The Keep

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The Keep

#1 Post by Bloodaxe »

Your characters have a basic knowledge of the area and The Keep.

Along the road that leads to The Keep, is a small town. The Keep itself is well guarded, some homes and businesses are inside The Keep itself. The Keep is divided into two main parts- the Inner bailey is off limits to most. Its for soldiers, equipment and the Keeps ruling body and assistants. The Outer Bailey is the "town". Some private homes, businesses like smith/armorer, provisioner, traders, bank, Inn, tavern, church.

Weapons are "peace bonded", a string is tied from sword to sheath- to make you think twice about pulling it. Laws are harsh to any causing trouble within the Keep. A large oak post is in the town center for flogging criminals.

You begin your adventure at The Keep itself.
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Re: The Keep

#2 Post by Bloodaxe »

1 main gate & drawbridge
2 towers
3 entry yard
4 common stables
5 warehouse
6 bailiffs tower
7 private homes
8 smith & armorer
9 provisioner
10 trader
11 bank
12 watch tower
13 fountain
14 travelers inn
15 tavern
16 guild house
17 chapel
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Re: The Keep

#3 Post by Bloodaxe »

You pass through the small town that has sprung up along the road near the Keep, travelling with a small caravan of supply wagons. The merchant is glad for a few extra eyes along the road, as there have been numerous raids by marauding humanoids. Luckily, there has been no danger and you arrive at the Keep early the next day.
The weather is fine. After some quick questions by the guards, you are allowed to enter. You are warned to keep the peace and that the drawbridge is brought up , and gates locked at sundown. Guards presence along the walls is heavy.
The merchant bids you farewell, and offers you a meal & drink at the tavern- The Tilted Keg- as payment for helping "guard" the wagons. Several others travel with you, and leave the wagons.

15 Tavern- The Tilted Keg
14 The Travelers Inn
13 Town well

Near the town well, the flogging post has a criminal chained to it, his back bare & caked with dried blood from many lashes.

You are on your own......
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Re: The Keep

#4 Post by Mister-Kent »

On the trip to the Keep, Gustav's been quite talkative--some would say annoying--but spying the criminal in chained to the post he subtly cringes, and goes silent.

Anne catches Gustav's discomfort. She doesn't much care for the man, but quickly ushers him away from the distressing sight. The more she dwells on it, it's uncomfortable for her as well. "Let's all go to the Tilted Keg then," Anne suggests to the others, hesitantly at first.

"Er...yes, let's!" Gustav responds, perking up. "A free meal's my favorite kind!"
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Re: The Keep

#5 Post by Bloodaxe »

#15 The Titled Keg tavern

#16 The Travellers Inn

As you go to take advantage of your free meal, you head past the flogging post, a man is chained there, shirt in tatters and his back bloody.

The Tavern has a sign painted with a keg spilling wine into the smiling mouth of some drunkard. You can hear talking and laughter as you approach the door.
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Re: The Keep

#6 Post by ybn1197 »


Adair does not seem to be bothered by Gunther's chattiness and in fact joins him in many of the discussions. But like Gunther, Adair goes silent at the sight of the criminal. In a low whisper he tells Gunther "I have not seen this before at the abbey. Is this a common sight?"


Kennard is quite the entire time, making little conversation with the others. He does listen in so as not to be impolite and nods his head at the obvious times to show interest in the conversation but he does not offer any feedback beyond that. As the group approaches the criminal, he does seem to perk up but not in a morbid way though it certainly could be deemed as such. He approaches the man and stoops down to sniff at the man's bruised and battered back. He nods his head to a question only he has heard and returns to the group. "Doesn't smell of cheese," he says in a low voice to no one in particular. "He'll live."
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Re: The Keep

#7 Post by jdluna »

Keram and Kevam both rush to the tavern to take advantage of the free meal. "I hope they have some rabbit stew!" says Keram. Kevam nods in agreement and looks around the room sizing up the patrons.
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Re: The Keep

#8 Post by Mister-Kent »

ybn1197 wrote:Adair
"I have not seen this before at the abbey. Is this a common sight?"
Gustav the Grasping
The roguish bastard overhears the young monk's musings. "Oh my good man!" Gustav says, feigning cheerfulness, "A man in chains like a common dog? It's...troublingly more common than you'd ever care to know." He presses his lips into a wide, fake smile and unconsciously rubs his wrist as he enters the tavern.

Anne Summerisle
Anne walks alongside Gunther, whom she recognizes as a fellow farmer, and therefore feels some kinship with him. She waves at the Wilward "Brothers" as they rush headlong into the tavern. "Boys! Boys!" she calls out, as if to her own brothers. "Let's slow down! You're going to bump into someone!" She smiles apologetically at a passing patron, then prepares herself for the free meal.
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Re: The Keep

#9 Post by Bloodaxe »

A man heading out of the Tavern as you are heading in hears your banter.
He's a bandit and raider. A flogging and three days on the post. Then they throw you out.

A table is set with food. Bowls of stew, loves of bread, pitchers of ale, cheese & fruit. A serving girl points at the table.
Over there , friends. Help yourselves.
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Re: The Keep

#10 Post by LtTibbles »

Lobo Hornwood
Taking a look at the spread before him the former baker rings his hands in anticipation, "Ah now this is more like it, better to have food in your belly than coin in your pouch I always say though the former doesn't hurt either eh? Heheheh. Chuckling he begins to load up a plate of food and some ale for himself before digging in.

Napius Umbus
The elderly hermit on the other hand makes a more modest plate of bread and chesse when he sits down and turns to the serving girl. "Excuse me miss could I trouble you for a simple glass of water? I find that alcohol doesn't agree with my humors. He offers her a warm smile before turning back to his new found companions shaking his head at the mention of the man at the post.

"Bandits pah! The local authority is letting these criminals off too easy if you ask me, preying on the weak running people off their land they ought to be ashamed of what they're doing. Three floggings and a week on the post that's what I say!" He raises his fist in the air shaking it as he talks, feeling his face get red he composes himself before he gets too out of hand.
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Re: The Keep

#11 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Gunther Biltimere
Gunther had led a sheltered life on his parents small plot of leased land. He had not met people other than farmers and traders - not even the lord that owned the land his parents worked. He was hesitant at first to join in on any conversation, fearful to seem ignorant or to offend - particularly the women and demihuman. Nevertheless, his attention was sucked into the chatter in the group, listening to everything that was said, even throwing in an assent here and there. He followed the throng to the tavern and upon receiving his meal he paused to give thanks to Ehlonna for the first full meal he had had since leaving the farm. He was nervous about the adventure lying in wait, hopeful it would continue to go this well for him and his employer-friend in the future.

Clay Dreaver
During the journey to the Keep, Clay Dreaver kept a slight distance from his fellow hirelings. Instead, he pressed the merchant for information on the surrounding area. Surely the well-traveled man had more knowledge of the surrounding area. Perhaps he had heard stories of where there might be an easy coin to be made. Or found, preferably. Questions such as What do you know about the Fellgrim Forest? and Is the Cursed Mound truly cursed? What stories have you heard and how have people entered? flowed freely from the would-have-been-locksmith.

As he entered the dimly lit tavern, Clay thanked the merchant for the work and information. After finishing his meal he broke from the entourage and walked to the bar and laid a copper down before the sobre-looking barman. Have any tales flowed through here of treasures to be had in this region? Or rewards to be earned by a brave soul and his companions? If his money produced anything he would try to coax some of the other hirelings to join him.
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Re: The Keep

#12 Post by jdluna »

Keram and Kevam, eagerly rush over to the food and begin to devour the offerings. "This is a good meal, but we may want to start thinking about our next one. Keep your ears open for any talk of work" says Keram.
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Re: The Keep

#13 Post by ybn1197 »

Adair approaches the table and picks carefully through the selection, only taking what appears to be clean and free of anything. He stands apart from the serving area, carefully inspecting each morsel before sampling and finally eating it.

Kennard simply takes a helping of everything that is prepared and sits down at a table to enjoy the meal.
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Re: The Keep

#14 Post by Bloodaxe »

Rusty Tincanne wrote:Gunther Biltimere
Gunther had led a sheltered life on his parents small plot of leased land. He had not met people other than farmers and traders - not even the lord that owned the land his parents worked. He was hesitant at first to join in on any conversation, fearful to seem ignorant or to offend - particularly the women and demihuman. Nevertheless, his attention was sucked into the chatter in the group, listening to everything that was said, even throwing in an assent here and there. He followed the throng to the tavern and upon receiving his meal he paused to give thanks to Ehlonna for the first full meal he had had since leaving the farm. He was nervous about the adventure lying in wait, hopeful it would continue to go this well for him and his employer-friend in the future.

Clay Dreaver
During the journey to the Keep, Clay Dreaver kept a slight distance from his fellow hirelings. Instead, he pressed the merchant for information on the surrounding area. Surely the well-traveled man had more knowledge of the surrounding area. Perhaps he had heard stories of where there might be an easy coin to be made. Or found, preferably. Questions such as What do you know about the Fellgrim Forest? and Is the Cursed Mound truly cursed? What stories have you heard and how have people entered? flowed freely from the would-have-been-locksmith.

As he entered the dimly lit tavern, Clay thanked the merchant for the work and information. After finishing his meal he broke from the entourage and walked to the bar and laid a copper down before the sobre-looking barman. Have any tales flowed through here of treasures to be had in this region? Or rewards to be earned by a brave soul and his companions? If his money produced anything he would try to coax some of the other hirelings to join him.
The barman looks at the copper with a bit of pity.

You must be poor indeed my friend. There are tales of gold a plenty in the Caves of Chaos. There has been trouble lately. A group of bandits raiding travellers on the road. A caravan of trade goods was attacked by Hobgoblins. A merchant and is wife were captured. An Elf warrior-mage has disappeared in the swamplands to the south-east.
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Re: The Keep

#15 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Clay Dreaver
Clay was ashamed at being called out for his destitution, but not so proud that he would not use it to his advantage. He rolled his eyes and nodded with a twisted smile. He left the coin where it lay. Times are hard, indeed - that is all I can afford to pay at present. But a man makes his own luck. Is there word of reward for locating the merchants or the elf? Family or business acquaintances?

Gunther Biltimere
Gunther had enjoyed the meal thoroughly, and the ale and musicians* had made his head buzz a bit. Liquid courage. He rose form his bench and walked over to a plump girl sitting at the hearth, his club foot causing him to stumble on a stool as he crossed the tavern. He was blushing a bit as he finally reached her. Hello, miss. I'm Gunther - Gunther Biltimere. You might not know me now, but I will be famous soon. I think. And if you ever need saving, I would be proud to come to your aid. You know. If you'd have my help. He stood awkwardly after that, not sure if he had done it right at all. He had never talked to a girl other than his mother and sisters.

* Hope you are okay with me adding musicians to the scene! :lol: And for the record, I am hoping that Gunther's target will have a (rewarding) task for the group. :)
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Re: The Keep

#16 Post by Mister-Kent »

Anne Summerisle
Despite walking by Gunther's side the entire way to the tavern, Anne grumbles slightly when he leaves the table to speak with a more round-figured girl. "Typical," she says to the assembled group. "You boys always chase curves. I may be flatter than the side of a barn, but I make up for it in personality," she assures the gathered adventurers, then turns her attention to the barman.

"The merchant and his wife...kidnapped?" she asks. " which I mean terrifying."

Gustav the Grasping
Gustav's attention is taken up by the idea of the caravan, and what goods might be scavenged from it. However, a wide smile appears at the mention of treasure.
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Re: The Keep

#17 Post by Bloodaxe »

The bar keep nods.
The hobgoblins got them most likely. Sad. I don't expect the merchant to live long with those things. Slaves or even food maybe.
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Re: The Keep

#18 Post by ybn1197 »

Adair's eyes prick at the sound of the word merchant. At last, he thought to himself, someone who may know my father. Or lead me to someone else who might. He keeps his ears tuned to the conversation between the barkeep and Anne.

Kinnard pushes himself away from the table. Licking the sauce off his thumb and fingers, he approaches Anne and the barkeep. "Isn't there anyone here who could go out and rescue them?"
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Re: The Keep

#19 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Clay Dreaver
Clay is irritated at the others barging into the conversation, but knowing others are interested in seeing to the merchant and his wife would mean a better chance of success. Still, it was his measly, copper coin that was fetching the information, not Anne's or Kinnard's. Clay tapped his coin on the counter, trying to make it seem an innocent act rather than the reminder it was.

I would be inclined to assist with a rescue. Seeing his companion's failing attempts at catching the eye of the maiden, he added, Gunther seems to be in a rescuing mood as well. But we are ill-equipped. Perhaps if the merchant and his wife had friends that might offer some compensation... Well it would make a rescue attempt more likely, would it not? He was hopeful the thought of coin would gather more of this rabble to join him.
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Re: The Keep

#20 Post by Bloodaxe »

ybn1197 wrote:Adair
Adair's eyes prick at the sound of the word merchant. At last, he thought to himself, someone who may know my father. Or lead me to someone else who might. He keeps his ears tuned to the conversation between the barkeep and Anne.

Kinnard pushes himself away from the table. Licking the sauce off his thumb and fingers, he approaches Anne and the barkeep. "Isn't there anyone here who could go out and rescue them?"

The barkeep looks at Kinnard.
These are dangerous times. Bandits, Orcs, Goblins and worse. Folk are staying close to town and the Keep.
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