Maps and Realmslore

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Maps and Realmslore

#1 Post by hedgeknight » ... msMaps.htm

Very nice map - not sure if it's 100% accurate, but you can click on different regions for a bigger view. ... un_map.jpg

Huge full map!

Nice old map - and where our game will take place. Just need to pinpoint some locations.

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Re: Maps and Realmslore

#2 Post by hedgeknight »


This sleepy little coastal village of 700 is ruled by a First Captain closely allied to Neverwinter (largely to avoid conquest by Luskan, who wants a more southerly harbor for its warships). The current First Captain is Haeromos Dothwintyl, a retired stonemason.
Port Llast is a city of skilled stonecutters. The stonecutters work at quarries on the coastal headlands just south of the village. Other than harborage or stonecutting, there is little else to recommend it to a traveler today, for it's a tense, suspicious place, always expecting treachery or attack from Luskan.
At Port Llast, a beach and inlet empty into a small bay sheltered by a high, rocky spit. The port is overlooked by cliffs where boulder-hurling siege engines are placed. The harbor is home to a 12-boat fishing fleet, but two of the ships are in very poor repair.
Port Llast is a close ally of Neverwinter. Fifty men-at-arms from the City of Skilled Hands, bolstered by 30 of the Lord's Alliance troops, aid the 50-person local militia in guarding the town from brigand and Luskanite harassment. The Lord's Alliance troops are mainly from Elturel and Baldur's Gate, so that a Luskan attack would risk war with two economically powerful cities.
Port Llast held great importance to humans as the northernmost point of human access to the riches of the North when orcs and duergar held the lands where Luskan (then Illusk) now lies (hence, "last port"). Then, the port was home to 14,000 miners and explorers eager to find gold, gems, and the fabled mineral wealth of the North.
Rampaging orc hordes battered down the city walls (or the walls were plundered by citizens to repair their homes, allowing orcs to infiltrate), and much of the population was either destroyed or forced to flee. The village never recovered. The shattered remnants of the perimeter can still be seen circling the town to the east, though much of the stone ruins have been used to repair local homes or was taken away and sold. Many of the lands once cleared for the port, have become gardens and cemetaries, or else they have been reclaimed by the forest.

Places of Interest

The Cracked Anvil Blacksmith > Haljal Throndor is the smith running this forge. He's skilled at all manner of ironmongery. The establishment is easily found by the cracked anvil displayed out front.

Whaelgund's Wheelrace Wagonworks > This repair shop and competent wagonworks is run by Stout "the Jolly" Whaelgund, who never stops talking, laughing, or cracking jokes. His attempts to sing are simply ghastly.

The Jack and Saber > The Jack is an average tavern in all respects, from its smoked-filled air to its low-beamed, dark taproom.

The Alliance Arms > The only inn in Port Llast is a well built, but rather dour, no-nonsense place to sleep. Its mop-and-broom maids are a surprisingly rich source of local information...after a drink or two.

Edit: I will post a full map and town key once you get to Port Llast.
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Re: Maps and Realmslore

#3 Post by hedgeknight »

Current Clack > What's going on the North, you ask?

1/ The past winter was extremely harsh along the coast, which has hampered trade already due to a late thaw. Here it is nearly May, and the ice is finally thin enough to break and allow docked ships passage to the open sea. Old timers believe it to be a bad omen, and sailors are superstitious by nature anyway. Perhaps the gods are angry at some unatoned for offense...

2/ Wyverns attacked a caravan from Neverwinter about 2 weeks ago, leaving the wagons in tatters and killing everything - livestock and people. Some farmers out hunting hid in terror as the wyverns flew north clutching their prey. The farmers reported seeing riders on two of the wyverns, which numbered at least a dozen.

3/ Trolls are running everywhere! Most are fleeing the Trollmoors which has been turned upside down by giants and possibly a black dragon. Travelers along the High Road fought trolls all winter and spring, as have several villages and towns between Nesme and Waterdeep.

4/ Word among sailors is Luskan is up to something big! No one knows what just yet, but it could involve implanted agents all along the coast, the islands, and the Underdark...

5/ Last winter a small group of adventurers entered the Moonwood and found the lost elven city of Erl-Tslakh. Reports say the adventurers entered the underground city, fought evil denizens and emerged ragged but alive. One was a priest of Selune, who could be the key to restoring the worship of the Lady of the Moon among the wood elves of the Moonwood.

6/ Followers of Auril, the Frostmaiden, are known to be searching for lost relics of the goddess of winter. Specifically, they are searching for a tome and a statue, considered to bestow great power upon the one who possesses it.

7/ Reports all over the northern Realms speak of increased attacks and sightings of were-creatures, most notably werewolves and wererats. Along with this, the talk of Malar, the Beast Lord returning in mortal form to the Realms has stirred up no little discord among the more secluded wilderness towns and villages.

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Re: Maps and Realmslore

#4 Post by hedgeknight »

Current map I'm using...

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Re: Maps and Realmslore

#5 Post by hedgeknight »

Gods & Demi-Gods of the Realms:

Shaundakul (pronounced SHAWN-da-kul[1]), is a fictional Faerûnian lesser deity of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. He is the deity of the wind and portals, traveling and travelers, rangers and exploration, caravans and caravaneers, as well as mining and miners.

Shaundakul, the Rider of the Winds, was the god of travel and exploration in old Myth Drannor. His worshipers were humans and half-elves, mostly rangers and miners exploring the Moonsea area. He was a god for brave adventurers and travelers (including, notably, caravan merchants). His major temple in the Realms was Shaundakul's Throne in Myth Drannor, though he had many shrines in the North (if you find a stone dais atop a high place, crowned with a stone seat or throne and accompanied by one or more stone pillars pierced with holes that the wind whistles through, you have found one of them). When Myth Drannor fell and its people were slain or scattered, Shaundakul's worship dwindled, leaving only a few scattered priests throughout the North. Since the withdrawal of the elves from the woods surrounding Myth Drannor, the ruined city has lain open for exploration, and Shaundakul has started to gain followers again. Shaundakul dwells on the Prime Material Plane, in the ruins of Myth Drannor. His symbol is a pointing hand surrounded by swirling winds.

He manifests bodily as a bearded man who wears a traveler's cape and is armed with a greatsword called "The Sword of Shadows". The goddesses Beshaba and Shar are in opposition to him. His festival day "Windride" is celebrated on the 15th day Tarsakh.

After falling into obscurity in the wake of the fall of Myth Drannor in 714 DR, the church of Shaundakul has been greatly revitalized since the Time of Troubles in 1358 DR. The general populace did not know much, if anything about him before then.

Dogma: Spread the teachings of the Helping Hand by leading through example. Work to promote him among traders, especially trailblazers who seek out new lands and new opportunities. Unearth and resanctify ancient shrines of Shaundakul. Ride the wind, and let it take you wherever it blows. Aid those in need, and trust in the Helping Hand. Seek out the riches of the earth and sea. Journey to distant horizons. Be the first to see the rising sun, the mountain peaks, the lush valleys. Let your footsteps fall where none have tread.

Clerics: Shaundakul's priests are mostly found within the forest of Cormanthor, especially around the area of Myth Drannor. Unlike the Windriders, Specialty Priest of Shaundakul are not limited to the borders of Cormanthor. They are free to travel and explore the Realms (it is the Windriders job to protect and guard the ancient elven lands, although many Specialty Priests also choose to perform this task). Priest of Shaundakul usually wear leather armor and forest green cloaks and wield long swords and short bows, but are allowed to wear chain or lighter armor and use any weapon. Their spell selection consist of major access to the spheres of All, Animal, Elemental, Guardian, Healing, Plant, Protection, and Weather, and minor access to Combat, Divination, Travelers, and Wards.

Clerics of Shaundakul pray for their spells in the morning right after the wind shifts from the changing temperature. Their holy day is the Windride, which is celebrated on the 15th day of Tarsakh. On this day, Shaundakul causes all his clerics to assume gaseous form at dawn, if they cannot wind walk on their own, so that they are carried with the wind. They return to normal (and are lowered safely to the ground) at dusk, usually in some place they have never been before.
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