Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling down

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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#41 Post by FantasyChic »

Lisa sneers a little bit with having to play the helpful female to the girl, but the man had a point, it was dangerous on the streets. So Lisa, along with Jenny, went over to the girl and calmly took down her information, making sure she was all right and hoping Jenny would take care of any injuries.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#42 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Jenny notes the familiar sings of abuse and gently guides her to her feet.

"I'm a nurse at the University hospital. Looks like good people are going to be hard to find these days. I can only tend to your physical wounds, and I will, but you need to find somewhere safer to get to. A sister's house, or parents?"

Jenny tends to her wounds and turns to get in the car with Deacon.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#43 Post by Nuke66 »

Raffy heads for the cutlass and look for some ammo along the way. Once there, he digs out his Sub and prepares it to provide cover if they run into anything.

"Let's mount up and go, this is gonna draw un-wanted attention here."
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#44 Post by max_vale »

Approximately Noon thru Three PM, Friday, May 1st, 1987; Parking Lot outside of the Imperial Court Apartments to Oakland Army Base; Oakland, California

The next few hours go by in a blur for the would-be freedom fighters. First, they gather ammo and gear off of the dead gang members; including several .32 caliber rounds for Raffy and Jenny and some .45 rounds and a third clip for Billy*. Lisa, Saul and Deacon are annoyed that the Dead Heads aren't carrying any useful 9mm or .38 rounds for their own spent ammunition, but what can you do? Billy also grabs a couple of sealed glass flasks filled with gasoline and tears a few strips of cloth from Dead-Head bandanas or jackets to use for a pair of Molotov cocktails and loads this in the back of his pickup truck.

Lisa and Jenny tend to the poor victimized young woman and Deacon and Saul flag down a passing female driver who seems a decent sort and she quickly agrees to take the poor lady to the hospital with Jenny telling her a few names of people to talk too to make sure she gets good care. That done; the group loads up Billy's pickup truck and Deacon's Oldsmobile and everybody piles into the vehicles to make the trip to the Oakland Army Base with Billy, Raffy and Saul in the Pickup Truck and Deacon, Jenny and Lisa in the Oldsmobile. Raffy is quickly annoyed that he's stuck in the middle of a cramped pickup truck when there's an open seat in Deacon's car; but they make the quick trip through the city in good time.

They saw a combination of strange sights along the way....some blocks seemed to be utterly deserted; some seemed filled with looters and terrified people; one block had a group of kids playing on a playground with parents nearby as if it were just another normal day...Finally, the dark water of San Fransisco Bay became became visible as did the long white building that served as the primary facility on the Oakland Army Base. What caught the party's immediate attention was the large number of military vehicles; loaded to the gills with soldiers and equipment that was rolling OUT of the base...


At the gate leading INTO the base; several uniformed soldiers with M-16s in their hands stood alert and ready and several more were visible behind the fence line along with snipers with scoped rifles on the buildings' roof. Clearly, the powers-that-be at the Oakland Army Base were NOT fooling around today!

After a bit of a discussion with the guards at the gate, Saul was able to get the guards to allow them onto the base; though they had to park their cars and leave all of their weapons in it while they were escorted to Silverman's commanding officer; Colonel Karim Echemendy; a tall, swarthy complected man of Iranian descent who was sweating while giving out numerous orders to several soldiers who seemed to come and go to him in an endless stream. He looked up as Corporal Johnson and Specialist Jones brought him Silverman and 5 civilians wanting to be resistance fighters.

Hearing their pitch; Karim nodded and said; "Okay, here's the deal. I've been ordered by the President and Joint Chiefs to turn over this base to the Reds when they get here and help them in any way possible. Now, they can have this base; but only AFTER I can get as many troops off of this base with as much stuff as possible to harass them for as long awhile as possible. To do this; I need time."

"The Russians are already landing major military elements at San Fran International on the other side of the bay and San Jose to the south and according to the Air Force they're going to try to land smaller units at Alameda Naval Air Station and Oakland International in the next hour or so. The marines at NAS Alameda are going to be marines and they'll hold that airport until they're wiped off the map and Oakland International got hit by some crazy gangs who blew up some jet fuel storage for some reason; so I'm pretty sure that's gonna delay the Reds for a bit and maybe with a little bit of luck, divert them to another field. To further delay those bastards; I've sent what few demolitions men I have and their gear to blow the five main bridges over the bay-"; as if on cue a massive thundering sound echoed over the bay and was audible to the party in the office. Echemendy continued with a tight smile; "-that would be the San Rafael-Richmond bridge to the North. Any minute now, the Oakland Bridge should be going down and that should be it; we got the Golden Gate, Dumbarton and San Mateo-Hayward bridge earlier today. While I don't have much to offer you; I could probably spare a couple of M-16s, a few grenades and a couple of boxes of ammo and you lot could jump in a Humvee and head East and do whatever damage you can to the Reds." At this point he nods at Saul while looking him in the eyes; "I know Sergeant First Class Silverman here certainly knows a thing or two about raining down hell on an enemy". He seems about to go into more detail about where to get the gear when a young, out-of-breath and clearly wounded 1st Lieutenant whose name tag read; "Smith" came into the room with a fussy medic trailing behind him....

"Colonel....Finklestein, Murphy and I managed to get most of the charges rigged on the Oakland bridge when a squad of Soviets showed up and we got into a fire-fight. We managed to drive them off, but Fink and Murph....they didn't make it sir and I took one in the lung and passed out. Some civy put me in her car and drove me here; where I regained consciousness and I had to report it to you sir...the bridge is still needs a couple more charges...and someone to blow it...sir......sorry-"; At this point Echemendy rounded the corner and with the Medic's help (his name tag reads Emerson); caught Smith as he collapsed from pain and loss of blood. In a quiet tone, the Colonel told the badly wounded man; "It's alright Smitty; you went above and beyond; we'll take it from here." Turning to Emerson, he said quietly; "Get him the best of care Doc and then get him and yourself out of here to Rally Point Zulu." "Roger that sir"; Emerson replied and he gently carried the wounded man out of the room while the Colonel sighed and rubbed his temples and seemed to forget the people in his office for a moment.

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked over at Saul; "Silverman, I seem to recall you having some skill with demolitions. Think you and these folks with you-"; he nods in a way that takes in all of the party; "-could race out there to the mid-point of the bridge and finish up what Smitty, Fink and Murph started? I've got nobody else with demolitions experience and I'm about to see to the last of the evacuation. How about it?"

*Character sheets updated to reflect new ammo
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#45 Post by Dram »

Saul looks over his crew. Sir, I think there is a few of us that would blow that bridge without question. But our group has few people that have very little trigger time. We will take the M-16's and grenades as for the HUMMV we will not need that. It will draw to much unwanted attention from the Reds. If you have civillian vehicles available we will take a couple of them. He then looks to wounded soldier. Lt the charges you set were they remote control detonation devices?
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#46 Post by Scott308 »

Billy Barstowe

Uhh, your colonelship, sir, I'm willing to help with the bridge if it will help the US of A kick commie ass, and I'm pretty sure that goes for the rest of our group, or they wouldn't be here. But most of us don't know anything about explosives or really guns in general. Not enough to really trust that we will be able to use it properly under pressure. But we'll give it our best, sir.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#47 Post by Dogma »

Deacon echoes what Billy and Saul have already pointed out. "Only Saul and me have any military training. Lisa here is law enforcement so she can shoot, but she's not trained for combat. The others are just civvies. We can use the equipement, but are you sure you've got no one else to spare?"
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#48 Post by Nuke66 »

And Raffy responds. "I still think we should be runnin' for the hills, not into the teeth. But, I'm willing to help the cause, I can spray lead with the best of them"

Thanks for the patch up.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#49 Post by max_vale »

Approximately 3:45 PM, Friday, May 1st, 1987; Middle of the San Fransisco-Oakland Bay; Oakland, California

Colonel Echemendy winces a bit at being called 'your Colonelship' looks a little frustrated and pained when asked about having any more available troops to send and that the would-be freedom-fighters don't have a lot of experience in actual combat situations.

"If I had any more soldiers to send, I'd send them, believe me. Everybody you see here on this base is only here on a volunteer basis and knowing that they face court-martial at best and prison or execution at worse if caught by the 'legal authorities' now that the President has surrendered to the damn Soviets. As for your group not having much combat experience, neither do over 80 percent of my'll have to do the best you can, like the rest of us; I'm sorry."

Upon hearing Saul's question about the charges, the Colonel speaks up and says; "Yes, they're radio detonated and Jones here will take you to get the explosives and detonator along with the rifles and grenades." Echmendy wipes his brow, takes a deep breath and stands up to take in all 6 of the freedom fighters. "I know this is a lot to ask of you and I'm sorry for the rushed nature of it, but I don't have much of a choice. I deeply appreciate your acceptance of this mission and I wish you the best of luck in accomplishing it and going on to give those Red Bastards hell. Happy Hunting!" he finished with a a bit of a growl that reminds some of the group of inspirational sports team speeches from their past.

Silverman snaps a salute, which the Colonel returns and a moment later, Spec 4 Jones is leading them to near empty arms locker. He helps them with pulling down the last pair of M-16 assault rifles and half a dozen 30 round clips for them*; and then carrying the rifles along with a box of half-a-dozen grenades** and two boxes of loose ammo to their pickup truck and Buick. One of the boxes holds 100 .223 caliber bullets for the M-16s while the other holds 100 9mm pistol rounds; which Lisa and Saul can use. In addition, the last pack of explosives and associated cord and detonator are handed over to Saul.

With that; the little group piles into the two vehicles and move out to the middle of the bridge; a trip that normally would take no more than 10 minutes, but with the insanity of the current situation, takes them over half-an-hour of fighting with and thru traffic and several sticky situations including more than 1 car of angry people yelling at them and several threatening words and in a couple of cases, brandishing of weapons to get people moving out of the way.

Arriving about half way over the bridge; the obvious signs of a firefight can be seen, including a couple of abandoned cars with bullet holes in them, a few bodies on the bridge, including a couple of civilians caught in the cross-fire, a couple of U.S. Army soldiers (Finklestein and Murphy) and a few Russian soldiers who had a small crowd of people milling around them in morbid curiosity....

Tempers were flaring as several people were shouting at each other to get out of the way and when the group did what they could to try and tell them they needed to clear the bridge as they were about to bring it down; several fled immediately while others angrily demanded by whose authority were they allowed to do that. When told by the authority of the U.S. Army, one guy angrily guffawed and said "THE ARMY? WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN GENIUS? WE SURRENDERED!" Not long after that, a gruff bear of a man got out of a large 18 wheel truck and quickly punched the loud mouth in the face and replied; "SOME OF US ain't surrendering to gawd-damned commies. Now get in your damn car and get off this bridge before I REALLY get angry!" Soon enough, with the trucker's help, the bridge was cleared; except for the pair of shot-up cars which had been shoved over to the sides of the bridge and Billy's parked Pickup truck along with Deacon's parked Oldsmobile. The trucker gave them all a big thumbs up as he drove his rig off the bridge and called out; "Give 'em hell guys!"


At that point, Silverman takes his gear and moves to the ladders on the side of the bridge to start setting up the explosives when Raffy spots a large Greyhound bus coming their way fast from the opposite side of the bridge. Squinting, the young Latino can tell that the bus is packed with guys in camouflage and carrying AKs.....and they sure didn't look like the U.S. soldiers he had just seen back at the Oakland Army base...

*So, two of the PCs now have M-16s; each with three 30 round clips (including the 1 loaded in each weapon...i.e. 1 in the Rifle and 2 spares). Let me know who wants them and I'll update the character sheets

**I would assume each PC gets 1 grenade (which uses the Thrown Weapons skill); but let me know if you guys want to do something different.

-On a final note; for now I'm assuming loose gear (i.e. the 2 ammo boxes, etc.) in either in the back of the pickup truck or in the trunk of the Cutlass. With this in mind, keep in mind all of the gear listed in your character descriptions is available at the moment...i.e. Shotguns, SMGs, etc., etc.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#50 Post by Nuke66 »

"WE GOT COMPANY, COMING IN FAST." Raffy yells as he takes cover behind one of the cars, aiming over the hood.


He then takes careful aim at the driver......and squeezes the trigger.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#51 Post by Dram »

Saul- Grabs all the ammo he has for his Uzi. Everyone pile into the truck. Except for Lisa and Deacon. Leave the grenades and M-16's for those 2. And everyone wait on the end of the bridge. If we do not make it hit the bus with molotovs. Deacon you know what to do. Hit them like we did in 'Nam. I will be coming from the other side of the bridge. Take out the bus with the grenades. Force the survivors to move across the bridge on foot.

I am off to set the explosives.
Saul moves across the bottom of the setting explosive as he goes. When he is finishes if there is a firefight going on he will attempt flank them from his side.

Edit: Changed Falujah to 'Nam as this game is taking place in 1987 and Deacon and Saul served in Vietnam together not Iraq.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#52 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Jenny rushes over to one of the abandoned cars and tries to move it in the path of the bus.
Getting out and behind other cover before the bus hits it, of course.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#53 Post by Scott308 »

Billy Barstowe

Billy will run to his truck, making sure the grenades and M-16s are removed so they may be used by those with know how. He will wait to see if anyone else is getting in before following Saul's directions for where to move the vehicle.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#54 Post by max_vale »

Approximately 5:00 PM, Friday, May 1st, 1987; Middle of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge; Oakland, California

Billy Barstowe can hear his heart hammering in his ears as he rushed to his pickup truck and passed out the M-16s to Lisa and Deacon. Everybody got a single grenade, the sight of the strange spheroid weapon with a ring and a lever top made Billy VERY aware that this whole 'fighting the Soviets' idea was about to get VERY, VERY real....

Shaking his head, he grabbed the Winchester hunting Rifle his Dad had given him and he put in the passenger seat of his truck as he moved to turn the engine on, expecting several of the others to get in the truck with him, but he was surprised when no one moved to join him. Turning around in confusion, he saw that Saul had already disappeared to the scaffolding under the bridge and Raffy, Deacon and Lisa were taking cover behind the shot-up, wrecked car and starting to take aim at the bus full of Russian soldiers. Meanwhile, Jenny rushed to the other wrecked car and got behind the wheel and started it up and moved it next to the other car to half-block the bridge and half-provide some more cover.

That being the case, the young musician made sure the emergency brake was on and the pickup was in Park when he put the key in the ignition, turned the truck on to make sure they had a get-away vehicle ready to go; and with the engine idling, he got out with his Rifle to rush over to his friends just as the shooting starting....

Jenny, half-shaking from fear as the knowledge that the second gunfight of her young life was about to start, rushed over to one of the wrecked, shot-up cars and she opened the driver's side door and got in, happy to see that the key was still in the ignition. Turing the car on, she moved it next to the other wrecked car that Raffy, Jenny and Deacon were taking cover behind and she quickly got out of the car she had just driven and flinching from the sound of Raffy's submachinegun firing, she dove over and behind the cover car as the battle began. Staying crouched down behind the tire, she saw Billy moving towards her with a Rifle in hand and standing next to her was Deacon, his police shotgun resting against the car a foot or so away while he held a newly aquired assault rifle in his hands...

Deacon and Lisa both took up the M-16 assault rifles and 3 clips each and slipped on thier bullet-proof vests before they moved to take cover behind one of the shot-up cars as they noticed Jenny moving the other one over to make more cover/a bigger road-block and Billy get his truck turned on and in position to make a fast run for it (i.e. front end facing AWAY from the incoming Bus) while Saul scrambled down to set the charges. Deacon could tell the bus could easily smash through thier position and he noticed Raffy raising his Mac-10 to fire at the driver, so he called over to Lisa; "Shoot out the tires!"; and then took aim and put a couple of 3 shot bursts into the right front tire as Lisa did the same thing to the left one. At about the same time, Raffy sprayed the front windshield of the bus with a long burst of bullets and took out the driver, all of which caused the bus to some to a screehing halt about 20 yards away. Within moments, the Russian soldiers onboard were scrambling and smashing out windows, while a few starting to aim thier AK's towards the party*....

Raffy moved to take cover behind one of the shot-up cars left on the bridge and he took careful aim with his Mac-10 submachinegun, only vaguely aware of Deacon and Lisa moving into position to one side of him while Jenny moved the other shot-up car next to him and moved to get behind her cover as the Greyhound bus full of Soviets got closer and closer. At a range of about 25 yards, Raffy let fly with a long 15 shot spray that emptied half-of his clip full of .45 rounds; but which succeeded in tearing the winshield apart and finishing off the driver. At about the same time, Deacon and Lisa opened fire with thier M-16s at the bus's tires and within about 5 yards, the Bus came a screehing halt; the couple dozen or so Soviet troops onboard scrambling around like hornets, opening the doors, smashing out windows and taking aim at Raffy and his companions with thier AKs...

Saul had scrambled over the side and climbed down the scaffolding as quickly as he could and very quickly he saw the incomplete set up of charges and wiring that Fink and Murph had started. He quickly moved to place the charges and string the det cord to ensure that the explosives would work to bring down the bridge; hearing the distinct sounds of gun-fire begin above him as the battle began**....


*Okay, I haven't heard from Fantasy Chic for awhile, I'll send one more PM to see if she's still interested in playing...if not, I'll have her charcter incapacitated or something quickly.....also, Dogma, since you hadn't posted for awhile, I hope you're okay with my choice of action for Deacon. I figured Lisa and Deacon would probably put on the vests knowing the battle that is about to happen....the vests will cause a -1 pip to all DEX related skill rolls (i.e. Shooting Guns, throwing grenades, etc.....BUT they give +2 pips on STR rolls to resist damage if shot, etc.)

**Saul will need about 3 rounds to set the charges, string the cord and get back to the action.....he can rush it, but it makes the chanes of setting everything up harder. I.e. If you take the normal amount of time; you need to beat a 15 on a Demolitions skill roll (you have 4D in the skill) to make sure it's all set up correctly. If you rush it, this increased to a Difficulty of 20. Keep in mind, you DO have 1 Hero Point (grants a +3D for all skills for one round).

EVERYBODY: Please keep in mind everyone has 2 Hero Points (except Saul...who has 1) which allow for +3D to all skills/attributes for 1 round....this may allow for stuff like crazy 'movie hero' moments of shooting down lots of badguys, shrugging off otherwise mortal wounds, etc. Also, everyone has a Grenade (uses the Throwing Weapons skill....has a range of 10 yards (short), 20 yards (medium), 30 yards (long) and has a blast radius of 3/6/10 yards (where anyone caught within 3 yards takes the highest damage code, anyone caught between 4-6 yards takes the middle damage code and anyone caught between 7-10 yards takes the lowest damage code)....and on a miss, the grenade scatters 10 yards in a randomly determined direction.

Also, Billy has the materials for 2 Molotov cocktails in the back of his Pickup truck......and Deacon's Shotgun is leaning against one of the 'cover' cars; right next to Jeny.

Just thought I'd throw this out there! :)
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#55 Post by Dram »

Saulwill make sure the charges are correctly setup. He hears more than 2 weapons firing as he is setting up the charges.Dam civillians! They never follow orders.

Saul use the 3 rounds to setup the charges. He will also use his 1 hero point for this mission.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#56 Post by Dogma »

"Alright, everyone, remember, we don't need to kill them all. We just need to keeps their heads down long enough to give Saul time to get those charges set. Now let 'em have it!"

Deacon will proceed to give covering fire for Saul, mostly just trying to keep the Soviets pinned down. If any of the commies tries to break cover he will try to take them out though.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#57 Post by Nuke66 »

Raffy ducks and readies his grenade. He rises enough to lob it to the front of the bus, hoping to stop any normal exit from the bus.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#58 Post by Scott308 »

Billy Barstowe

Billy will run to the back of his truck, where he will put together a Molotov cocktail. Lighting it, he'll throw throw it in front of the bus, hoping the fire will keep the Russians back. Go back to Commieland you Soviet fucks! USA! USA! he'll yell as he heads back to cover.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#59 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Jenny keeps her head down and stays behind cover, hoping that she doesn't have to use her medical skills today.

"Deacon? Are the keys in your car? We may need a quick exit!"
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 1: Oakland Bridge is falling d

#60 Post by max_vale »

Approximately 5:00 PM, Friday, May 1st, 1987; Middle of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge; Oakland, California

The otherwise lovely late afternoon/early evening weather on the Oakland Bay Bridge was suddenly split asunder by the cacophony of gunfire, explosions, ricochets and screams of wounded men as the battle between the newly fledged freedom fighters and a platoon of Soviet soldiers erupted into a full-scale firefight....

Billy Barstowe, screaming obscenities at his enemies and feeling a great swelling of love for his home country, hurled a lit Molotov Cocktail at the bus full of Soviet troops. He was understandably let-down when his throw didn't quite land where he had hoped it would, sailing wide and short of its intended target and exploding into a smokey pool of fire on an empty section of bridge perhaps 6 or 7 yards away from the bus. (Billy's Thrown Weapons skill: 3D, Range of throw: Medium; Difficulty number 15; Roll: 11...sorry man!) The young singer didn't have long to curse his luck though as a Soviet soldier who had scrambled off the bus opened up with a pair of bursts from his AK assault rifle at him. The first burst hissed past his head, missing by inches and causing Barstowe to utter an expletive and drop behind the cover cars as a second burst 'tinked' against the engine block and hood of the car behind and above him. His Winchester Rifle was still in his hand and Jenny was right next to him, yelling a question at Deacon about the keys to his Oldsmobile...

Deacon Hays stood behind one of the of cars and taking careful aim, he poured a 10 shot spray of lead at the soldiers on the bus. He was extremely gratified to see his shots smashing windows and causing a quartet of troops to duck and cover; flinch away; and otherwise be prevented from firing back at him or his companions. (Deac's Guns skill: 5D; Short Range Shot, Difficulty 10; Roll: 16; Spray fire used: 10 rounds, can affect up to 4 targets in a 10 yard wide area; Covering fire means Troops need to make a PER check to be able to do anything besides duck and cover; because it's an Assault Rifle, they need to beat a 10....none of the troops pass their test; 20 rounds remain in Deacon's clip). He DID see that several soldiers were racing out of both the front side door and the emergency door on the back and he yelled this fact out to his companions. He heard Jenny ask him if his keys were in his Oldsmobile (they are and the car's engine is on; idling like Billy's truck), but before he could yell a reply back, a Soviet soldier who had managed to get off the bus fired a burst from his AK that smacked into the cover car Deacon was standing behind and a round smashed into Hays' chest. The round didn't penetrate his Vest though, it just left him feeling like he just got punched (Deacon was hit by Return fire, but his STR roll with the Vest was enough to make the wound just a Graze....lucky!)....

Jenny stays crouched behind the car, wincing as bullets slam into it and flinching from the sound of her companions' weapons firing in return. Billy, screaming something to the Russians about going back home to Russia and 'USA', 'USA'; hurled a fire-bomb at the Russians and dropped down right next to her, bullets zipping past him as he did so. Deacon and Lisa were opening up with their assault rifles and Jenny wasn't sure if the police officer had even heard her question. Glancing over at the Oldsmobile and straining her ears over the sounds of battle, Jenny could make out the sound of the car's engine running (PER: 3D, Difficulty 10; Roll: 13)...

Lisa Accardo had had enough. The anger over the invasion, of being constantly minimized by her fellow FBI agents due to her gender, both of her parents' passing away before their time....all of it suddenly caused her to snap. Letting out a roar that caught all of her companions' attention by surprise, she suddenly stepped around the cover car with her M-16 leveled and spitting fire. She put a burst of rounds through one of the bus' windows, dropping a Soviet soldier who was starting to aim his AK her way and then quickly spun and put another pair of bursts into two Soviet soldiers who had come around the front engine block of the bus through the thick smoke that Billy's errant Molotov cocktail had caused. Her fire dropping both of them to the hard pavement as if they had been snatched off their feet. A pack of Russian troops then came around the back side of the bus, spitting lead her way and poor Lisa was caught by at least half-a-dozen rounds; smashing into and through her vest, leaving her shaking from the shock of the hits and blood began pouring down her limbs and staining her smashed armor. Falling to one knee, still roaring in anger, she fired one last burst with her M-16, dropping one of the half-dozen or so Russians that had shot her and then she fell to one side and collapsed in a motion-less sprawl on the ground....

(Note: Due to lack of response from FantasyChick, I've decided to write out her character; this round she spent a Hero Point, raising her Guns Skill to 8D and fired 4 bursts, landing hits with all of them)

Raffy Cabrera stayed low and flinched a bit as the bullets started to fly, but he stayed focused and yanked out the hand-grenade Billy had given him. He squeezed the lever and pulled the pin and was about to let the 'spoon' fly off when he was distracted as the lady Fed suddenly went 'Rambo' and started dropping Russkies left and right. Then anger filled him as he saw the pack of troops pour fire at her and drop her unmoving to the ground. With a curse, he let the grenade fly (Thrown Weapons skill: 3D+1, Difficulty: 15 due to medium range 20 yards; Roll: 15 !; Damage roll hits and wounds/kills 3 targets) and he watches as it bounces once, twice and then explodes near the front of the bus, spraying shrapnel every which way. Two Russians are smashed to the ground and don't rise again while a third falls to the ground screaming as he clutches his blood-soaked legs. Before ducking back down again, Raffy could see that a pair of Soviets had scrambled around behind the bus out of the front door and the surviving 5 or 6 from the pack around the back that had dropped Lisa also retreated around that side of the bus as well, leaving one to spray a long burst of fire at the car that caused Cabrera and the other Freedom Fighters to all duck down as the rounds sounded like rain on a tin roof....

Under the bridge, Saul Silverman cursed quietly to himself as he listened to the sound of the firefight going on above him, but he stayed SUPREMELY focused on the task at hand and he efficiently placed all of the charges in the correct locations (Demolitions Skill: 4D raised to 7D due to Hero Point; Difficulty number 15, roll: 30 !) and he then took out the detonators and started to carefully center them in each of the charges...

OOC: Round 1 over.....there's about 6-8 Soviets gathered behind the bus and maybe another 4 or 5 still on it that are still standing and in the fight....Saul will spend this round placing the detonators and then next round climbing back up to the top of the bridge....
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