to find it. I'd imagine the whole town was at work in this mine, considering all the noise I've been hearing during the day whilst in my study." Bolden realizes how this may sound and raises a hand up.

"I didn't do it, honest! The shard must have some sort of power over simple minds, a magic that gives suggestions, compels action? Given enough time, I would have surely tried to figure out a way to break this spell over the people."

A strong gust of wind can suddenly be felt, blowing forcibly through Brother Bolden's study, putting out all of the open flame light sources in the room. All that remains is the lantern currently being held by the group as your sole light source. Flynn, currently on watch near the top of the stairs, pulls out his rapier and waves it menacingly in front of him. "Who goes there?" he shouts into the darkness of the pedestal room. No one responds.

Note: Brother Bolden's study, the room that the group is currently in, is small, in comparison to the pedestal room. Only about 30x40 ft. The stairs leading to the pedestal room is on the southern side of the room, directly in the middle of the wall. Each X is 10 ft, a square on a grid that I would use for a map.

Code: Select all

Actions? (I'm hoping to keep the pace of the posting 2-3 times a week, even faster would be better for this current event, but I know you guys have limitations to consider.)
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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#308 Post by Rex »


Mehath will slide the shard into his pouch, draw his sword and move to cover Flynn. "Elethil, perhaps you should stay near Brother Bolden in case he needs your aid."
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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#309 Post by Zhym »

Elethil is not comforted by the latest revelation. "The shard draws everyone to it at night? It is even more dangerous than I thought."

When the lights go out, he draws his sword and hurries to the entrance.

Who actually has the shard right now? I've seen references to both Bolden and Mehath having it.
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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#310 Post by Rukellian »

Since Rex spoke up and his character was recently inspecting it, Mehath has the shard at the moment.
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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#311 Post by Rex »

I had it last and never said I was giving it back.
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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#312 Post by Zhym »

Getting possessive about it already, hm? Yeah, this this is bad news. ;)
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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#313 Post by Rex »

It's mine!
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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#315 Post by Rukellian »

Mehath and Elithil ready their weapons as the sudden winds blast through the small study. It sounds like Flynn has spotted or heard someone and shouts out into the darkness. Mehath, having pocketed the shard, rushes to his aid. Along the way, he feels something brush against him. The sound of rapid footsteps can be heard descending down the steps into the study.

Elithil positions himself near the entrance to the study, ready to strike if need be. Eric studies his surroundings and determines that the wind is not natural, that there is an imbalance at work here.

In the darkness of the pedestal room, a voice returns Flynn's shout. "Is everything alright down there?" It is the Iron Glade Man.

Brother Bolden is confused and rightly concerned about the situation, but he does not make any hasty moves. There are plenty of fighters between him and whoever or whatever is coming. Speaking of which, he hides behind Eric, hoping the dark recesses of the room will provide enough cover from being seen.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#316 Post by Zhym »

The post refers to "the dark," but we still have the group's lantern, right? If not, did Elethil spot anything with his infravision?
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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#317 Post by Rukellian »

The lantern illuminates most of the study, towards the entrance. In the back, there is still some darkness, not much though, for what its worth.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#318 Post by Rex »


Mehath will move up to Flynn and see if he can see anything.
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Re: Chapter 1: A New Dawn for New Dathan

#319 Post by Rukellian »

Mehath, after joining up with Flynn, spots the Iron Glade Man as well. The lantern, as far as I know, was not picked up by anyone, so the light only extends so far up the stairs leading back to the pedestal room. The Iron Glade Man has his sword drawn, expecting trouble, and slowly approaches the light source coming from the lantern in the study. "Where is the shard? Is it destroyed?" Those closeby can detect a strange determination in this face, as if he was actively looking for something, or someone.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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