Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People"

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Re: Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People"

#142 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Just so I am clear on this, Luther requested a Shortsword be drawn for him? Or was that just confused in the translation?

I only ask because he doesn't appear to be proficient with that type of sword. And....... it's really short!
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Re: Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People"

#143 Post by ChubbyPixie »

OGRE MAGE wrote:Just so I am clear on this, Luther requested a Shortsword be drawn for him? Or was that just confused in the translation?

I only ask because he doesn't appear to be proficient with that type of sword. And....... it's really short!
Chauncey drew Luther a (proportionally vague) short sword on request. If it turns out he's not proficient, Chauncey will stab him with it for wasting crayon.

:) JK, no stabbing... but seriously. Is he not proficient? Didn't he have a sword before that got ruined?
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Re: Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People"

#146 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I will still allow it to be any size sword, I just need to know how big it will be before I can do the math.
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Re: Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People"

#147 Post by tkrexx »

If it turns out he's not proficient, Chauncey will stab him with it for wasting crayon.
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Re: Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People"

#148 Post by Urson »

Yes, he requested a short sword, not wanting to use up any more of the Crayon than neccessary. I didn't remember the need for weapon proficiencies. If that is an issue, then he'll go with a broadsword.
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Re: Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People"

#150 Post by OGRE MAGE »


Thanks Urson.

The difference in size will be nearly negligible, so you can go with the broadsword if that is preferred.

I will get an action post up shortly so we can knock off all this damn red text. :D
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Re: Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People"

#151 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Seeking Out The Village People
Godsday, 2nd of Goodmonth
Mid Morning, Hot, Humid, Buggy

Chauncey waits out the conversation about how to handle the Green Flash in the shade as he draws a short sword on a piece of paper for Luther who has recently lost his in a most unpleasant manner. Once his drawing is completed, the wizard becomes perplexed when the sword appears in his hand but it is no bigger than the size of the piece of paper it was drawn on. The big bear will certainly need more to wield than a pixie sized broadsword, so the wizard improvises.

Moving over to a large nearby tree that has a long, flat patch of bark missing from it, the mage uses this new canvas to draw out a proper, full sized broadsword for the ranger. After some more precise scribbling, Chauncey completes the full sized drawing and it too becomes real once the last stroke of the crayon is finished. The wizard hands the brand new shiny broadsword over to Luther, proudly pointing out the personal touch of the bear head on the pommel. With his first attempt at a dagger sized sword still held in one hand, the mage scowls at the fact that his magical marker is indeed slightly shorter now. He silently reminds himself to remember to draw things out full sized in the future.

Lightfinger suggests doing a reconnaissance mission with a limited number of the group until Alordan mentions the fact that, if you can see the ship, it is likely that anyone on board can also see you. Alordan instead suggests that the group simply go about their business of gathering water. Brother Gilbert offers to stay behind and protect the townies, but Marge will have nothing to do with staying behind and waiting. "If you lads are going all the way there to fill up, then so are the rest of us. No offense meant of course, padre."

Saracen watches the large ship as the discussion continues, looking for any other movement from smaller craft around it. He sees no other action from this distance. He asks the others if they have any information regarding large seafaring vessels and their normal doings.

The halfling thief agrees that Alordans suggestion is probably the best one he has heard, so the group hoists their yokes again and continues up the beach towards the river. Even Avaala has taken along one of the smaller, child sized yokes to carry, trying to remember the exact weight of 5 gallons of water times 2 as he ponders the return trip. He also agrees that a trip to the river with the water carriers would be as good a suggestion as any to avoid unwanted attention from anyone still on board.

Chauncey, Lightfinger, and Rollo stay to the jungle side of the train, since they are not carrying any pails along with them and they don't want to give up the ruse of the entire group being made up of commoners. Marge is fine with the idea and reminds the others that it isn't all that unusual for 20 people to be on water duty at one time.

Once the huge beachwalking party gets to within about a mile of the ship, Lightfinger spots a man up in the crows nest of the main mast. The man is looking through a long metallic tube that he is holding up to his eye and his vision seems to be fixed right on your group. The water train keeps chugging along up the beach, but the man doesn't seem too concerned at the groups approach and does not appear to raise any kind of alarm.

Once the train gets to within a few hundred feet of the river, they are pretty sure that they spot no other sailors on the deck of the ship and see no other craft in the sea anywhere around it. The crow is still watching you, but he makes no indication that he is concerned about your being there in the least. Marge speaks up again as if there is nothing to be worried about. "Good! The coast looks clear! Lets fill our pails and be off before anything tries to intervene!"


The Flash appears to be anchored about 200 feet off shore, right in the mouth of the river that spills out into the sea.

Luther R3 20/20
Lightfinger T3 16/16
Monocar F2 21/21
Saracen F/C 2/3 25/25 3/4 first 1/1 second
Chauncey MU3 16/16 CL, DM, RM 2/2 first 1/1 second
Brother Gilbert C1 8/8 3/3 first
Avaala MU2 9/9 CL, DM, RM 2/2 first
Rollo 17/17
Alordan R3 18/18
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Re: Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People"

#152 Post by Urson »


Give us a minute, Marge. It's a long walk back.

Luther sets his yoke down, then sinks to a seated position. He'll make a show of removing his boots and shaking out the sand. His primary attention is focused on the ship: noting any crewmen, what they're doing, and how many there seem to be.

Does Luther have any guesses about the number of crewmen who were onboard the ship that brought us to the island?
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Re: Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People"

#153 Post by tkrexx »

Lightfinger fidgets.

The Tallfellow brings out his sling, and 3 bullets. He makes no action to unfurl his launching leathers, however, unless he sees hostile action from the vessel or the forest around the river. He's sounded no alarm, He vocalizes what all have already seen, So what happens when he sees some of us splitting off?
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Re: Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People"

#154 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Chauncey tucks the bear pommelled dagger into his belt, consoling himself that it will probably come in handy at some point in future. Though, truth be told, he can’t imagine brutally stabbing an opponent. So crass. Darts are one thing, but a blade? Perhaps it will come in handy in some magic ritual or other...

He decides to let those more trained in such things do the “scouting” and stoops by the river’s edge to get a drink and freshen up a bit. After a time a thought comes to him: ”A pity the ship isn’t closer to shore - we might, by magical means, charm the fellow in the... goat’s nest? and thereby learn of their purpose here.”
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Re: Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People"

#156 Post by SpinwardMarch »

Brother Gilbert
Addressing Marge, to divert attention, So how does this water collecting work? Do we just dip the buckets right in the river? We had wells at home and at the school.

"No wonder the villagers are not healthy, drinking river water," he thinks.
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Re: Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People"

#157 Post by SirOwen »

Avaala the Grey

Avaala uses the cover of filling his buckets to look for any signs of the boats the men on the ship had to use to get to shore. If he doesn't see any boats pulled up, he looks for the drag marks left as they pulled them up and covered them. If he doesn't even see that, he mentions it to the rangers in the group. "Shouldn't there be some sign of the boats they use to get to shore? Even if they covered their marks, they had to leave some tracks, right?"

Looking around for a moment, the mage taps his forehead in the universal, 'Try thinking instead' symbol. "Unless, of course, they didn't stop here and simply rowed up the river."
"There is no spoon."
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Re: Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People"

#158 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Seeking Out The Village People
Godsday, 2nd of Goodmonth
Mid Morning, Hot, Humid, Buggy

Luther takes a rest so he can study the ship as closely as possible. He estimates that at least 10 crewmen would be necessary to run such a vessel, approximately the same number as the ship he and his friends took to get to this island. The astute ranger sees no other movement on the deck or in the rigging.

Lightfinger arms himself, inquiring about the groups next step and how they will hide the fact that some of the party is about to break off from the others.

Chauncey the wizard suggests simply charming the man in the goats nest. Monocar grins and waves at the lone sailor. He sees the man put down the metallic tube for a second so he can look back with both eyes, possibly in disbelief. He does not return the pleasantries of the huge fighter, though he does continue watching the group suspiciously.

Brother Gilbert asks Marge about the heavy chore of water gathering. To which she replies.... "A well in town would be nice. Then we could spend more time fixing things up instead of running out here every day. But we wanted to keep our settlement as far away from this water source as we could so the other animals and worse things out here wouldn't come snooping around us every time they came out for a drink. We have been drinking the water from this river since we arrived and it has worked out just fine so far."

Avaala dips his pails as the others also join him at the rivers edge. The mage searches around in the soft sand for any evidence that smaller boats were dragged up here. He sees no such thing.

Looking out to the large vessel, Alordan sees that there are still 2 lifeboats stowed securely on the Green Flash. Luther remembers seeing a bamboo raft that exited the jungle and docked with the ship yesterday, so he assumes the crew could have used those to make their way back up the river.

Marge and her crew ignore the ship and go about their business of filling pails. "See? What did I tell ya? There is no need to be worried when we have a group this large out here. We should be able to fill the community barrels in town to the brim on this run!"


The Green Flash still appears to be anchored about 200 feet off shore, right in the mouth of the river that spills out into the sea.

Luther R3 20/20
Lightfinger T3 16/16
Monocar F2 21/21
Saracen F/C 2/3 25/25 3/4 first 1/1 second
Chauncey MU3 16/16 CL, DM, RM 2/2 first 1/1 second
Brother Gilbert C1 8/8 3/3 first
Avaala MU2 9/9 CL, DM, RM 2/2 first
Rollo 17/17
Alordan R3 18/18
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Re: Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People"

#159 Post by ravenn4544 »

Alordan asks "How big are these rafts you speak of? could they carry 10 or so men up the river? Also, let's say that man up there calls an alarm - what would happen if the crew were up the river somewhere? I assume that is why he is moored out there - but i doubt he is by himself on that ship..."
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Re: Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People"

#160 Post by Storm11 »

Perhaps we could come back under the cover of night and try and quietly board the vessel and ask? the holy champion suggests, visit dipping a pail into the river.

”We could do with digging a channel from the river to the village. Perhaps with undercover pipes. That would save the time and energy of these good folk, and potentially some of the water running to the village could be syphoned off for irrigation purposes.”
Greys Campaign.
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