Welcome to Restenford!

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Welcome to Restenford!

#1 Post by badams30 »


It's a sunny and pleasant morning in the town of Restenford. Several trade boats have arrived at the docks and are being unloaded of their supplies and wares at a feverish pace. Two small trade caravans have arrived from the East as well, replacing two more that departed for Dolmvay at sunrise. Locals are out and about, and the occasional militia guard is seen, casually engaged in their duty. It's a busy but fairly typical day in this frontier town.

You've arrived in town today, some of you travelling a long distance, and others from locales a bit closer by. Your journey has brought you here for reasons known only to you, but with one common thing: the desire to adventure - whether the end goal is wealth, fame, religious duty, or otherwise. As you know or have been informed, the best way to go about this is to locate the nearest adventurers guild and register. After that, your future awaits!

You've all been directed to a small two story building that looks like it was once a modest warehouse. A large bench sits to the right of the sturdy looking oak door with a tarnished brass knocker at it's center. Two windows flank the door, one on each side. A rather plain sign is tacked above the doorway, carved into the sign and emphasized with a coat of blue paint are the words "Adventurers Guild" in large font. A strange assortment of individuals, you all arrive at roughly the same time. A stern and muscled human Paladin, his profession unmistakable due to the large shield holy symbol he is wearing - a constable of the Order of the Holy Shield. A smiling and effervescent halfling, flitting about with zestful energy and bright eyes. A human priest, clearly a follower of Otarr, curiously observing his surroundings, and finally - a large half orc warrior - his orc heritage unmistakable due to his greenish skin and orcish features. He stands silently near the bench, looking rather menacing, although he doesn't seem to be consciously trying to be intimidating.

You all pace about outside the building for a moment, when suddenly the door swings open with a loud squeak, and standing in the doorway is a rotund man with multiple chins and a prominent comb over of his thinning brown hair. He is dressed in good clothing befitting a merchant or someone of means. He smooths his clothing and nods with a huge grin, motioning toward the open doorway. In a deep voice he bellows "Good Morning, gentlemen." He gazes at each of you, pausing for a moment taking in the sight of the large half orc. He nods approvingly. "I'm Arturo - acting guildmaster. And what a sturdy looking band of friends you are. Who are you, and what can I do for you?"

He smiles, placing his hands on his hips, with raised eyebrow, apparently waiting for you to speak.

(you are located on the map of Restenford at building "R", on the north side of the river near building 20.)
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#2 Post by greyarea »

Arturo? I am seeking one Barron Grellus, replies the paladin, holding out a hand in greeting. I'm Holger. Marshal Calhoun suggested I seek out the Barron here, as I am already a member of the Dolm Adventurers Guild. He said I would find adventuring companions here, to support my mission.
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#3 Post by sonofotho »

"Arturo, say you?" The cleric tugs at his beard and smiles. "Well met. My name is Arduro, a humble brother of Otarr, recently arrived from Dolmvay. I seek employment and was directed to the Adventurers' Guild."

Arduro nods to the paladin and then does the same to the half-orc, albeit with a wary eye.

ooc: Maybe Arduro's long lost twin? :lol:
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#4 Post by connivingsumo »

"As was I!" he nods Arduro's direction, then sweeps into a deep bow, "Daregold Oakfeets at your service! Distinguished Surveyor, Dungeoneer, Bookbinder, and Map Maker." He smiles making eye contact with each person. "Arturo, you were saying this is the location for the Adventurer's Guild?"
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#5 Post by spanningtree »

Azhug is my name, seek work in high risk tasks short of war. Was told to find the Adventurers Guild to see what I can find. Quietly snorting he will look at each person in the room, holding out a hand for a shake.
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#6 Post by badams30 »

Arturo laughs a hearty belly laugh and addresses each of you in turn -
To Holger: with a slight bow he says "Well met. Marshal Calhoun? His reputation precedes him. As for the Baron, I'd suggest you seek the counsel of his Captain. His name is Gelpas. He can set you on the right path and possibly get you an audience with the Baron." He points to the small castle on the hill above you all and says "As you might imagine, that's where you can find the baron and his men."

To Arduro: Chortling over your name he says "What a fine name! Yes, you've come to the right place. We can get you registered and on your way."

To Daregold: "Yes, Yes, you are at the right place. Come in and we can get you all signed up and on your way. You are in luck, there seems to be much going on in the area lately, and plenty of opportunity for skilled folks such as yourselves."

To Azhug: He eyes you from feet to top of head and exhales loudly "Whew! Yes. You look like quite a capable fellow. You'll have no problem finding employ." He smiles and continues "You've got quite an assortment of friends here, I think you'll all do just fine."

Unless you have other questions or actions, Arturo directs you to join him inside. Entering the building, it has many hewn tables and benches set up meeting style, and one large desk in a corner with a candle burning on it. On the wall adjacent the door there is a large bulletin board with several sheets of paper tacked to it. Apparently these are announcements or work opportunities. He ushers you in and says "Let's get the formalities done first, shall we?" He produces a thin bound book, opening it about halfway. Inside, you see several signatures and notes. He asks you to sign your name along with your home and profession. You note a column for "Dues Paid" and most have 50GP annotated in the paid column. He enters Holgar's name and makes a note that he is currently a member of the Dolm guild. Assuming you all have no objections, he has you sign the book. Once complete, he says in a bored, detached and uninterested tone "as a member of the guild, you will act in ethical standards in holding with the highest traditions of the realm, the Duke and the lofty standards of the Guild of Adventurers. You will adhere to the laws of the Duchy, local laws, and heed the special call of the Duke and those in his authority. Being a member of the guild has it's perks, we can assist you in finding gainful and lawful employment, assist in identifying magic items and direct you to resources of need." He stops to make sure everyone is listening and continues "This is a small town. I'm fairly new here, but the guild enjoys a good reputation. I can help you with introductions and finding work, and act in your stead when in need."

Arturo smiles and says "you are responsible for paying 10% dues to the guild for spoils recovered, and in return we can assist in providing identification of items, repair of gear and armor, and discounts for provisions and supplies."

(I don't want to belabor this interaction, so feel free to ask Arturo questions, and we can proceed. You don't have any place to stay yet, so that's one area of need, as is the work situation.)
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#7 Post by greyarea »

Holger smiles. Considering that I was sent here to assemble a team to help with any evil goings-on and we have a fine group here, I say part of my job is done. Well met, all.

He introduces himself to the others and then says, Are there any things that the guild here has been tasked with recently? Also, where is the nearest Church? I should check in there. And then from there, off to the Baron via this Gelpas fellow.
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#8 Post by connivingsumo »

spanningtree wrote:Azhug is my name, seek work in high risk tasks short of war. Was told to find the Adventurers Guild to see what I can find. Quietly snorting he will look at each person in the room, holding out a hand for a shake.
Quick as lightning, Daregold jumps to the extended hand, "Indeed! A pleasure, Mr. Azhug! Daregold Oakfeets at your service." and then hops backwards so as not to be in the way if anther should want to shake and politely introduce.
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#9 Post by connivingsumo »

greyarea wrote:Holger smiles. Considering that I was sent here to assemble a team to help with any evil goings-on and we have a fine group here, I say part of my job is done. Well met, all.

He introduces himself to the others and then says, Are there any things that the guild here has been tasked with recently? Also, where is the nearest Church? I should check in there. And then from there, off to the Baron via this Gelpas fellow.
"Yes Mr. Holger, I am very interested in your needs for an assembly and their required tasks." The Halfling pauses to consider the second part of Holger's question, "Hmm, I think I should probably pay a visit to the Clergy of health and healing myself. I'm afraid I've allowed too much time to pass since my last visit to a citadel of the spirit."
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#10 Post by spanningtree »

Azhug - Fighter

Any immediate openings that pay good? Is there a cheap inn in town?
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#11 Post by badams30 »

Arturo leads you outside and points across the river toward the hill on the opposite side (Building 16 & 17 on the map) and says "That's the church over there. The abbott, Qualton and his priests take good care of the populace, and are friendly toward the guild. Rumor has it that if you get in the good graces of the Abbott, he's been known to aid adventurers in many ways, including hiring out some of his healers if needed."

As to the questions about lodgings and food: Arturo pats his ample belly and says "You've asked the right man about food and drink! There's Falco's Tavern (bldg. 14) The Inn of the Dying Minotaur (bldg. 19) and the Tavern of the West Wind (bldg. 20). Geilcuff is the innkeep of the Minotaur, and a good friend. He has good food, rooms and fair prices. The West Wind has rooms but just sells beer and hard liquor. A couple of former adventuring wizards own the place, and it's a quiet secure place. Falco the dwarf runs his tavern, along with his friend, Gap - also a dwarf. It's a middling place, but can't say anything bad about it. Word of wisdom though - don't challenge Gap to a game of darts."

"As for work, I'd suggest you ask around a bit, we've got a couple things posted here you might be interested in. You guys are the only adventurers in town at the moment, I had a couple other groups in here in the past 3 weeks, but they set out someplace. Oh - if you need help - porters, swords, wizards, or whatnot, you won't have a hard time finding someone. I know quite a few people around here who are looking for employ, so if you don't run across anyone about town, just ask me. I've only got a couple jobs on the board in there right now, but check em' out. And if I hear of something, I'll let you know, just let me know where you'll be staying."

Unless you have further questions, Arturo bids you good day. He tells you that you can pay your dues after you get paid for completing a job, but he cautions that until you pay that the guild resources (minus the job board) are not available to you (that of course doesn't apply to Holger.)

In the guildhall you see the following on the board: (I'll also post in the rumors and information thread)

Adventurers Requested! The Wizard Pelltar seeks a band of hardy and resourceful types to locate and recover an item of value for him. For details, inquire at the residence of Pelltar (Bldg. 21)

Pest Removal Needed: Capt. Sig needs a rat problem taken care of near his residence. For information, contact Capt. Sig at the town docks.

Teamsters & Guards Wanted - small party needed to secure, transport and deliver safely and securely a fragile cargo for Zelmar. Horses, wagon and supplies furnished. See Zelmar at the Tavern of the West Wind
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#12 Post by spanningtree »

Azhug - Fighter

Being down to his last few coins, Azhug scratches his head at the rat extermination request. I'm going to inquire about this rat issue to see if I can scrape up some coins. You two are welcome to join me. He will say to his new acquaintances.
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#13 Post by connivingsumo »

Daregold: Thief
"Well, I don't think I would tackle any of those alone, but I'm happy to accompany anyone on any of those. The rats sound good to me; at least, it's not a bad place to start! After all." Daregold hops from his current location to stand closer to Azhug ~ as if to take his side.

The Halfling, nearly three feet shorter than the Half-Orc, looks over to - and up at - Azhug, "Well Mr. Azhug, I fair better using this little bow & arrow here, but I've a blade if necessary. I am looking forward to working with you, sir."
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#14 Post by spanningtree »

Azhug - Fighter

Great Daregold! I think these rats are larger than normal... otherwise they would not ask for help.... good eating probably.
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#15 Post by sonofotho »

"Rats, huh? That doesn't sound too dangerous - I'm in too," Arduro says. But the cleric was thinking more about Gap, the dart-tossing dwarf.

"But when we're done with this job, I'm going to meet this Gap fellow, and challenge him to a game of darts! But first, let's find out about this rat-catching job!"
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#16 Post by connivingsumo »

spanningtree wrote:Azhug - Fighter

Great Daregold! I think these rats are larger than normal... otherwise they would not ask for help.... good eating probably.
"Oh! I see... then, perhaps, I can use my bow!"
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#17 Post by greyarea »

I've heard tales of rats the size of ponies taking over tavern cellars, but that may be just a bard's tale. However, I'm not sure they qualify as the sort of evil that I'm asked to be wary of, says Holger. I will assist if you wait for me to go to the church. I need to pay my respects there. And of the jobs posted here, you choose pest control over assisting a powerful wizard? They may not be in the church's good graces, but a good mage is one to curry favor with regardless.
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#18 Post by spanningtree »

Azhug - Fighter

Need coin now, rats will probably be easier to deal with than assisting a powerful mage. May also be a good time to get to know one another.... we can wait while you pray.
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#19 Post by greyarea »

Holger agrees with Azhug, Yes, I see your point. I'll gladly help you with that task. I will meet you at The Dying Minotaur around noontime and we will eradicate rats and have a great tale for a bard.

Until then, I'm off to see Abbott Qualton and to tithe.
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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

#20 Post by connivingsumo »

greyarea wrote:Holger agrees with Azhug, Yes, I see your point. I'll gladly help you with that task. I will meet you at The Dying Minotaur around noontime and we will eradicate rats and have a great tale for a bard.

Until then, I'm off to see Abbott Qualton and to tithe.
Daregold: Thief
"I'll go along with you, if I may, sir. I've no tithe, but I don't mind saying a prayer and offering to volunteer my time." Daregold will accompany Holger, if allowed, and then will attend with him to The Dying Minotaur, if everyone is agreeable to meet there.
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