Maps and Campaign Background

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Maps and Campaign Background

#1 Post by coil23 »

continent of Faan - topographical map
continent of Faan - map - topographical
(1.39 MiB) Downloaded 78 times
Faan topographical map key:
A - Spine of the World mountain range
B - Northern Crescent mountain range
C - Distant Timber forest
D - Boarwood forest
E - Crescent Fen
F - Bounty lake
G - Dark Trees forest
H - North Woods
I - Crescent Woods forest
J - Savannah's Well river
K - Raftine River
L - Murthy Woods forest
M - Ore Stream river
N - Southron Divide river
O - Southern Moss forest

Toolian Sea - an unsettlingly warm, green water sea, ripe with superstition and known for the strange and inexplicable- especially further southwest

The Restless Rime - enchanted body of water (origin unknown) with sharply demarcated boundaries- Boarwood Peninsula to the west, North Woods to the east, several hundred miles north of the coastline; waters are unnaturally cold and eternally choppy, known for dangerous travel and monsters

Pambrian Sea -

topographical map background-
A - The Spine of the World mountain range - This wild, brutal mountain range stretches across almost the entire continent, effectively dividing the population in two. The one main throughway is the Kings Pass which is carefully patrolled and regulated to ensure it remains viable. Aside from this route, travel is by sea to get around this massive barrier.

B - Northern Crescent mountain range -

C - Distant Timber forest -

D - Boarwood forest -

E - Crescent fen -

F - Bounty lake -

G - Dark Trees forest -

H - North Woods -

I - Crescent Woods forest -

J - Savannah’s Well river -

K - Raftine River -

L - Murthy Woods forest -

M - Ore Stream river -

N - Southron Divide river -

O - Southern Moss forest -

continent of Faan - political map
Faan-political map-North Spine campaign start resize.jpg
Faan-political map-North Spine campaign start resize.jpg (356.09 KiB) Viewed 1291 times
Faan political map key:
1 - Sri Tan
2 - Siam
3 - Darhan
4 - Gateway
5 - Kings Pass
6 - Frontier
7 - Boon
8 - Crescent's End
9 - North Point
10 - Tophin
11 - Sea Reach
12 - Water's End
13 - Sage Forgot
14 - Silverton
15 - Grael *
16 - Tulan *
17 - Bismarck *
18 - Qaegan
19 - Vale *
20 - Junction
21 - Geonn *
22 - The Confederacy
23 - Tomb
24 - Nord *
25 Stone

* = city-state within the "Southron Kingdom"

Middle Reach - large, open swathe of land between the two main mountain ranges, from the western edge of the Crescent Fen sweeping southeast to the Pambrian Sea

The Savannah - largest portion of Middle Reach, grasslands between Bounty and the sea, primarily farmland

The Southron - lands south of the Spine, the "Southron Kingdom" is a loose confederation of six city-states with each one being led by a "king"
political map background
1 Sri Tan -

2 Siam - This is a bustling, exotic trade city. Though this is a key node on the overland trade route including Darhan and Gateway, it is a fairly isolated city, geographically, compared to the other cities on Faan. Cullturally Siam is more kin to the lands north of Faan with whom it has extensive overseas trade.

3 Darhan -

4 Gateway - Node on trade route that includes Darhan and Siam. Gateway sits near the northern gate to the Kings Pass as well as being the primary conduit for goods and people from Frontier to the east.

5 The Kings Pass - The one major, established route through the Spine of the World mountains, this pass is regulated and patrolled. (kind of a King’s road in other cultures)

6 Frontier - Living up to its name, Frontier is more of a rough and raw community and has a thriving trade in raw resources from the mountains and wilderness around them. This is the closest major community to the dwarven kingdom of Mordrin which resides in the Spine mountains to the south of Frontier.

7 Boon - Resting on the shores of the immense Bounty, this city is the unofficial cultural identity of the Savannah.

8 Crescent’s End - This isolated community is the sole known bastion of civilization (?) up in the forbidding Crescent peninsula. Sea traffic between it and its southern Pambrian coast neighbors help keep this area from being completely isolated from the rest of the continent.

9 North Point -

10 Tophin -

11 Sea Reach -

12 Water’s End - Savannah’s Well is the conduit that brings the food, goods, and people down from the long swathe that is the agrarian Savannah. Timber and other natural resources flow here along the Raftine River as well. Some liken this to the farmer’s and trade market of the Middle Reach.

13 Sage Forgot - One would think that this would follow suit for a coastal community of being more urbane and trade oriented. Maybe it is the dark influence of the Murthy Woods, maybe a lingering curse. Sage Forgot is…odd, unsettling. While technically a city, it is not a draw for most. Less used for stopping for trade, it is more often utilized just as a way point as ships head north to the Pambrian coastal cities or west to the Southron Kingdom ports.

14 Silverton - As its name suggests, this city is focused on mineral resources. Silver, gold, ores- these travel down the Ore Stream to become wide-spread trade commodities in the port city of Grael.

15 Grael * - This Southron Kingdom city is primarily the coastal trade node for mineral wealth from Silverton as well as general trade along the Southron coast.

16 Tulan * -

17 Bismarck * - Bismarck is rougher around the edges than its Southron Kingdom brethren. Main trade commodities are natural resources (e.g. timber) from the Southern Moss Forest.

18 Qaegan - A bellicose but isolationist island neighbor. Their rather hardline approach to their navy results in everyone’s benefit as it gives sea raiders pause. Their vicious retaliatory responses are legendary.

19 Vale * -

20 Junction - While not as close to the southern maw of the Kings Pass, Junction serves a similar function as Gateway does to the north, mainly as the southern waypoint for trade and travelers using the mountain route. From Junction, the roads branch out to the many Southron neighbors.

21 Geonn * -

22 The Confederacy - Tolerated through an uneasy and fluctuating cold war dynamic, this convoluted mass of islands is home to a loose confederacy of pirates, smugglers, and misfits as well as the inevitable lone wolfs. Though there have been a few massive purges performed by its coastal neighbors after a particularly egregious crime wave, for the most part there are simply too many nooks and crannies for any visiting force to eliminate this infestation.

23 Tomb - Stories of what is here run the gamut although commonalities typically include anything from apprehension to dread. This mysterious island (are there more?) typifies the spooky reputation of the Toolian Sea.

24 Nord * - Another distinct entity in the Southron Kingdom, Nord is the northern-most major metropolis along the Southron coast. Magic in its many guises holds sway here and government is a magocracy. Cold could describe the manner here- figuratively and literally as it is rather aloof and unwelcoming to outsiders and there is a permanent pall of cold (snow, ice, winds) no matter what the weather may be just one foot outside of its territory. The enchantment is similar to the one affecting The Restless Rime though there is no known causal connection between the two.

25 Stone -

* - city state within “Southron Kingdom” conglomerate
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Re: Maps and Campaign Background

#2 Post by coil23 »

Goat's Plum Crossing town map
Goat's Plum Crossing resized map-keyed copy.jpg
Goat's Plum Crossing resized map-keyed copy.jpg (429.57 KiB) Viewed 1293 times
Goat's Plum Crossing town map key
1 - two goods storage barns
2 -
3 - The Open Barrel trade goods
4 -
5 - River Fork Inn
6 -
7 -
8 - "The Barn"
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 -
13 - Prancing Nanny tavern
14 -
15 -
16 -
17 -
18 - smithy
19 -
20 -
21 -
22 -
23 - Comfrey Leaf
24 -
25 -
26 -
27 -
28 -
29 -
30 -
31 -
32 -
33 -
34 -
35 - Applejack's 2 warehouses and dock
36 -
37 -
38 -
39 -
40 -
41 -
42 - Feregrine Tolmeen (scholar)
43 -
44 -
45 -
46 -
47 -
48 -
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Re: Maps and Campaign Background

#3 Post by coil23 »

North Spine campaign - starting regional map

This is a closeup of the immediate area you are in currently. The town at the crossing of the Dorseen River and the trade road (dotted line) is Goat's Plum Crossing. The building to the east is the outpost. Hiking Doglegg is the smaller community upstream closer to the mountains. What is marked on the map comes from what you have been told of the area while on the road and since arriving in town.
North Spine-region map-orig-jpeg resize.jpg
North Spine-region map-orig-jpeg resize.jpg (169.3 KiB) Viewed 1301 times
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Re: Maps and Campaign Background

#4 Post by coil23 »

abandoned fortress map

abandoned fortress map-ground and 2nd floor-resize.jpg
abandoned fortress map-ground and 2nd floor-resize.jpg (313.31 KiB) Viewed 1278 times
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Re: Maps and Campaign Background

#5 Post by coil23 »

abandoned fort cellar map

cellar map-further in.jpg
cellar map-further in.jpg (238.01 KiB) Viewed 1225 times
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Re: Maps and Campaign Background

#6 Post by coil23 »

Mom's outpost

Mom's outpost map.jpg
Mom's outpost map.jpg (230.85 KiB) Viewed 1225 times
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Re: Maps and Campaign Background

#7 Post by coil23 »

Prancing Nanny tavern (in Goat's Plum Crossing)

Prancing Nanny tavern-player's map-resize.jpg
Prancing Nanny tavern-player's map-resize.jpg (161.73 KiB) Viewed 1173 times
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Re: Maps and Campaign Background

#8 Post by coil23 »


map scale: 1 square = 20 feet
Drumlin.jpg (403.98 KiB) Viewed 1152 times
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