Adventurers of Masmuria

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Adventurers of Masmuria

#1 Post by AleBelly »

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Yenny (, female gnome

Yenny is a short (aren't they all?) gnome. She is well-armored and carries a flail. Around her neck is a beautiful metal holy symbol resembling interlocking gears.

She carries a shield with a white background, upon which is a series of three interlocking gears. When looked at closely, it can be seen that the largest black one comprises bent and twisted tree roots. One of the others is golden and has sprockets that resemble the rays of the sun. The third is smooth around, but has internal workings and is painted in silver. It might remind a person of the moon.
Yenny.jpg (112.74 KiB) Viewed 2018 times
Hyde the Heartless (tkrexx), male half-orc

Hyde is a short but very solidly built half orc. He's called Heartless, but doesn't agree with the moniker. He's a bit creepy looking, with a swarthy complexion, a great shock of unkept black hair blending into a scraggly beard, vast bushy eyebrows over big, soft black eyes and an enormous mouth filled with tusk-like teeth. He smiles a lot.
Hyde-pic.jpg (12.9 KiB) Viewed 2018 times
Hyde.jpg (150.48 KiB) Viewed 2018 times
Angus (Zhym), human male

Angus is a wiry, red-headed woodsman with blue eyes and dry, cracked, tobacco-colored skin. He's not much for words; though he can use them, he doesn't get much practice in the woods. He usually carries a big axe, a small axe, and a short bow. He has also acquired a sword. The powers that be in Alleborg don't think much of him, but his charitable works have gained him a following amongst the salt of the earth.

Dandelion (onlyme), female half-orc

She's five and a half feet tall, and curvy. She likely weighs over 150 pounds but it's tough to tell with her winter clothing. She carries a trident and has a quiver of arrows slung over her shoulder. As she walks, the flaps of clothing reveal a glint of metallic armor underneath. She has green eyes and curly red hair, and her skin has such a faint tint of green that it would be hard to tell she's a half-orc by indoor lighting if it wasn't for the hint of canine teeth.

Her hobbies include staying up all night during slumber parties, dancing and singing. Her dream is to become Miss Half-orc next year and marry rich. Incongruous hobbies for a she-orc that has proven to be a highly skilled fighter.
Dandelion.jpg (119.43 KiB) Viewed 2018 times
Tempus (Storm11), male halfling

Tempus stands at just over three feet in height. He wears plain green sleeveless robes over his leather armour, and a white fur cloak is fastened about his shoulders, it's fur lined hood pushed from his face. Vibrant blue eyes sit attractively in his lightly tanned heart shaped face, and his long blonde hair runs down his back to his waist in smooth well tended dreadlocks, a pair of antlers from a small unspecified creature adorning his head. His feet are furry with light blonde hairs, and unadorned.

A wooden shield carved with the image of a tree with a lightning bolt arcing over it is strapped to his left arm, and a leather sling is folded into his leather belt, upon which sits a large belt pouch. A scimitar is strapped to his back over his cloak and he carries a sturdy leather pack over his shoulder.

He often likes to adventure on his own...or with one of his animal companions. So far that has worked to his favor...
Tempus.jpg (106.94 KiB) Viewed 2018 times
Kablambicus Rex (Bluehorse) human male

A reluctant adventurer, drafted to take the place of Arnulf. He has a complicated relationship with his owl familiar. Can't spot him? Just look out for his big silly hat.
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Re: Adventurers of Masmuria

#2 Post by bloodymage »

Twix (bloodymage)

A small, ugly gnome with a huge pocked nose carrying a short sword and crossbow. He seems friendly enough unless it turns to business.
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Re: Adventurers of Masmuria

#3 Post by Enoch »

Yana Jez (Enoch)

Yana is fair-skinned with thick blonde hair she generally keeps in several heavy, utilitarian braids. She is taller than average, and broad-shouldered without being bulky. Her raiment is unremarkable, save for a pewter pendant she wears around her neck, which displays an anthropomorphized sun flanked by two stars.
Shadrach, Demon-Hunter - Dust to Dust
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Re: Adventurers of Masmuria

#4 Post by Marullus »

Arlandria Frogmorton

She is tall for a hobbit, standing three and a half feet, her form slender and plain. Auburn hair is pulled back and roughly but functionally plaited, fly-aways and loose ends abound with bits of twig remaining where they tangled. He face is long, deeply tanned and showing frown-lines. A pert nose lies below her cornflower-blue eyes. She wears long forest-green wool cloak and hood over her clothing - plain utilitarian brown leather smock dress over wool shirt and leggings, panels of studded leather arranged over plain peasant wares. Sword and quiver hang at her belt, both worn dark from use, with a well-kept wooden shortbow and pack upon her back.
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Re: Adventurers of Masmuria

#5 Post by Zorroroaster »

Arnulf the Banal

Arnulf's lanky, mouse brown hair frames an utterly forgettable face with dull brown eyes, a slightly overlong nose, and a patch of neck beard that should have been tended to long ago. He wears brown robes, scruffy but comfortable shoes. If pressed his mother would describe him as big-boned, likely from years of standing unnoticed in proximity to the cooling pastry trays of his father's bakery. His father simply called him thick.

Born the middle child of an unremarkable local baker, Arnulf distinguished himself from an early age by the uncanny ability to be present yet remain largely unnoticed. Phrases like 'Oh there you are,' and 'How long have you been standing there?' are heard often in Arnulf's presence, usually followed by something along the lines of 'Would you hold this?' or 'Can you move out of the way?'

His mentor in the arcane arts was so unimpressed by his lacklustre eldritch abilities that he proferred upon him the moniker 'Banal,' and referred to him so often by this name that the other students soon took it upon themselves to improvise upon the title in ways that Arnulf found most unsavoury.

He is so ordinary as to be nearly invisible, so is it any wonder his deepest desire is to become someone powerful and unique?
[]-Orrin Lighthammer, Dwarven Gymnast-[] The Arch-Duchy of Vaul: A West Marches Labyrinth Lord Sandbox
[]-Arnulf The Banal, Manchild SuperMage-[] The Lone City in the Wildlands (OSRIC)
[]-Nai Tnam, Dwarven Cleric-[] Lair of the Black Druid - OSRIC
[]-Bronn Arnulfsen, Half-Orc Fighter-[] Valnwall, The Barrowmaze (LL)
[]-<[RIP]>Eduard d'Arnise, Elven Fighter/Mage-[] The Lone City in the Wildlands (OSRIC)
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Re: Adventurers of Masmuria

#6 Post by Zhym »

Angus the Wanderer

Angus is a wiry, red-headed woodsman with blue eyes and dry, cracked, tobacco-colored skin. He's not much for words; though he can use them, he doesn't get much practice in the woods. He usually carries a big axe, a small axe, and a short bow.
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Re: Adventurers of Masmuria

#7 Post by Marullus »

Hellebore Frogmorton

What strikes you first about this hobbit is the grace of her movement, like ripples in water. She is fluid and precise in her action, standing three and a half feet and solidly-built with ample bosom and hips. Her shiny-black hair is pulled back and neatly plaited, vines and pale blue dried flowers woven within it. He face is round and freckled; a pert nose lies below eerie, intense cornflower-blue eyes. She is enfolded by charcoal-grey wolf-fur cloak and hood worn over her clothing - a fitted dress of supple black leather over wool shirt and leggings, panels of boiled hard-leather beneath. She holds a spear, its walnut-wood shaft polished to a sheen, and a large rawhide and wood shield painted with an intricate pattern of leaves.
The Frogmorton Sisters, Arlandria and Hellebore.
(Artwork by Mister-Kent. All my gratitude!)
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Re: Adventurers of Masmuria

#8 Post by onlyme »

Dandelion (with a name as pretty as that, why ruin it with a surname)

She's five and a half feet tall, and curvy. She likely weighs over 150 pounds but it's tough to tell with her winter clothing. She carries a trident and has a quiver of arrows slung over her shoulder. As she walks, the flaps of clothing reveal a glint of metallic armor underneath. She has green eyes and curly red hair, and her skin has such a faint tint of green that it would be hard to tell she's a half-orc by indoor lighting if it wasn't for the hint of canine teeth.

Her hobbies include staying up all night during slumber parties, dancing and singing. Her dream is to become Miss Half-orc next year and marry rich.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
Halfpint - female halfling badgirl wannabe (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL
Mark'd - charismatic human fighter (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL

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Re: Adventurers of Masmuria

#9 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus Werefoot

Tempus stands at just over three feet in height. He wears plain green sleeveless robes over his leather armour, and a white fur cloak is fastened about his shoulders, it's fur lined hood pushed from his face. Vibrant blue eyes sit attractively in his lightly tanned heart shaped face, and his long blonde hair runs down his back to his waist in smooth well tended dreadlocks, a pair of antlers from a small unspecified creature adorning his head. His feet are furry with light blonde hairs, and unadorned.
A wooden shield carved with the image of a tree with a lightning bolt arcing over it is strapped to his left arm, and a leather sling is folded into his leather belt, upon which sits a large belt pouch. A scimitar is strapped to his back over his cloak and he carries a sturdy leather pack over his shoulder.

Greys Campaign.
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Re: Adventurers of Masmuria

#10 Post by AleBelly »


Eduard (Zorroroaster)

Stands 5' tall, about average for an elf. He's slender, but well muscled. He has jet black hair pulled back into a queue, an aquiline nose, hazel eyes and a firm set to his mouth. He is one who looks determined in his actions, whether they be fighting off a group of bullies or lifting an ale with his friends.

Ilfrien (Keehnelf)

A female elf, a shade above four and a half feet tall. Ilfrien sports dark hair that surrounds a scarred face. She carries a mace and shield and is outfitted in studded leather armor. A satchel is slung over her shoulder. She also carries a sword.

Jaspar (KingofCowards)

Jaspar is a kindly-looking old man. His gray hair is thinning and cropped short. His chin is covered in a day's growth of white stubble. His face is like tanned leather from spending too much time in the sun. He is dressed in a suit of studded leather armor covered by a woolen tunic and breeches.


Sev is a tall, beautiful young man with flowing locks of hair and a perfect smile. He wears armor, carries a shield, and covers himself with a long white cloak. The cloak is decorated with a tree root pattern that starts on the shoulders and flows down like the growing roots of a large tree. His shield displays an emblem of a black sheep.

Yenny (

Yenny is a short (aren't they all?) gnome. She is well-armored and carries a flail. Around her neck is a wooden clockwork symbol.

Korok (MonkeyWrench)

This half orc has grey skin with slightly more orcish features than human. His red eyes contrast remarkably with his dark black hair. His hairflows down to the middle of his back, tamed by a braid with intercalating feathers and beads. He stands nearly six feet tall and is very muscular. Doesn't talk a whole lot.

Hyde the Heartless (tkrexx)

Hyde is a short but very solidly built half orc. He's called Heartless, but doesn't agree with the moniker. He's a bit creepy looking, with a swarthy complexion, a great shock of unkept black hair blending into a scraggly beard, vast bushy eyebrows over big, soft black eyes and an enormous mouth filled with tusk-like teeth. He smiles a lot.

Chet (CAI4)

Chet is a quite ugly man dressed in a flowing light blue robe. His face won't turn you to stone, but you might wish it had! From his smooth, peach-colored skin sprouts several large moles with prodigious amounts of hair spewing forth. He has a scar that runs from his right ear to the corner of his mouth. His nose is a long, arcing hook. His face's only salvation is a pair of deep blue/green eyes, although these seem to be vacant. Atop this mess sits a mop of curly light brown hair.

He carries a staff and has a large sack slung over his shoulder.

Galan (nuke66), male gnome

A diminutive gnome, Galan is light on his feet. Dressed in a robe of moons with many pockets, he doesn't talk much but his eyes sparkle with intelligence.
Figgis (Tamerlaine) male dwarf


One look at Figgis and that person might recoil in disgust. Never was a face so suited for villainy with his dark beady eyes squinting out from under a pair of dark bushy eyebrows, the large bulbous nose that had been broken and never healed right, and the stringy black hair which falls limply across his horribly scarred face. The right side of his face, from the grotesque lump of flesh that was his ear to the brow and down to near the jaw, a tapestry of scarred skin like melted wax. He favors no beard, allowing only a great bristling mustache which hides the thick twisted lips frozen into a perpetual sneer.
Last edited by AleBelly on Wed Oct 31, 2018 4:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Adventurers of Masmuria

#11 Post by Keehnelf »

Sagthistle Steelcuff is a rugged, soft-spoken dwarf-maid with a handful of nasty scars and calloused hands. She carries a longsword strapped across her back, a shield slung across one shoulder and is clad in heavy lamellar armor. Her long strawberry blond hair is braided into several thick cords and she has the hunch-shouldered bearing of someone who has borne a burden inordinately long.

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Re: Adventurers of Masmuria

#12 Post by Jernau35 »

Rufus Dakor

Rufus was mostly raised by his human mother, though his elven father was around intermittently for the first 7 or 8 years of his life. He hasn't seen his father since the collapse of the empire and the isolation of Alleborg. Growing up, he worked as a shepherd boy and it was from this that his devotion to Veles came about. His time spent outdoors also taught him skills that would be useful for surviving in the wilderness. About 4 years ago, Rufus decided to search for his father. He was able to sneak out through the defensive perimeter, but didn't get very far before he ran into hostile creatures. Fleeing, he was ensnared by some form of magic cast by one of them. That's the last thing he remembers until now.
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Re: Adventurers of Masmuria

#13 Post by Zeromancer »

Lumenor Celevansyr

Lumenor is a member of a noble elven bloodline whose lineage can be traced back far beyond when the Masmurian Empire was at its height of power and influence. He is rumored to hail from an elven settlement not marked on any map charted in the present day. The elf is generally unwilling to reveal details of his life prior to embarking on his journey to Alleborg, however, he sometimes refers to himself as an "emissary".

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