Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#21 Post by CAI4 »

Chet looks worried.

"Wow, so there are two things trying to go out and kill us. One is Tron. No, it's not's Tronin. Trona. And also Aldebrito guy. This is getting a bit too hard. I feel like this isn't going to end very well for us."

Seeing that Yenny is waiting for him to answer.

"Just like Tempest knows, Saphrax offered us an alliance to disrupt Alleborg from the inside. I didn't want to do it, since it would weaken the city that we are loyal to. You see, Trona wanted to destroy us, but Saphrax thought we could be allies. Help him restore this area back to nature. But if we refuse, then Trona will send strong guys to kill us."

The monk, babbling somewhat incoherently, becomes more understandable as he suggests a course of action.

"Let's go back to the cottage and visit Tempest. Then I'd like to show you all the prison we visited. It was too difficult for the two of us, but with all of us we could do a good job scouting for the Sambords." From his robes he pulls out a small glass orb, perfectly smooth. It fits in the monk's hand and radiates a blue light.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#22 Post by Zorroroaster »

Arnulf takes a keen interest in the orb in Chet's hand.

"Neat, what is it?"
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#23 Post by Zhym »

"I ain't what you'd call entirely convinced by that plan," ruminates Angus. "Heading back to the cottage once we're done jawing with Castleman, that's fine. But about the other part? Well, we already got us at least a trio of enemies between Trona, Sapphrax, and Adalbert. Seems a mite greedy to go looking for more."

He turns his attention back to Targus. "Anything else we ought to know?" he asks. "If not, we'd best be off to speak with Castleman. Thank you kindly for your help." To the others, he says, "I reckon there ain't much point in making plans until we hear what Castleman's got to say. So let's get on with it."
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#24 Post by »

"I'm ready to see Castleman. Not sure about diving into a magical dream hole." Yenny listens to anything else from Targus before heading to look for Castleman with Angus and whoever joins us.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#25 Post by Keehnelf »

Ilfrien simply nods at Angus' suggestion.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#26 Post by Zorroroaster »

Arnulf gives Angus and Yenny a double thumbs up, followed by a wide grin.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#27 Post by AleBelly »

I'm traveling so will speak for Chet in this post

"It's like a key" beams the monk. "We walked right through some rock to get there. This light allowed us."

Those watching Targus watch his mouth open slightly, eyes fixed on the luminescent orb Chet holds aloft. "Keep that hidden too, my friends. May I ask where you found that, gentle friend?"

"The Sambords!" replies Chet, guilelessly.

He did tell me he would inform the sage as to its origins.

Targus nods. "Give Castleman my regards. And if any of you choose to return to the Sambords, please see me before you depart. And I thank you all again. Your discovery may put Alleborg back on the righteous path it abandoned so long ago. Now, I must rest. A night without sleep has addled this old man's brain."

He smiles, bows slightly, and leaves. Barney escorts the rest of the party out and towards Castleman.

Will update later if no further action before visiting the Cap'n.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#28 Post by Zhym »

Can Angus get this in before Targus goes?

"Hold on there a moment, if you don't mind," interjects Angus as Targus starts to leave. "I don't want to keep you from much-needed rest, but after we talk to Castleman about Adalbert, we aim to take your advice and skedaddle out of the city for a while. Who knows when we'll be able to come back? Our plans ain't exactly what you'd call adamant in the best of circumstances. So if there's something we ought to know about Sambord, best tell us now, I reckon."
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#29 Post by AleBelly »

DM rolls dice

"Jobin is an uncommon name. I believe I know him...or at least did. I suspect he could be of great use to us, though it is little more than an educated guess. He may hold a secret or two, but those would be for him to divulge. I will prepare a writ I would ask you to deliver to him. It will reveal what we have discussed here."

Targus thinks for a moment. "In fact, I will prepare two writs. They will be identical, both bearing my seal. If you do not trust me, you may crack the seal and open one to ensure this is indeed the message you deliver. They will be ready first thing tomorrow, and you may take them from my hands directly."
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#30 Post by Zhym »

Angus chuckles. "Well," he says, "me and Jorbin ain't exactly bee-eff-effs. His folk are too keen on knowing what's going on in other people's heads for my thinking. But we can get him a message. See you tomorrow."

I'm ready to fast-forward to Castleman if everyone else is.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#31 Post by »

Ready for FF to CM.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#32 Post by tkrexx »

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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#34 Post by AleBelly »

nuke, check your private forum please. I need some input, as you previously indicated Galan wished to train.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#36 Post by AleBelly »

After a warm parting from the library Angus, Arnulf, Yenny, Chet and Ilfrien trudge on over to the barracks. Hyde and Dandelion are probably training nearby. The secretive Galan is training elsewhere.

Things are different on this visit. Several guards are standing outside the Captain's tent. Upon seeing the party's approach, their hands move to their weapons...until they can identify our adventurers. One goes inside the tent and returns, smiling. "Welcome back!" they are greeted enthusiastically. "Damned if your names haven't been on the lips of the Alleburghers this past day. Go on in, Captain is waiting for you."

The party enters, and finds the Captain stooped over a table. It's a work in progress, but the party can tell it's a model of the lands including Alleborg, the Orc City and the Sambord fort. Several tokens, are scattered near the orc city. Castleman has few days' stubble on his face. He looks up and offers the quintet a bemused smile. "Good thing you can kill goblins, 'cause you're shit as diplomats!" He chuckles and offers them each a hand.

"I've been asked to begin planning an assault on the orc city. With little information. And men who have never faced full scale battle. Don't know if the council has the curlies to go through with it, but it's keeping me busy. What news of the outerlands?"
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#37 Post by »

Yenny gives Castleman a big, relieved smile as she shakes his hand. "It has been quite a week, that's for sure. We have some news from the outlands, and some news from inlands, unfortunately." Yenny gives a look to Angus and then back to Castleman. "Do your plans include Sambord by any chance, or is it too early to know?"
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#38 Post by Zhym »

Angus looks around the tent, wondering if the guards outside can hear them. But leaving with Castleman would cause suspicion, so he speaks in a near-whisper, hoping distance and canvas will be enough.

"News ain't getting any rosier," he says. "We found us an old book in the basement of an old church in what was once a town called Knob Forest. Brought it back to Targus to look at, and bugger me if it ain't damning evidence of who's been in nethers-deep in with the goblins and worse." He glances around the tent then mouths the name "Adalbert" without speaking it.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#39 Post by AleBelly »

Castleman picks one of several red tokens from the layout. "Yes, I've been asked to plan for that eventuality" he replies.

"If your inlands news is of Hellebore, well, I am aware already. I can do little to help her. She must help herself."
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#40 Post by »

"No, Hellebore is merely harvesting the seeds she sowed. We're probably all better off with her locked up for a bit. I was referring more to" and Yenny nods her head towards Angus as he tells of Knob Forest.

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