Back at the Keep...

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Re: Back at the Keep...

#41 Post by badams30 »

Henry - Priest

Henry takes Kyle and Kal aside, and in his most encouraging and inspiring voice he gives his pitch:

"Men, my offer of one gold per day stands, it's a fair wage. But I tell you this - prove yourself, help us cleanse these dank caves of the foul beasts within, and you'll be handsomely rewarded. I promise you a bonus of the coin we take in, and I'll see to it that as you assist us that you are equipped well and fed like kings." Henry nods enthusiastically and says "if you are in distress, I promise you that with the help of Cybele, I'll tend to your woes and wounds. So what will it be? Join me! And let's head out for the caves, and honor!"

OOC: Henry will try to seal the deal by dropping up to 5GP on food and drink for the young men, hoping to push them into accepting.

QUESTION: Do either of these fellas have weapons? Much equipment? Rations? If not, Henry will try to assist in procuring what they need.
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#42 Post by Gelatinous Q »

"Don't promise 'em the moon, Henry, 'til they've proven they can earn their keep," Lardo growls, then turns to the boys. "And you two mind that you don't become gammon for some hobgoblin chieftain — and you'll do that by doin' what we say." He's obviously decided to take on the role of bad cop with the hirelings.

He goes about packing the orc's head in salt in a small burlap bag. "There you be, Brutus," he says to it tenderly. "That should keep the flies off ya for a while."

I've made my deductions for room and board, the salt, and the sling. Can we get a recap of the haul we took out of the orc lair so we can divvy it up or monetize it? Otherwise, Lardo's ready to get back at it.
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#43 Post by Spartakos »

Between Henry's honeyed words and Lardo's intimidating mein, the boys agree to the proposed terms, clearly hoping for fortune and glory. When Henry offers to buy them a meal, though, both claim they have to get back home...though he gets the feeling they don't wish to be seen in the company of the adventurers while in town, just yet. They say they will meet you the next morning to head out to the Caves.

They don't have any gear with them...if you question them, they say they don't have much, but will bring food and blankets and whatever they have.
(if you want to get anything for them, just say so.)

Lardo, here's a link to the post with the treasure breakdown. Relatively little of it is cash money. ... 40#p295944
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#44 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Spartakos wrote:Also...Geert, before you leave you notice two of the mercenaries who were here before you left are still here, eating breakfast in the common room. In addition, you see a man you haven't before, though he can't be a stranger, for he wears a surcoat over his plate-and-mail with the Keep's emblem. He is tall and sober-looking, with a shaved head and the very dark skin of those people who hail from the Chalice, or further south. He wears a very long and highly-adorned sword at his hip, its hilt of gold and the grip wrapped in some kind of vivid green lizard-skin. He is eating breakfast and talking with a pair of Keep soldiers, both in mail and tabards.
Seems like so, so long ago... :lol:

Geert eyes the dark-skinned man and grins at him, trying to catch his eye. "A bit cold in these parts for one such as you, ain't it? And quite the pretty toothpick you carry there. Don't be letting them gobs and pig-faces on the trails see that trinket. They'll drop the merchant's daughter they're carrying and have a go with you instead. Though I don't doubt they would find you make quite the fine point with it.

"Never seen you around, though I'm new here. Name's Geert, and you?"
Geert will wait for whatever reaction he gets and try to keep things friendly to the point of overfamiliarity.

After the good Dame's offer of electrum for goblin ears, Geert lays a finger by his nose and considers. "No aid for those who go about killing orcs, and not just orcs but their chieftains in their own lairs! Fine then, but what of some solace for those proven against orcs who take up arms against the gobs as well? Ah well, you'll see when we return the quality of our services. Good day to you!" Geert exits the room with his best feigned look of mock-hurt, clearly not offended in the least, with a wry grin on his face.

Geert spends his last hours of the day checking his gear and helping sell off the loot at the best possible prices. Whenever he gets a shot at talking to our new hirelings, he plies them with advice about keeping out of the way and not playing the hero. "Do what yer told and maybe you'll come back to enjoy more than gold. It's glory we all seek, right lads? This here company will be the talk of the keep, mark my words."

Oh boy, Kal and Kyle are goblin food for sure... ;)
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#45 Post by badams30 »

Brother Henry - Cleric

Henry gives Lardo a reassuring pat on the back and says "My friend, Cybele shines upon us! we've found these capable young men, eager to do good, and we are ready to go back to avenge our fallen! Woe to those who seek to stop us!" Henry smiles like a goober and uncharacteristically tosses the 5GP to the innkeep and says "My good fellow, please prepare Lardo and these brave souls (pointing to our band) a hearty meal to get us on our way, will you?" When the meal is brought out, Henry will say a very loud and obnoxious prayer to Cybele for our success and good fortune.
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#46 Post by Gelatinous Q »

Lardo raises a tankard of wine and proposes a toast: "Here's to goblin scalps, boys, and plenty of 'em!" He drains it in one gulp and turns to his friend. "May that goddess of yours smile down on us, Henry. She didn't seem over fond of at least two of us last go-round."

Once the meal's done, he'll retire early to rest up for the trip back to the Caverns.
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#47 Post by ragnboneshopper »

"Now, now, it's ears we must collect, friend Lardo. The right ones. You'll confuse the lads. That's this side." And Geert winks while tugging on his right ear and then grabbing up either Kal or Kyle's tankard before they can object, assured that they'll get another or two or three before the night is up.

Geert sees to Aggie, hits the hay early, and gets up before dawn. He'll pound on Kal and Kyle's door(s) at sunrise to make sure they know they should help pack the mule if they want their due, relishing the idea of ordering around someone bigger than himself.

This could be fun... :lol:
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#48 Post by Spartakos »

The dark-skinned man gives you a cool look, then a faint smile. "Best you should know me, I suppose. I'm Lieutenant Corbeau of the Watch." He offers you a firm but brisk handshake. Your mention of humanoids turns the talk to the local hazards, and he says, "I was just telling Corporal Rafferty here that we should keep a weather eye out...I heard you and your mates killed some orcs, their kin may be looking to lash out for revenge. Are you bound to try again?" When you give the affirmative, he adds, "Best of luck, and watch your backs." He seems polite, if not friendly.

Lardo and Geert together go and visit Hal Groening, looking to sell some of their hard-won spoils. His office serves as bank, moneylender, and trader in luxuries and exotic goods. Just the place to unload the Chieftain's sword and swordbelt, or the ivory bracelet from his mate.

You are both given a very disapproving look by the armed guard who stands by the doors to the office building, hefting a studded mace, but when you explain why you've come he passes you through. Master Groening is a trim man with a soldier's bearing, and streaks of white at the temples of his brown hair. He examines your goods, and makes some approving noises at the sword and fancy belt; he draws the blade, hefts it, and makes a few cuts and parries, then re-sheathes it. After some hard bargaining from Lardo, he agrees to purchase the sword, swordbelt, gold chain, and ivory bracelet for a total of 465 gp. His clerk, a slim and pretty redhead, pays you with a hefty sack of gold and has you sign a receipt.

On the way back to the inn, they stop and haggle with Ralf the Trader a bit, and sell him the broadswords and copper goblets you took out of the orc lair for another 25 gp.

You can net another 15 gp if you sell the shortbow & arrows, 2 daggers, and shortsword you took as well, but I thought you might have a use for those, so I held off.

Ampersand said he'd pass on gold (taking the axe), so if the rest of you are cool with that, it's a 5-way split (Henry, Cormac, Geert, Lardo, and Elgistrum each get a share). So...490 gp from spoils, plus 22 gpv in loose coin = 512 gp, plus the 40 pp. That works out to 102 gp, 4 sp, and 8 pp each. You should each update your character sheets.

New expedition thread!
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#49 Post by Spartakos »

After 2nd Expedition...

Both Kal and Kyle express a desire to get back to their get the feeling some apologies may be in order toward their parents, for their unexplained absence. Henry uses his healing prayers to completely restore Kyle before he goes, astonishing both lads at the wound scarcely leaving a scar. Henry also promises to meet up with them later and pay them a bonus, which pleases and excites both of them. They assure you they are willing to go exploring with you again.
Cure Light Wounds on Kyle: [1d6+1] = 6+1 = 7

Most of the loot is coin, and hauled back to the inn. Henry and Sham head over to the Trading Post with Kyle. His parents are relieved to see him, then a bit upset over his gallivanting off with adventurers, but both rapidly calm down after he relates what happened and praises the group (Henry in particular). Before long, they are proud of their son for his courage and are willing to let him go along with the party again...Ralf even talks about loaning him some armor and weapons out of their stores, so he will be better protected in the wilds. They finish by agreeing on a price for the keg of brandy (40 gp), and sharing a drink from it.

The axe they declare is too fancy for them to have a good chance to sell, so they recommend the pair see Hal Groening the banker and curiosities dealer. They are able to see him, and after examining it, he offers 52 gp and will not be bargained higher. With a sack full of coin, the cleric and the dwarf rejoin their fellows at the inn.

You may all discuss sharing of monetary spoils, including what Lardo and Henry should get due to their magic items. The final tally (with items sold) is:
581 gp
91 ep
347 sp

After a good night's sleep, the party spends some time resting the next day to recover from their various aches and pains. When Cormac's wounds still trouble him, Henry applies the ministrations of Cybele, which leave him as hale as ever.

Rest for the 23rd of Shining:
Sham recovers 1 HP, and is at full health.
Henry recovers 2 HP, and is at full health.
Lardo recovers 3 HP, and is at full health.
Cormac recovers 1 HP, bringing him up to 5; another 6 HP from a CLW restores him to full health.
Saeros recovers 3 HP and is at full health.
Ampersand and Eglistrum were not injured, and are fine.
Natural Healing for Henry: [1d3] = 2
Natural Healing for Lardo: [1d3] = 3
Natural Healing for Cormac: [1d3] = 1
Natural Healing for Saeros: [1d3] = 3
Cure Light Wounds on Cormac: [1d6+1] = 5+1 = 6

In the morning, Geert Harfoot announces that he has the wanderlust, and will be heading south'ard to see what profits lie there. Seeing their numbers reduced, Henry resolves to visit the church and see if perhaps another man or woman of the cloth would like to throw in with them.

Please divvy your coin, and let me know who goes to see the Bailiff.
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#50 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Cormac will go with Lardo to see the bailiff about the ogre's head and potential bounty that may have been on it.
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#51 Post by Gelatinous Q »

Lardo laces the goblin ears on to a lanyard, gathers up the sack with the ogre's head, and heads off with Cormac to see the bailiff.
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#52 Post by badams30 »

Brother Henry - Priest

Henry will happily share the results of the bartering mission that he and Sham undertook, plopping the coins down with a smile. "Ah, the fruits of our labor. This coin will be put to good use, for sure."

Seeing Lardo getting ready to meet the bailiff, Henry pulls him aside and says "Be careful, old friend. And good luck!" When Lardo sets off, Henry will ask around to see where he might be able to locate a cleric to assist us. Assuming he's able to do this, he'll set off in search of one. Or at the very least he'll head for the chapel/church to make a donation and chat up the priest.

OOC: So what will the split of coin be? I plan to use a bit of my share to pay the help (plus a bonus) get some supplies, and make a donation to get another priest. Anything else we need Henry to attend to?
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#53 Post by Bloodaxe »

Saeros Silversword

(Since I joined the party suddenly, here is my story.....)

My companions and I were also working on exploring the Caves of Chaos. We entered one cavern (G on the map) and were suddenly attacked by a huge furry beast with claws and large beak. My comrades were slain and I barely escaped with my life. As I was thinking about how I could get back to the Keep alone I heard fighting from another cave and went to investigate. That is when I joined your battle against the Goblins.
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#54 Post by Spartakos »

When Lardo and Cormac arrive at the Bailiff's office, they are recognized by the soldier on duty at the door...Cormac's great size makes him a conspicuous figure. They are waved inside, where Dame Joanna is sharpening her sword. She wears her usual expression of slightly haughty disinterest, perhaps tinged with just a bit of disapproval...Lardo is certainly unsavory-looking to her pious eyes, and Cormac is one of the savage tribesmen she has taken up arms against in the past. While he is more civilized than most of his kin, and there is no current state of war with the Lamoran tribes, she has made no secret of the fact that she is suspicious of him.

She does give a sniff and an approving nod when Lardo produces the string of goblin ears. "A fine day's work; I'll pay the bounty I mentioned, and consider it worth every copper. It would bring joy to my heart were you to put every last one of those sharp-toothed scum to the sword."

But when Lardo brings out his true trophy, the hideous ogre's head as big as a prize pumpkin, her eyebrows raise and she looks at both men with a much more respectful expression.

"Now that is interesting. Where did you come by that fellow?" She listens attentively to your tale, and by the end of it is smiling grimly. "Better and better. The goblinkin loathe each other, and you have slain a creature that was both a mighty ally and a stabilizing force in their uneasy truce. Well done, gentlemen, well done indeed."

After a moment of considering the pair, she snaps her fingers at her clerk, who fetches her a small chest. She counts out five gold crowns for the 10 goblin ears, then counts out another fifty. As she slides them across her desk, she says "I will pass along word of your deed to the Castellan. Mayhaps he will want a word with such bold and able sellswords."

Anything further with the bailiff?


Henry, meanwhile, visits the local temple, where he is welcomed by Mother Camilla, the old high priestess.

What are you telling/asking her, Henry? Anything besides looking to recruit a cleric?
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#55 Post by KingOfCowards »

After selling off the loot from the caves, Sham will spend his time in town at the tavern. Back to his old ways of carousing, blustering, and rumor-mongering with his old acquaintances. He is unlikely to find a cleric for hire here, but if anything of the sort comes up his ears will prick up.

He'll spin a glowing review of both of the local boys that accompanied them, and tell of the ogre who nearly caved his head in, because he insulted its mother. "Never knew ogres were so touchy about their mothers, it's a good think that Old Sham is made of sterner stuff."
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#56 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Cormac has nothing more to mention to the bailiff unless Lardo does he will wave a salute to the bailiff and part ways going back to the rest of the group.
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#57 Post by badams30 »

Brother Henry - Priest about town

Henry greets Mother Camilla with a polite bow and warm smile. He'll pick up where they last left off, mentioning their expedition and current status.

"We've had a couple tough sorties into the Caves, we've lost a couple, but we've slain our fair share of evil creatures including a foul ogre and many goblins. And remember how you mentioned something about a cult or resurgent cult? Well the kobolds we spoke to mentioned a cult of some sort, they seemed in great fear of it. I believe we may have seen and heard chanting from some of their ranks when we departed a couple of days back, but one thing is for certain - this place is rife with evil. We fully intend to cleanse it, and I mean to use much of my shares to assist with the church and the downtrodden here."

Henry pauses for effect and then says

"Good Mother, with the dangers in the Caves, I fear my novice abilities are not enough to keep our band in good health and with sufficient blessings. Would you happen to know of any fellow priests who might be open to joining our ranks and assisting in this just cause?" Henry elaborates on the occasions where his healing barely met the need, and only through good fortune were we able to survive.

He'll give 25GP from his pouch (deducted) to Mother C and tells her that he'll bring more once our party has split the spoils. He asks her for her prayers as we go forth again.
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#58 Post by Gelatinous Q »

"One thing further, milady" Lardo says, scooping up the coin. "The kobolds told us of humans in the caverns, worshipers of Thanatos. They are by far the most hated and feared among the creatures there. We witnessed some of their vile rites with our own eyes. What know you of them?"

He will also ask politely if he may keep the ogre head, explaining that it may be strategically useful.
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#59 Post by Bloodaxe »

Saeros Silver sword

Saeros will look about the Keep for an armorer. He is looking for someone that can provide him with a suit of platemail.

ooc- Since Im not sure exactly what coins I'll have since the "great potion/scroll debate" still goes on. I dont know how much of a down payment he can put down or if that option is available.
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Re: Back at the Keep...

#60 Post by Spartakos »

In the tavern, most of the other drinkers and townsfolk are glad to listen to Sham's tales of adventure and danger. He can't help but notice Oliver scowling at him periodically, though...especially any time Roy seems to be listening to the dwarf's tales with particular attention.

Sham also can't help but notice a prominent figure in the common room, quaffing ale like water. Corporal Macsen of the gate guard is a tall, looming man clad in half-plate and a surcoat with the keep's emblem on the breast. The broadsword sheathed at his side looks almost like a toy alongside his physique. He listens to Sham's stories with a look of grudging admiration, but keeps to himself...notably alone at his table, as he is well known for his grouchy manner and poor temper.


Mother Camilla shares a mug of tea with Henry, her expression growing more and more concerned as he speaks.

"It is as I feared," she says at last. "The cult of Thanatos has reared its ugly head once more." She gives a short, bitter laugh, continuing "Ironic that a god of death was killed, supplanted by Yamai...only to rise again."

Patting him on the shoulder, she says, "You are a good man, Henry, and I feel better knowing you are there to guide those rapscallions you do battle with. While I do not want you to risk yourself unnecessarily, any information you can garner about the cult would be valuable...and any blow that can be struck against them, or to help ensure they garner no support from the evil beings who dwell in the Caves, will surely bring the favor of the goodly gods. I must consult with the Castellan, as to what can be done to dig at the root of this evil force."

When Henry makes his plea for aid, she considers, seeming troubled. "I fear my assistants have little more age and experience than yourself, my boy...Gail was sent here for seasoning, Valentina is from a noble family and headstrong, and Jasper is scarcely into manhood, and more scholar than warrior." After a pause, she said she would think and pray on it, and send word to you.

She thanks him for his donation, and blesses him before he leaves.


Even while Henry and Mother Camilla discuss the evil cult, the same subject is on the lips of others. Dame Joanna's eyes widen as Lardo asks her about the followers of Thanatos.

"That is a name steeped in evil," she says darkly. "Once, Thanatos was worshiped all over the northern lands, and dark were those places where his temples were strong. Hundreds of years ago, Yamai rose to prominence as a more just and righteous god of the death, one who did not seek to encompass all souls, but to judge and shepherd them, and see to their afterlife, dispensing rewards and punishments as befit their deeds in life. Worship of Thanatos was stamped out, his followers reduced to small sects and covens."

"I will pay the bounty I named for goblins and their ilk, but bring me the corpse of a priest of the Death Lord, and I will pay you twenty times as much. Sending them after their fell god is not nearly punishment enough for them, but I will not suffer them to live here where decent folk dwell."

She does not object if you wish to keep the ogre's head.


Saeros has no luck in finding an armorer; Kent, the smith who lives in the keep, is good enough at his trade for repairs, but he is not skilled in the arts of war-crafting. Saeros finds himself at the traders' shop, where they have a small corner dedicated to the tools of the warrior's trade. Racks of swords and spears share space with sheafs of arrows, and shields and armor hang from the walls.

Ralf tells the elf that they keep only a few suits of plate mail in stock, mostly in case the Castellan's knights have need of new armor. He measures by eye Saeros's slim but muscled frame, and says he thinks he has a suit that might do, but would likely need some modification and fitting. The price will be dear, though...good smithwork of Gotham and Galax does not come cheap.

600 gp for the armor, and because it is sized for humans, refitting will cost another 50 gp. Ralf and Susan will not take credit; you can make a down payment, but he won't fit it for you until the full price is paid.


That afternoon, while the brave band eats a hearty midday meal, a page clad in the livery of the keep comes to find them. He hands over a folded parchment, and waits expectantly. Writ upon it is an invitation: for the bold souls who slew an ogre and fought against the forces of evil, a feast will be held by the Castellan at his quarters in the Inner Bailey that night. They should come as the evenfall bell rings, and they will be admitted.
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