Basic Rules Thread

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Ranger Knight
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Basic Rules Thread

#1 Post by AQuebman »

I apologize ahead of time for even doing this but I think sometimes it's good to have a clear concise written place for basic rules that I will stick with throughout the campaign

1.) Have Fun! It's the reason were here and is the most important rule of all.

2.) DM's decisions are always final - Unfortunately there are times when disputes on rules may come up. While I encourage players to communicate with me mention things they may find to be unfair or incorrectly ruled etc... I ask that you please respect and live with any final rules I make as the DM

3.) Always respect your fellow player - DCC is brutal, unfair, and tense which means great fun and great drama. No matter if their characters leave you naked in the breeze always be respectful during OOC encounters

4.) I will handle all rolls that don't involve personal character decisions like leveling up etc...

5.) I'd like activity at least every other day - As mentioned in the LFP thread this is just a friendly reminder i'd like to keep this game moving rather quickly.

6.) A few combat notes - Be aware that (1) longer weapons can be used to strike over the front rank and (2) missile weapons may be used, but there is a chance of hitting a friend on a miss.

I will likely give bonus exp for bravery and great RP'ing. I can't promise anything but something I will likely stick with

7.) This isn't as much a rule as a suggestion. For 0 level characters try to form a personality for each of them as best you can. You never know who will survive and it really helps to have an idea of what they are to become moving forward

8.) Initiative for 0 level characters - If you have a pack of 0 level characters please roll group initiative.

9.) EXP will be gained immediately which includes reaching a new level of experience. This is explained as the player learns and trains in their downtime and during the adventure.

9a.) While all players will level when they reach the correct amount of XP some additional time will be required by elves and wizards to learn their spells. Per the rulebook this is about 3 weeks time and the spells known are random unless a specific scroll is found to be studied.

10.) Each character must be made using the random process as listed in the book. This includes 3d6 in order and random hit points. Dead characters are replaced at 1 level below the lowest other surviving character, to a minimum of 0. If you are required to make 0-lvl characters as a result, you make 4. Hopefully one will survive to 1st level. This is a potentially brutal game!

11.) Between adventures, new players may join. They start with 4 0-lvl characters, just as the original players did.

12.) Unseen Servant Campaign ID is: 89

13.) If you do not post on a combat within 2 days of my last post your characters will be considered to be doing nothing. This is to keep the pace of the game going quickly.

14.) I run this campaign like a lot of the old school campaigns were described where anybody could play at any time and characters would just appear or disappear almost sitcom like. PCs with extensive posting hiatus or whose players just vamoose without a word likewise vanish, leaving behind only what materials/items they may have found during the adventure proper. Outside of combat the action will progress with me responding to whatever player posts have been made since I last logged on without special regard for party consensus or majority. This approach will reward the most "post-ive" and interactive players. The only situation were things proceed as usual is during combat, but then the IRL posting time limit is in effect.

15.) If a PC dies loot is open to be picked up just as it would be realistically. Gone are the days where a companion dies and their magical equipment disappears to the mists.
Last edited by AQuebman on Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:19 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Reason: Added a new rule for posting and combat
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