The Setting...

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The Setting...

#1 Post by Tamerlaine »

This thread will contain maps and places of interest regarding the world the players are in.
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Re: The Setting...

#2 Post by Tamerlaine »

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Re: The Setting...

#3 Post by Tamerlaine »


• A - The Desert Gate - on the western wall of the city on the caravan road to Zul Bazzir.
• B - The Black Gate - in the north east of the city on the caravan route to the Kharjah
• C - Conqueror's Gate - in the south of the city on the road to Khazabad.
• D - The Great Kasbah - fortress citadel and imperial barracks buttressing the Desert
• E - The Black Kasbah - fortress citadel, prison and barracks for the Black Guard. It
buttresses the Black Gate.
• F - The Conqueror's Kasbah - fortress citadel and imperial barracks buttressing the
Conqueror's Gate.
• G - The King's Kasbah - fortress citadel and barracks for the Satrap's Guard,
overlooking the Square of the Grand Souk.
• H - The Satrap's Palace - fortified palace atop a crag at he north end of the city.
• I - The Temple of Baal Khardah - abandoned Ziggurat on the western edge of the
Square of the Grand Souk.
• J-The Square of the Grand Souk-the main Market square of the city.
• K-The Temple of Belit Lil-Ziggurat and walled garden on the southern edge of the
Square of the Grand Souk.
• L - The Shrine of the Keepers - temple of the hooded cult of embalmers.
• M - The Tower of Xantalos - abandoned tower and overgrown walled garden.
• N - The Street of the Black Gate - leads from the Black Gate to the Square of the
Grand Souk.
• O - The Street of the Desert Gate - leads from the Desert Gate to the Square of the
Grand Souk.
• P - The Street of Conquerors - leads from the Conqueror's Gate to the Square of the
Grand Souk.
• Q - The Old Caravanserai - abandoned warehouses and a few remaining businesses.
Those that remain are generally found distasteful elsewhere in the city.
• R - The Dwellings and the Street of a Hundred Bazaars - the Khazistani residential
and mercantile district.
• S - The Den - the Zorabi residential district.
• T - The Wealthy District - merchant villas and noble residences.
• U - The Dives - slum district along the south and west wall of the city.
• V - The House of Haram Baal - villa and gardens of the wealthy Susrahnite Merchant.
• W - The House of the Gilded Palm - the most expensive inn of the city.
• X - Jamukha's Ostlery - stabling for camels and horses by Jamukha of Sarnad.

Other places of interest...

The Brass Eel - a tavern right in the middle of a disreputable district, famous among adventurers of all sorts
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Re: The Setting...

#4 Post by Tamerlaine »

City Overview

Dipur is a city of the Empire of Khazistan, lying 50 miles southwest of the Kharjah Pass. It is a garrison city, as well as a stopping off point for the many caravans travelling to, or from, Susrah and lands beyond. It is often referred to as 'The Gateway to the East' by the folk of Khazistan.

It is a city built from clay bricks. These and the mortar that holds them in place are made from the mud of the banks of the Oxartus River mixed with straw collected from fields of the myriad nameless villages that dot the southern foothills of the Zorab Mountains.

The city walls are not particularly high but they are broad and crenelated, patrolled by watchmen of the city's infamous Black Guard. Many of the buildings that cluster inside the walls are several storeys high and flat roofed, packed to the rafters with the urban poor of the city.

The river valley of the Oxartus is abundantly fertile and crops enough are grown to allow the feeding of the populace and for sizeable exports across the desert to Zul Bazzir.

The city has an urban population of some 8000 persons and provides a marketplace for a rural population of perhaps ten times that number who dwell nearby, in the valley of the Oxartus river and in the foothills of the city's hinterland.

Adartani mongrels account for roughly six in every ten of the urban population. There are roughly equal numbers of Khazistanis and Susrahnites, while a smaller Zorabi minority dwells almost exclusively in a district that lies in the shadow of the Back Gate, known locally as 'The Den'. The numbers of other ethnicities is much smaller among the rural population of the hinterland, which is now almost exclusively Khazistani.

The Satrapy of Dipur currently supports a military force of more than two thousand men, comprising many hundreds of Khazistani Horsemen, the elite soldiers of the Satrap's Guard, the City Watchmen of the Black Guard and the mercenary horsemen of Eskaros' Desert Patrol. Should the city itself be threatened, the Satrap could quickly press a further 400 'volunteers' into the ranks of the Black Guard.

The Authority Figure is
Tarkhan Bey, the Satrap of Dipur (Khazistani)


Dipur was originally a western city of the Susrahnites. It was founded nine hundred years before the present day by the hero, Martok Adartu and named Adartu in his honour. The sons and daughters of Martok Adartu ruled in the city for three hundred years until the the last King of that lineage, Jalmesh, was murdered by his own wife. Queen Lakarsha, known variously as the 'Tyrant of Adartu' and the 'Blood Queen' then ruled for three hundred years before she was finally deposed and destroyed by the Priests of Baal Khardah. The legends tell that she was no longer fully human and that her longevity was the result of some vile sorcerous pact.

The Priests of Baal Khardaah placed a young man named Tamnesh on the throne, claiming that he was of the line of Martok Adartu, whom they had hidden and kept safe all these years. Whether this Tamnesh was actually of the royal lineage or not, the people of Adartu rejoiced in the destruction of the Blood Queen and celebrated the coronation of King Tamnesh Adartu.
For a further two centuries, the descendants of Tamnesh sat upon the throne of Adartu unchallenged, until the coming of the Khazistani horde. The city was forced to capitulate to the Khazistanis after King Nahaburam Adartu and nine tenths of his soldiers were slain in battle on the banks of the Oxartus river.

In the intervening century, the make up of the population has changed dramatically. Many of the original Susrahnite inhabitants fled eastwards over the Kharjah Pass(including the family of the King), leaving behind only those with nothing to lose and those who feared to lose too much. The new rulers made deals with the wealthy merchants of the city and these were, for the most part, left unmolested. The poorer folk were not so lucky and were subjected to the whims of the conquerors for several days following the surrender of the city. The mongrel descendants of these forced unions, known as 'Adartanis' comprise more than half of the current city population and dwell in the sprawling slum district along the southern wall of the city, known as 'The Dives'.
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