Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#21 Post by Ramona »

Keven wrote:
Ramona wrote:Ramona leans over the table and looks the man in the eye, "Couple things, where's a good place to get a sandwich around here? Not some prefab, made by a machine protein paste on a carbohydrate roll but a real sandwich, I haven't eaten in a year and I'm feeling a might peckish." She takes his glass of water and drinks it, "I know I've asked you at least twice but are you sure you're old enough to be doing this job? I mean you look like you're about 15, not that that's a bad thing to look young, especially when you hit your 60's."
The man looks somewhat flustered, he turns off the recorder and says, "I assure you, Gospa Quinn, I am old enough and trained enough for this job." He blushes a bit. "Your status here is as a refugee. You have the right to apply for residency and or citizenship. The Union looks favorably on fast tracking Carrillian refugees as desirable new citizens."
"Send me the package sweetie, I'm between homes at the moment."
Keven wrote:
Ramona wrote:She smiles not really waiting for an answer and heads towards the door, "Oh, all those people on the habs who didn't get vaporized, asphyxiated or starved to death after the fact. What happened to them? I mean most of my family was there," she shrugs, "might be nice to know if any of them are still alive, cousin Vino still owes me 15 pistachios..."

The door closes behind her and her voice disappears from the room leaving the interviewer sitting there in stunned silence.

Ramona looks at the two guards, "Gentlemen, you wouldn't happen to know where a girl can get a good soup and sandwich? I mean I know a guy who owns a bar but some numb nut lobbed a nuke at it so that's kind of out of the question for the next 10,000 years."

"I should probably find out where Auntie GoGo hangs out, woman is a rock, what do you guys do for fun here? Besides hold the walls up?"
One of the guards says "Level 7, Gospa. That's where the commercial eateries are."

As you walk out the door, your comm bleats that annoying ringtone again notifying you of a text message. When you open it, you see it's from Go-Go:

"Ramona, I've gone dirtside for a bit to take care of some things. Please join me there when you can, I've attached a shuttle ticket to this message. We can discuss your future. I have a position with my company open for you, if you wish to take it. Let me know." You find a prepaid shuttle ticket attached to the message as stated.
"Oh bugger," Ramona cursed opening up the options menu on the phone to change the ring tone to something somewhat less obnoxious.

She maked her way slowly to Level 7, food sounded like a good place to start. The refugee hostel wasn't bad, it was more comfortable and private than most of the places she'd slept in over the last decade, but she was going to have to look for a bunk of her own and resident status was a good place to start. Well it was a good place to start after breakfast, a cup of Zap a trip dirtside.
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#22 Post by Keven »

Eris wrote:Jimi hustles into the shuttle lounge and looks up at the departures board.

"Damn!" he grouses, "A 30 minute wait, might as well grab a cold beverage and rest my puppies."

True to his word, he swipes his card across a vending machine's reader and grabs a bottle of SaSa, "the drink that peps you up!" and takes a seat in an empty row of seats.

Taking a swig of SaSa, he grimaces, "Blown Seals! That's vile!" but he cautiously takes another sip, "I guess it'll grow on me."

With a half hour to wait he spends his time people watching...

Wonder if Ramona will show up? :)
You DO have her comm code, you know...
Candles Against The Night:
Game Janitor, ZZZZZZ, Everything, 10 Terms
JOT-90, Admin-90, Fast Talk-90
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#23 Post by Eris »

Getting bored, Jimi takes out his comm and enters Ramona's code.

If she answers, "Hey, Ramona, I'm at the departure lounge. GoGo wants me to meet her dirtside. Your Aunt isn't taking this well, you know. She would probably like to have you with her right now. How about us take the shuttle down together?"

If she doesn't answer, Jimi will leave a message as per the above.
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#24 Post by Keven »

joertexas wrote:
ottarrus wrote:He'll boot up his hand-comp and do a quick local records search on 'Outworld Partners LTD' to see if there's anything in the database.
Jiao eats her danish and sips her zapana while she waits for the search results.
Your comp takes a minute to translate the pages into Galanglic for you from the Novarus.

Couple news articles mentioning them, positively, regarding the sponsorship of Carrillian refugees in the process of mainstreaming into Gralyn society.

A stock market report showing common stock of the company gaining a point and a half since last week in a sluggish market on news of the aquisition of further abandoned assets of Carrillines. Carrilllines, you remember, was the state trading organ of the Carrillian Assembly before the Raid, and left it headless.

A pile of news reports from yesterday detailing the rescue of several hundred Carrillian refugees on a converted liner thought lost by a ship owned by the company.
ybn1197 wrote:
Keven wrote:CHASE: The Rebellion is still raging outside the antispinward borders of the Deep. The Solomani are pressing Duke Craig hard and tight, and that's an area you really want to steer clear of. You finished up your final enlistment with the [name] Navy as a doctor, and demobbed. You worked your way to Gralyn, outside the combat zone, for a needed rest. You've seen too much of war the last dozen years, and wouldn't mind quieter times. You decided to look around a bit, sell your skills as a ship's doctor, but nobody was hiring. You came dirtside to Corbingrad, the main port dirtside on Gralyn, hung around, and put in some time at a local clinic run by the Church of the Future Man. They were a bit weird, but reasonably harmless. The clinic was funded by the Gralyn government for the growing refugee population from Carrill. It was reasonably pleasant, but you are getting the itch again. You passed your resume about, and no nibbles. When you were just about to start hitting up the tramps for working passage, you got a call from an outfit called Outworld Partners LTD, and the office manager let you know that the Big Boss had just come insystem and would be grounding in a couple days, and would you like to be interviewed for a position?
Chase stutters for a moment, surprised at the turn of luck. He had figured getting work as a doctor was going to be easy. Reality always has a way of turning everything on its ear. "Sure, sure. I would love to come in for an interview. Where are you located?
"No problem," says the man on the comm. "We're located in Little Carrill, off Gorsky Prospekt and Gagarin Avenue. 47 Gorsky Prospekt, third floor. You can't miss us. Just ask for HR."
Ramona wrote:
Keven wrote:The man looks somewhat flustered, he turns off the recorder and says, "I assure you, Gospa Quinn, I am old enough and trained enough for this job." He blushes a bit. "Your status here is as a refugee. You have the right to apply for residency and or citizenship. The Union looks favorably on fast tracking Carrillian refugees as desirable new citizens."
"Send me the package sweetie, I'm between homes at the moment."
"We'll email it to your comm code. You can have it hardcopied at your convenience, of course, Gospa."
Ramona wrote:
Keven wrote:One of the guards says "Level 7, Gospa. That's where the commercial eateries are."

As you walk out the door, your comm bleats that annoying ringtone again notifying you of a text message. When you open it, you see it's from Go-Go:

"Ramona, I've gone dirtside for a bit to take care of some things. Please join me there when you can, I've attached a shuttle ticket to this message. We can discuss your future. I have a position with my company open for you, if you wish to take it. Let me know." You find a prepaid shuttle ticket attached to the message as stated.
"Oh bugger," Ramona cursed opening up the options menu on the phone to change the ring tone to something somewhat less obnoxious.

She maked her way slowly to Level 7, food sounded like a good place to start. The refugee hostel wasn't bad, it was more comfortable and private than most of the places she'd slept in over the last decade, but she was going to have to look for a bunk of her own and resident status was a good place to start. Well it was a good place to start after breakfast, a cup of Zap a trip dirtside.
You find an eatery that smells like hab cuisine, stirfried meats and veggies. And the name of the place is in Erde, 'Ludmilla's Kitchen'. They serve you up some stirfry and keep the zapana coming.

You get a beep on your phone. It's Jimi.
Candles Against The Night:
Game Janitor, ZZZZZZ, Everything, 10 Terms
JOT-90, Admin-90, Fast Talk-90
In The Marches:
Carlos Matsumi, 79AAA7, Scouts, 33, 3.5 terms,
Gunnery-1, JOAT-1, Mechanical-1, Navigation-3, Pilot-1, Slug Pistol-1, Vacc Suit-2. Blade.
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#25 Post by Ramona »

Keven wrote:You find an eatery that smells like hab cuisine, stirfried meats and veggies. And the name of the place is in Erde, 'Ludmilla's Kitchen'. They serve you up some stirfry and keep the zapana coming.

You get a beep on your phone. It's Jimi.
Ramona looks at the phone and stuffs a chopstick load of noodles in her mouth before answering it.

"Mimmi," she mumbles around the noodles, "Waff sheem too be you bofffle?"
Eris wrote:"Hey, Ramona, I'm at the departure lounge. GoGo wants me to meet her dirtside. Your Aunt isn't taking this well, you know. She would probably like to have you with her right now. How about us take the shuttle down together?"
She swallows her noodles and takes a sip of the zap, "Jimi, you know I'm not the sweet cuddly niece right? I'm the awkward as shit around emotional people weirdo niece. I mean hell, angry I get, everything else makes me want to leave the room, but it's GoGo so I'll go go but I am not good with this kind of stuff." Ramona shovels a few more chopsticks worth of veggies in her mouth before looking at a clock above the bar, "I'll double time it, so give me 5."
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#26 Post by Eris »

Ramona wrote:
Keven wrote:You find an eatery that smells like hab cuisine, stirfried meats and veggies. And the name of the place is in Erde, 'Ludmilla's Kitchen'. They serve you up some stirfry and keep the zapana coming.

You get a beep on your phone. It's Jimi.
Ramona looks at the phone and stuffs a chopstick load of noodles in her mouth before answering it.

"Mimmi," she mumbles around the noodles, "Waff sheem too be you bofffle?"
Eris wrote:"Hey, Ramona, I'm at the departure lounge. GoGo wants me to meet her dirtside. Your Aunt isn't taking this well, you know. She would probably like to have you with her right now. How about us take the shuttle down together?"
She swallows her noodles and takes a sip of the zap, "Jimi, you know I'm not the sweet cuddly niece right? I'm the awkward as shit around emotional people weirdo niece. I mean hell, angry I get, everything else makes me want to leave the room, but it's GoGo so I'll go go but I am not good with this kind of stuff." Ramona shovels a few more chopsticks worth of veggies in her mouth before looking at a clock above the bar, "I'll double time it, so give me 5."
"I know. I'm not good with emotional stuff either and it doesn't matter." Jimi says, "Knowing GoGo she's just as liable to be closed up tighter than a Vilani's ass as she is to be throwing things and cursing like a bald headed space monkey. She still needs family and friends to be around so she'll have somebody to scream at if she feels like it."

"Hell, Ramona, I figure she's gonna fire my ass, because I put in a salvage claim on that ship you were on and she said she didn't want anything to do with it." Jimi says, "But she summoned so I'm showing up."

"While I'm waiting, I'm gonna call the Company Lawyer and see what he says about representing us at the salvage hearing in a couple of days." Jimi says, "If he won't do it, I'll have to look for another mouthpiece. Anyway, see you in a few."

Jimi then calls the Company offices and asks to speak to the lawyer. He'll relay what he's found out about the salvage hearing and ask if the lawyer will represent him and the other company claimants at the hearing, "We don't want the ship, just some money we can use to get Wanderfall fixed up and flying again." he tells him.
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
Posts: 52
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#27 Post by ottarrus »

Keven wrote:
joertexas wrote:
ottarrus wrote:He'll boot up his hand-comp and do a quick local records search on 'Outworld Partners LTD' to see if there's anything in the database.
Jiao eats her danish and sips her zapana while she waits for the search results.
Your comp takes a minute to translate the pages into Galanglic for you from the Novarus.

Couple news articles mentioning them, positively, regarding the sponsorship of Carrillian refugees in the process of mainstreaming into Gralyn society.

A stock market report showing common stock of the company gaining a point and a half since last week in a sluggish market on news of the aquisition of further abandoned assets of Carrillines. Carrilllines, you remember, was the state trading organ of the Carrillian Assembly before the Raid, and left it headless.

A pile of news reports from yesterday detailing the rescue of several hundred Carrillian refugees on a converted liner thought lost by a ship owned by the company.
Scanning over the reports, Ivan shares the data with Jiao. His exposure to a 'free press' is still pretty limited [being born in the Confederation] but he knows all about propaganda. This could be a lot of 'make the investors happy' smoke, but on the other hand it could be accurate reporting. And Ivan is also remembers that Carrillines had a pretty nasty reputation for double-dealing and strong-arming low tech societies in the Deep before they were decapitated.

"Well. Huh. Get a load of this... Gralyn and Outworld are involved in resettling refugees from Chin's Raid. That speaks pretty well of them.
"Most worlds with a livable biosphere that I've seen these last few years just want the technicians, engineers, and other valuable personnel. A lot of the time, they take the very people needed to make a marginal world livable and leave everyone else to die in 20 years when the systems crash. Seen a lot of that since big boys decided to kill themselves in job lots.
"If they're really as upstanding as they look, I'd be damned interested in working for them."
-- Carl Hicks Jr.
Price of Freedom:
Yojiro 'Yo' Akiyama
DEX: 2d+2 [Guns 4d, Dodge 3d]; KNOW: 2d+2 [Survival 4d]
MECH: 3d+2 [Drive 4d, Navig 5d, Commo 5d]; PER: 3d+2 [Search 5d, Hide/Sneak 4d]
STR: 2d+2 [Brawl 3d, Stamina 3d] TECH: 2d+2 [Electronics 4d, Computer Opn 3d]

Ivan Erwin, Uplifted Ape UPP C7A895
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#28 Post by ybn1197 »

Keven wrote:"No problem," says the man on the comm. "We're located in Little Carrill, off Gorsky Prospekt and Gagarin Avenue. 47 Gorsky Prospekt, third floor. You can't miss us. Just ask for HR."
Elated over the prospect of some work, but not willing to put all his eggs into one basket, Chase heads over to the port to see if there any tramps looking for medical personnel to sign on with. He will also find a free terminal and do some research on Outworld Partners LTD and the address the man on the comm gave him.
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#29 Post by joertexas »

ottarrus wrote:Scanning over the reports, Ivan shares the data with Jiao. His exposure to a 'free press' is still pretty limited [being born in the Confederation] but he knows all about propaganda. This could be a lot of 'make the investors happy' smoke, but on the other hand it could be accurate reporting. And Ivan is also remembers that Carrillines had a pretty nasty reputation for double-dealing and strong-arming low tech societies in the Deep before they were decapitated.

"Well. Huh. Get a load of this... Gralyn and Outworld are involved in resettling refugees from Chin's Raid. That speaks pretty well of them.
"Most worlds with a livable biosphere that I've seen these last few years just want the technicians, engineers, and other valuable personnel. A lot of the time, they take the very people needed to make a marginal world livable and leave everyone else to die in 20 years when the systems crash. Seen a lot of that since big boys decided to kill themselves in job lots.
"If they're really as upstanding as they look, I'd be damned interested in working for them."
Jiao sets her cup down and mops her lips with her napkin. "I've heard people talk about things like that, but I've never met anyone who's gone through it." She sighs. "At least these people are apparently trying to help. Like you say, I'm interested in at least talking with them. It's certainly an improvement over what I've had to do for the last year."
Joe Roberts (JR)
District 268
Prerna Nayar, 7C8A97
Slug Rifle- 3, Medicine-2, Tactics-2, Zero-G-2, Streetwise- 2

In the Marches
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#30 Post by Ramona »

Ramona devours the last of her stirfry with a most unladylike gusto before heading to the departure lounge to look for Jimi.

(Xmas Party night tonight so short answer)
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#31 Post by Keven »

Eris wrote:
Ramona wrote: She swallows her noodles and takes a sip of the zap, "Jimi, you know I'm not the sweet cuddly niece right? I'm the awkward as shit around emotional people weirdo niece. I mean hell, angry I get, everything else makes me want to leave the room, but it's GoGo so I'll go go but I am not good with this kind of stuff." Ramona shovels a few more chopsticks worth of veggies in her mouth before looking at a clock above the bar, "I'll double time it, so give me 5."
"I know. I'm not good with emotional stuff either and it doesn't matter." Jimi says, "Knowing GoGo she's just as liable to be closed up tighter than a Vilani's ass as she is to be throwing things and cursing like a bald headed space monkey. She still needs family and friends to be around so she'll have somebody to scream at if she feels like it."

"Hell, Ramona, I figure she's gonna fire my ass, because I put in a salvage claim on that ship you were on and she said she didn't want anything to do with it." Jimi says, "But she summoned so I'm showing up."

"While I'm waiting, I'm gonna call the Company Lawyer and see what he says about representing us at the salvage hearing in a couple of days." Jimi says, "If he won't do it, I'll have to look for another mouthpiece. Anyway, see you in a few."

Jimi then calls the Company offices and asks to speak to the lawyer. He'll relay what he's found out about the salvage hearing and ask if the lawyer will represent him and the other company claimants at the hearing, "We don't want the ship, just some money we can use to get Wanderfall fixed up and flying again." he tells him.
You get the familiar wallpaper on the screen of your phone and a woman's voice in a language you don't know for a moment. Then the screen clears to a young man. "Outworld Partners LTD. Dobre utra, Gospodin." He glances at something out of line of sight, then continues in lightly Erde-accented Galanglic. "How may I be of service, Gospodin?"

You smile, say "My name is Jimi Woo, from the Outworld Partners trade pioneer Wanderfall. May I speak to someone in the Legal Department please, concerning the salvaged ship we brought in?"

His eyebrows go up in a bit of surprise. "Certainly, Gospodin Woo! And as a former Carrillian refugee, may I add my thanks for the rescue of so many of my countryman. One moment please." You get the wallpaper and some soft music in an unidentifiable style for about a minute, then the screen clears to a 30-something brunette. "Legal department. We have previously been instructed by Gospodin Hardlin to render any and all assistance, Gospodin Woo. How may we help you today?" Her accent doesn't sound Carrillian to you, more local.
ybn1197 wrote:
Keven wrote:"No problem," says the man on the comm. "We're located in Little Carrill, off Gorsky Prospekt and Gagarin Avenue. 47 Gorsky Prospekt, third floor. You can't miss us. Just ask for HR."
Elated over the prospect of some work, but not willing to put all his eggs into one basket, Chase heads over to the port to see if there any tramps looking for medical personnel to sign on with. He will also find a free terminal and do some research on Outworld Partners LTD and the address the man on the comm gave him.
You check the 'big board', but not finding anything you'd care to ship out on. There are 31 ships registered as in port at the moment. One freighter listed, Weeping Willow, is flagged orange on the board. The keycode at the top of the screen says it's been here for a couple weeks, but a legal hold is on it and its crew are confined to Kalinin Upport. 17 are listed as flagged from Rintarna, full crews, seeking cargo and passengers. 7 are tramps, seeking cargo or passengers. 5 are locally flagged, seeking cargo and passengers, a 600 dton subsidised liner listed as impounded as salvage, and a local corporate ship listed as berthed for repairs.

The local streetview program lists 47 Gorsky Prospekt as part of the commercial section of Corbingrad's 'Little Carrill' section of town. Buildings are usually 4 to 5 stories there, and 47 is listed as a 5 story. Owner is listed as Outworld Partners LTD, with some office space for lease on the first and second floors.

Checking the business directory, you find that Outworld Partners LTD first opened an office in Kalinin Upport about 9 years ago, expanded groundside in Corbingrad 5 years ago. They became a duly licensed Gralyn/Grendal corporation at that time, with the main office here at Gralyn and a satellite 'satrop' on Grendal. There are several news articles about them over the last 9 years, lately, within the last 6 months, regarding the sponsorship of Carrillian refugees in the process of mainstreaming into Gralyn society. Strangely, they're sponsoring any Carrillian refugee, not just the expected technicians, engineers, et cetera, but also middle to low social class individuals, working class and below as well. Most star nations just take the cream, Outworld Partners LTD seems to have convinced the Gralyn government to take everybody.

Finally, in today's financial pages, Outworld Partners LTD gained a point and a half over last week's high, in sluggish trading blamed on the recession, on the announcement of forthcoming freight and passenger service within 3 jumps of Gralyn, including but not limited to Botany Bay and Khtearle. It was the high point of the report.
joertexas wrote:
ottarrus wrote:Scanning over the reports, Ivan shares the data with Jiao. His exposure to a 'free press' is still pretty limited [being born in the Confederation] but he knows all about propaganda. This could be a lot of 'make the investors happy' smoke, but on the other hand it could be accurate reporting. And Ivan is also remembers that Carrillines had a pretty nasty reputation for double-dealing and strong-arming low tech societies in the Deep before they were decapitated.

"Well. Huh. Get a load of this... Gralyn and Outworld are involved in resettling refugees from Chin's Raid. That speaks pretty well of them.
"Most worlds with a livable biosphere that I've seen these last few years just want the technicians, engineers, and other valuable personnel. A lot of the time, they take the very people needed to make a marginal world livable and leave everyone else to die in 20 years when the systems crash. Seen a lot of that since big boys decided to kill themselves in job lots.
"If they're really as upstanding as they look, I'd be damned interested in working for them."
Jiao sets her cup down and mops her lips with her napkin. "I've heard people talk about things like that, but I've never met anyone who's gone through it." She sighs. "At least these people are apparently trying to help. Like you say, I'm interested in at least talking with them. It's certainly an improvement over what I've had to do for the last year."
Further reading the newsies keeps painting a glowing report of the company, one of the up and coming shining stars of Gralyn. The company has announced they will be implementing regular freight and passenger service to worlds within Jump-3 of Gralyn inside the next quarter, including but not limited to Botany Bay and Khtearle.
Ramona wrote:Ramona devours the last of her stirfry with a most unladylike gusto before heading to the departure lounge to look for Jimi.
You make it with 5 minutes to spare, and you and Jimi have aisle seats on the shuttle for the 40 minute ride down.

A couple of the stewards keep looking at you and chatting in the local language, then one, a young blonde woman, comes over and says, "Gospodin Woo? Apologies for the intrusion, but you are one who helped bring in the refugees? May I have your autograph?" She hands him a napkin and stylus.
Candles Against The Night:
Game Janitor, ZZZZZZ, Everything, 10 Terms
JOT-90, Admin-90, Fast Talk-90
In The Marches:
Carlos Matsumi, 79AAA7, Scouts, 33, 3.5 terms,
Gunnery-1, JOAT-1, Mechanical-1, Navigation-3, Pilot-1, Slug Pistol-1, Vacc Suit-2. Blade.
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#32 Post by Ramona »

Ramona raises an eyebrow as she looks at the attendant then at Jimi, "Play your cards right and this flight might be extra special Jimi."
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#33 Post by ottarrus »

Keven wrote:
joertexas wrote:
ottarrus wrote:Scanning over the reports, Ivan shares the data with Jiao. His exposure to a 'free press' is still pretty limited [being born in the Confederation] but he knows all about propaganda. This could be a lot of 'make the investors happy' smoke, but on the other hand it could be accurate reporting. And Ivan is also remembers that Carrillines had a pretty nasty reputation for double-dealing and strong-arming low tech societies in the Deep before they were decapitated.

"Well. Huh. Get a load of this... Gralyn and Outworld are involved in resettling refugees from Chin's Raid. That speaks pretty well of them.
"Most worlds with a livable biosphere that I've seen these last few years just want the technicians, engineers, and other valuable personnel. A lot of the time, they take the very people needed to make a marginal world livable and leave everyone else to die in 20 years when the systems crash. Seen a lot of that since big boys decided to kill themselves in job lots.
"If they're really as upstanding as they look, I'd be damned interested in working for them."
Jiao sets her cup down and mops her lips with her napkin. "I've heard people talk about things like that, but I've never met anyone who's gone through it." She sighs. "At least these people are apparently trying to help. Like you say, I'm interested in at least talking with them. It's certainly an improvement over what I've had to do for the last year."
Further reading the newsies keeps painting a glowing report of the company, one of the up and coming shining stars of Gralyn. The company has announced they will be implementing regular freight and passenger service to worlds within Jump-3 of Gralyn inside the next quarter, including but not limited to Botany Bay and Khtearle.
"Well, I guess there's nothing to do but wait for the interviews. I think I'll spend the next day or two on a bit of a vacation. I should be able to find someplace around here to get my hair done!", he laughs. "Besides real gravity, real food, and unlimited hot water all have their attractions. You wanna share a cab to the offices on the 49th?"
-- Carl Hicks Jr.
Price of Freedom:
Yojiro 'Yo' Akiyama
DEX: 2d+2 [Guns 4d, Dodge 3d]; KNOW: 2d+2 [Survival 4d]
MECH: 3d+2 [Drive 4d, Navig 5d, Commo 5d]; PER: 3d+2 [Search 5d, Hide/Sneak 4d]
STR: 2d+2 [Brawl 3d, Stamina 3d] TECH: 2d+2 [Electronics 4d, Computer Opn 3d]

Ivan Erwin, Uplifted Ape UPP C7A895
Belter /Free Trader
Skills: Brawling 2, JoT 2, Navigation 2, Pilot 2, Vacc Suit 2, Computer 1, Engineer 1, Gun [Rifleman] 1, ZG Environment 1
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Rider of Rohan
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#34 Post by joertexas »

ottarrus wrote:"Well, I guess there's nothing to do but wait for the interviews. I think I'll spend the next day or two on a bit of a vacation. I should be able to find someplace around here to get my hair done!", he laughs. "Besides real gravity, real food, and unlimited hot water all have their attractions. You wanna share a cab to the offices on the 49th?"
"Sure," Jiao says with a smile. "Just don't get *too* used to all of this luxury. Soon enough, you will be yearning to crawl back into a metal can and fling yourself though jump space." She sobers a bit. "I know I couldn't go back home and just sit. My parents' company even offered me a good job, but..." She peers down into her zapana cup as if to divine answers from the caramel-colored liquid.
Joe Roberts (JR)
District 268
Prerna Nayar, 7C8A97
Slug Rifle- 3, Medicine-2, Tactics-2, Zero-G-2, Streetwise- 2

In the Marches
Zaki Shursila, 486B97, Army, Major, 3 terms, 31
Admin-1, Air/Raft-1, Computer-1, Gambling-1, Medic-2, Rifle-1, SMG-1, Streetwise-1.
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#35 Post by Eris »

Keven wrote:
Jimi wrote:You smile, say "My name is Jimi Woo, from the Outworld Partners trade pioneer Wanderfall. May I speak to someone in the Legal Department please, concerning the salvaged ship we brought in?"
His eyebrows go up in a bit of surprise. "Certainly, Gospodin Woo! And as a former Carrillian refugee, may I add my thanks for the rescue of so many of my countryman. One moment please." You get the wallpaper and some soft music in an unidentifiable style for about a minute, then the screen clears to a 30-something brunette. "Legal department. We have previously been instructed by Gospodin Hardlin to render any and all assistance, Gospodin Woo. How may we help you today?" Her accent doesn't sound Carrillian to you, more local.
"Pleased to meet you, Gospa?" Jimi says inquiring her name, "I just got back from an exit interview with the Port Captain's office, re Lotus Unfolding and was told there will be a hearing in 3 days. I know Outworld Partners has filed a quit claim on it, but I filed for salvage. Look we might not want the ship, but we certainly could use some cash from however the authorities dispose of the ship, right?"

"Could I get the company to provide some legal representation at that hearing?" Jimi asks, "Get us a fair hunk of scratch to get Wanderfall back to full spec?"
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#36 Post by Eris »

Keven wrote:You make it with 5 minutes to spare, and you and Jimi have aisle seats on the shuttle for the 40 minute ride down.

A couple of the stewards keep looking at you and chatting in the local language, then one, a young blonde woman, comes over and says, "Gospodin Woo? Apologies for the intrusion, but you are one who helped bring in the refugees? May I have your autograph?" She hands him a napkin and stylus.
"Sure thing." Jimi grins and takes the napkin and stylus, as he signs he says, "You know, I'm no hero, just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Anybody would have done what I did."
Ramona wrote:Ramona raises an eyebrow as she looks at the attendant then at Jimi, "Play your cards right and this flight might be extra special Jimi."
Jim looks at Ramona and laughs out loud then turning serious says to the attendant, "Now if you're looking for a real hero, look no further than Ramona here. She risked her life, almost lost it, getting those refugees out of Carril. She won't admit it, but she's the real hero."
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#37 Post by Keven »

Eris wrote:
Keven wrote:
Jimi wrote:You smile, say "My name is Jimi Woo, from the Outworld Partners trade pioneer Wanderfall. May I speak to someone in the Legal Department please, concerning the salvaged ship we brought in?"
His eyebrows go up in a bit of surprise. "Certainly, Gospodin Woo! And as a former Carrillian refugee, may I add my thanks for the rescue of so many of my countryman. One moment please." You get the wallpaper and some soft music in an unidentifiable style for about a minute, then the screen clears to a 30-something brunette. "Legal department. We have previously been instructed by Gospodin Hardlin to render any and all assistance, Gospodin Woo. How may we help you today?" Her accent doesn't sound Carrillian to you, more local.
"Pleased to meet you, Gospa?" Jimi says inquiring her name, "I just got back from an exit interview with the Port Captain's office, re Lotus Unfolding and was told there will be a hearing in 3 days. I know Outworld Partners has filed a quit claim on it, but I filed for salvage. Look we might not want the ship, but we certainly could use some cash from however the authorities dispose of the ship, right?"

"Could I get the company to provide some legal representation at that hearing?" Jimi asks, "Get us a fair hunk of scratch to get Wanderfall back to full spec?"
The woman nods. "I am Nadia Zhukov, Gospodin. The hearing is in three days, and we have been instructed to appear representing both Outworld Partners and the crew of the Wanderfall per the instructions of the majority owner." She glances down at a screen, continues. "The Maritine Commission has ordered a survey of the vessel to determine its value, those usually take a week or two. The Commission has tentatively scheduled the disposition hearing for a month from now, awaiting the results of the title search and the survey." She smiles at you. "The majority owner also has ordered an engineering survey of Wanderfall to determine repair costs, and we here at Legal have filed a preliminary insurance claim for repair costs. From what I understand of the majority owner's wishes, she wishes to sell off the Wanderfall. I wasn't given the reason."
Eris wrote:
Keven wrote:A couple of the stewards keep looking at you and chatting in the local language, then one, a young blonde woman, comes over and says, "Gospodin Woo? Apologies for the intrusion, but you are one who helped bring in the refugees? May I have your autograph?" She hands him a napkin and stylus.
"Sure thing." Jimi grins and takes the napkin and stylus, as he signs he says, "You know, I'm no hero, just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Anybody would have done what I did."
Ramona wrote:Ramona raises an eyebrow as she looks at the attendant then at Jimi, "Play your cards right and this flight might be extra special Jimi."
Jim looks at Ramona and laughs out loud then turning serious says to the attendant, "Now if you're looking for a real hero, look no further than Ramona here. She risked her life, almost lost it, getting those refugees out of Carrill. She won't admit it, but she's the real hero."
The steward looks visibly impressed, and pushes the napkin and stylus toward Ramona. "Gospa, if you please?"
joertexas wrote:
ottarrus wrote:"Well, I guess there's nothing to do but wait for the interviews. I think I'll spend the next day or two on a bit of a vacation. I should be able to find someplace around here to get my hair done!", he laughs. "Besides real gravity, real food, and unlimited hot water all have their attractions. You wanna share a cab to the offices on the 49th?"
"Sure," Jiao says with a smile. "Just don't get *too* used to all of this luxury. Soon enough, you will be yearning to crawl back into a metal can and fling yourself though jump space." She sobers a bit. "I know I couldn't go back home and just sit. My parents' company even offered me a good job, but..." She peers down into her zapana cup as if to divine answers from the caramel-colored liquid.
As you sit and finish your zapana, your phones chime with the arrival of a text message. When you open it, it reads "Meeting today 1345 at office 47 Gorky. Please attend. Ask for Gospodin Hardlin."
Candles Against The Night:
Game Janitor, ZZZZZZ, Everything, 10 Terms
JOT-90, Admin-90, Fast Talk-90
In The Marches:
Carlos Matsumi, 79AAA7, Scouts, 33, 3.5 terms,
Gunnery-1, JOAT-1, Mechanical-1, Navigation-3, Pilot-1, Slug Pistol-1, Vacc Suit-2. Blade.
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Aadam Zal
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#38 Post by Aadam Zal »

Opening the hatch to his commuter tube in Corbingbrad's "Little Carrill" section of town, Aadam Zal, adjusts his HUD glasses and surveys the street scene, resting his forehead on the upper hatch frame..

"Zeke, correlate all data and job searches for pilots, class 2 and below, next four days..."


"Display when ready..."

Aadam turned as the computer's emitter burst a green list floating in the air a few feet from him...

"Outworld Partners LTD
47 Gorsky Prospekt"

"That's here.. let's hope we can get some kind of in to this company, and get the hell off this rock. Before i get even more used to talking to you..."

Aadam pulled on his black flight jacket over his orange flight suit and then coughed a little as the door to his commuter tube slid shut. He checked his gear as he wandered off to the park, to eyeball some of the in and outgoing spacers looking for work...

'Enough with the politics.. ' he thought to himself as he walked 'keep getting caught up in it.. cuts into exploring and remapping.. pickin' up all those credits just layin' out there waitin' to be scooped up... no more wars... no more bloody politics...'

"Zeke, search local comm traffic.. Place Ad:

Pilot, Level 2 Cert available,
+Can Navigate
+Air/Raft Certified
+29 years Experience

COMM TCK-3226-FD-5543"
"Almighty God! Enough! Enough!"
-Captain Nemo
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Rider of Rohan
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#39 Post by joertexas »

Keven wrote:As you sit and finish your zapana, your phones chime with the arrival of a text message. When you open it, it reads "Meeting today 1345 at office 47 Gorky. Please attend. Ask for Gospodin Hardlin."
"Hm," Jiao picks up her comm and taps in a text response: *I will be there.* She looks up at Ivan. "I wonder what that's about?"
Joe Roberts (JR)
District 268
Prerna Nayar, 7C8A97
Slug Rifle- 3, Medicine-2, Tactics-2, Zero-G-2, Streetwise- 2

In the Marches
Zaki Shursila, 486B97, Army, Major, 3 terms, 31
Admin-1, Air/Raft-1, Computer-1, Gambling-1, Medic-2, Rifle-1, SMG-1, Streetwise-1.
Posts: 52
Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2016 12:33 am

Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#40 Post by ottarrus »

joertexas wrote:
ottarrus wrote:"Well, I guess there's nothing to do but wait for the interviews. I think I'll spend the next day or two on a bit of a vacation. I should be able to find someplace around here to get my hair done!", he laughs. "Besides real gravity, real food, and unlimited hot water all have their attractions. You wanna share a cab to the offices on the 49th?"
"Sure," Jiao says with a smile. "Just don't get *too* used to all of this luxury. Soon enough, you will be yearning to crawl back into a metal can and fling yourself though jump space." She sobers a bit. "I know I couldn't go back home and just sit. My parents' company even offered me a good job, but..." She peers down into her zapana cup as if to divine answers from the caramel-colored liquid.
As you sit and finish your zapana, your phones chime with the arrival of a text message. When you open it, it reads "Meeting today 1345 at office 47 Gorky. Please attend. Ask for Gospodin Hardlin."
Ivan looks up from the message...

"Speak of the devil. I better go change into something a bit more professional. Meet you back here in 45 minutes and we'll share a cab?"

Whichever answer he gets, Ivan will pay the tab and head over to his hotel for a fast gussy-up and be back down in time to catch a cab to 47 Gorky and the meeting.
-- Carl Hicks Jr.
Price of Freedom:
Yojiro 'Yo' Akiyama
DEX: 2d+2 [Guns 4d, Dodge 3d]; KNOW: 2d+2 [Survival 4d]
MECH: 3d+2 [Drive 4d, Navig 5d, Commo 5d]; PER: 3d+2 [Search 5d, Hide/Sneak 4d]
STR: 2d+2 [Brawl 3d, Stamina 3d] TECH: 2d+2 [Electronics 4d, Computer Opn 3d]

Ivan Erwin, Uplifted Ape UPP C7A895
Belter /Free Trader
Skills: Brawling 2, JoT 2, Navigation 2, Pilot 2, Vacc Suit 2, Computer 1, Engineer 1, Gun [Rifleman] 1, ZG Environment 1
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