Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#201 Post by wordoftheoracle »

Ioriston will Ray of Frost the goblin who was 'bum rushed' by Baor.

Ranged Spell Attack: [1d20+2] = 7+2 = 9 Damage: [1d8] = 8
PC History:

Ioriston Erudleaf - Level Three Elven Wizard, Hedge's Adventures in the Realms (5e)
Loche - Level Three Pict Thief, The Lost City of the Pharaohs (1e)
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#202 Post by hedgeknight »

Twin Pools Cave Melee > Round 4

Initiative Order:
Goblins (21)
Aslaan & Stitches (14)
Ioriston (3)
Baer & Kelton (0)

The two goblins on the bridge nock arrows, take aim at Baer and Ioriston, and fire! Baer grunts and staggers against the wall, a black-fletched arrow stuck deep in his upper chest. Goblin shortbow: [1d20+4] = 17+4 = 21, [1d6+2] = 6+2 = 8

Ioriston begins to cast another ray of frost, when the other goblin archer drills him with a well-placed shot to the stomach.
Goblin shortbow: [1d20+4] = 19+4 = 23, [1d6+2] = 4+2 = 6
In excruciating pain, the elven wizard misses his goblin target.
Baer likewise misses with his last remaining hand axe, grimacing in pain from the throw.

In the upper pool cave, two goblins still stand, even though Stitches hears more coming. The goblin attacking Kelton, drops its bow and whips out its...scimitar, gutting the big human with a wicked two-handed cut!
Goblin scimitar: [1d20+4] = 15+4 = 19, [1d6+2] = 4+2 = 6

As Kelton falls over, blood gushing from his stomach as his entrails seek to spill out also, the other goblin shoots Aslaan in the stomach, the arrow punching through his back.
Goblin shortbow: [1d20+4] = 12+4 = 16, [1d6+2] = 6+2 = 8

Aslaan hisses in pain, but grits his teeth and charges, slashing at the goblin with his greatsword. The heavy blade sings through the air, but the nimble goblin rolls under the attack and comes up ready to go again.
Stitches fires on the goblin which fell Kelton, skewering it through the neck, dropping it in a gout of black blood.

As the goblin falls, a large wolf slinks into the cave, followed by a hulking creature nearly seven foot tall!
Bugbear.jpg (742.11 KiB) Viewed 716 times
"Well now," the creature growls in the Common tongue. "I love the smell of fresh blood in the morning. So does, Ripper. Ain't that right, boy?"
The wolf snarls in response, sniffing loudly and slowly approaching Kelton's body.
"You meat sacks want to keep fightin' or do you want to drop yer weapons and live...a while longer?"

While Stitches and Aslaan wrack their brains for a solution that ends up with them walking out of this mess, the goblin which ran to fetch his master returns to the cave too. And the when Stitches recognizes Dwimp, he knows he should have slit the little bastard's throat when it was asleep!


Stitches > down 7 hp
Kelton > down 15...dying!
Baer > down 8 hp
Ioriston > down 6 hp
Aslaan > down 8 hp

1 goblin down 3 hp; axed in the buttocks!
1 goblin asleep on the bridge
3 goblins dead in the pool cave
1 dead in the stream

To quote Delmar > "Damn! We're in a tight spot!"
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#203 Post by Belkregos »

stitches tries to stall and gt to a bit better position

ok, ok, we just came for ..... that Dwip told us if we killed the dogs there was some gold to be had

he shrugs his shoulders not knowing what else to say

we've got some ale barrels if you let my buddy get back with us, i dont think he's up for it anymore

deception: [1d20+5] = 5+5 = 10

stealth: [1d20+7] = 13+7 = 20
Stitches:- 1st lvl Halfling-Rogue: basics HP:9, AC:14, init.:+3, Sw/Bow: +5 to hit/1d6+3 dam +Sneak attack!
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#204 Post by burlyjr »

Aslaan will try to move over to Kelton to see if he can bandage him up while Stitches tries to con the bugbear. If unable to move to Kelton, Aslaan will play along with Stitches.
As the light changed from red to green to yellow and back to red again, I sat there thinking about life. Was it nothing more than a bunch of honking and yelling? Sometimes it seemed that way.
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#205 Post by hedgeknight »

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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#206 Post by hedgeknight »

Twin Pools Cave Melee > Round 5

Initiative Order:
Goblins (21)
Kelton (16)
Aslaan & Stitches (14)
Klarg & Wolf (6)
Baer (5)
Ioriston (3)

The goblins on the bridge take aim at Baer and Ioriston and are about to fire when a sharp command halt them. Appearing at the top of the west passage, which slopes through a jumble of rocks and debris is another goblin...slighter larger than the other the companions have fought...and stronger. The goblin has his fist entangled in the hair of a human, a human who looks a lot like Sildar Hallwinter.
Sildar looks bloodied and beaten, but alive. The goblin jerks Sildar's head up and says, "You be tough to kill. You come for this, yes? Maybe...we work out deal."

Meanwhile, in the pool cave...
Stitches pleads his case, but the bugbear leader is not hearing any of it.
"You dare try to steal from Klarg? Klarg will make footstool from yer bones! Ripper > feed!"

The goblin archer fires point blank at Aslaan, who has moved forward to help Kelton, but the shot is rushed and the arrow flies high.
And then something happens no one expects > as the wolf moves in to feast on Kelton, the noble warrior suddenly lurches up, rising to his knees. With a cry of desperation, Kelton brings his great axe around and takes the head of the wolf clean off!
Kelton great axe: [1d20+5] = 12+5 = 17, [1d12+3] = 7+3 = 10
"No mercy for these goblinoid bastards!" Kelton bellows as the wolf's body slumps to the ground, spraying gore all over the place.

Dwimp squeals and flees back the way he came, while the other goblin looks to see what Klarg will do. Klarg gapes at his dead wolf and then gapes some more when, with Aslaan's help, Kelton rises, bloody axe in hand.
Brandishing a heavy morning star, Klarg takes a step back...and then another...and then another, his yellow eyes fearful.

Aslaan & Stitches, you're up!

Stitches > down 7 hp
Kelton > 6 hp
Kelton Second Wind: [1d10+1] = 4+1 = 5
Baer > down 8 hp
Ioriston > down 6 hp
Aslaan > down 8 hp

1 goblin down 3 hp; axed in the buttocks!
3 goblins on the bridge > arrows ready to fire!
3 goblins dead in the pool cave
1 dead in the stream
1 wolf (Ripper) dead
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#207 Post by burlyjr »

Aslaan will call upon his second wind ability.

Second wind [1d10+1] = 8+1 = 9

He then looks to Kelton and says let's finish this as he reads his sword and charges the bugbear.

To hit: [1d20+4] = 12+4 = 16, damage with greatsword [2d6+2] = 9+2 = 11
As the light changed from red to green to yellow and back to red again, I sat there thinking about life. Was it nothing more than a bunch of honking and yelling? Sometimes it seemed that way.
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#208 Post by Belkregos »

stiches reacts more out of instinct than any strategy as the suprise of his friend rising from the dead hits him and lets an arrow loos at the bugbear

attack- to hit:[1d20+5] = 4+5 = 9 damage: [1d6+3] = 5+3 = 8
Stitches:- 1st lvl Halfling-Rogue: basics HP:9, AC:14, init.:+3, Sw/Bow: +5 to hit/1d6+3 dam +Sneak attack!
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#209 Post by hedgeknight »

Seeing Kelton "rise from the dead" spurs Stitches to instinctively react...firing at the bugbear leader, Klarg. His shot misses high, however, but Aslaan charges the bugbear having gained his second wind. He cuts a bloody swath along Klarg's shoulder and chest, staggering the bugbear with a mighty blow.
Klarg brings his morningstar around at Aslaan, but the young warrior turns the attack aside with his blade.

Twin Pools Cave Melee > Round 6

Initiative Order:
Goblins (21)
Kelton (16)
Aslaan & Stitches (14)
Klarg & Wolf (6)
Baer (5)
Ioriston (3)

Seeing his boss in trouble, the lone goblin pulls its scimitar and charges toward Kelton. Leaping in the air, the goblin slashes at the noble warrior, but Kelton's armor holds, deflecting the otherwise nasty attack.
Ignoring the goblin, too intent on his original target, Kelton cries out, "For Neverwinter!" and with a mighty chop, cleaves Klarg from neck to nuts!! Kelton great axe: [1d20+5] = 20+5 = 25, [1d12+3] = 10+3 = 13
Kelton crit dmg: [1d12] = 11

When Klarg falls, the goblin runs toward Stitches, trying to get past the rogue as it flees...

Waiting on Ioriston to respond to the goblin holding Sildar...

Stitches > down 7 hp
Kelton > 6 hp
Baer > down 8 hp
Ioriston > down 6 hp
Aslaan > full hp

Klarg > dead
1 goblin down 3 hp; axed in the buttocks!
3 goblins on the bridge > arrows ready to fire!
3 goblins dead in the pool cave
1 dead in the stream
1 wolf (Ripper) dead
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#210 Post by wordoftheoracle »

Ioriston steels himself:

"The time for subtlety has past! For Oghma!"

Ioriston thrusts both arms forward towards the goblin holding Sildar and lets the arcane darts fly from his fingers.

Magic Missle: First Dart: [1d4+1] = 3+1 = 4 Second Dart: [1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5 Third Dart: [1d4+1] = 3+1 = 4

Sorry for the delay. School just started.
PC History:

Ioriston Erudleaf - Level Three Elven Wizard, Hedge's Adventures in the Realms (5e)
Loche - Level Three Pict Thief, The Lost City of the Pharaohs (1e)
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#211 Post by hedgeknight »

The arcane darts fly from Ioriston's fingers, battering the goblin holding Sildar in the head and chest! With a strangled cry, the goblin releases Sildar and tumbles over the edge of the cliff, falling several feet to strike the jumble of rocky debris below, where he slides to a halt just at the edge of the stream.
The other goblins watch in stunned silence...until Baer barks some divine words...and a flame-like radiance descends upon the goblin he wounded earlier with his axe. The goblin's ragged clothing and hair catch fire and it screams and flails about the bridge as it dies.

The three remaining goblins (the ones previously put to sleep by Ioriston's spell), holler and fall back on each other trying to get away from their burning comrade; one even drops its bow which falls off the bridge and into the stream below.
But the other two goblins keep their wits somewhat and fire their bows. One arrow misses Ioriston by several feet, but a second arrow sinks deep into Baer's chest, knocking him to the ground...where he lays dying.
Goblin shortbow: [1d20+4] = 15+4 = 19, [1d6+2] = 4+2 = 6

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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#212 Post by Belkregos »

stitches steps aside to fire an arrow at the goblin running to him


attack- to hit:[1d20+5] = 17+5 = 22 damage: [1d6+3] = 4+3 = 7
Stitches:- 1st lvl Halfling-Rogue: basics HP:9, AC:14, init.:+3, Sw/Bow: +5 to hit/1d6+3 dam +Sneak attack!
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#213 Post by burlyjr »

Aslaan will fire a arrow at one of the remaining goblins.

To hit: [1d20+7] = 16+7 = 23, damage with longbow [1d8+3] = 3+3 = 6
As the light changed from red to green to yellow and back to red again, I sat there thinking about life. Was it nothing more than a bunch of honking and yelling? Sometimes it seemed that way.
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#214 Post by wordoftheoracle »

Ioriston points and fires a ray of frost at the closest goblin.

Ranged Spell Attack: [1d20+2] = 13+2 = 15 Damage: [1d8] = 5
PC History:

Ioriston Erudleaf - Level Three Elven Wizard, Hedge's Adventures in the Realms (5e)
Loche - Level Three Pict Thief, The Lost City of the Pharaohs (1e)
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#215 Post by hedgeknight »

Twin Pools Cave Melee > Round 6/7

Initiative Order:
Goblins (21)
Kelton (16)
Aslaan & Stitches (14)
Baer (5)
Ioriston (3)

Ioriston doesn't flinch as Baer goes down, but rather invokes his magic yet again, freezing one of the goblins on the bridge...but not quite killing it, although it does drop its bow.
The only goblin holding a bow, takes aim at Ioriston and lets fly > but the death of its companions and the seemingly unstoppable elven wizard is too much for it, and its arrow sails high and wide.

But then one of its companions, the near frozen one, suddenly screams and topples off the bridge with an arrow in its back!

"No mercy to the little bastards!" roars a familiar voice to Ioriston's ears, and he is surprised and yet thrilled to see Kelton charge into view on the bridge!
But the zealous warrior overextends himself, and his great axe hits nothing but wood, knocking a huge chunk out of the bridge, missing a nimble goblin as it dives out of the way.
The only two remaining goblins scream and run for their lives heading into the darkness of the western corridor...


Alright fellers > as far as you know, there are three goblins yet living > Dwimp and the two who just fled for their lives from Kelton. Take a look at the updated map > I'm embarrassed to post it, but it was the best I could do on my Mac. Will attempt an update either tomorrow or Tuesday on my computer at work.

Stitches > down 7 hp
Kelton > 6 hp
Baer > at "0" hp and dying
Ioriston > down 6 hp
Aslaan > full hp

Klarg > dead
2 goblins running for their lives!
2 goblins dead on the bridge
4 goblins dead in the pool cave
1 dead in the stream
1 wolf (Ripper) dead
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#216 Post by burlyjr »

Aslaan will look over the area to see if there is anything he can do to help any of the others. He makes sure everyone is ok then he will start looking around the area and the bodies of the dead and see what he may find.
As the light changed from red to green to yellow and back to red again, I sat there thinking about life. Was it nothing more than a bunch of honking and yelling? Sometimes it seemed that way.
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#217 Post by hedgeknight »

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Kelton advances across the bridge, stepping over (or on) the dead goblins along the way. At the end of the bridge, he stops to light a torch.
Below Ioriston can see him and also see that Baer is not doing too well.

Above in the cave pool area, Aslaan explores a bit and finds another large cavern.

Sacks and crates and looted provisions are piled up in the south end of this large cave. To the west, the floor slopes toward a narrow opening that descends into darkness. In the middle of the cavern, the coals of a large fire smolder.

Actions for everyone!
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#218 Post by burlyjr »

"Looks like I may have found were they were staying. I'm going to check it out."

Aslaan will slowly enter into the opening with sword drawn to get a better look around.
As the light changed from red to green to yellow and back to red again, I sat there thinking about life. Was it nothing more than a bunch of honking and yelling? Sometimes it seemed that way.
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#219 Post by Belkregos »

bow ready stitches stealthily moves in to the room

stealth: [1d20+7] = 13+7 = 20
Stitches:- 1st lvl Halfling-Rogue: basics HP:9, AC:14, init.:+3, Sw/Bow: +5 to hit/1d6+3 dam +Sneak attack!
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Re: Chapter 1 > Road to Adventure

#220 Post by wordoftheoracle »

Ioriston catches up to Stitches and Aslaan. He casts dancing lights in the form of a humanoid and has it 'walk' into the dark and new passage.
PC History:

Ioriston Erudleaf - Level Three Elven Wizard, Hedge's Adventures in the Realms (5e)
Loche - Level Three Pict Thief, The Lost City of the Pharaohs (1e)
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