2. The Asanda River (continued)

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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#21 Post by badams30 »

Aristide - Rogue

Aristide glances about nervously, hoping that no one noticed his miss. He smiles and says "Let's let these things fight amongst themselves, eh? But perhaps we should quickly search the dead? Maybe they have some, uh... intelligence value amongst their stuff."
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#22 Post by connivingsumo »

Roikos: Cleric

Roikos agrees with Thurwin, offering a nod, but stays mounted and alert ready to charge any enemies while the fallen are searched.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#23 Post by tumblingdice »

Sir Joffrey (NPC'd), out of breath, sheaths his sword, then stoops down to examine the fallen horseman. After a brief struggle, he removes a belt from the body.

Now here's something, he announces. Roikos, ole chap, could I trouble you for a lift back to the raft?

Pormas slows the raft to a crawl--but not a complete stop--as Zelaz retrieves Horace. Does anyone want to search any of the other bodies? Also, some of your supplies went overboard. Do you wish to retrieve them? Or, would you rather keep moving?
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#24 Post by greyarea »

Once Horace is on board, Zelaz instructs others to retieve as many supplies as possible while he cleans up other messes. If we haven't our supplies, they've killed us but slowly.

He will then fly around towards the ice wall (keeping it at a safe distance, say 200-220') and, once the enemy is in sight, will case Fireball on the feuding lot. He will attempt to do so as sneakily as possible, hoping to catch them off guard (they are, after all, fighting amongst themselves) and avoid danger.

Fireball damage [8d6] = 30

Fire Ball
Level: 3 Duration: Instant Range: 240'
A fireball spell is an explosion of flame that detonates with a low roar and deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level to every creature within a 20Ê radius. The caster points his finger and determines the range (distance and height) at which the fireball is to burst. A glowing, pea-sized bead streaks from the pointing digit and, unless it impacts upon a material body or solid barrier prior to attaining the prescribed range, blossoms into the fireball at that point. (An early impact results in an early detonation.)
The fireball sets fire to combustibles and damages objects in the area. It can melt metals with low melting points, such as lead, gold, copper, silver, and bronze. If the damage caused to an interposing barrier causes it to shatter or break apart, the fireball may continue beyond the barrier if the area permits; otherwise it stops at the barrier just as any other spell effect does. All beings caught within the explosion are allowed a saving throw versus spells. A successful save reduces damage by half.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#25 Post by tumblingdice »

Zelaz takes flight. Below him, beyond the wall of ice, he can see and hear the chaos and din of the bugbear and orc brawl. One bugbear lies dead, as do a half dozen orcs. With a sublime gesture and a single word, the wizard sends down a small bead of light. In the midst of the fray, it flowers into a beautiful ball of flame, incinerating every orc standing. The three bugbears who manage to save vs. the blast are so badly beaten that they succumb to their wounds.

It's over. The entire patrol, both camps, lie slain. We did it!

These are ghouls. They hang out in graveyards, they have long tongues, and they eat people.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#26 Post by badams30 »

Aristide - Rogue

Aristide glances at the floating cargo with disdain. He'll assist in it's retrieval - but taking great pains to ensure he doesn't get too dirty. Once that's done, he quietly says "Perhaps since everyone is deceased, maybe we go ashore and quickly but more thoroughly search the place?"

OOC: Can't hurt to do a quick sweep of the area. Too bad we couldn't leave a message for the bad guys, sort of like a psychological thing...
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#27 Post by spanningtree »

Taranna - Elf

Taranna will help get their supplies back on the boat and then also make of sweep of the dead for items of interest. Hell of day....
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#28 Post by connivingsumo »

Roikos: Cleric
After confirming everyone's safety, Roikos pitches in to help as well.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#29 Post by greyarea »

Zelaz will land near the last group he just fireballed and loot the bodies. He will then fly back up and scan for their camp (or perhaps camps, one on each side of the river), as he assumes it must be near here.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#30 Post by kwll »

Tasrem will search corpses as long as he does not have to do it in the water.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#31 Post by spanningtree »

Taranna - Elf

Very nice ending there Zelaz...
She will say with a smile. I was pondering how we were going to handle them.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#32 Post by tumblingdice »

You search both sides of the river.

On the left bank, where the humans were stationed, you find a few tents surrounding a fire the nomads had just gotten going when you tried to sneak past their camp. Preparations for the evening meal had begun: some strange grain and spiced camel meat, from what you can tell. Some of the herbs and spices you recognize, some you don't. One of the tents appears to be a little better-appointed than the others, presumably belonging to the nomad who charged you on horseback. Searching the dwellings and the bodies, you find hundreds of exotic coins, gems and jewelry. They bear faces of kings you've never seen, and inscriptions you cannot read. They're certainly not the types of coins minted in Darokin, Thyatis, or any of the civilized lands to the east.

On the right bank, where the orcs, bugbears and weretigers had set up camp, very little remains. A few scraps of canvas crumble to ash on their charred wooden frames, Zelaz' fireball having incinerated everything in its path. There are no foodstuffs worthy of human attention, but oddly enough, these beasts were carrying plenty of coin as well. Let's see what the module has to say about this.
David 'Zeb' Cook wrote:There is very little treasure in either camp. If one camp is searched, the characters will find 500 gp in coins of different types. If both camps are searched, 1000 gp will be found.
Well, there you go. Is it too much trouble to break all that gold piece value down into copper, silver, gems and jewelry? Evidently, it is. Fine by me. You won't be spending it any time soon, anyway, and this makes the accounting easier. If we get to a village, and you want to haggle over onyx and jade, we'll adjust.

Actions? The sun has set, and it's almost completely dark now.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#33 Post by greyarea »

Zelaz: I say we rest and finish this meal they've started. We can continue on the river on the morn. I will gladly take the dawn shift when we set watch: I can study my spells while keeping the camp.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#34 Post by spanningtree »

Taranna - That Elf...

Pulling a bag of holding from her backpack, Taranna will put 200gp of the local coin into it. I'm not really interested in the coin but we may need some where we are going.

A local repast might be interesting... not sure what all of this is but I'll try a bit. Straightening up her cloths she will first take her steed off the raft and care for it's needs. Afterward she will return to dine on what passes for local cuisine, most likely pleasantly surprised.

Going into the night she will take whatever watch she ends up with and crack her spellbook.

OCC: +200gp added to inventory. Let me know when I can update spells, thanks.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#35 Post by connivingsumo »

Roikos: Cleric
Is happy to take any watch shift, so long as he can get his meditation in and sleep some.

Available Spells
Level 1:
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Detect Magic

Level 2:
Find Traps
Hold Person
Silence 15'R
Speak with Animals

Level 3:
Dispel Magic
Dispel Magic

Level 4:
Cure Serious Wounds (2d6+2)
Cure Serious Wounds (2d6+2)

Level 5:
Flame Strike
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#36 Post by badams30 »

Aristide - Rogue

Aristide sniffs at the food and finally tries some, nodding in approval at it's taste. He spends his free time petting old Max and keeping a watchful eye out for any potential intruders or scouts. When it comes time to sleep, he'll take any watch that he's given, gently bemoaning the lack of beauty sleep...
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#37 Post by kwll »

Tasrem will eat up to his heart's content, then sleep like a stone until he is woken up by someone who wants him to take his turn for the watch or prepare to leave.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#38 Post by tumblingdice »

Sir Joffrey - NPC fighter

At some point in the evening, Joffrey will ask Zelaz and Taranna: What do you make of this belt? I suspect it may be magic, but I hesitate to put it on.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#39 Post by greyarea »

Zelaz replies, I could cast Detect Magic on it to be certain, but that will have to wait until morning, unless Taranna can do it before then.

He will store web, fly, and a second charm monster in his ring before he retires for the eve.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#40 Post by spanningtree »

Taranna - Which Elf?

Taranna eyes the belt: Superior workmanship... but I don't have the ability to detect magic right now. Similar to Zelaz but I can add it to my study this eve. (GA : let Taranna take the spell slot hit for this) Even if proves magical, I cannot determine it's intent. Could have dire caveats.
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