Operation Snatch

Rider of Rohan
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Operation Snatch

#1 Post by wolfpack »

Stardate: August 1st 3028

City of Ramstein, Planet Abramkovo, the Ford Theater of operation, Lyran Commonwealth

The lance mates slip on their units jacket as they leave their small 2 bedroom duplexes. Young lieutenant Eugene Harlow smiles slightly as he briefly runs his fingers over the unit patch on his bicep, the dark purple background with a medieval style helmet crossed by a crusader sword. He lets his fingers come to rest of the slim silver bar on his shoulder, the sign of his officer rank signifying him as a lance commander.

He looks over as his lance Sergeant Ivan Volkov lights up a cigar and takes a deep inhale. You are not supposed to inhale cigars, but Ivan isn’t like most others. His large barrel chest moves in and out as he blows smoke rings while exhaling. He doesn’t bother zipping up his jacket even though fall has come to Abramkovo and there is a chill in the air it is nothing compared to the cold of his mountain home town on the planet of Benjamin.

The door of on the other side of the duplex opens as the remaining members on Concords Crusaders pursuit lance exit. David Coughlan is the first to exit, his jacket swallowing his thin frame. David moves next to his lance sergeant, it is almost cartoonish to witness the two next to each other. Ivan’s hulking size makes it look almost as if David’s waist is the same size as his thigh.
David gives his lieutenant a quick salute which is returned.

Following behind David and closing the door comes Zeke Doughty. He pauses as the door clicks shut and runs his fingers through his perfectly feathered hair and flashes a winning smile at his lance mates. He rubs his hand against his perpetual perfectly trimmed 5 o’clock shadow.

Are we ready to go sir?”

Eugene nods and the group begins the quick walk to the Hyde Park restaurant.
Yesterday the unit commander Major Julius Concord and his Sergeant Major met with a Lyran liaison officer. Immediately after, word came for a company meeting today. Rumors began swirling immediately now that the unit is back to full company strength maybe the garrison duty could end and some bandit hunting could commence.

The lance arrives to the wooden building and nod at the hostess. She gives a smile back, her eyes lingering on Zeke as he throws her a wink. They head to the room in back where the company meets for their monthly company meeting.

The rest of the unit minus major Concord and sergeant major Marphy are already in the room. Small talk mainly revolves around what the meeting with the liaison officer could mean and about the upcoming marriage of Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner that will unite two of the 5 great houses.

After a few minutes the door opens and the major and sergeant major walk in. Everyone rises and the major orders everyone to be seated as he moves to the head of the table but moves the chair and remains standing.

I will make this brief. As you are all well aware I met with our Lyran military liaison officer Leutnant Van Miller. We had an in depth discussion of how the Crusaders are back to full company strength

He pauses and looks over the assembled mech warriors.

And for now we will no longer be on a garrison duty contract

The assembled pilots smile and voices begin to rise in excitement. The Major quickly raises his hand to quit the room and continues.
I do not have full details of the mission yet, just that it is a raiding mission, but we will not be given the target until after we are on our way. I have been told to expect light resistance. This has been a long time coming since our battle with the Sword of Light, it has taken a long time to rebuild and I thank those of you who have been with the unit for your patience and for the new soldiers welcome aboard.”

With that the major takes his seat and Sergeant major Marphy barks orders

We leave at 0800 sharp. Pack your duffel with your gear and take some civies as well. We are told everyone should bring a jacket because it may be cold where we are going.”

With that the company eats dinner. Excitement is in the air and conversation centers on the excitement of the new mission and where you could be going. Everyone eats quickly and before long you find yourselves on the way back to your duplexes.

if you want to do anything before you leave post it now otherwise I will move on t the next day
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Re: Operation Snatch

#2 Post by Recklessfireball »

Back at their quarters, Gene fills his rucksack with his small collection of personal items. The whole process takes maybe five minutes; having grown up in a mercenary outfit, he long ago learned the necessity of traveling light. When the packing is complete, he sets his chrono and lays down on his bunk, intending to get a little shuteye before departure. He wanted to be well-rested and sharp when they arrived at the insertion zone. Despite his excitement, he found himself quickly drifting off to sleep. But in the back of his mind, memories of something his old man once told him as a teenager, lingered...

"Whenever you attend a briefing and someone tells you to expect light resistance, check that your ammo's topped off, review the intel, and make damn sure you've planned an escape hatch to the extraction point."
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Re: Operation Snatch

#3 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Ivan after the briefing while packing back in his quarters "Light resistance, Ha! Expect the unexpected. When someone tells you there should be no trouble you expect to run head first into it. Mark my words." the Sargent chuckles and says out loud in his russian accent, and proceeds to pack while chewing on the stub of his cigar.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Operation Snatch

#4 Post by wolfpack »

I will assume no one wanted to do anything specific and move on

The next morning at 0800 the full company is assembled at the space port outside of the factory waiting for the drop ship.. You all stand at attention facing the full company of mechs lined in ranks 3 deep, the major standing facing you.

He turns and looks up at the mechs and hovertanks, and takes a deep breath, he turns around smiling as he addresses you.

Men I do not know what this mission may hold, and though we are being told light resistance, we were also told to expect nothing more than the occasional bandit raid before the 5th sword of light arrived on planet. However I believe as long as we stand firm together we will be able to make this mission as success.

Before long the sight of a dropship comes into view. As it gets closer you look at the size in amazement, you were expecting several smaller drop ships or perhaps a union class that could carry the whole company. Instead landing before you with a deafening roar is an overlord class dropship.

Several minutes after landing a number of men disembark. One wears a Lyran military dress uniform and is flanked by two infantry men carrying laser rifles and they are joined by another older man in a Lyran naval uniform.

The major walks to meet them and shakes hands with the man in the dress uniform and they talk for several minutes as you stand at attention in the brisk fall air. Eventually the group seperates and the major returns.

It looks as if we won’t be alone in this. I have been informed we will be picking up another unit along the way thus the need for the larger dropship. Everyone mount up and let’s get onboard.”

The mech warriors all climb and mount their machines as do the hover tank crews. The techs load up their equipment in the company’s 2 pickup trucks and the company field medic rides with them.

You all enter the overload, the largest drop ship any of you have seen. You fit you entire company in the ship and there are still enough bays for 2 more companies and their support.

After everyone has dismounted and helped the techs make sure their mechs are locked in place a dropship crewman shows everyone to their bunks.

The dropship quarters are sparse and tight, each lance shares a single small room with 2 sets of bunk beds. You al settle in and strap yourselves into small jump seats as the drop ship takes off.

You never get used to this feeling and you quickly become queasy as you rocket through the atmosphere. After docking with the jump ship the major gathers you in the mech bay.

We will be jumping to the planet Ford, I have not yet been informed on any details of the other unit but we are to meet them there. The KF drive only has enough power left for one more jump so once above Ford sails will be deployed and we will have a week to get to know this other unit that will be traveling with us before we leave for our objective.

Again every straps in and this time many of you can’t keep your food down as the KF drive kicks in and you feel like your insides are pulled to the outside of your body as space bends at the ships will.

After the disorientation of the jump you look out of the portholes to see the blue and green spheer that is Ford, and large world known for producing some of the finest agriculture in particular different variations of bananas. You all know that the 14th Lyran Guard regiment is based on Ford along with te well know Mercenary unit Gregg’s Longstridders.
You all strap in once again as the drop ship disembarks and heads for the space port. You wait around expectantly when finally the mech bay door opens and you see mechs enter the dropship.

They are painted dark blue with a symbol of a clenched mailed fist ovlayed with a banana tree.

A Warhammer, hatchetman, several griffin, in all a full company of mechs board. Then a secondary ramp opens and two aerospace fighters taxi onboard.

You watch as the pilots all disembark and strap themselves in and the dropship once again rockets through the atmosphere to dock with the jumpship.
Let me know of any actions you want to take.
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Re: Operation Snatch

#5 Post by Recklessfireball »

Gene leans back in his acceleration couch and looks over at one of the new pilots, as she straps herself in.

"So," he says, meeting her gaze. "Are you guys with the Fearsome 14th, or are you a detachment of the Longstriders? They didn't tell us a damn thing about this operation, much less who we were working with. It'd be great to have a little more intel."
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Re: Operation Snatch

#6 Post by wolfpack »

Recklessfireball wrote:Gene leans back in his acceleration couch and looks over at one of the new pilots, as she straps herself in.

"So," he says, meeting her gaze. "Are you guys with the Fearsome 14th, or are you a detachment of the Longstriders? They didn't tell us a damn thing about this operation, much less who we were working with. It'd be great to have a little more intel."
The young woman whose rank shows her as a private looks you over noticing your rank.

Neither Leutnant, we are the mercenary company Ford's Fusiliers, but our captain used to be a member of the 14th.. and you?
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Re: Operation Snatch

#7 Post by BuckshotChuck »

Shifting in his seat uncomfortably, David rugs at the shoulder straps digging into his bony shoulders. "You would think someone could design a jumpseat that didn't feel like it wanted to eat you. " he says to no one in particular. Glancing at the others in his unit, and how easily they interact with the newcomers, he wonders why people don't take to him as easily, as he fidgets in the seat and scratches his head, producing a light coating of white flakes on his shoulders.
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Re: Operation Snatch

#8 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Ivan heading to get strapped in and slapping a private on the back "I love this part. No greater feeling like the rush you get from a jump." laughing loudly from his belly "Don't look so green, strap in and enjoy the ride!" the Sargent tells a green looking private as he sticks an unlit cigar in his mouth, and getting strapped in.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Operation Snatch

#9 Post by wolfpack »

the young man looks at ivan with the cigar and dry heaves just a little.
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Re: Operation Snatch

#10 Post by Diamond_Spear »

Zeke straps himself in smiling slightly. ’Bout time we got going. I wonder if poor Mr. Trustman will ever figure out what happened.
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Re: Operation Snatch

#11 Post by wolfpack »

The overlord dropship docks with the jumpship and you begin the week long wait for the KF drive to recharge.
Your major and the fusiliers commander meet with the Lyran liaison officer for hours. That evening a meeting is called in the mess hall, the room is crowded with the members of both mercenary units present.

Standing at the head of the room is major Concord and a large homely woman with a short high and tight haircut.
Once everyone is seated the major speaks.

Crusaders, this is Hauptmann Brenda Fankhouse, commander of the Ford Fussiliers.”

The woman then speaks

and this is major Julius Concord commander of Concords Crusaders

The major speaks again

We will be working together on this mission, we have met with Leutnant Von Miller and have been given some more information on our mission. We still do not know all the details and are being told the final target will be revealed to us once we are in system” the major sounds perturbed by this.

But we have been given a timeline. Hauptmann

Fankhouse steps forward.

we have been told we will be jumping from the ford jump point to a pirate point in an uninhabited system near the Lyran/free worlds border on August 10th. From there we will have 3 day travel to another jump point and on August 13th will be jumping to an uninhabited system within the free world league where we will again recharge the jump sails. On August 20th we will Jump into yet another system within league space and from there we will have 9 days of conventional travel to arrive at our target worlds orbit arriving on August 29th

You are all aware there is danger in jumping to jump points in uninhabited systems, but it is also common practice to arrive undetected. And 9 days of conventional travel means there is no other unoccupied jump point closer to your target.
Major Concord speaks again.

our Liaison assures us once again the resistance will be light with only a single mech company of backwater planetary militia and some platoons of infantry. However we still have not been given specific intel on target or opposition so we have to be prepared for anything. The Hauptmann and I have worked out a schedule for simulator training for our respective troops and you will find it posted on the mess hall wall.”

please post whatever you would like to do or roleplay as you wish. the game can move as quickly or slowly as you want, I am on several times during the day and several hours in the evening during the week. If I am moving to fast for your liking let me know I will slow down if you want more roleplaying.
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Re: Operation Snatch

#12 Post by BuckshotChuck »

Not having had enough time to thoroughly explore his new mech yet, David turns to invite any of the others, "I'm heading down to make sure our mechs are stored correctly, and to make sure everything is tip top before we get in the thick of it. Anyone want to tag along?" For any that do not, David volunteers to 'take a look' at their mechs for them as well.

Assuming he has access to his mech, he goes over it from top to bottom, polishing every nut and bolt, and ensuring all the systems check out fine. He takes pride in having a spotless mech that performs perfectly. For others mechs, he'll check them out, and while not initially polishing them, he'll get bored with downtime during the long trip and will eventually get to that as well for those in his lance at least. Used to occupying himself, he will jump at any chance to socialize, poorly, with the others if invited, but is not the most outgoing individual.
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Re: Operation Snatch

#13 Post by Recklessfireball »

Gene isn't reassured by the short briefing. By now, he thought the Major would have been given more details about the mission- even if he wasn't able to share them with the rest of the unit. But, apparently, Concord was just as much in the dark as the rest of them. Gene made a point not to let his unease show on his face. It wouldn't do to let the other men see him worry.
Not having had enough time to thoroughly explore his new mech yet, David turns to invite any of the others, "I'm heading down to make sure our mechs are stored correctly, and to make sure everything is tip top before we get in the thick of it. Anyone want to tag along?" For any that do not, David volunteers to 'take a look' at their mechs for them as well.
Nodding at the skinny tech, Gene grins and slaps him on the shoulder. "Good thinking, Coughlin. We've got roughly two weeks of downtime before we hit the insertion zone, and we need to be as prepared as possible."

Turning to Volkov, he looks up at the grizzled giant and says, "Speaking of which, Sergeant, I want you to go over the training schedule with me and make sure everyone's familiar with it. We've been pulling garrison duty for so long now, I'm afraid we're starting to lose the edge. I'd like to get in as much simulator time as possible before we hit dirtside."
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Re: Operation Snatch

#14 Post by GreyWolfVT »

BuckshotChuck wrote:Not having had enough time to thoroughly explore his new mech yet, David turns to invite any of the others, "I'm heading down to make sure our mechs are stored correctly, and to make sure everything is tip top before we get in the thick of it. Anyone want to tag along?" For any that do not, David volunteers to 'take a look' at their mechs for them as well.
Ivan Volkov "I'll join ya Coughlin, we can run some battle simulations." the SGT answers with a smirking grin.
Recklessfireball wrote: Turning to Volkov, he looks up at the grizzled giant and says, "Speaking of which, Sergeant, I want you to go over the training schedule with me and make sure everyone's familiar with it. We've been pulling garrison duty for so long now, I'm afraid we're starting to lose the edge. I'd like to get in as much simulator time as possible before we hit dirtside."
"Aye sir. Coughlin and I were gonna go run some simulations after checkin on the mechs. I'd be happy to run through my favorite simulations anyone else care to join us?" the grizzled Sargent asks, in his almost taunting tough guy russian accent.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Operation Snatch

#15 Post by wolfpack »

Moving down to the mech bay you see a couple of other mech warriors checking out their mechs and you find your techs going over standard diagnostics.

Everything checks out as it should considering you haven't done more than field drills with your mechs.

Checking into the simulator schedule you find each lance gets an hour a day in simulator time. Your lance is the 2nd lance scheduled each day at 0700.
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Re: Operation Snatch

#16 Post by BuckshotChuck »

Spectre sets his watch alarm for 0600 ship time upon hearing the schedule. Loving simulator time, even though it runs a distant second to piloting a real mech, he wants to ensure he does not miss it. He then spends some time getting familiar with the Crusader's encrypted channels so he has a good grasp of the unit's frequencies to better assist Dagger when the time comes and the lance is in the soup. Anytime another member of the lance is available, he'll make sure to remind them of some frequencies since we're all newly with the unit.
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Re: Operation Snatch

#17 Post by wolfpack »

Stardate: August 20th 3028
The Jumpship Astra, somewhere in the Free Worlds League

For the last 10 days things have gone smoothly.

David has spent the time going over every inch of the lances mechs, memorizing the units communication frequencies and encryption algorithms (even developing multiple choice exams which he tried, unsuccessfully, to get the rest of you to take) and spending time talking with the units techs.

Zeke spent the time getting to know the other company, drop ship, and jump crews. Feeling his way around them, and making mental notes of their interests and talents.

Ivan finds out Sasha (from your company) is also from the Rasalhague district in the combine from the planet Tukayyid. He also brought a couple of bottles of vodka and they spend the evenings having a few drinks and discussing how the Rasalhague planets are superior and one upping each other on who had a tougher planet and upbringing.

on Tukayyid we had no fire, in winter we had to piss in snow to melt it for drinking

Eugene spends his time outside of the lance with the other junior officers of the two companies and creating simulator scenarios for different environments.

Once your last jump is complete Major Concord and Hauptman Fankhouse and the companies senior NCO’s spend the day with the liaison officer and jumpship captain. The next morning a briefing is called of both mech companies after breakfast.

The major and the Hauptman are both at the head of the room and have a holoprojector.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have our objective”.

Turning on the projector you see a 3d spacemap with on planet highlighted.
sackville.jpg (42.9 KiB) Viewed 790 times
Welcome to Operation Snatch

we will be raiding the planet of Sackville near the free world border with the periphery and not far from the lyran commonwealth border. Lyran intelligence had discovered that marik forces have been stockpiling equipment and ammo the believed undetected. The prevailing thought is since this Sackville is such a backwater that they could secretly prepare it as a launching point for an assault into Lyran space.

Here the Hauptmann takes over

The planet is a small body distant enough from its star to be perpetually cold. It is mountain ranges, Mesas, and flatland. It only has one continent and its only export is the fossil fuel coal which they mine by the ton. The planetary defense consists of one mech company of planetary militia and a couple of platoon of infantry. The reason the commonwealth sent both of our companies instead of one is because they believe the amount of equipment stockpiled will require a large number of mechs to move quickly before the free worlders can sent reinforcements.”

Major concord takes over once again.

The supplies are stored in 2 separate locations” he pulls up a terrain map

A large set of storage buildings near the planets largest city, and a separate smaller storage facility. We will be making planet fall closer to the smaller storage facilities. Intel tells us the full company of planetary guard mechs is located at the main storage area.

Lieutenant Harlow you will be taking the Crusaders pursuit lance and raid the smaller storage area while the rest of us head for the main target since your lance moves much faster.

The smaller storage area is housing heat sinks packed in large creates and you can expect infantry onsite. You will grab the crates and then link back up with us as soon as you can. A single company of militia should not pose a problem however we have to always expect the unexpected.

Any questions
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Re: Operation Snatch

#18 Post by Diamond_Spear »

”Sir,” Zeke says, “If resistance proves too great or if we are otherwise unable to carry off the supplies would destroying them be an acceptable alternative as that would still deny them to the enemy?
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Re: Operation Snatch

#19 Post by wolfpack »

Diamond_Spear wrote:”Sir,” Zeke says, “If resistance proves too great or if we are otherwise unable to carry off the supplies would destroying them be an acceptable alternative as that would still deny them to the enemy?
Good question private.

Destruction of the supplies will be a last resort tactic, our respective units final pay depends on those supplies not being available to the enemy.

However the Lyrans have offered us well above normal salvage percentage rights. So it behoves each of our units to recover as much as possible, and if we manage to take down some opposing mechs in the process that's more salvage for us.
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Re: Operation Snatch

#20 Post by Recklessfireball »

Eugene stands up.

"Major," he says, "has reconnaissance determined if the depot has any other defenses, such as minefields or gun emplacements?"
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