(CLOSED) The Haunting of Griffon Manor

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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#101 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gorthak to Gort "Yes, we go hunt ghosts now Gort."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#102 Post by Sol »

[Zirus - Lizardfolk Aspiring Cleric 0] (MP: 0.5/2) (HP 10/10) (AC: 19)
Actions: Answers Phone

Zirus listens with interest to what Seeker has said. Then, in disbelief, he notices Seeker, Gorthak, and Gort leaving the scene. He casts an eye over to Caiden, who was a moment ago struck. He casts an eye also at the creature, who, in his mind, is still very much likely to be hostile, though fleeing.

He takes his crystal-on-a-string and says into it, "There was-s-s-s a creature. From the moon. He has-s-s fled. Meet us at the manor house. You will learn what we have learned."

He turns to Seeker, who has gone after the woman. It makes sense to him that they should round her up first, so he goes alongside him to find her. To Seeker he says, "You are able to s-s-s-peak to the moon creature. What did it s-s-say?" He glances back to see if Caiden will be joining them.
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#103 Post by Antman9 »

[Caiden Cross – Human Rouge 0] (HP: 10/10) (AC: 13)
Action: In Shock

Caiden stares from the fleeing Giant Man to the rest of the party in disbelief and horror. "What, what was that? It flinched away the Ghost Trapper like it was nothing? I thought I was dead!" Caiden shakes his head trying to wake himself form the nightmare and then tries to decide which half of the party to follow. Eventually he calls out, "Guys. Hey guys! should't we stick together?" He decides to follow Gorthak and Gort figuring they may need his help more.
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#104 Post by Antman9 »

[Formerly known as Tobias – Grimalkin] (HD: 2) (AC: 12)
Actions: Relaxes and follows Zirus

Tobias relaxes and smothes his hair back down with a few tongue strokes. He listens to Zirus talking into his cup on a string while watching Gort, Gorthak, and Caiden head south. Once Zirus has concluded his cup conversation Tobias follows him toward Seeker and makes idle conversation as the move, "Zirus, my friend, that Giant has not had his fill of us I fear. What on earth to you suppose Seeker said to him to scare him so?"
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#105 Post by Antman9 »

Summary: Off to find a Ghost, or two

As tension begins to lift and the dust settles many members of the party are just as confused if not more so than when they started this little adventure. Gorthak, Gort, and Zirus begin making their way toward the south end of town in hope of discovering the location of the Griffon Manor, while Zirus, Tobias, and Seeker head north to find the Elf woman who ran screaming in that direction.

Seeker, Zirus, Tobias
Seeker and Zirus soon discover they cannot find the woman. She is either in hiding or has left the city altogether. Although there aren’t too many places outside the city to flee to, there are a million within the city itself to hide in. Eventually Seeker and Zirus must give up and return to The Belfrey Tower and find their companions.

As Zirus, Seeker, and Tobias return they discover a wobbly Phlunk sipping some nasty smelling steaming brew from an old mug with John Tom standing nearby just smiling away. Phlunk eyes the three coming from a distance, only speaking when they have attained talking distance, “Ayee! Me head feels as if uh herd of magpies is beein pecking at it fer hours. Wher be tha rest uh yer party lads? Have they got the scared out’o them? Anywho, Shall we see to that lubry then? Ah thank I cun member its locale.

Phlunk takes off toward the south, the same direction as Gort, Gorthak, and Caiden, though they are nowhere in sight. He takes the first left you come to and the wandrrs around in circles, peering into old decrepit and abandoned buildings, people’s homes, and the occasional lavatory, wherein he curls and pinches his nose and says, “Whoooeeee! That thar is a rip’n” At one point the four come out at the central garden where various Common Gnomes, Gully Dwarves, and Half Elves are tending to the city’s fresh food supply. Phlunk scratches his head, swivels around in a full circle several times and then announces, “Aaah, yes, thiseeway,” and darts off down a side alley.[/dialog”]

A few minutes later he squeezes into a dark crack between two buildings (see map), barely 2’ wide, and says, “Ugh, I seem to rember this passabe being muchee wider the last time I were here. Havee gots a candle ladees? It’s a might bit dark from here.” He waits until a candle has been lit and then takes the three party members on a winding maze through a labyrinth of tunnels and passages. “These here was the old city, before Humans came here. It is only known to a few of us. Netheril has eyes everywhere. But don’tee worry, we are safe to pass.

He eventually tugs open a stubborn old wooden door with many runes and symbols all scrolled over the top of each other, most of them indecipherable. Inside is a small 12’ x 12’ room lined with bookshelves 9’ high. The center of the room is nearly filled with an old decrepit wooden table leaving just a couple of feet between it and the book cases. Many of the old tomes, books, and scrolls have fallen to the floor and are piled about the place, including on the table, leaving no sense of organization whatsoever. Phlunk seems overly familiar with its organizational system and quickly finds what he is searching for.

He flops a giant leather-bound book on the table forcing a loud crack to issue from the rickety wood. It begins to wobble and threatens to topple but Phlunk seems oblivious to its imminent failure and digs into the pages in search of info on Griffin Manor while talking the whole time. “Yes this is the one, I am certain. Yes, here it is. Griffin Manor, owned by a one Gunter Weiss.” He continues reading then announces quite loudly, “Oh my! He was a Wizard. I had not known that part, no sir I did not. Had I, I might have inquired there myself.

Now more sober than he was a while ago, his words are becoming crisper and his speech more intelligible, his playful tone more serious by the minute, quite possibly due to the nature of his investigation, something near and dear to his heart: Magics. “Oh my! It says here Mr. Weiss was searching for a way to restore his youth. It says he announced he found a solution. Oh dear, very disturbing indeed. A short time later strange sounds were heard coming from his mansion and he nor his wife were heard from again. That is all it says. This is quite serious. A wizard toying with magics concerning rejuvenation and longevity is a very grievous matter. There is no telling what he did, in or to that place. You will need to be very careful if you choose to go to that place.

Phlunk shakes his head and puts the book away. As he does an old tome falls to the floor smashing Phlunk in the foot. He screams out in pain and curses the tome profusely. Several minutes later, having recovered the feeling in his toes, Phlunk lifts the Tome onto the table to inspect his adversary. “Do you know what this is friends? Do you? Oh my! This is a book of Incantations. This is very old magic. Dear me. I have not seen one of these in years. I have nearly forgotten my training as a youth. I should drink a bit less and perhaps study a wee bit more.

Phlunk chuckles to himself and then sobering asks in a most serious matter, “Do you suppose I could, er, assist you in your endeavors at the manor could I? It would be an honor to assist.” Phlunk smiles and peers through the dim candlelight to see if Seeker, Zirus, or Tobias will assent to his request. “I can take you there now of course. These,” he points the tome on the table, “might sweeten the deal?

Gort, Gorthak, Caiden
Gort, Gorthak, and Caiden wander around the south side of town searching for Griffon Manor. Having no sign announcing its location they resort to searching for people to ask. Their task is made difficult by the fact that no one is out and about and raps to doors present no appreciable assistance. Eventually the three find themselves at the edge of a small point overlooking the Seamyst Ocean (see map). To the right (west) is another point jutting out much further.

Setting at the edge of the other point is dark decrepit two-story manor. Weeds and small trees have grown up around it giving it a dark ominous demeanor.

An hour passes in the blink of an eye leaving both parties no closer to discovering the secrets of Griffon manor. Dark clouds suddenly roll across the sky, nearly extinguishing every ray of sunlight, and dumping rain across the city. Lighting flashes across the sky and thunder echoes throught alleyways and streets. No further sign of the Giant Humanoid is seen, nor of any ghosts fo rthat matter.

MAP (Rough Draft)
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What you know so far:
> There are ghosts disrupting daily life on the west side of town.
> The only business you know of on the west side of town is The Belfrey Tower (inn & pub) (owned and operated by a Human - John Tom) (Everyone made a short stay here when they first arrived at Dragons Belch)
> The ghosts may be coming from a place called Griffon Manor which may have been owned my a man named Gunter Weiss who may have married a young lady named Erika and something very bad may have happened there.
> Phlunk believes there is additional information in a local library which he has offered to take the party to.
> Zirus and Tobias believe the Giant Humanoid to be a warrior class of a spacefaring race that comes from the moon.
> Seeker can speak to the Giant Humanoid in some strange language no one has heard before.
> Gunter Weiss was a Wizard toying with rejuvenation and longevity magics


The Party:



Barkeep: John Tom – Male – Human
Patron 1: Filber Treetoe – Male – Halfling – Baker
Patron 2: Tynan Gauntletsapper – Male – Hill Dwarf – Trader
Patron 3: Etney Gauntletsapper – Female – Hill Dwarf – Trader’s Wife
Bar Maids: Piera & Posie - Female – Rock Gnomes - Bar Maids

Phlunk Sludge Dipperthong - Male - Gully Dwarf - Magic-User 2

Strange female Gully Dwarf (unconscious on a table in the pub with Safflower honey on her face)


5:00 pm
June 27th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:38/8:30
Temp: 73.9°F
Visibility: 9.0 Miles
Wind: 13.8 mph S (gust to 24.2 mph)
Cloud: Thunderstorm, Rain
Humidity: 91%
Moon Rise/Set: 6:07 am/8:36 pm
Moonlight: 3%


Special Weapons in Play
Pills of Devouring: Chewers Delight
Mouth increases in size by 4 times
8 pills total
Duration: 1d4 Turns (1 turn = 10 rounds, 1 round = 1 min)
Damage: 3d6 hp per bite

The Ghost Trapper
This wooden contraption consists of a long shaft, several feet long with a narrow slot running the length of it and a jumble of heavy spider thread-like material protruding from the end. Attached to the other end is a shoulder stock with two dials and a trigger mechanism. A length of the spider thread comes out of the barrel at the stock end and hangs out several feet. One end of the lasso attaches to the character’s waist, sight the incorporeal entity (ghost) along the barrel, and pull the trigger. The lasso shoots out entrapping the entity. A dial on the top of the gun retracts the lasso once the entity has been dealt with and another dial sets the trigger

Range: 50’
Requires and attack roll
Effect: Holds incorporeal entity indefinitely
Secondary Effect: delivers a shock to corporeal entities (living beings) dealing 2d6 points of electrical damage.

The Orc Slayer
The Orc Slayer is a magically hardened Obsidian axe head mounted to a thick Bois D’arc wood shaft with Liana cord. The extremely sharp nature of obsidian, hardened by magic, and coupled with the resilient tenacity of the Bois D’ark wood makes this a formidable weapon in its own right. It has one additional secret though, when used against Orcs it becomes a cleaving weapon of death. Any successful attack against an Orc of equal or lessor level than that of the wielder instantly cleaves the Orc in two. Any attack on an Orc whose level is over that of the wielder does double damage.

Normal Damage: 2d6
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#106 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Action:Pointing at gloomy manor
Setting at the edge of the other point is dark decrepit two-story manor. Weeds and small trees have grown up around it giving it a dark ominous demeanor.
"Lets go to that building it fits the description of a manor, maybe the ghosts are there." the minotaur sets off toward the gloomy manor looking building.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#107 Post by badams30 »

Gort - Savage
Action: Follow Gorthak

Gort nods and grunts in approval of Gorthak's plan. "Uhh. Ya. That look like good place. We find ghosts, chop em' up good. Gort ain't' 'fraid a' no ghosts."

Gort holds up his obsidian axe, turning it and admiring it's shine in the gloomy light, then he nods contentedly and follows by Gorthak and Caiden's side.
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#108 Post by MonkeyWrench »

["Seeker" Jyrbian Talanador of the Bleeding Eye - Lvl 0] (HP:10/10) (AC:11)
Action: Retcon and then Current Post

As Seeker, Zirus, and Tobias walk on in search of the woman, Seeker listens to Zirus comment on his use of the creatures speech. Waving his hand dismissively as he walks and answers the lizard man cleric, "Ah, that silly mess. Nothing important was said, the usual villain diorama. Quite generic really, I was a little dissapointed for one of it's kind, though they are not known for their overflowing intelligence... It simply spoke of how puny everyone was and all that, you know the type, "I will crush your bones grah... or something or other"... Truly, an underwhelming experience." In response to the changelings comment to Zirus Seeker simply gives a wicked grin, commenting as he continues to search, "Well, I simply gave my own villain diorama." He finishes his comment with a short chuckle, finding the situation quite amusing.


Seeker walks over to the Gully Dwarf, hefting the tome up and reading the first few pages, "Well then, that is strange... These are very old incantations." He adopts an unsatisfied face for a moment, his nose turning in some form of mild disgust, "But ultimately they are mere cantrips in lieu of more powerful spells... However, I can see such old magics being quite useful in certain situations." he spares a glance to Tobias and Zirus, adopting an instructional tone as he lowers the tome for them to see, "While they do have their own limits and consequences these spells were before a time of traditional magic, both arcane and divine, and as such can be used by everyone."

He gives the tome back to the Gully dwarf if Zirus does not take it to look over himself, "Your terms, and aid, are most acceptable. Lead the way to this manor so that we may dispatch of the crumbling cities ghost problem... Perhaps then we can turn our attentions to the more pressing matters that afflict this city."
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#109 Post by Sol »

[Zirus - Lizardfolk Aspiring Cleric 0] (MP: 0.5/2) (HP 10/10) (AC: 19)
Actions: Considers Carefully

The Lizard Man is perplexed by Seeker's answers, considering them carefully. When they cannot find the woman, he says, "Curious that she has vanished. Perpaps-s-s-s it was she who was the ghost?"

Zirus's jaw eventually returns to its normal size as they return ultimately to the others. He looks on with interest at Phunk's actions, and then says, "We may be willing to speak about making a deal on the matter. Tell us more of what you have in mind."
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#110 Post by Antman9 »

[Bartholomew Bumblewoodtooth Grumblefoot III – Common Gnome Alchemist 9] (HP: 54/54) (AC: 8)
Actions: Converses with Zirus

Bartholomew, startled by the last report from Zirus, gains control over his facilities and speaks int the transmitter. “That cannot be…..It, it just cannot be. Are you sure Lizardman? We knew they were…It doesn’t matter. Where is this manor house?
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#111 Post by Antman9 »

[Phlunk Sludge Dipperthong – Gully Dwarf Magic User 2] (SP: 20/20) (HP: 18/18) (AC: 7)
Actions: Serious about Magics

Phlunk eyeballs Seeker as he reads through the tome and then laughs at his dismissal, “Ha! You dismiss sumpthin o power from the dark’O’time. I can see a depth’o time in yer eyes. You’n is not so powerfull as you think. There is things out there we can not comprehends. My people have been delving into this darkness before Humans were here. Let me show you something.

Phlunk digs around in one of his pockets, then another, then another, eventually pulling out a small 1” length of dirty, frayed, and mangled hemp twine. He holds it up to the candle light and carefully tweaks a single strand from it, no thicker than a strand of hair. He carefully places the twine back in his pocket and looks Seeker hard in the eye. Blowing the thread of twine into the air he says, “natantis carcere

Floating Prison WIS-DC: Save [3d6] = 16, Side Effects [1d6] = 5

Seeker instantly becomes frozen in place, only able to move his eyes and speak, and begins to float roughly 6” above the library floor. Phlunk laughs and twists Seeker around in the air. “You may not like what I have dun to ye, but you cannot deny the power of tha dark forces that flow through the universe. You of all folk should know. We appreciate yer acceptamence.” Phlunk laughs and winks at Seeker before saying “dimissus

Seeker drops to the floor, released from his invisible bonds. Phlunk bows to Seeker and says. “I pologize for any incursion aginst yer person. We are not always so direct. We mustn't dismiss the power of a cantrip, as you call them.

Phlunk turns to Zirus and says, “Yer mind is keen Lizardman. Though you are uv a divine discipline, you too cun advent frum these,” he points to the tome, “incatations. You mahap be of interest in these, as anyone can use them, even those of a divine discipline’s. You may peharp even be uv interst in Orandi Qui, or Orsisons in the common tongue. I may be small of stature and thought of less by other races, including them of our own, but I assures you Netheril taught me well. We is not as little-minded as we appear I assures you. The Orison come from a time of history where speaking was the only method to communicate with gods. Those gods were freer spirited and looser in their gifts. I have studied their ways in great depth with Netheril. He is a wise teacher. There are currents of power that still flow through this world from the divine spirits, even though they have left us to our own devices. If you are of open mind and willing I may teach you of the incantation and the orison. Their power is far greater than many believe, I assures you of it.

Floating Prison
Turns one victim into a meat popsicle that floats roughly 6” off the ground.

Type: Short
Duration: Until released
Save: Inciter makes a WIS-DC, DC = 20 - level of inciter; failure: Duration reduced to 2d3 rounds.
Side Effects: DM rolls 1d6. On a 1 the inciter becomes the meat popsicle instead of the target.
Fragmentation: Everyone within a 15’ radius suffers the effects of the incantation, including the caster.

(1) Strand of Hemp twine

Remove a single strand from a 1” length of Hemp twine, blow the strand into the air, and incite the command word. The target becomes paralyzed in their current position and begins to float 6” off the ground. A slight breeze of at least 5 mph will move the victim. The victim can still move their eyes and speak normally. On a successful INT-DC the victim floats until the inciter speaks the release command.
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#112 Post by Antman9 »

[Caiden Cross – Human Rouge 0] (HP: 10/10) (AC: 13)
Action: Shivers

"That sure looks like a place where ghosts would live. That's for sure," Caiden says as he looks out across the cliffs to the decrepit looking manor on the point. "I guess we should check it out."
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#113 Post by Antman9 »

Summary: Off to find a Ghost, or two, or three

Seeker, Zirus, Tobias, & Phlunk
Phlunk discovers a bit of new information about Griffon Manor and its former owner that he had not previously known and it concerns him greatly. The source of the ghosts may have magical implications. While searching for info on the manor Phlunk stumbles upon a tome of old incantation and gives the less than impressed Seeker a real world demonstration of their power. Phlunk has proven that he is serious about magics and appears to be adequately skilled in that area. He may have a drinking problem though. He has also indicated that he is under or has been under the tutelage of the High Wizard Netheril and they have been studying magic and the history of Dragons Belch for some time.

As the party concludes their research in the old cramped library and prepare to go in search of the manor, Zirus’ belt phone goes off with a message from Bartholomew : “That cannot be…..It, it just cannot be. Are you sure Lizardman? We knew they were…It doesn’t matter. Where is this manor house?

Tobias listens intently and watches the show, his curiosity taking the place of his normal talkative nature.

Having found a bit of new information, a few new tools with which to improve their skills, and a new adventuring guide and companion, at least for the moment, the ragtag crew sets off to find Griffon Manor with Phlunk’s assistance. Phlunk agrees to show the new adventures the ways of incantations and orisons if they allow him to tag along and regain some semblance of pride for himself and his people. His reputation for drink has perhaps given him a bad taste and he is eager to prove his worth.

Gort, Gorthak, Caiden
Gort, Gorthak, and Caiden Spot an old looking manor perched on a point overlooking the Seamyst Ocean and decide it may in fact be the manor they are seeking. They are in complete agreement and head in that direction for a closer look.

The two parties make their way toward the mansion, one party certain it is the right one, the other going in for a closer look. The rain seems to be coming down in sheets and the lighting continues to light the sky and deafen the ears. After a few dead end streets, collapsed buildings blocking their path, and flooded alleyways, the two parties meet almost simultaneously at a convergence of streets just north of the manor. An old iron fence, nearly rusted through and falling down, provides the party with a less than certain view into the abandoned estate. Trees and brush have filled in every inch of ground from the fence to the cliff face. Even the cobblestone path has large trees growing out of it. It doesn’t look as if anyone has set foot on the property in some time. The manor itself seems as if it may fall at any moment. The shutters are missing or hanging askew. Parts of several chimneys have fallen through the roof in places. The windows show only a pitch black darkness within. For all appearances the place does not look to be the source of anything but spiders and giant cockroaches.

While the party makes their reunion greetings and survey the lay of the land a woman’s horrific blood curdling scream issues from an alleyway less than 50 yards away. The scream continues for a full 30 seconds before going silent.

What you know so far:
> There are ghosts disrupting daily life on the west side of town.
> The only business you know of on the west side of town is The Belfrey Tower (inn & pub) (owned and operated by a Human - John Tom) (Everyone made a short stay here when they first arrived at Dragons Belch)
> The ghosts may be coming from a place called Griffon Manor which may have been owned my a man named Gunter Weiss who may have married a young lady named Erika and something very bad may have happened there.
> Phlunk believes there is additional information in a local library which he has offered to take the party to.
> Zirus and Tobias believe the Giant Humanoid to be a warrior class of a spacefaring race that comes from the moon.
> Seeker can speak to the Giant Humanoid in some strange language no one has heard before.
> Gunter Weiss was a Wizard toying with rejuvenation and longevity magics
> Phlunk is in fact a magic user under the tutelage of Netheril and may have a drinking problem. But he is very serious about magics.


The Party:



Barkeep: John Tom – Male – Human
Patron 1: Filber Treetoe – Male – Halfling – Baker
Patron 2: Tynan Gauntletsapper – Male – Hill Dwarf – Trader
Patron 3: Etney Gauntletsapper – Female – Hill Dwarf – Trader’s Wife
Bar Maids: Piera & Posie - Female – Rock Gnomes - Bar Maids

Phlunk Sludge Dipperthong - Male - Gully Dwarf - Magic-User 2

Strange female Gully Dwarf (unconscious on a table in the pub with Safflower honey on her face)


6:00 pm
June 27th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:38/8:30
Temp: 73.9°F
Visibility: 9.0 Miles
Wind: 13.8 mph S (gust to 24.2 mph)
Cloud: Thunderstorm, Rain
Humidity: 91%
Moon Rise/Set: 6:07 am/8:36 pm
Moonlight: 3%


Special Weapons in Play
Pills of Devouring: Chewers Delight
Mouth increases in size by 4 times
8 pills total
Duration: 1d4 Turns (1 turn = 10 rounds, 1 round = 1 min)
Damage: 3d6 hp per bite

The Ghost Trapper
This wooden contraption consists of a long shaft, several feet long with a narrow slot running the length of it and a jumble of heavy spider thread-like material protruding from the end. Attached to the other end is a shoulder stock with two dials and a trigger mechanism. A length of the spider thread comes out of the barrel at the stock end and hangs out several feet. One end of the lasso attaches to the character’s waist, sight the incorporeal entity (ghost) along the barrel, and pull the trigger. The lasso shoots out entrapping the entity. A dial on the top of the gun retracts the lasso once the entity has been dealt with and another dial sets the trigger

Range: 50’
Requires and attack roll
Effect: Holds incorporeal entity indefinitely
Secondary Effect: delivers a shock to corporeal entities (living beings) dealing 2d6 points of electrical damage.

The Orc Slayer
The Orc Slayer is a magically hardened Obsidian axe head mounted to a thick Bois D’arc wood shaft with Liana cord. The extremely sharp nature of obsidian, hardened by magic, and coupled with the resilient tenacity of the Bois D’ark wood makes this a formidable weapon in its own right. It has one additional secret though, when used against Orcs it becomes a cleaving weapon of death. Any successful attack against an Orc of equal or lessor level than that of the wielder instantly cleaves the Orc in two. Any attack on an Orc whose level is over that of the wielder does double damage.

Normal Damage: 2d6
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#114 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gorthak shrugs "Well the search continues this place upon closer viewing does not appear that in which we seek."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#115 Post by Sol »

Oh, just a quick note. Chewer's Delight is no longer in play, having expired. My post soon! --Zirus
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#116 Post by MonkeyWrench »

["Seeker" Jyrbian Talanador of the Bleeding Eye - Lvl 0] (HP:10/10) (AC:11)
Action: The screams!

Seeker, in quite a sour mood during the walk with Phlunk, eyes the dwarf with a very critical and malicious eye but says nothing and does not answer any questions as to why he seems to hate the dwarf so. Instead he nods to the house, "That is the place we seek." When the screams call out from the alleyway Seeker begins walking in calm and measured steps towards the alleyway, "Go on ahead into the manor, I shall catch up once I finish this business..."
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#117 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gorthak points his hammer at the manor "This rundown unsafe building about ready to fall in on itself is what we seek? How do you know this for sure seeker?" extreme question in the tone as if he does not believe Seeker.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#118 Post by MonkeyWrench »

["Seeker" Jyrbian Talanador of the Bleeding Eye - Lvl 0] (HP:10/10) (AC:11)
Action: Still walking towards the alley

Seeker continues walking, waving a hand dismissively as his back is turned to the group, "Because unlike you, Caiden, and Gort. We went and found a local guide." Pointing a thumb to the gully Dwarf Phlunk.
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#119 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gorthak "This place couldn't be the place I think you found a guild that filled you full of false hopes."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#120 Post by Sol »

[Zirus - Lizardfolk Aspiring Cleric 0] (MP: 0.5/2) (HP 10/10) (AC: 19)
Actions: Responds to Questions

Zirus responds to Bartholomew and tells him, "Indeed, my own eyes-s-s have not deceived me. Join us-s-s-s if you so wish." And Zirus proceeds to give directions.

"Thank you, s-s-sir," he says to Phlunk for his kindness, "We would be pleas-s-sed to share your company, and I for one would be pleased to discuss-s-s-s the secrets of magic with you as well."
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