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#1 Post by defunctdeity »

Hey all, so I've posted everyone's beliefs below, and just want to make sure we're all adequately entangled with the plot and each other! We only need 3 Beliefs, so there's not much left to do but it will be good for me to have them all right in front of me at one time. Also, feel free to use this time to make changes if you think of something to better fit your PC/the story/the group.


1) I must convince the cult of the Red God, R'hllor, that I am a fellow believer, so that I can learn their Ritual!
2) The Old Gods are the true gods of this land, I will use the Ritual of R'hllor to Banish the False Seven.
3) Friends are just tools to be used, I must convince others to assist me in destroying the False Seven.

Maester Carron
1) The essence of life is distilled in blood. I will "acquire" a practitioner of R'hlorr's blood magics for my personal studies.
2) The quest for understanding is sacrosanct. I will discover who burned Matron Carlyse of the Silent Sisters to death.
3) Every Maester needs an Apprentice. I will test (Rusty's PC) to see if he has the aptitude to learn the mysteries of life.

1) I was not born to be a puppet; I will say whatever is on my mind at all times. 2. I can’t believe my family would betray me - I must never let anyone know.
2) I can’t believe my family would betray me - I must never let anyone know my last name or association.
3) The guy with whom my father spoke gave me a strange feeling: I don’t know who this R’hllor is, but I want nothing to do with him or his creepy little friends.

Spectreman, I edited your Belief 1 a little (it included banishing the 7, and belief 2 focused on it entirely, so I just eliminated the redundant language from B1). Also, perhaps we could find a way to have your 3rd Belief involve either the Maester or Tomas directly?

Marullus, looks good for the most part, we'll just have you pick either Gweher or Tomas be the focus of your 3rd Belief. If you think Tomas fits best then Spectreman will use you in his 3rd (and Tomas will have one involving Gweher), or if you think Gweher fits best then he will use Tomas, and Tomas will have a Belief involving you.


Please ask questions (of me and/or each other), discuss, make suggestions or changes, and at the end we'll copy the finals into your Character Record Sheets.
Last edited by defunctdeity on Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by Marullus »

Who is Tomas? Is that Rusty's gravedigger PC? If so, then it would be appropriate. (Rusty didn't post a name and no other characters are referenced publicly yet.)

The third belief as-written won't apply to Gweher.
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#3 Post by defunctdeity »

Oh yeah sorry, that is Dram's PC. He is using a pregen Hunter type PC (see OOC thread for more). He will hopefully be posting the details of his PC in the CRS thread soon. We can all assist him if/when he has questions.

Rusty has been incommunicado, hoping he gets back to us before we start rolling (also more on that in the OOC thread).
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#4 Post by Spectreman17 »

My third belief would do well if I just took it from vague to specific. Just choose a PC and try and convince them that the 7 must be destroyed.

"Friends are just tools to be used, I must convince [someone] to assist me in destroying the False Seven."

I'll decide as I see everyone's characters develop.

Pointyearedrogues character seems most likely seeing as she is not very attached to the religius side of her character and is young. AKA she'd be easy to recruit into my cult.
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#5 Post by defunctdeity »

Okay, so pointyears, your Belief 1 needs to tie you in directly to the main plot (here the Church of the Red God). What would you think about changing it to something like:

"I hate that my father has married me off to a worshipper of this Red Demon! I must find a way to undo this dispicable union." (meaning he successfully married you off)

Your current Belief 1 would actually make an alright Instinct - though it be a bit of a hindrance to a Fence.

Your Belief 2 is fine, might re-word it just a tad to introduce a bit more conflict through it though:

"I will not return to the life my family has chosen for me. I cannot let anyone know my name and association."

Your Belief 3 is a little soft. We need something more "active", something that you can work towards (as opposed to something that is a negative statement). And preferably it will bring in your relationship to the other players somehow... Suggestions anyone?
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