CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#181 Post by coil23 »

Egburt joins Timmy and Toldren in peering down the newly-discovered hallway. Toldren and Egburt carefully inch forward after examining floor, walls, and ceiling for any sign of traps with Egburt in the lead.

In the stairwell, Quill tends to the unconscious and continues to see if he can revive them.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#182 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Miss Cleo moves back to the pile of sleeping friends and begins dragging them towards the room with the others.

"Ow bout a little elp? We cant juss leave em ear, an I don't wanna get too far from da udders! Dey can sleep in da next room instead."

Symond helps the beat up woman carefully move the unconscious members down the steps and into the next room.

Timmy doesn't proceed any further up the hall once he sees that the others have found a hidden passage. He moves over to the secret door in the east wall. "What have we here? Might be a lot more interesting stuff to see down this way, if you ask me." He follows the dwarf inside.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#183 Post by Norjax »


* Kid Crimson joins Egburt and Toldren at the north door.

* Beefheart, using Myles’ lantern, enters the secret passage and inspects the beyond. He sees a natural cavern leading north and to the southeast. The southeast route descends 10ft following a natural staircase.

OOC: I don’t think he has infravision.

* Irakas follows Beefheart into the secret passage

* Egburt joins Timmy and Toldren at the door to the north. He leads the way into the corridor. The hallway is constructed from polygonal masonry and has three side passages leading east and west. The passage is dark and clean of any debris.

* Toldren follows Egburt into the northern passage illuminating the dark hallway.

* Miss Cleo and Symond drag Myles, Sir Hanout and Pert into the room of the man-thing. They, along with Quill, continue to monitor them for signs of improvement.



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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#184 Post by coil23 »

Quill helps Miss Cleo and Symond take the unconscious ones to the next room where the others are. Quill closes the door to the stairway once that is done and will block the door with a chair if able. He the returns to care for the fallen while idly sketching the map so far.

Egburt inches forward up the north hall, hugging the left wall so as to be further away and get a better view of the first side passage to the right. He and Toldren keep checking floor, walls, ceiling for traps.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#185 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Miss Cleo stays nearby the downed party members in her weakened condition.

Timmy follows behind Beefheart, hoping to get a better look at the natural caverns beyond. He stands as still as possible, trying to listen for any strange noises from beyond.

Symond takes a sudden interest in the north hallway. He leaves the others behind and moves to the doorway.
"Ummm......guys.....isn't there some saying about splitting up the party too much?"
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#186 Post by kalstone »

Irakas also follows behind Beefheart, trying to use his infravision to see any possible threats.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#187 Post by Starbeard »

Norjax wrote:...
OOC: I don’t think he has infravision.
Of course he doesn't. For a moment there I had it in my head that he was a dwarf, and I have no idea why.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#188 Post by coil23 »

Toldren nods at Symond's suggestion. I guess we'll wait with the fallen while the others explore then. Toldren and Eggburt will return to the room with the table and close the doors to the north, blocking them with a chair if this seems doable.

While Quill tends to the unconscious, Toldren watches the west door and Eggburt watches the north door.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#189 Post by Starbeard »

Sitrus Mudbringer, that tubular half-sized dude of a mushroom farmer, asks, "Hey man, did someone say they need a dwarf? Right on!" He moseys over to the hidden passage with Beefheart, Irakas and Myles. "Wowie, look at this place," he mutters as he walks down the natural stairway to the southeast, guided by his magical dwarf-eyes. He tries his best to keep his goat hooves from clopping loudly on the rocky floor.

Toross Valmaer, the elven forester who acts like one, whips his long golden hair out of his face with a dramatic move of the head. The dashing movement is ineffectual, for his hair falls back in front of his face when his ears—which are no longer present on his head—fail to hold the majestic locks in place. Moodily he whispers to the others,
"This vile creature died as he lived, consumed by the weight of his own evil thoughts. My only regret is that we could not save him from himself." He continues to flick his hair out of the way. "Perhaps we will find another cultist, less consumed by hate and willing to turn to the side of good. If we find such a being, perhaps he can tell us how to reverse the curse that has been laid upon us, and bring my ears back. After all, what is an elf without his ears?" He gazes into the distance as he says this. Then he heads to the northern door to keep an eye on Kid Crimson.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#190 Post by Norjax »


* Quill tends to the unconscious who are now resting in the room with table and chairs.

* Egburt slowly moves up into the north corridor, hugging the left wall. Using the light from Toldren’s torch, he proceeds far enough to inspect the first passage on the right of the corridor. The 10ft. wide passage extends for 10ft and then abruptly stops. The dead-end route displays the familiar polygonal masonry. The alchemist checks for traps and finds nothing out of the ordinary.

* Toldren joins Egburt in checking for traps in the closest portions of the north hallway. He too notices nothing abnormal.

* Timmy follows Beefheart into the east passage. He pauses while the dwarf and Halfling move ahead to use their infravision. He hears distant sounds of water dripping onto stone.

* Symond moves to the north door joining Kid.

* Irakas moves ahead of Beefheart, who shields his lantern. The halfling views a natural cave passage leading north beyond the limits of his dark vision. The passage is clean of any major debris or other foreign objects. He can see small puddles of water formed by drips in the walls and ceiling.

* Sitrus walks down the natural staircase and probes ahead with his infravision. He stops halfway down when he notices a wood door set into a wood wall blocking a natural passage north. Another route heads east beyond the limits of his night sight.

* Toross moves to the north door, keeping a wary eye on the rambunctious Kid Crimson.

* Toldren and Egburt return to the room and report their findings to the others.



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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#191 Post by kalstone »

Irakas moves up next to Sitrus to examine the door. "Seems a likely spot to hide something valuable," he mutters.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#192 Post by Starbeard »

Sitrus bobs his head back and forth like a wave. "You said it, man," he says to Irakas. "There must be something real cool hidden down here. Let's go dig this dugout." He continues on to the east and stands in the middle of the chamber.

Beefheart's bravery and curiosity slip away now that others are forging ahead. He inches down the steps behind the others with butterflies in his stomach.


Kid Crimson scoffs at the northern passageway. "Come on. These guys need a bit more imagination." He heads back to get a chair and then returns to the northern door, tossing the chair hard through the door, to land in front of the first alcove.

Toross strikes a pose and warns the Crimson Kid against foolhardy behaviour. "We mustn't underestimate our enemy's proficiency in cunning, young lad. Nor must be avoid using our own; why should we settle for a chair do when a whole table is available?" He returns to the table to see how heavy it is, and whether it could be lifted through the door between two people.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#193 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Symond agrees with Toross and helps him move the table over to block the closed door.

Miss Cleo continues to keep a lookout, or should I say a handout, around the room and at the hallway they all used to get in here.

Timmy moves down the steps behind the others, hoping to get a better look at the door and passageway beyond. He hums something under his breath to himself as he advances. "Hi ho, Hi ho, its down the steps we go."
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#194 Post by coil23 »

Quill had already closed the doors to the stairwell (west doors) everyone had come from initially and blocked it with a chair. The north doors had been closed as well. Quill was watching the west doors while Toldren was watching the north doors. So the north doors were now opened and a chair thrown down the north hall just now. Are the north doors being re-closed and the table used to block the north doors? Just want to clarify.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#195 Post by Starbeard »

I'm happy with that. I missed that the north door was closed and was going by the map illustration; my intent was to test the front of the hallway for obvious traps, after that we can close up the door and barricade it to our heart's content.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#196 Post by coil23 »

I have been corrected by someone who was actually paying attention (unlike me) that the west portal is an open doorway with no doors. With that in mind...

Since there is no way to feasibly block the west portal (unless we stack the unconscious like cordwood to make a barrier, Toldren muses momentarily, but quickly discards the idea knowing he would be voted down) then Quill will still be at the table with a chair in front of him as a shield watching the western portal and northern doors. Toldren will take up a new position behind the SW corner pillar so that he could rush in and flank anyone who enters from the west. Toldren also keeps an eye peeled and an ear listening toward the open secret door in the NE room corner for developments there.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#197 Post by Norjax »


* Irakas moves up and examines the door in the northern part of the natural chamber. It is a crude wooden door set into a wood wall that closes off a passage that leads north out of the chamber. The door is closed by a simple bar and latch.

* Sitrus briefly confers with Irakas before standing in the center of the chamber and peering into the darkness to the east. The eastern passage continues for 60 feet before ending in darkness. The passage is an irregular stone hall formed long ago by water. There are drips and puddles visible, evidence of continuing but slow natural erosion.

* Beefheart cautiously proceeds down the steps, stopping at the bottom so the demi-humans can use their infravision.

* Kid Crimson collects a chair and carries it into the northern hallway and tosses it, so the chair lands in from of the first alcove. It tumbles to a stop and lies on its side.

* Toross returns to the room, and he and Symond drag the table towards the northern door, with the intent of blocking the door once Kid returns to the room.

* Miss Cleo continues to observe her immediate surroundings.

* Timmy follows Beefheart down the steps of the natural cavern.

* Quill positions himself behind a chair, watching the western portal.

* Toldren moves between the SW pillar and the west wall of the room, taking up a potential ambush position.



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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#198 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Timmy joins Irakas at the wooden door. He checks it over for any irregularities before sliding the latch over and cracking it open for a quick peek at what's beyond.

Symond helps with the table and then moves to the steps of the secret passage, trying to keep the groups options of danger to a minimum.

Miss Cleo continues to keep watch......with her hands.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#199 Post by kalstone »

Irakas keeps his sword ready, should anything emerge from the door.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#200 Post by Starbeard »

Toross and Kid Crimson move toward the secret passage, to convene with Beefheart and Sitrus in the cave with the door set into the north wall.

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