Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#21 Post by FlightlessScotsman »

Mulazir forks over the coin for a private room and summons his companions to follow him. "Grab a wench if it pleases you. This could take some time."
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#22 Post by Griffith »

"No woman for me, thanks.

I'd like to talk about the map. Having looked at it I have some thoughts. Do these dashed lines indicate roads or well-traveled trade routes? Maybe we could follow these routes west to the Oasis then north to Jhaddar and from there east to the tomb...?

Or possibly travel north-east through Kharjah Pass to Yaatana and from there travel west to the tomb...?

Either way, once we reach one of those northern cities, it looks by my estimation, to be only 60 to 80 miles to the tomb. Much better than traveling 120 miles in open desert.

I find it interesting --if these are trade routes-- that there isn't a trade route linking Jhaddar to Yaatana... Is there something in those hills that keep caravans away? Perhaps something in the tomb that threatens travelers? If we were to eliminate whatever menace resides there, that might open up the possibility of lucrative trade routes between Jhaddar and Yaatana. Perhaps Nazim has that in mind as well?

Maybe we should hook up with a merchant caravan --one that travels these roads, one that is traveling either to Jhaddaar or to Yataana-- and offer our services. We might be provided with a wagon to ride in or camels. Plus hopefully they would be well stocked with provisions; water, rations, etc. Which would mean we wouldn't have to foot the bill for such things. Once we get to one of the northern cities, we inform the caravan master of our plan to open a trade route between Jhaddar and Yataana. Perhaps he will see it as a lucrative opportunity and help fund our endeavor... "
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#23 Post by Griffith »

re-post of map, so we don't have to go back and forth to look at it
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#24 Post by ybn1197 »

"I agree. If these truly are trade routes or common routes, we should stick to them as much as possible. The way is more traveled and there will be less chance of coming across lesser desirableness. We need to save our strength and supplies for whatever this tomb may hold."
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#25 Post by FlightlessScotsman »

Mullazir nods and strokes his three ample chins with a stubby, uncalloused thumb, "Indeed. I believe attaching ourselves to a caravan may be the best bet. In any case let me prepare a quiet place where I can meditate and assay the hidden qualities of this map. It will yield its secrets to me by morning. This I promise!"

At this point Mullazir's plan is to go to the private room, do a thorough search to make sure no one is able to eavesdrop, and then sequester himself so he can prepare the spell "Read Languages" and then cast it.
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#26 Post by Griffith »

"If there is valuable information hidden there in the strange writing on the map and you can decipher it, that will be all the better for us. But I am uneasy about magic being used on the map. I am sure it is just my barbarian blood making me over-cautious, but what if the map is cursed? Or a demon is bound to the map and your magic unleashes it? What then?" Ustaim grabs the bottle of wine and falls in behind Mullazir. "I will follow you to our room and try to get a good nights sleep. But I will keep my axe at the ready should your spells accidentally invite from the map into our midst something better left unbidden"
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#27 Post by FlightlessScotsman »

"I'm not casting anything on the map. I am going to expand my own understanding. However if there is a curse on the map released by reading its writing then I'm going to ask you to stand nearby. If I suddenly start to act very strangely, maybe it would be a good idea to restrain me at such a time? And by "strange," I mean a sudden change in mien, contortions of limb, etc."
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#28 Post by Griffith »

Ustaim will go with the others to the room.
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#29 Post by Tamerlaine »

Once ensconced in the private room, the barbarian and the thief sleep on both the bed and the floor as Mullazir sits at the table with his spell book, memorizing the spell needed to understand the ancient writing on the map. As morning nears, the sorcerer is ready and with his companions watching on, he begins the delicate hand and finger movements along with the incantations that spill forth from his lips. Staring at the map, Mullazir watches with rapt attention as the ancient Ptahaanan characters start to come undone, shaping themselves into letters he can read.

Reading the newly formed characters that only he can read, Mullazir comes to understand that the writing was written by an unnamed scribe wholly devoted to his monarch, the Witch King Amun Thoth. An enlightened man of considerable power, Amun Thoth was corrupted by his foreign wife and dabbled into nameless horrors. The land and the people suffered and soon the priests come together and defeated Amun Thoth after a mighty battle of magic. His reign was brief and his name and memory struck from record. Amun Thoth's body was stolen by his devoted followers and secreted far away, to rest in a undisclosed location guarded by unspeakable horrors and deathly traps.
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#30 Post by FlightlessScotsman »

Mullazir rocks back in his seat, exhausted from his labors, Where did your friend say he got this map? I can't be sure mind you, but I think it's a genuine article inscribed by a loyal servant of the long-dead tyrant Amon-Thoth. He then flashes a tired, wan smile. We could be very rich men if we conduct ourselves shrewdly. Come. Let us drink a toast and seal our companionship with an oath. He pours an ample cup of wine for himself and lifts it, May the lady of luck guide our steps, and fortune favor the bold.
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#31 Post by ybn1197 »

At the sound of fortunes to be made, Watts bolts upright and smiles. Then fortune is already with us for delivering into our hands an authentic map. I will drink to your toast with relish for soon, if luck truly guides us, we will be rich men indeed. Watts scoops up a wine glass and fills in before lifting it up to Mullazir's toast.
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#32 Post by Griffith »

"A fine toast Mullazir, to luck and good fortune!" Ustaim raises his glass as well.
"And now that Mullazir has confirmed the authenticity of the map, we should ready ourselves and be off to the merchants' quarter to find a caravan."
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#33 Post by Tamerlaine »

After a quick breakfast, the trio makes their way just outside the city gates of Dipur to the staging area for the caravans. There is much going on here and the air is full of shouting; of orders, last minute haggling and insults. Camels are being packed and unpacked wagons loaded and unloaded, and horses tended to. There are clusters of crates and barrels, sacks and cages. Merchants and guards are everywhere.

Ustaim recognizes a face in the crowd, a face with cracked dark skin like old leather, a hook nose and a black pointed beard. Mossoud is a caravan master Ustaim has worked for couple of times as a guard, on a caravan and watching his goods in his warehouse. Massoud's sharp dark eyes catches sight of the trio and turns to face them.

"Ustaim! You're still alive I see. It's been what, a dog's age the last time we spoke?"
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#34 Post by Griffith »

To Watts and Mullazir, "Ah ha! This lady luck of yours works wonders. A caravan master we needed and a carvan master she has delivered. And one that I have worked with."

To Mossoud, "It has been too long, my friend. You look no worse than before." Ustaim grins, "Tell me that business is good and you are in need of men with skills to accompany you on your next journey..."
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#35 Post by Tamerlaine »

Griffith wrote:To Mossoud, "It has been too long, my friend. You look no worse than before." Ustaim grins, "Tell me that business is good and you are in need of men with skills to accompany you on your next journey..."
Massoud grins, his teeth contrasting with the dark sunburnt skin of his leathery face. "Business is always good when it is dangerous. The more the danger the more the profit!" Then he takes Ustaim by the elbow and leads him away from his two colleagues, his voice dropping. "I'm always in need of men such as yourself. I mean no offense, but your friends...they don't look like the type I would hire. One's fat and soft looking, the other, well...let's just say I wouldn't want him near anything valuable." Then he strokes his black beard. "Do ye vouch for them?"
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#36 Post by FlightlessScotsman »

Mulazir holds himself at the back, absentmindedly looking over the bales and parcels, pretending not to hear the caravan master's assessment of him.
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#37 Post by Griffith »

Tamerlaine wrote: "Do ye vouch for them?"
"Aye, I do."
"Are we lifelong friends? No. But we are of a common goal... treasure. Heaping coffers of gold and silver. Our pursuit of it binds us as if we were brothers. We are the perfect team, each man possessing skills the others lack."
Ustaim turns and introduces his colleagues. "Mulazir is a caster of spells, Watts is a creeper in the shadows, and I... I swing the axe."

"Surely, you could use men with our talents on your journeyings? Tell me, Mossoud, where is your caravan headed? Perchance you are traveling north?"
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#38 Post by Tamerlaine »

Massoud strokes his beard, clearly weighing Ustaim's words and considering all the angles before speaking. He nods his head if reluctantly, his eyes as sharp as any hawk. Then he grins, those white teeth brilliant against his dark sun-browned skin. "I've always known you to be more than just a ordinary sell sword and it shouldn't surprise me you would keep such...interesting company. Aye, I'm heading north to Lamra while taking the Kharjah Pass. I'll take you on, and your two companions. I trust you Ustaim, maybe I shouldn't but I do. That being said, if there's some trickery on their part I'll gut you alive if the Zorabis in the hills don't."

"Tomorrow at first light we leave. Mounts will be available, or a wagon seat for those of tender posteriors. Now be off, I've got a thousand things to get done!"
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#39 Post by Griffith »

"Tomorrow at first light. Many thanks, Mossoud!"

Ustaim returns to his fellows. "Well, there we have it, a caravan north with which to ride through the Kharjah Pass.... I am not familiar with this place called Lamra... are either of you? We may have to consult the map.

Also you might have noticed I did not mention our map or our plan. I have worked with Mossoud before and he has given me no reason to distrust him. Yet, I am not ready to share what we know about our map and the tomb.

While we are on our journey, we should try to gain Mossoud's confidence... to determine whether we should share our plans with him and to see what he knows if anything about the tomb. Yes?"
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Re: Dipur! Of Gilded Decadence...

#40 Post by ybn1197 »

"Agreed. The fewer who know of our map and plans, the fewer to cut in to our shares. And they are smaller than I would prefer already. I suggest we gather our things, prepare for the morrow, and enjoy whatever vice be your preference for after tomorrow it may be a long time till we have the comforts of the city again."
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