Character Record Sheets

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Character Record Sheets

#1 Post by defunctdeity »

Please post your PCs here with a brief background, and physical description.

If you want, you can just attach a document/pdf file (such as a filled out version of the character record sheet I attached in the LFP post :D), and type in your Bio, or just type it all out as text in your post.

Campaign ID for the dice roller is 356.
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Re: Character Record Sheets

#2 Post by Spectreman17 »

Name: Gweher

Concept/Bio: Crazy Cultist of the Old Gods who hates the False Seven. Strives to banish them from the heavens.

More In depth Concept: Born a into slavery, Gweher lead a rough childhood, where he was tortured and beat for the pleasure of his masters, at twelves years old he fled and became an outlaw rather than face another day serving the monsters that owned him. He was picked up and offered shelter and a home by some friendly woodsmen, who took him back to their temple, where he learned of the ways of the old gods. He devoted his life to helping those men around their temple and learning their ways and rituals. He eventually learned so much of their ways, that they offered him the position of Priest amongst their order. Gweher took the task to heart and became a prominent member of their community before his ideology took an interesting turn. He began preaching of possessing the spirits of old and turning them to servitude, rather than raising them up a rank above humanity. He believes by destroying the new gods and restoring the power of the old gods, he can earn enough of their favor to grant himself the ability to call upon them.

Description: A shorter scrawny man with scraggly, short, white hair. He looks to be far older than his age would normal decree. A hard life of servitude and self deprivation in devotion to the old gods has left his body covered in many scars on his chest and back. He generally wears dark brown robes that are a bit tattered and minimalist sandals.

Lifepaths: Born Slave, Lead to Outcast, Cultist, Heretic Priest, Mad Summoner

Age : 32

Stats: Wi: B4, Pe: B4, Po: B2, Fo: B4, Ag: B4, Sp: B3, Stride: 7

Attributes: Ref: B3, Ste: B2, Hes: 6, Hea: B0, MW: B9, Circles: B2, Resources: B1

PTGS: Su: B3 Li: B5 Mi: B6 Se: B7 Tr: B8 Mo: B9


To discover if I can use the Ritual of the cult of R'hllor to bring about the return of the old gods, I must convince the cult that I am a fellow believer.

Something to do with a fellow PC

Friends are just tools to be used, I must convince others to assist me in destroying the False Seven.

The Old Gods are the true gods of this land, I will use the Ritual of R'hllor to Banish the False Seven.


I absentmindedly mutter prayers to the spirits of the land when not focusing on anything in particular.

I practice Illuminating scripts in my downtime.

I fall into a hacking cough whenever someone mentions the False Seven gods.

Traits: [Dt] Broken, [Char] Lunatic, [Char] Mad, [Dt] Obscure Aura, [Dt] Scheming, [Dt] Zealot

Skills: Astrology B2, Conspicuous B2, Cult Doctrine B2, Cultist-wise B2, Demonology B3, Falsehood B3, Heretical Doctrine B3, Illuminations B2, Inconspicuous B4, Oratory B2, Persuasion B3, Slavery-wise B2, Summoner-wise B2, Summoning B3

Affiliations: 1D Cult of the Old Gods

Reputations: 1D Crazy guy who mutters


Gear: Shoes, Clothes (Tattered Robe), Travelling Gear, Illumination Tools, Astrology Toolkit

Property: Small Cottage


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Re: Character Record Sheets

#3 Post by Marullus »

Here's a first draft. Please let me know what you think.

Name: Maester Carron

Concept/Bio: Maester, Doctor, Teacher at the Citadel, Unquenchable Pursuer of How Things Tick. Carron was a prodigal prodigy - born in the streets of Old Town with a keen and intuitive mind and an uncanny ability to see through the people around him. He came to the Citadel before puberty and drank knowledge, unquenchable, learning all he could about the body, life, and then into studies of natural laws and the soul. He teaches medicine and philosophy, an eccentric teacher who draws quirky students, receiving his tenure in exchange for his willingness to apply his arts discretely in service to the Citadel's grittier needs. He slips out into the streets where he was born, a consummate people-watcher unraveling the secrets there, and has a secret relationship with the Matron of the Silent Sisters, born of their mutual admiration of the Stranger and his need for anatomical study.

Lifepaths: City Born, Student, Doctor, Lead to Noble Court, Torturer

Age : 29
Stats: Wi: B4, Pe: B6, Po: B3, Fo: B3, Ag: B6, Sp: B3, Stride: 7
Attributes: Ref: B5, Ste: B6, Hes: 6, Hea: B4, MW: B9, Circles: B2, Resources: B2
PTGS: Su: B2 Li: B4 Mi: B6 Se: B7 Tr: B8 Mo: B9

The essence of life is distilled in blood. I will "acquire" a practitioner of R'hlorr's blood magics for my personal studies.
The quest for understanding is sacrosanct. I will discover who burned Matron Carlyse of the Silent Sisters to death.
Every Master needs an Apprentice. I will test (Rusty's PC) to see if he has the aptitude to learn the mysteries of life.

Always study those interacting in front of me. (Roll per trait)
Always avoid attention.
Write in my journals every night before I sleep.

Traits: [Char] Frustrated, [Dt] Geometric, [Dt] Manhunter, [Char] Rabble Rouser, [Char] Unsavory Madman

Skills: Anatomy B3, Apothecary B3, Bird Husbandry B3, Bloodletting B3, City-wise B3, Disguise B3, Falsehood B2, Foreign Languages B3, History B3, Inconspicuous B2, Interrogation B5, Philosophy B5, Read B3, Soothing Platitudes B2, Streetwise B3, Surgery B5, Torture B3, Write B3

Affiliations: 1D Students of the Citadel

Reputations: (He prefers to be little-known)

Relationships: Matron of the Silent Sisters in the Starry Sept (Minor, forbidden)

Gear/Property: Maester's wardrobe, Travelling Gear, Clothes, and Boots; Rookery (bird husbandry/write), Laboratory (+1D, Medical/Apothecary/Torture)

Cane: Power 1, WS 2, Add 2, VA -, Short, one-handed (as broom handle)
Surgical knife: Power 0, WS X, Add 1, VA -, Shortest, one-handed (as shiv)

I struggled with the resources a bit. He needs a ton of toolkits many for skills that overlap. I hope that skills using the same tools can be grouped? I grouped Surgery, Bloodletting, Torture, and Apothecary together and bought a Workshop instead of a Toolkit, imagining a cool, well-equipped Laboratory which would give a +1D situational modifier for the extra investment. I then grouped Bird Husbandry and Write toolkits together and bought a Rookery as a toolkit. It is just too thematic for a Maester. I like him corresponding with far-flung Circles who share his interests enough to invest in the color for it.

Focus areas:
  • His passionate study of reality: Manhunter (gives non-magical aura reading skill), Philosophy B5, Interrogation B5
  • His legitimate profession as Maester: Surgery B5, Anatomy B3, Apothecary B3, Bird Husbandry B3, Bloodletting B3, History B3, Read B3, Write B3, Soothing Platitudes B2
  • His seedier duties in the city: City-wise B3, Disguise B3, Falsehood B2, Foreign Languages B3, Inconspicuous B2, Streetwise B3, Torture B3

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Re: Character Record Sheets

#4 Post by PointyEaredRogue »

The rest will be posted tonight, this is just a sneak preview to show that I do indeed have a character (almost) roarin' to go. :mrgreen:

Name: Lyrith Tal’Auruk

Small concept: Short-tempered rogue from at the island of Tlax Ait off of the coast, seeks to rid herself of her familial association after her father tried to marry her off to a follower of R’hllor

Small Bio: Lyrith was born into an affluent family, but was always the black sheep. Her family just had to be the ruling family of Tlax Ait, a tiny and inconsequential island off the coast. Of course, there were all the conflicts with the Ironborn, who had decided they controlled the waters and the coasts. She often heard her father speaking very ill of the Ironborn. Because of this, her family tried to mold her into the perfection they tried to portray. Bored with learning how to dance and talk and sit and even breathe, she would make up games with each lesson she was forced to attend. Her favorite game was when she practiced her dining etiquette: that’s when she got to be around the knives. She would always throw her knives and try to stick them in a wall when her teacher wasn’t looking, and eventually she developed quite an eye. After one particularly boring lesson, she had decided she was done and the only way to leave was to incapacitate the teacher. After throwing 8 knives through her dress and pinning her to the wall, she left to head back to her house, only to find her father speaking with him: some fool, just like the rest of them. Until she heard them in negotiations…negotiations for her. Trying to “marry her off in order to promote the…unity of the people”, as he called it. Her father, King of Tlax Ait, trying to pawn her off on some idiot who was blathering on about how “R’hllor needs you, unite the people under him, blah blah blah”. Furious, she stormed off and tried to swim her way to the mainland. Remembering his smirk as he sputtered “…unity of the people” made her skin crawl - something was not right about that situation. She was headed to Old Town, the most powerful city around - she knew that there she would be able to carve her own path and rid herself of her familial associations. Surely, if her father was in negotiations to marry her off for his own gain, what other terrible things could he be scheming? She did not want to be around to find out. Unfortunately, Old Town was a little further away than she had thought, as she awoke in a small boat that rocked violently to the shore. Upon her arrival, she met with a rough crowd her tried to mug her because she appeared wealthy in her frilly dress. After dealing with them (and cleaning their blood off her boots), she had to make a living somehow, and decided to use her charm and elegance to snatch the change right out of folks’ pockets. After a while, she grew sick of her fake demeanor and decided to just get her friends to steal for her, selling her goods in order to lie low in the city.

Description: An average height, average build girl with long, auburn hair. She looks to be about 19 years of age. Lyrith is speckled with tiny cuts and scars from her practicing with her knives, and has a notable scar on the inside of her right arm, above the wrist. She wears tan leather pants and a closely-fitted dark green tunic underneath a flowing yellow dress. She also wears a pair of sturdy brown boots.

Lifepaths: Born Noble > Young Lady > Pickpocket > Fence

Beliefs: 1. I was not born to be a puppet; I will say whatever is on my mind at all times. 2. I can’t believe my family would betray me - I must never let anyone know my last name or association. 3. The guy with whom my father spoke gave me a strange feeling: I don’t know who this R’hllor is, but I want nothing to do with him or his creepy little friends.

Instincts: 1. I always have at least four knives, including one dinner knife, on me at all times. 2. When I drink, I always have one too many. 3. If someone is trying to start trouble, I will always be the one to finish it.
If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.
-Carl Sagan

Glaiz Goldenhook, The Rise of Smaug [BW]
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