Applying for the game

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Applying for the game

#1 Post by bloodymage »

Simply PM me with a request to join so I can add you to the users group for the game.
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Re: Applying for the game

#2 Post by bloodymage »

My apologies for letting this slide, but moving day is a week from today and once I'm in my new digs, I'm going to call in a pro to get me set up rather than trying to do it all myself. Once I'm properly set up, things can start happening again.
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Re: Applying for the game

#3 Post by TheLegend »

I just checked here to see what was going on and saw your post. Good luck with the move, and I look forward to getting in some online A&8 gaming when you are ready!

P.S. - I'm happy to help out in any way I can - NPC character creation, graphics like maps etc. as player handouts, whatever. I've been playing A&8s with my son for quite a while so I can also help out with any questions you might have about the rules.

Shooting Scrapes will be interesting done through the medium of the internet. I would suggest just asking the player whether they want to go in guns blazing or be more cautious, making use of available cover and taking careful aim etc. The first option will usually mean the player gets off the first shot and could get lucky, ending the fight in a blink of an eye. The second option risks this happening to the player - i.e. being hit by a lucky shot before he's finished taking aim. The second option has the best odds of success but it takes a certain amount of guts to calmly take aim whilst your opponent fans his pistol, sending a hail of lead towards you. It only takes one lucky natural 20 role on the "to hit" die to really ruin your day!
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Re: Applying for the game

#4 Post by bloodymage »

I seriously need to reorder my priorities in order to write and tend to my fledgling business. Consequently, I intend to cancel the game here at Unseen Servant. My sincerest apologies.
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