V. Roganter - Extended Visits

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Re: V. Roganter - Extended Visits

#61 Post by dmw71 »

Missed Opportunity?
Borin slams his meaty hands down on the table and sighs deeply as he rises to his feet. "Apparently I've misjudged you, and my search continues," he wheezes. "May the gods bless you on whatever it is that you deem to be more worthy of your time," he says as he begins to slowly turn away.


Please continue the distribution of Tippin's possessions in the ooc thread.

Also, before moving on, please respond to all relevant questions for your character from the previous update.


Possessions Left Behind ---
Date: 29 Februarius, Year 7102
Time: 17:24 (Sunrise: 06:37, Sunset: 18:22)
Temp: 79F
  • Warm
    Light Rain
Light Sources: Known Conditions/Spells in Effect:
  • None.
Character Status
  • Mila | MU: 1 | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 5 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1 (Shield)
    Junius | Dwarf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3/2 | HP: 10-8 = 2 | Armor: Banded Mail, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Scimitar, Sling (10), Shortbow (18)
    AdaRue | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 5-3 = 2 | Armor: Banded Mail, Shield | Weapons: Mace, Staff | Spells: 1st: 1 (Light)
    Canun | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 4 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Mace, Sling | Spells: 1st: 1, 0 (Light)
    • Nelly | Mule: 2 hd | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 18 | AC: 7 | HP: 9 | #Attacks: 1 (kick or bite) | Damage: 1d4 or 1d3 | Morale: 8 | Carrying: 0 pounds | Max Load: 400 pounds
    Rainey | MU: 1 | Mv: 120" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 10 | HP: 3 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1, 0 (Sleep)
The Lost or Fallen
  • Tom | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 5/4/3 | HP: 5-4 = 1+3 = 4-5 = -1 | Armor: Chain, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Handaxe, Shortbow (16), Dagger
    Omdog | MU: 1 | Mv: 120" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 3-4 = -1 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Quarterstaff, Dagger | Spells: 1st 1, 0
    Watts | Thief: 1 | Mv: 90" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/6 | HP: 5-1 = 4-3 = 1-5 = -4 | Armor: Leather, Dex -2 | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (11)
    Hastin | Fighter: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 7-8 = -1 | Armor: Splint Mail, Shield | Weapons: Long sword, Javelin (3)
    Tippin | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3/2 | HP: 4-8 = -4 | Armor: Banded Mail, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Short sword, Shortbow (18)[/strike]
    Keebler| : Elf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 6 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (17) | Spells: 1st: 1 (Sleep)
Marching Orders
  • Scout:
      • Junius
      • Junius
        AdaRue & Mila
        Rainey & Canun
      • None.
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    Re: V. Roganter - Extended Visits

    #62 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

    AdaRue finds it difficult to participate in any anticipated frivolity. The past few weeks of her life have been simply awful - banishment, dying friends, dying strangers, killing things, and now Keebler just leaving... It is all too much to handle. Though not a heavy drinker, she has already had several glasses of wine by the time Mr. Duststone arrives. She listens, glassy eyed to his plea for help. Without hesitating, she offers to help. Wait! Keebler is right, everyone. We've been going into that hole just waiting to get killed. But just because we're homeless with few prospects doesn't make us useless. Let's help poor, Mr. Dustone and the people of Brighton. We might die there, but at least we're dying for something other than self-loathing.

    She half-rises and greets Mr. Dustone. I'm Miss AdaRue Hanspitcher. I was training to be a midwife, but lost my way a bit. I'll come with you. And hopefully a few of my friends will too. We've got some coin. We can buy a horse and wagon to take us.

    Tppin's promissory note will buy a a cart. Canun has a pack animal that can pull it. We can load our belongings and move at a good pace.

    you just ninja'd my post. :P Sorry for the inactivity. I'll step up a bit. AdaRue is the motherly sort anyhow.
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    Re: V. Roganter - Extended Visits

    #63 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

    The next morning, AdaRue makes arrangements to use Tippin's promissory note to purchase a cart. She buys several days worth of food for the party and has a new map made so the group can find Brighton. She asks Mr. Dustone, Who should we seek when we arrive? And if - Mother (and Hubbard) forbid - that person has succumbed to the plague, whom should we find?

    She also inquires after a gem or jewelry dealer and purchases the most expensive item she can afford, so she doesn't need to carry too much coin.

    100gp paid for cart.
    I'll pay for rations once I hear how many days we will be traveling. We can use Tippin's rations as a start. And we can ust oad his stuff into the cart rather than leaving it.
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    Re: V. Roganter - Extended Visits

    #64 Post by Zhym »

    "I can pay for a cart, I think," says Keebler. "I would rather use Tippin's note to fund a memorial to our fallen friends."
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    Re: V. Roganter - Extended Visits

    #65 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

    AdaRue gasps and blushes. Of course! How crass of me. She offers to help pay for the cart, too.
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    Re: V. Roganter - Extended Visits

    #67 Post by drpete »

    Rainey agrees that helping the village seems like a reasonable course of action.

    "I think we're willing to brave the goblins, sir, and the disease, for fame and fortune. Can you tell us, maybe a few details...? How much fortune are we talking about?"

    Rainey will memorize Charm Person for the next day, intending, perhaps, to get a bit more of the story from Boris.

    Do the promissory notes transfer from town to town, or do we need to withdraw our money to transport it to Brighton?
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    Re: V. Roganter - Extended Visits

    #68 Post by dmw71 »

    Upon your acceptance of his proposal, Borin slams his meaty hands down on the table. "Splendid!" he exclaims, losing his breath again in his excitement. "Brighton is a days journey to the west, so take care of any affairs you might have, and get a good nights rest -- we leave at first light." After informing the group that he will meet them right here in the common room. "I will escort you personally," Borin says, saving AdaRue the trouble of finding or making a map between the two locations. Afterward their business is complete, Borin proceeds to get a room in the same inn and checks in immediately.

    After Borin departs, the group is approached by a wiry, almost elf-looking human who introduces himself as Horatio. He overheard Borin's proposal and claims to be on his way to Brighton himself. "Can I join you?" he asks, and the group accepts his request.


    Knowing they'll be leaving at first light, those that have business in town head out and use the last remaining hour of sunlight to run any last minute errands -- including a run to the town hall to redeem their promissory notes, which are non-transferrable from town-to-town. AdaRue also pays a visit to the town jeweler, located in a squat stone building run by a wildhaired jeweler named Maver Kesk. When AdaRue arrives, Maver is being berated by his wife, Pennae, for leaving the safe door open... again. Once the excitement ends, the midwife is able to procure a small aquamarine gem for the value she's looking to exchange.

    Keebler pays a visit to Wheen's Wagons, where he encounters a lanky man named Bilivar Wheen, a down-on-his-luck wheelwright. "If'n yer gonna need sometin' fer t'morow, I'll show ye what I got," Bilivar slurs, then proceeds to lead the elf around back where he shows off the two closest options readily available -- a cart (100gp) and a wagon covered by a canopy (200gp).
    Transport.jpg (78.81 KiB) Viewed 991 times
    Either option, Keebler realizes, will require more horsepower than poor Nelly by herself could provide -- the cart can be pulled by one or two large horses, or 2-4 donkeys or mules, while the wagon would require at least two or four draft horses or other beasts of burden. (I won't assume that Keebler makes any purchase at this time; we can work out those details later without holding up play.)

    The group completes their individual in-town business affairs just before sundown, and make a final, collective stop at the Cathedral, where they are able to make arrangements for a memorial for their friends that have fallen. Abstalar Zantus, the head priest, agrees that, since the group will be leaving town, in lieu of a ceremony, he will have a shrine or monument erected in their expansive cemetery overlooking the Turandarok River behind the Cathedral itself. "For a modest donation, of course."

    The following morning, when AdaRue rises, she finds that MIla is missing. That she left behind all her coins and possessions suggests the departure was intentional.


    Just wrapping up (or trying to) some business in Roganter. I will work on and post the update for Brighton in a new action thread later today.


    Possessions Left Behind ---
    Date: 29 Februarius, Year 7102
    Time: 07:25 (Sunrise: 06:37, Sunset: 18:22)
    Temp: 79F
    • Warm
      Light Rain
    Light Sources: Known Conditions/Spells in Effect:
    • None.
    Character Status
    • Junius | Dwarf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3/2 | HP: 10-8 = 2 | Armor: Banded Mail, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Scimitar, Sling (10), Shortbow (18)
      AdaRue | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 5-3 = 2 | Armor: Banded Mail, Shield | Weapons: Mace, Staff | Spells: 1st: 1 (Light)
      Canun | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 4 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Mace, Sling | Spells: 1st: 1, 0 (Light)
      • Nelly | Mule: 2 hd | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 18 | AC: 7 | HP: 9 | #Attacks: 1 (kick or bite) | Damage: 1d4 or 1d3 | Morale: 8 | Carrying: 0 pounds | Max Load: 400 pounds
      Rainey | MU: 1 | Mv: 120" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 10 | HP: 3 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1 (Charm Person)
      Keebler| : Elf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 6 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (17) | Spells: 1st: 1 (Sleep)
      Horatio| : Thief: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/6 | HP: 8 | Armor: Leather | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (20)
    The Lost or Fallen
    • Tom | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 5/4/3 | HP: 5-4 = 1+3 = 4-5 = -1 | Armor: Chain, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Handaxe, Shortbow (16), Dagger
      Omdog | MU: 1 | Mv: 120" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 3-4 = -1 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Quarterstaff, Dagger | Spells: 1st 1, 0
      Watts | Thief: 1 | Mv: 90" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/6 | HP: 5-1 = 4-3 = 1-5 = -4 | Armor: Leather, Dex -2 | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (11)
      Hastin | Fighter: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 7-8 = -1 | Armor: Splint Mail, Shield | Weapons: Long sword, Javelin (3)
      Tippin | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3/2 | HP: 4-8 = -4 | Armor: Banded Mail, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Short sword, Shortbow (18)[/strike]
      Mila | MU: 1 | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 5 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1 (Shield) <--- Retired.
    Marching Orders
    • Keebler
    • Junius
    • Junius & Keebler
      AdaRue & Horatio
      Rainey & Canun
    • None.
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    Re: V. Roganter - Extended Visits

    #69 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

    dmw71 wrote:That she left behind all her coins and possessions suggests the departure was intentional.
    Actually, that says "abducted" to me... :?

    AdaRue weeps openly for a long time. Mila had become a sister to her, and it meant one more thread to her past was severed. What will happen when the last of them is gone? she wonders aloud.

    Eventually she decides there is nothing to do but trudge onwards. She done her armor and gear. She donates Mila's belongings to the local orphanage. She joins the others and walls toward Brighton.
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    Re: V. Roganter - Extended Visits

    #70 Post by dmw71 »

    Moving here: IX. Brighton.
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    Re: IX. Brighton

    #71 Post by panglott »

    Dimly the dwarf watches them awkwardly from the side as they pass. I reckon that's them, he mutters to himself, the ones who were throwing coin around Roganter, and buying up arms. He sizes them up. If I'm ever going to escape the drudgery of tinkering and collier-work, this is as likely a group as any. Reckon it's time to ask to join them. He steps forward to pose the question.

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