Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#141 Post by Nuke66 »

Galen finally speaks up. "I too, accept your offer. It's not like I have pressing business elsewhere."
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#142 Post by AleBelly »

Galan, Dandelion, Yenny, Tempus, and Chet accept their new roles as Protector of the Crown. Hyde and Angus need more time to ponder the offer.

The party says a tearful goodbye. Arnulf's departure is especially difficult.

Over the next couple of days, the party reacquaints themselves with Alleborg. With room and board covered, they have few worries...except perhaps the itch to adventure again.

They do encounter Arnulf again - he introduces them to a young-ish human man. Six feet tall and of average build, the man has piercing, intelligence eyes and the countenance of an impatient soul. "Uh, hi again. My friend Kablambicus Rex here has expressed a desire to join you. He's probably even better than me at magics. He, uh, does have a temper though. Gotta run, Aphoz has me running errands today!"

With that, Arnulf departs, leaving you with a new mage.

About that same time, you are approached by a dwarf. He is not pleasant to look at. His dark beady eyes squint out from under a pair of dark bushy eyebrows. His nose, large and bulbous, looks as if it had been broken and never healed right. Stringy black hair falls limply across his face. That horribly scarred face. The right side, missing an ear, is a tapestry of scarred skin like melted wax. Dwarves are unusual enough in these parts, but even rarer is this one with no beard. Instead a great bristling mustache hides thick twisted lips frozen into a perpetual sneer.
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#143 Post by »

A gnome in an elegant embroidered cloak steps forward with a smile upon her face. "Klabamicus, pleased to meet you. If Arnulf recommends you, you are most welcome. Although we may, um, keep our distance while you are working. Seems you mages needs space." She turns towards the dwarf and hold out her hand. "Hello. My name is Yenny. What brings you to our cozy corner of the pub?" It is clear that she takes in the dwarf's countenance, sneer, burns and all, but doesn't seem to react to it. She does briefly look from the dwarf to Hyde and perhaps her smile grows a little mischievous.
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#144 Post by Zhym »

Angus looks from the dwarf to Chet to Hyde. Ain't we just a pretty bunch? he thinks.

"Well, we ain't doing anyone any good standing around here palavering. Y'all reckon to get a mission from the king soon?"
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#145 Post by tkrexx »

Klambake Rex, hah? Hyde tries to pronounce the young Wizard's name, We gotta teach you a battle maneuver ol' Arnulf specialized in, called "Snooze Missile." He then notices the startling-looking Dwarf, and retreats a couple of steps. Dwarfs don't like me much, no.
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#146 Post by Bluehorse »


Has the look of someone that does not want to be here as he is escorted in to meet his new companions. In fact, he seems ready with a sharp retort about the time Yenny walks up. His mouth already opening to speak hangs open not forming words just yet as he looks down on the lovely gnome about half his size, and barely manages to speak as they shake hands. "I... uh... yes, a pleasure... I'm sure..." he fights to peel his eyes away to be greeted by the rest of the group which seem to be mich more the types he expected. Some of his self concious dignity mustering up as he greets each, "Snooze missile you say?" he remarks while raising an eyebrow. "Never heard of it..."

When the dwarf enters he turns his piercing eyes over to his and directs his full attention to the already developing conversation.

hi guys!
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#147 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus greets both dwarf and tall human graciously. His little halfling body jumps down from the chair, his green Druid robes rustling as he does so and his long blonde dreadlocks waving around him.

"I must attend to Clarence and see about starting some training. If a mission comes up before I am ready I shall say my fairwells for the moment and perhaps catch you all up again at a later date. Who knows the will of the elements. Nice to meet you both."
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#148 Post by Tamerlaine » wrote:"Hello. My name is Yenny. What brings you to our cozy corner of the pub?"
A little wary and somewhat surprised at the gnome’s forthrightness, the dwarf nearly took a step back. He glanced about quickly before pulling off the poorly knitted cap from his head, holding it with both of his thick hands. His eyes, though nestled deep under those beetling brows, took note of each of the party as if sizing them up.

He took Yenny’s hand into his, gently and with a gentleness that belied the size of his fingers. “Erm…Figgis…me name is Figgis.” And then his hand suddenly pulled away from hers as if she was contagious with some horrifying malady. “I’m good with locks n’ traps n’ scoutin’ ahead in dark n’ dangerous places. That’s all I be offerin’ for an equal share.”
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#149 Post by onlyme »

Dandelion does her normal checking over the newly met folks, seeing very little in fashion potential. She almost offers to go buy a new hat for the little lock picker, but she also realizes she doesnt have this year's style either so leaves it alone.

She says her hellos and introduces herself with her normal grace and charm.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
Halfpint - female halfling badgirl wannabe (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL
Mark'd - charismatic human fighter (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#150 Post by »

While physically slightly startled by Figgis' fast withdrawal, she does not seem put out. "Figgis of the fast fingers, it is a great pleasure to meet you. You may be offering more than you ought for an equal share. We have definitely been in some dangerous places and I suspect the king is fixin' to send us into some more." She pauses for a moment, perhaps realizing that this is not the time to scare anybody away. "What's your favorite type of trap? Do think coil springs or leaf springs work better under a pressure plate?"
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#151 Post by tkrexx »

What's your favorite type of trap? Do think coil springs or leaf springs work better under a pressure plate?
Although Hyde has been eyeballing the new Dwarf with some trepidation, Yenny's question snaps him back to reality, and he speaks without thinking. Typical Half-Orc. Aw, no, them leaf-springs be too heavy to make a decent trap, best to kick the lock off from the side. A good thump sends them heavy springs to a tizzy, they can't absorb the impact, no. He suddenly realizes he was suckered into a conversation by Yenny, who clearly wanted Figgis and himself to have something in common, so the Dwarf might be slightly less willing to kill the Half-Orc.
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#152 Post by Tamerlaine »

As the half-orc spoke, a wench finally dropped off a mug of dark beer. Figgis lifted the drink to his lips and drank heartily before placing the mug back down. He wiped the foam from his bushy mustache with the back of one leather-clad forearm while turning from Hyde back to Yenny.

"There ye have it, lass. Leaf springs it is," he stated with a crooked grin full of yellowed teeth though his eyes held no mirth to them. "As fer me favorite trap? The ones that don't get me. Figgis took another long pull of his beer, his dark eyes peering at Yenny over the rim of his mug.

"I feel like ye are trying to friendly, like that's wot you do because that's how ye is." He felt the loathing rising up within him. "Don't make the effort, not on me. Tell you this now so you don't have to find out later. More'n likely I'll disappoint you. I'll say something, do something and you'll be so disappointed in me. When that time happens, believe me, I won't give a rat's ass how you will feel."

”You and the big ape ‘ere still want to be me friends?" Figgis followed with a sneer, staring at both Yenny and Hyde and anyone else who has looked his way.

OOC: Just playing Figgis IC. Don't worry about him.
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#154 Post by »

”You’re right Figgis. That’s just how I am.” Yenny’s smile grows a little. ”I’m telling you this now so you don’t have to find out later. You’re going to do something and you’ll be disappointed in yourself. When that time comes, believe me, I’ll care a heckuva lot how you feel. You still willing to come adventuring with us?”. She then seems to get serious. ”I am still hoping to learn more about traps. I don’t think I’d ever want to set up to hurt anybody, but it seems like a person could have a whole lot of fun with some of these contraptions. Perhaps after you’ve downed another one of these ales.”. Yenny’s flags the barkeep.
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#155 Post by tkrexx »

Hyde gapes at Figgis a moment. Dwarfs don't like me much, no, He repeats.
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#156 Post by Bluehorse »


Once he has his tea he swishes it arpund in his cup a bit. Just as he is about tp put it to his lips he pauses and looks up woth his intense stare turning to each of his odd fellows in turn. "To a hopefully quick and successful venture." It is hard to tell if the note in his voice is sarcastic or unenthusiastic. Neither bode well for his general attitudes. He takes a sip of his herbal drink with a almost idle air.
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#157 Post by Tamerlaine »

Casting a wary eye about the patrons ever so often, Figgis shrugs at Yenny's query. "Dinnae fret, luv. I'm still coming wi' ye bunch. The city 'ere has lost its ambience."

That and the pickings were slim, he thought while retrieving small copper box from inside his cloak. The dwarf took a pinch of fine-ground tobacco between thumb and forefinger and quickly inhaled it. It was top shelf halfling leaf, stolen from a careless merchant who was far too easily distracted. Plus he didn't care for the new king's justice. Either he slipped out of the city with some adventurers or eventually he would find himself as a guest of the king in a cell with only the rats to keep him company.

"Reckon it's nigh time fer a change."

Once an ale was placed before him, Figgis didn't bother to thank Yenny yet acknowledged Kablambicus' empty toast with a slight rise of his tankard. "I'd settle for a profitable one."

Figgis takes a long pull and belches without embarrassment before turning to Yenny while nodding toward Kablambicus. "Wot's he about?"
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#158 Post by »

Yenny looks across at Klabamicus. ”I’ve no idea, luv, what either of you are about.”
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#159 Post by Bluehorse »


To Figgis. "Profitable will work nicely." looking to Yenny's question. "I'll be blunt for you folk, I am not looking forward to seeing the outside world. I belong in the laboratory, practicing my fine arts and making my revolutionary discoveries to change the world or magic; however, my... well thoae of whom are higher up, but by no means, my superiors, have talen it upon themselves to decide I need more experience in the more vulgar reaches of the world. Thus I was assigned here."
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Re: Chapter 14 - To the Gardens in Azurpenia's Prison

#160 Post by »

"Kablamicus that sounds wonderful. It's great that your non-superior higher-ups think enough of you to be willing to give you the opportunity to attend the hardest school there is. Also, after seeing what Arnulf was, um, capable of, it is a good sign that they trust the outside world to your ministrations. Seems like any mistakes on your part could be pretty unpleasant. I'm sure you won't make any." Yenny says all this with a straight face, mostly. She definitely wants to be supportive, but, as always, has to tickle a little bit. "I hope the outside world will fully understand what an honor they have receiving you and clean themselves up in your presence to be worthy. For myself, I will foreswear swearing where you could be tainted by my vulgar language in an attempt to make you more comfortable." By the end, Yenny is really hoping she has properly judged Kablamicus' arrogance such that he will prefer to take her at face value. She really does like the pub and would hate to see it exploded in a fiery rage.

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