Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

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Re: Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

#181 Post by Jernau35 »


"I would imagine so", says the druid, in response to Saracen's question about the edibility of the bugs. "As long as you remember to remove the head, pincers and poison glands. Can't imagine it would taste very good though. Probably almost as bad as Randall's grog in fact..."
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Re: Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

#182 Post by ravenn4544 »

Alordan responds I didn't see anything on my way here. What worries me more is what we could face in the dark - and the sun is setting sooner than we'd like. I think we either double time it back to town or start setting up shelter for a defensible position now. I do not want to be surprised here - it could be our last....
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Re: Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

#183 Post by Scott308 »

Brufrig Granitesunder

I think we should work on setting up camp. I know we are out of water, and the thirst will be worse in the morning, but I'm afraid of what might find us as we walk through these woods at night. A fire should keep most things away. Plus, I think we are too tired and injured to move fast enough to get back today. I'm afraid we might end up dropping from exhaustion and then we'd really be in trouble.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

#184 Post by Storm11 »

Saracen's eyes bug wide open. "I doubt we can survive a night out here! We were told we wouldn't survive sleeping on the beach by beachtown, let alone out here in the jungle. The trail runs straight, so we won't get lost when darkness falls, with Torches we will HAVE fire with us as we walk, that should help keep the insects at bay and some of the predators likely to be out here. Animals don't like open flames isn't that right Wes?" the half-orc asks of the druids expertise. He is happy to go with whatever the Druid thinks is wisest however.
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Re: Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

#185 Post by tkrexx »

Lightfinger swats a mosquito.

I doubt we could get any rest here, these flying vermin will see to that, The Halfling whines, And in the time it takes to establish a proper shelter, we could nearly be at Beachtown. We have a belly full of water, and torches to light our way. I think Saracen has the right idea.
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Re: Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

#186 Post by Jernau35 »


"No, we need to keep moving. There are far too many bugs out here already, and it will take too long to construct a shelter that would even come close to protecting us. There are enough of us that can see well in the dark, and we will be walking a familiar, well trodden trail. And yes, Saracen, a few torches will do double duty: light the way and keep the bugs and animals at bay."
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Re: Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

#187 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Chauncey glances around at their supplies, examines the light passing through the leaves to calculate the angle of the sun and does a quick calculation in his head. "Those who counsel 'double-timing' it are..." he tests the air movment with his finger, having read about a ranger doing it in a pulp-manuscript, "...correct. Let us make haste for the road. We may encounter further danger, but to remain here would be unwise." He prepares to set out. "Did you see how I handled that bug? Reflexes like a cat!!"
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Re: Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

#188 Post by Bluetongue »


"Sorry did I forget the tent I bought from the Hi-Lo store and Miss Nalissa?", let me just check my supplies...Ferris roots in his heavy backpack thinking he must have left the tent back in Chaunceys' shack before going on the beach walk."No poles, no guys ropes, no tent...just a big cloak and some Saltmarsh fancy pebbles with 'made in Shiny Island' engraved on the back.. Well at least we can share the weight among us next time we venture out."
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Re: Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

#189 Post by Storm11 »

"Before these things escape let us slay them and take them back to Beachtown. They are food after all and one of our missions will be attended too!" says Saracen moving to slice the head off the slept centipede.
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Re: Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

#191 Post by Storm11 »

"It might make a nice gumbo!" the holy champion says with a grim toothed smile.
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Re: Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

#192 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Evening on the 20th of Reaping
Hot, Buggy, Dark

Options are discussed and the group decides that they would rather try to make it back to town than to be eaten alive by the insects and whatever else roams this jungle at night. Saracen wisely cuts the heads off of the giant insects and skewers them with a pointy stick for transport back to Beachtown. Alordan and Brufrig take point, forming two lines as the party sets off south, back towards "civilization". The first two hours go by uneventfully save for the incessant biting and stinging. As the sun begins to drop below the horizon, the dark jungle becomes even more foreboding. By the time you get your torches light, the trail falls into almost complete darkness.

You try to find the area where you were attacked by the man eating apes, hoping that the meat might still be good. But in the pitch black darkness, your torches throw off eerie shadows and reflections, making every tree, plant, and shrub that lie just at the edge of your torchlight look nearly the same as the last. You find no sign of the battle whatsoever and smell nothing that gives off the scent of rotting meat.

The cacophony of noises and sounds that this jungle produces at night is nearly deafening. It doesn't take long to realize that you made the right decision by moving along and not trying to camp outside in this place. You begin to wonder how you could ever sleep out here, even with a good shelter. You see glowing eyes everywhere at the edge of your light. Every step you take feels as if something is about to jump out at you. This effect combined with the unrelenting noise makes the journey even more unbearable.

After another terrorizing and agonizing 2 hours, you begin to hear the waves of the ocean, crashing up onto the shallow shores. Every one of you is completely exhausted and unbelievably parched, but you have made it back to Beachtown all in one piece.

Feel free to do your thing in town. Despite the late hour of your arrival, the bar is still open. You can continue to post here or go to the appropriate thread of your choice. Once everyone gets settled in, I will toss out some XP for today's doings.
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Re: Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

#193 Post by Bluetongue »


will go to sleep in his bunk in the shack and get up early to memorize his book of jungle recipes and gnomish book of party tricks for the day.
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Re: Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

#194 Post by Scott308 »

Brufrig Granitesunder

Brufrig will attempt to find some potable water before heading to the room he is sharing and sleeping deeply.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

#195 Post by ravenn4544 »

Alordan will look over the crew he helped lead back. "I'm heading to the Treehouse for now. Maybe I'll see you guys around..."

He heads into the Treehouse, not quite that tired yet, but thinking of what his next steps are going to be based on what he learned today.
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Re: Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

#196 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Xp's awarded here: viewtopic.php?f=446&t=6230#p304172

This thread will be moved to the completed missions now.
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Re: Quest #3 "Zombie Stomping"

#197 Post by OGRE MAGE »


Chauncey, Wes, Lightfinger, Saracen, Brufrig, Ferris, (and Alordan) defeated one carnivorous ape, one black panther, and two giant centipedes. They found a concealed trail that runs in a westerly direction into the jungle that was covered with small boot prints, but were unable to make it to the end to see where it leads. They did find one abandoned campsite on the trail, about 2 hours in.

Monsters = 700xp

Non Monetary Treasure = 0

Mission Accomplished = Saracen brought the centipedes back to town, but the 400 pound ape was never recovered. (+50 for bringing back a little meat) I will also throw in another 150xp for finding the trail to.....

Total = 900xp / 6 = 150xp each for the original 6 members.
(Alordan can take 50xp for taking part in the final battle.)
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