On the island: Exploring the southern trail

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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#381 Post by tkrexx »

Emm's recon proving pointless, she sees Manoah leading the Dwarven Priest of Without up the muddy trail toward their quarry. She doubles back to the place where she left them and sees young Hollis in attendance of Cutler. Holding her hand out to ask for silence, she notes the struggles of the pair ahead of her in the muck, and sighs as she decides to leave her beloved spear in the care of Hollis, an acknowledgement that her clumsiness will require her to scramble ahead on all fours. IF she survives this night, she will be in sore need of a bath.
DEX check: [1d20] = 8
This bodes ill.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#382 Post by SocraticLawyer »

How do we know you're not a donkey-brained man?
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EST: Some of the party move up the muddy trail...

#383 Post by Argennian »

~ Just as Manoah and Ulrich are starting up the muddy, waterlogged trail, their weapons to hand and intent on searching for their missing Karagonian escapee, Emm reappears from within the thick foliage just east of the trail. Other than being soaking wet and with a look of admonishment, she appears unmolested in any way. Her secret, unannounced reconnoiter having proved fruitless, the druidess decides she will tag along whilst the others hold position on the trail just within the treeline. She hands her spear to Hollis, who accepts it with a businesslike nod. When Cutler sees her for the first time, his eyes become watery and they share a look no words are needed to elaborate. Be careful. As she passes Griffo and Thalion, they both share a relieved look and proffer nods of encouragement.

The ranger and cleric find the going slippery to say the least with weapons to hand, and make it about halfway to the first switchback and former watch blind when suddenly a section of muddy hillside gives way just above them. Both of them are quickly inundated by the wave of mud and water. Manoah in the lead is first to receive the cold, wet welcome...

Manoah: Dex check: [1d20] = 20

... and is immediately swept off his armored feet! Thankfully for those on the path behind him, he's bowled over the low side of the trail and takes a slippery slide down into the heavy brush just east of the others below. Ulrich appears to have been standing in a much better spot and fares quite well, holding his position with mace and shield to hand as the muddy wave washes past him. Coming up behind him, Emm is able to brace herself for the incoming aftereffects and just avoids taking the unwanted ride.

Back below, Manoah rises to his feet. He's covered from head to armored toe in cold mud but thankfully his coveted bow, formerly-readied arrow and remaining gear are not damaged. He collects himself and his stuff in as dignified a fashion as he can and is eventually able to push back through the thick flora to the others near the base of the trail.

Hollis has just finished helping Cutler imbibe the last of his second healing elixir and the cook finally starts to look better, albeit now sporting burns that will scar him for the remainder of his life. He stands to his feet and the charred remains of his masterwork leather armor fall away, leaving him naked as the day he was born. He shows no signs of embarrassment at this as he addresses the others.

"We need to find Caelvanna but also need to alert the commander. From what I was able to gather from one of those pirates before we got burned down, that bastard knows who we are. I'll need to retrieve my weapons and whatever gear of mine that did not get destroyed...

"Oh and I'd appreciate a cloak or rain jacket, if'n one of you could spare it..."




OOC: well, figured I'd roll a 20 for Manoah's Dex check. Thankfully he wasn't far enough up to have built up the speed to get a proper bashing! :)

~ just need to know if Ulrich and Emm are continuing up the trail and to what destination: the former watch blind or past the next 2 switchbacks to reach the bluff above! TOD & positioning adjusted.

POP: obviously there will be a chance of slipping going up the muddy trail unless one uses all fours to stabilize themselves, so if heading up please be specific about that methodology!
~ Fwiw, the negative modifier was only applied to those not using their hands to make it up the trail.

TOD: 7:38am Day 13 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: almost 23 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Emm 20/20 , Manoah 43/43 , Ulrich 28/28
WIH (primary/secondary):
Manoah – none / +2 short bow & fine flight arrows ; +1 longsword, dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Ulrich – +1 mace & shield ; holy symbol & SC
Emm - none
Griffo - short bow* & fine flight arrow / longsword & dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Thalion - longbow* / longsword & dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Hollis - Cutler / magical crossbow & special quarrel / hand axe & dagger (normal/special quarrels fired: 0/0)
(SC = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded & ready to fire/or to throw at beginning of round)

Light Sources / Illumination:
- none / Light of dawn

Spells cast:
Emm: Protection From Fire x3
Ulrich: CLW x3, Silence, 15' Radius, Resist Fire

Halfway up the muddy trail to first switchback: Ulrich & Emm
Providing fire support on station: Griffo , Thalion
Back behind them within the treeline: Manoah , Hollis[/i] & Cutler
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#384 Post by onlyme »

Manoah tries to quietly shake off any loose mud and continues on.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#385 Post by tkrexx »

Emm looks longingly at Manoah, wanting to wait for the young Ranger, but in a moment she knows instinctively that he can make his way back to the trail and likely pass her to catch Ulrich. So on she goes, clumsily scrambling along the trail. She must dwindle the distance if her Aerth magics can be effective against their foe.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#386 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich continues up, making for the top of the bluff.

Sorry for the delay!

Dex check, if needed: Dex check (16) [1d20] = 18
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EST: some continue back up the muddy trail...

#387 Post by Argennian »

~ Since no one offers Cutler any clothing or weapons, let alone acknowledges what else he's relayed, Hollis sets down Emm's spear, removes his rain jacket and offers the crisped cook his choice of available armament.

"Thank you... Hollis was it?" Cutler replies, choosing the young man's dagger, which looks to be Karagonian masterwork, and also taking up Emm's spear.

"Aye. Son of Hollan and nephew to Captain Hanlin. Both now dead, me father by those navy bastards and uncle by pirates," the young man replies with a proud yet pained look to his visage.

"I'm sorry, lad," the badly scarred master sergeant offers sincerely as he dons the rain parka, and affixes the sheathed dagger to one of the waist straps. He then steps forward and places a burned hand on the young man's leather-armored shoulder whilst looking him in the eye. "You have my word they will both be avenged..."

Meanwhile, Manoah shakes and wipes the excess mud off his person and gear in preparation to attempt the ascent again. Emm looks back down at him for a moment of consideration before turning and starting forward again. Further up the slippery, waterlogged trail, Ulrich has made it past the first switchback nearest the burned down watch blind and continues up towards the last one before the cave bluff above. The dwarf appears confident in his footing and dexterity, choosing to keep his mace and shield to hand instead of going on all fours like Emm to more safely navigate the compromised conditions...

Even as mighty Hazara's golden light grows brighter, the rain continues to pour and winds wail in a frantic frenzy. Conditions on the hillside, let alone the entire island, are getting worse rather than better. Ulrich somehow reaches the last switchback without slipping and pushes on for the bluff above as Emm reaches the first turn and continues past. The druidess is determined to get to a place where she can be in range to utilize her nature magics when they run into you know who.

Manoah finishes cleaning and securing his gear as he watches his companions' progress from below. He makes to step out of the treeline and start up the trail but stops to consider his methodology. Will he sling his bow and go on all fours as the druid or keep them to hand and readied as the cleric?

The question bounces around the young ranger's head as Ulrich navigates the last part of the trail just below the cave bluff. He steps through a softer section of the path and rushing water...

... and proceeds to lose his footing, slipping off the side of the muddy, waterlogged path and sliding down towards the remainder of the party below...

"LOOK OUT!!" cries Griffo and Thalion in unison as they start to move off to the side to be out of the way of the metal-armored projectile picking up speed and headed their way...




*** Need a d20 Save vs Petrification from Ulrich! *** :geek:

OOC: Ulrich's saving throw will decide if he can better position himself during the slide to partially mitigate some of the force of hitting whatever/whomever it is he's going to below! TOD/positioning adjusted.

POP: Not trying to be overly harsh here but did post a warning about the conditions and asked that characters making the ascent confirm their methodology in doing so...
from last action post wrote:... obviously there will be a chance of slipping going up the muddy trail unless one uses all fours to stabilize themselves, so if heading up please be specific about that methodology!

TOD: 7:42am Day 13 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: almost 23 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Emm 20/20 , Manoah 43/43 , Ulrich 28/28
WIH (primary/secondary):
Manoah – ???? / +2 short bow & fine flight arrows ; +1 longsword, dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Ulrich – +1 mace & shield ; holy symbol & SC
Emm - none
Griffo - short bow* & fine flight arrow / longsword & dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Thalion - longbow* / longsword & dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Hollis - none / magical crossbow & special quarrel / hand axe & dagger (normal/special quarrels fired: 0/0)
Cutler - Emm's spear / dagger
(SC = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded & ready to fire/or to throw at beginning of round)

Light Sources / Illumination:
- none / Light of dawn

Spells cast:
Emm: Protection From Fire x3
Ulrich: CLW x3, Silence, 15' Radius, Resist Fire

Sliding back down the hillside towards the trail head: Ulrich
Just past the first switchback heading up the trail: Emm
At base of hillside trail in the treeline: Manoah
Providing fire support on station: Griffo , Thalion
Back behind them within the treeline: Hollis & Cutler
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#388 Post by onlyme »

Manoah will hastily move out of the way if Ulrich seems to be headed toward him at a high rate of speed.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#389 Post by SocraticLawyer »

How do we know you're not a donkey-brained man?
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EST: Slip sliding away...

#390 Post by Argennian »

~ The warning cry from both shooters on station goes out above the wailing winds and tremendous downpour. Everyone present looks up to see Ulrich sliding down the hill their way and picking up speed quick. He hits the middle section of the Z-shaped trail a mere dozen feet in front of Emm and gets slightly airborne from the transition as fellow island friends dive out of the way below...

... but is thankfully somehow able to position himself in a way to make a smooth landing and keep himself from tumbling metal-armored arse over tea kettle! He finishes sliding down the waterlogged hillside in a wide-eyed wave of banded armor, shield, magical mace, mud and water and impacts one of the medium-sized trees there with a loud thud! (3dam)

Griffo and Thalion stand up with wide eyes and cringing visages as Cutler and Hollis move over to assist their sprawled out clerical mate...




OOC: isn't it a weird coincidence that the song Slip Slidin Away by Simon & Garfunkel was playing the radio on the way home tonight? :P

POP: Ulrich made his save so took only half the rolled for 6 points of damage from the impact!

TOD: 7:43am Day 13 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: almost 23 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Emm 20/20 , Manoah 43/43 , Ulrich 25/28
WIH (primary/secondary):
Manoah – ???? / +2 short bow & fine flight arrows ; +1 longsword, dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Ulrich – +1 mace & shield ; holy symbol & SC
Emm - none
Griffo - short bow* & fine flight arrow / longsword & dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Thalion - longbow* / longsword & dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Hollis - none / magical crossbow & special quarrel / hand axe & dagger (normal/special quarrels fired: 0/0)
Cutler - Emm's spear / dagger
(SC = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded & ready to fire/or to throw at beginning of round)

Light Sources / Illumination:
- none / Light of dawn

Spells cast:
Emm: Protection From Fire x3
Ulrich: CLW x3, Silence, 15' Radius, Resist Fire

In a wet pile of armor, weapons & mud: Ulrich
@20' past the first switchback heading up the trail: Emm
To side of trail head within the treeline: Manoah
To side of previous fire stations: Griffo , Thalion
Moving over to assist Ulrich: Hollis & Cutler
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#391 Post by tkrexx »

Emm's eyes go wide seeing the armored Dwarven Priest careening down the slimy trail directly toward her! A thousand thoughts blister through her mind; she has not the strength nor mass to stop his descent, she's not nimble enough to avoid the speed of his travel, and he will surely crush her unless... She could possess the the living bushes lining the pathway, causing them to grab and surround Ulrich like a spider wraps its prey... But then he'd be stuck there. Just as she concedes this is not an option, Ulrich hits a bump in the road and leaves the ground entirely! For a microscopic moment in time, their eyes meet. He sees her! At the last possible instant the Dwarf twists his body, grabs something semi-rooted, or hits yet another bump, Emm could not tell, but he manages to avoid striking the Druid and instead slams into a tree. She waits and watches to see if he's okay, indeed even still alive, after the impact. If he seems relatively uninjured, she will continue the exhausting clamber up the trail. She knows he will likely catch up to her before she reaches the top.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#392 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich stands up with as much dignity as he can muster (which is not very much). He begins wiping the mud and muck from his armor and shield. He mumbles something about being more careful, and stows his mace and shield. He then begins the climb again, this time on all fours.

OOC: was Garfunkel still around for Slip Slidin' Away? I thought that was a Paul Simon track.

OOC2: Ulrich can't use his fancy jumpin' boots to just jump up there, can he??
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#393 Post by onlyme »

Manoah will carefully work his way up the hill, stowing his equipment to allow all four limbs to interact with the terrain.
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EST: Finding their way up the hillside...

#394 Post by Argennian »

~ Cutler and Hollis rush over to check on Ulrich as the others look on, anticipative and hoping he's not badly hurt...

The cleric stands on his own to answer the unspoken question. His chin is held high with a dwarf's defiance and innate sense of dignity, or at least that's how he's playing it. He begins to straighten and clean himself, and although soaking wet and covered in mud from head to toe, not to mention back aching from the blow he's suffered, he's otherwise alright. Cutler breathes a sigh of relief and respectfully stands by whilst Hollis steps right in to help. The young man seems unaware of a dwarf's prideful manner, and that assistance was not requested, but Ulrich realizes his actions were not meant to cause offense and that the lad's genuinely concerned, so says nothing nor tries to rebuff him.

Emm breathes a sigh of relief herself as she looks down from the hillside above, still frozen in place on the waterlogged trail in the pouring rain and in serious consideration of how close she came to being collected. She snaps out of her reverie when she sees Ulrich appears alright, and starts moving forward again...

Manoah glances up to the druid and slings his bow in preparation of having another go. His lesson learned from his much shorter and less painful ride, the young ranger seems decided that to attempt the climb without the use of all fours is much too risky. Without a word to the others he starts up the waterlogged trail...

Ulrich gets himself as sorted as he's going to get and makes to following suit. He too says nothing as he slings his shield and stows his mace. He considers his magical boots and whether or not he should try and use them again, but isn't sure the same thing won't happen again, so starts up the old fashioned way...

Griffo and Thalion return to their previous fire stations and once again train readied bows and watchful eyes on their comrades' ascent to cover them. Cutler shares some words with Hollis and begins pointing back up at the former watch blind. The young man shrugs as he readies his black crossbow and points towards the ranger and cleric. After a few moments, the badly burned cook sets Emm's spear down and begins climbing the trail himself...

~ It takes a few minutes but Emm eventually makes it to the cave bluff above. It's empty and unoccupied save puddles of water and mud and drenched foliage. She looks at the cave entrance where they ambushed the Karagonian soldier and sees nothing but darkness staring back from within.

Manoah and Ulrich arrive not long afterward as Cutler finishes his search of the former watch blind below. The cook appears to have been looking for something. Down below at the treeline, Griffo, Thalion and Hollis remain on station with missile weapons ready.




OOC: TOD & positioning adjusted.

SocraticLawyer wrote:OOC: was Garfunkel still around for Slip Slidin' Away? I thought that was a Paul Simon track.
Not sure to be honest. I know Paul Simon wrote it and thought I remember seeing an early 80's(?) video of them performing together and singing it. Might be wrong... :?
SocraticLawyer wrote:OOC2: Ulrich can't use his fancy jumpin' boots to just jump up there, can he??

Well, he certainly could've made the multiple, combined attempts to do so (obviously not the entire way due the distance & elevation) but I was trying to convey the magical dweomer on the boots, by definition, does not prevent the wearer from slipping in compromised conditions such as these.

Apologies if this was misunderstood and not more clearly made before.

TOD: 7:46am Day 13 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: almost 23 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Emm 20/20 , Manoah 43/43 , Ulrich 25/28
WIH (primary/secondary):
Manoah – none / +2 short bow & fine flight arrows ; +1 longsword, dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Ulrich – none / +1 mace & shield ; holy symbol & SC
Emm - none (her spear left below with Hollis)
Griffo - short bow* & fine flight arrow / longsword & dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Thalion - longbow* / longsword & dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Hollis - magical crossbow* / hand axe & dagger (normal/special quarrels fired: 0/0)
Cutler - none / dagger
(SC = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded & ready to fire/or to throw at beginning of round)

Light Sources / Illumination:
- none / Light of dawn

Spells cast:
Emm: Protection From Fire x3
Ulrich: CLW x3, Silence, 15' Radius, Resist Fire

Up at the edge of the cave bluff, at the trail head: Emm , Manoah & Ulrich
In the former watch blind (by 1st switchback): Cutler
Down below on fire stations at edge of treeline: Griffo , Thalion & Hollis[/i]
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#395 Post by SocraticLawyer »

"Well, I suppose we ought to make our way inside," says Ulrich. Pulling out his Continual Light-enchanted copper piece, he says "this ought to help in there."

Once everyone is gathered and ready to enter the cave, he draws his mace and heads inside with the group.

OOC: According to Wikipedia, Slip Slidin' Away was Paul Simon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slip_Slidin%27_Away. :shock:
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#396 Post by tkrexx »

Emm nods grimly and asks Manoah, Are you able to track our quarry's movements in here?
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#397 Post by onlyme »

Manoah will attempt to scout as requested.
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EST: the scouts make for the plateau cave...

#398 Post by Argennian »

~ Having finally made it up the slippery trail this go, the cleric, druid and ranger huddle up at the edge of the small plateau and proceed to get themselves sorted before moving forward...

Daylight is slowly getting brighter and brighter, although the storm does not appear to be waning in any way. The hard, late summer rain continues to pour and soak everyone and everything on the island. The whipping winds remain angry and ululate incessantly...

Ulrich brings his permanent light coin to gauntleted hand and indicates the cave entrance staring at them from across the bluff. Emm acknowledges his intention and nods silent affirmations before turning to the ranger and querying him on whether or not he can use his class skills to confirm which way their enemy fled.

Manoah kneels down low to consider determining details. Any potential foot or boot-prints present are now completely filled with rainwater, as is every depression on the bluff for that matter. In fact, it looks as if the entire plateau is a more like a small pond with pieces of aerth and flora littered here and there.

Regardless, the ranger does notice a line of consistent water-filled depressions making a b-line for the cave. There are only two real options here anyway, the cave or another slippery and even steeper section of z-shaped trail that ascends to the next bluff above...

The trio of soaking wet island friends make their way across the bluff and over to the cave. They enter...

... and find Bogdan standing there looking at them. He appears to be holding a piece of rope in one hand and his masterwork spear in the other as he stands in the center of the cave passage. When Ulrich's light coin better illuminates the area, the just-arrived trio can see the big fighter looks to be covered from armored head to toe in something not rainwater...




OOC: please detail WIH or anything else (if any) with your next posts! TOD/positioning adjusted.

TOD: 7:47am Day 13 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: almost 23 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Emm 20/20 , Manoah 43/43 , Ulrich 25/28
WIH (primary/secondary):
Manoah – ???? / +2 short bow & fine flight arrows ; +1 longsword, dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Ulrich – light coin & +1 mace & shield / holy symbol & SC
Emm - none (her spear left below with Hollis)
Bogdan - masterwork spear & piece of rope / masterwork longsword & shield , axes of hurling , etc.
(SC = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded & ready to fire/or to throw at beginning of round)

Light Sources / Illumination:
- none / Light of dawn

Spells cast:
Emm: Protection From Fire x3
Ulrich: CLW x3, Silence, 15' Radius, Resist Fire

Just inside the entrance of the plateau cave: Emm , Manoah , Ulrich & Bogdan
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#399 Post by Alethan »

Bog holds a finger up to pursed lips to indicate silence is required. He motions for the lit coin to be covered and everyone to gather in close.

"There is a rather large group of creatures in the back of the cave, past the dead carrion creature back there. It's back where we found the sea dragon turtle egg - A dozen orcs, a half dozen hobgoblins, an ogre, and a human in a dark cloak. There were more orcs, but they got killed by the carrion creature. They each had one shiny gold coin on them."
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#400 Post by tkrexx »

Emm involuntarily gasps as her old friend Bog makes a surprising appearance. She stifles her own voice at his silent signal, and listens to his words before daring to whisper: Lauranna?
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