EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#161 Post by Zhym »

He hasn't talked about anything that happened in the chapel itself yet, has he?
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#162 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Marullus wrote:He takes a deep breath and composes himself. "Now, regarding the chapel. The way to the chapel was along what was called the Crooked Path. This is not something I was familiar with, but it had the ecclesiastical markings f a road to redemption. Where the Door of Strength led to a pathway for believers to prove righteousness, this pathway had hallmarks of cleansing and contrition. We first came to a Cleansing Chamber. It was paneled in cedar and contained a fire braizer and water contrivance, that those encountering it could meditate in heat and steam, cleansing themselves of their former selves through the discomfort. Many items were also abandoned here, some which were directly unholy and unclean, others which turned out to be wholly cursed. Leaving there, we found a Prayer Chamber - spartan and free of distraction, it had the typical pews and kneeling benches for the supplicant to spend as many days as necessary in humble submission before proceeding onward. The side room of this place was a Room of Reflection. It had divinely-imbued artwork on the walls, showing the progressive path of the warrior seeking the face of Baudh, progressing through the epochs of history from a crude man to their modern semblance of knighthood. Such displays, like the stained glass in our own chapel (which they had not refined the art of yet, clearly) serve the purpose of moral education. In this case, the quest of the worthy to find divine aid once proven was clear. Within this room was the secret door which Bremen found and which led to the Secret Chapel. This door showed no sign of being opened, so we remained fairly certain neither the scorpion-men nor any other being for many, many years had disturbed it. Within we found a proper antechamber - much like the one outside this very chapel - but to be honest, far more impressive in its design and antiquity."

"The antechamber contained all proper forms of consecration to the names of Baudh, and tracts written in their native language for the education of their populace. Antiquated forms of runic concentration surrounded the doors as well, which ensured nothing unholy could pass." He pauses and adds, "This is, of course, true of all consecrated chapels of Baudh, including the one we stand in now, though forms have changed over time. The proper consecration means that nothing infernal or unholy could possibly willingly enter, as the power of Baudh would bar its passage."

"Within was the Secret Chapel, and displayed therein was this sigil of Baudh which we acquired and returned with. The entryway to the chapel was another True Path test, which I regret I did not notice until too late.
Bandy, the heathen hobbit of our company, fell into the pit and was injured to the point of death. Bremen and I needed to take measures to save him while Markd again began negotiation with the voice present."
Bremen suppressed a cough of laughter when Florian called Bandy a heathen.
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#163 Post by Marullus »

Marullus wrote:He takes a deep breath and composes himself. "Now, regarding the chapel. The way to the chapel was along what was called the Crooked Path. This is not something I was familiar with, but it had the ecclesiastical markings f a road to redemption. Where the Door of Strength led to a pathway for believers to prove righteousness, this pathway had hallmarks of cleansing and contrition. We first came to a Cleansing Chamber. It was paneled in cedar and contained a fire braizer and water contrivance, that those encountering it could meditate in heat and steam, cleansing themselves of their former selves through the discomfort. Many items were also abandoned here, some which were directly unholy and unclean, others which turned out to be wholly cursed. Leaving there, we found a Prayer Chamber - spartan and free of distraction, it had the typical pews and kneeling benches for the supplicant to spend as many days as necessary in humble submission before proceeding onward. The side room of this place was a Room of Reflection. It had divinely-imbued artwork on the walls, showing the progressive path of the warrior seeking the face of Baudh, progressing through the epochs of history from a crude man to their modern semblance of knighthood. Such displays, like the stained glass in our own chapel (which they had not refined the art of yet, clearly) serve the purpose of moral education. In this case, the quest of the worthy to find divine aid once proven was clear. Within this room was the secret door which Bremen found and which led to the Secret Chapel. This door showed no sign of being opened, so we remained fairly certain neither the scorpion-men nor any other being for many, many years had disturbed it. Within we found a proper antechamber - much like the one outside this very chapel - but to be honest, far more impressive in its design and antiquity."

"The antechamber contained all proper forms of consecration to the names of Baudh, and tracts written in their native language for the education of their populace. Antiquated forms of runic concentration surrounded the doors as well, which ensured nothing unholy could pass." He pauses and adds, "This is, of course, true of all consecrated chapels of Baudh, including the one we stand in now, though forms have changed over time. The proper consecration means that nothing infernal or unholy could possibly willingly enter, as the power of Baudh would bar its passage."

"Within was the Secret Chapel, and displayed therein was this sigil of Baudh which we acquired and returned with. The entryway to the chapel was another True Path test, which I regret I did not notice until too late.
Bandy, the heathen hobbit of our company, fell into the pit and was injured to the point of death. Bremen and I needed to take measures to save him while Markd again began negotiation with the voice present."
The chapel scene was too long and with too many confusing side conversations for me to just do a cut-paste exercise on it. It will be easier to answer specific questions.
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#164 Post by Zhym »

"Let's move on to the events in the Chapel of Baudh," says Pendleton. "Let's start by setting the scene, if you will. You talked of the theological connotations of the stages leading to the chapel—the tests, as you say. What were your impressions on entering the chapel?"
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#165 Post by Marullus »

"The chapel observed the proper forms of a church of Baudh," Florian reflects. "In form,
design, and symbolism. The ever-burning fires to keep it lit were an intriguing investment. We also noted the Sun-Sigil, now mounted here, with great relief as it marked the culmination of this journey and confirmation of the holy visions which sent us forth."
He pauses. "I did find the staining and wear of the altar odd,
however, and attributed it to the same antiquated notions which led them to construct the other trials of strength, or shame."
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#166 Post by Zhym »

"Stained?" ask Pendleton. "With what? Blood? Are sacrifices part of Baudh's rituals?"

When that question is answered, Pendleton continues. "We have heard testimony that a voice in that chapel. Did it speak as soon as you entered the chapel? Do you recall what it said?"
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#167 Post by Marullus »

"Yes... It was stained with blood. No, blood sacrifices are still maintained by Geanwen, of course,
but it is a practice long abandoned in the south by the Church of Baudh. I cannot say what Baudh's worship demanded in antiquity, though. Much of what we found bears further study."

He struggles to recall. "Yes, it did speak, before I went to Bandy's aid. It's first statement was, 'What have they sent me after all these years? Surely, you are not what passes as knights in this age. You pitiful, sad, unworthy beings...' and then Markd began to treat with it while I aided Mr. Sandybanks in the pit trap."
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#168 Post by Zhym »

"Did you happen to hear what the voice said while you were in the pit trap?" asks Pendleton. "If not, please tell the court what you saw and heard when you climbed out of the pit."
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#169 Post by Marullus »

He does demure that he didn't hear what happened while he was in the pit, praying for Bandy's life to be saved.

As I emerged from the pit, I saw Markd approach the blood-stained stone altar and kneel, placing one hand upon it, the other holding the golden knife. He swore, "Baudh, I swear my loyalty to you and you alone.......but you aren't Baudh, are you?" He then rose, gripping the golden knife with both hands as he stared at the alcove, where a fire brazier illuminated the golden sun of Baudh mounted above.

The voice then spoke to him in response, "Clever, clever indeed Stancell... but I am, in fact, a servant of Baudh: bound to serve here for eternity, to provide the immediate aid required by supplicants to this church as time and fate may attest. Have you not suffered enough for wrongs undeserved? Do not you, and so many others, desire a more immediate redress of your wrongs and a place to make that possible? Is not the restoration of this bastion and its faith an act of service upon which we agree? Would you not rather walk from this place with a face looked upon in awe, the kind of leader to whom men flock to serve? The world needs the Strong, Stancell, it needs Justice to be both fair and timely. I see the desire for justice, to redress wrongs, within you. The world needs this Bastion of Faith restored, and a leader to make it so."

Markd answered, "Wanting's got nothing to do with it, I'm afraid. Yes, it would be good to restore this and many other bastions of faith. I still think we can bring many followers out here, assuming we take back the evidence they will require to justify their own faith. The voice accepted his standing aside and instead spoke to Bremen, who had now also joined us in the chapel.

There was then some jockeying between Markd and Bremen, as Markd suggested that we return to town and bring back others of the church to present as potential leaders instead and Bremen asserted his own qualification.

The voice said "You may call me Justice," and said to Bremen, "Swear to me, Lord Commander Bremen, and you may freely remove the holy relic you desire from this wall and take it back to your town of Gaul as the proof you desire. I will grant you the power to restore this bastion, to bring new faithful to this chapel under your inspired leadership, and to once again bring justice into this world. You are meant to be a great leader of men, and through this, you shall." When asked to clarify further, the voice did so. Its fires barred our attempt to claim the Baudhic Sigil, as it was not willing to relinquish it until a champion of Baudh had been named. It specified that it has waited over a millennia, bound in service to that chapel of Baudh, guarding this relic until someone worthy could be named to restore Baudh's power and law over the lands could be named. It said, " It is my assigned task to empower those who come to me here, bound by Baudh's will to this task and service. I ask your oath that I may fulfill that purpose... it has been many long ages since I have had this opportunity. Swear as I have asked: Let me complete the duty which I was bound under Baudh to perform and the relic you seek is yours in addition to the powers I have promised. While I am bound, it is only by granting such power to mortals who accept the task that I may act; that this place can be purged of the creatures which concern you, that the Knights of Baudhil can be restored, that this Bastion can once again provide dominion over these lands." Once Bremen swore to take on this task, it allowed us to take the relic freely.

When Pendleton follows up asking for the words of Bremen's oath, he says, "I pledge myself to you, so that we can help realize Baudh's goals here in the North. I accept the position as Lord Commander, and I will lead the Knights of Baudhil as we bring justice to the world once more."
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#170 Post by Zhym »

Pendleton nods. The witness has confirmed Bandy's testimony. Pendleton needs only one more thing.

"Tell me, are all servants of Baudh placed under his service by their own choice? To your knowledge, would it be unheard of, in ancient times, to have bound a demon into Baudh's service?"
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#171 Post by Marullus »

"It would be anathema to bind a demon to Baudh's service today, and I have found no evidence that this practice was ever deemed acceptable," Florian replies. "Likewise, it would be impossible for a demon to enter that chapel, as it, like this and all others, are properly sanctified to prevent such an unholy intrusion if it wished to be an imposter."

"To your other question... no. Baudh's domain includes Dominion, and that does not require consent. The weak are ruled by the strong, and the strong then bear responsibility for those under their charge. While we do not generally condone slavery in the southern kingdoms, it did exist within righteous order at various times and the church does not deny the acceptability of such an arrangement. I will point out that there are not just hells beyond our world, but also heavens. There are also beings of energy and of stranger ilk. All angels of Baudh's realm would consider themselves bound to his holy Dominion, and even we as priests accept a similar bondsmanship upon our lives. It is possible for such a being to enter our world, but to remain here without a bond, a tether, is taxing and difficult. I do believe the voice in the chapel was sentient, rather than imbued, Mr. Pendleton, and that it was honest in what it said it was bound to do, and having waited millennia, was determined to release that bond through fulfillment of its terms."
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#172 Post by onlyme »

Marullus wrote: Florian replies. "Likewise, it would be impossible for a demon to enter that chapel, as it, like this and all others, are properly sanctified to prevent such an unholy intrusion if it wished to be an imposter."
Markd fights to hold back his tongue after this total load of clerical crap. He nervously awaits the reply.
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#173 Post by Zhym »

Pendleton ignores the "clerical crap." He learned his lesson about arguing with the beliefs of the church.

"In your opinion, would an angel of Baudh's realm seek to secure its release through flattery and promises of power, while demanding an oath of loyalty to itself instead of Baudh?"
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#174 Post by Marullus »

Florian looks troubled. "No... No, I would say not as much."
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#175 Post by Zhym »

"Thank you," says Pendleton.

"Your witness," he tells Bremen.
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#176 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

it'll be a day or so before i can get to this.
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#177 Post by onlyme »

Rusty Tincanne wrote:it'll be a day or so before i can get to this.
If you need me to fill in for you then, just let me know :)
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#178 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Bremen rises and greets Bother Florian in the appropriate way to greet a Cleric of Baudh. He has the priest reiterate the bits about the sanctity of the Chapel and how, to the best of his knowledge, Florian did not believe a demon could have been in that space, and that, to the best of his knowledge, demons were not bound to the service of Baudh in days of yore.

He asks Florian to repeat the words of his own vow to Justice, then repeates them himself, emphasizing the bit about Baudh's goals, I pledge myself to you, so that we can help realize Baudh's goals here in the North. He pauses and repeats it again. "So that we can help realize Baudh's goals." Brother Florian, does that sound like someone offering their soul to a demon, or to service to their god?

Once that answer is given, Bremen asks Florian to repeat the accusations against Markd. So, in essence, an investment of Baudh's divine power laid Stancell's sins out. And those were, violating a combat trial, being an accomplice to demon worship and hiding the sacrifice innocent children, correct? After hearing this confirmed, He asks Florian to repeat what he said about Markd's divine scarring and that Baudh, god of Justice, has not seen fit to remove it. Does that imply that it's a just punishment from Eruanna?

Sorry if I crossed boundaries there. Time is short and I'm just trying to push ahead here. Not much time to think or edit, unfortunately. Might play against Bremen in the end. If anything is too far over the line, just don't answer it please.
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#179 Post by Marullus »

Florian repeats as requested. He is a bit more stiff in his interactions with Bremen, not the demeanor of a well-acquainted friend. When asked about the oath, he replies, "I believed then as I do now, that you intended to offer your services to Baudh."

"I would not expect justness from Eruanna, but I d trust Baudh's justice to be unerring. I do not question that Baudh has allowed Markd's markings to remain at this present time."

(I'm okay expediting a bit. :) )
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Re: EVENT: The Trial of Bremen - 19 June 2021

#180 Post by onlyme »

Markd simply shakes his head.
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