INTRO: Meeting with the Council

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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#201 Post by OGRE MAGE »

We seem to be a little stuck here. I have PM'd the absent players in hopes that we can move the action along again.

I am really looking forward to seeing what will happen next in this game so, please carry on.....

I will start the meeting now if everyone is ready.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#202 Post by hedgeknight »

Burly shows up to the meeting place sporting a new quarterstaff and pretty much looking the same as he did two days previous. His clothes are cleaner (as is the rest of him) and he is freshly shaven. Instead of a backpack, he now carries a satchel, slung across his shoulder and neck, hanging on his right side.

"Did I hear someone say lizard man tracks?"
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#203 Post by ravenn4544 »

Ben also gracefully slides up to the group looking somehow older since you last saw him. Perhaps upon reflection all of us do. His trusty blanket still slung behind him, he now carries a spear and he looks to know its business.

"I haven't learned anything new since last we talked. What do you think the Council is prepared to say? Should we be concerned?"
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#204 Post by Mant72 »


"I am eager to hear what the council has to say. Shall we enter?" Keilif gestures to the doors of the Council House.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#205 Post by Urson »

Alec grins a hard grin. Crocs, ya? Dey fight hard, but dey are good eatin'.

Alec has changed into his own chainmail, and is ready to speak to the council.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#206 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I am still waiting to hear from a few players that seem to have gone missing. I will continue the action here anyway and hope for the best.
Inside the meeting hall, the council has some advice for you.

The mayor explains that they have lined up two older militia members that are far better at sailing than fighting. From a safe distance, the pair has been monitoring the area around the house. They have been going out at night in a small craft, posing as fishermen. They have been watching the coastline and also out to sea, hoping to discover any actions or movement from the smugglers.

Mayor Everett Palmer

So far, they have determined nothing from the information that you have provided us. They've spotted no lights or sound from the cliffs below the mansion and have seen absolutely no signs of any nefarious activity from anywhere in that area.

This is actually not a big surprise to us, especially if the criminals have been alerted to your presence. It would only make sense for them to cease all illegal activity if they thought for a minute that their hideout has been discovered.

Tortuga has talked to a few of the old sailors that have lived in these parts all of there lives. It has been reported that there is indeed a cave complex under the house that can be easily accessed from the sea. Because of the contraband that you have pilfered from them, we think that the smugglers are using the caves for a staging area for their stolen property.

We have surmised that, due to their thinking they may have been discovered, they might have ceased all of their activities for the time being. Therefore, we would like to wait a while longer before having you return to the house, giving them time to feel safe again. When our militia sailors discover that there is indeed activity started up again, that is when we would like you to make your move on them.

If there are no more group preparations that need to be made, we can simply skip ahead the few weeks and proceed with the next meeting. If there is something else you would like to accomplish here, now is the time for that.

Of course, there is nothing preventing you from ignoring the councils advice altogether and heading back there as soon as you'd like to.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#207 Post by coil23 »

After politely taking our leave when the council meeting ends, the group discusses options once alone. Especially considering some suspicious behavior on the council itself, the group thinks it best to pursue investigation at the house now before the next meeting instead of following the council's "advice" to the letter...and to say nothing until we know more. Rather they are merely staying true to the original council instructions to investigate the mysterious goings on. Returning to the house now is the decision of the group.

I suggest we return during the day for further searching of the premises. Are we ready?
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#208 Post by Mant72 »


"Aye, I am ready. Let's be off." Keilif looks to the others for their responses.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#209 Post by wolfpack »

Yes I came fully prepared
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#210 Post by coil23 »


Doubtful thinks again wistfully of burning the whole house down just to be sure but thinks winning a consensus on that might be a little too steep a hill...for now.

They know someone was interfering before so will be more on guard. Not sure if the goblin ruse had any effect- especially if our suspicions of council involvement is correct. So we need an idea on how to investigate this round knowing it will be that much more dangerous. We know of two parts of the house still unsearched- the wing opposite the patio room and in the cellar Ben discovered a secret entrance. Any ideas on approach and strategy?
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#211 Post by Mant72 »


The newly appointed acolyte scratches his chin and responds to Doubtful, "The Council mentioned a system of caves below the mansion. Might we acquire a small boat to investigate this for ourselves? A few of us have skill in sailing; although, our lack of funds might prove a hindrance. My uncle's fishing boat would prove useful, but it is his only means of income. I cannot ask to borrow such a thing..." The cleric trails off in thought and waits for the others to propose ideas.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#212 Post by wolfpack »

An excellent idea! attack by sea.

If indeed there are caves that lead into the cellar it would be a perfect surprise assualt.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#213 Post by hedgeknight »

Having been silent the entire time, Burly, deep in his thoughts, finally speaks up at the mention of getting a boat. "I have plenty of gold to buy a boat if that is how we are to go in our return to the house. Personally, I don't trust the mayor nor the folks sent to pose as fishermen. As far as we know, all three are in cahoots. Anyway, I have gold for a boat. By the way, anybody else hungry but me?"
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#214 Post by Urson »


Even dwarves who know _how_ to swim do it poorly. I mislike the idea of using a boat. But I won't fight it if that is what you choose.

I would suggest that whatever we decide, we do it cautiously, and thoroughly. As a group, ready for trouble at every turn- not like a bunch of cave crickets in a bucket.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#215 Post by Mant72 »


Hearing Burly's offer, Kelif's eyes light up and his eyebrows raise, "That's very generous of you, Master Burly. I am sure that we will all agree to repay our part of the monies as soon as we become more acquainted with coin?" He nods his head, looking at the others for confirmation.

He then continues by sharing a jest with Alec, "There are a number of us that are able-bodied swimmers, friend dwarf. I assure you that you are in good hands. I believe our safest route is by boat. What say you all?"
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#216 Post by ravenn4544 »

Ben returns to hear the last bit of conversation. "Boat you say? To approach the cliffs? That is a fine idea and may give us a bit of advantage - maybe we even considering sailing just before or just after the sun has shown itself. Ideally, would be best to approach with the sun at our backs so as to hide us better from anyone watching. An old sailing trick you see. I can help steer any craft we should find to serve us!"
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#217 Post by coil23 »


Alec brings up a good point, especially since this is not an outing- we are putting ourselves in danger with people who want to stop us. I will make flotation devices for Alec and any others who cannot swim, probably inflated bladders of animal skins and cork on a board. No matter what happens out there I want everyone coming back safely to shore.

And Burly, I don't want you to have to take on the burden of buying the boat on your own up front. How much would one cost? I can give you 30 gold now. I can go up to 40 if you need.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#218 Post by ravenn4544 »

Ben offers i think we need not buy a boat - that would be expensive. Let me talk to my captain as he may be willing to rent us one of the whale boats for a time. It's just sitting there now and I'm sure he'd accept the coin!
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#219 Post by wolfpack »

I will put some gold towards a boat, but i know nothing of sailing.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#220 Post by Mant72 »


Hearing the suggestions about securing a boat, Keilif asserts, "Well, it appears that we are all in agreement to travel to the mansion by boat."

He then turns to Ben and adds, "I like the idea of checking with your captain about renting a craft before purchasing one of our own, but do you think he can be trusted to secrecy? Can you lead us to your ship, Master Ben?"

He returns his attention to the others and concludes with, "Whether we decide to rent or buy, the docks await, gentlemen; let us be off." The crabfisher-turned-cleric is very familiar with the docks and proceeds to head off that direction.
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