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#1 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The biggest house rule will be the d6 ability checks. I am trying this in another game on here and so far it's working great.

Instead of rolling a d20 for atribute checks, I will put a difficulty level on the action you choose to attempt and success will be determined by rolling your attribute (STR,DEX) or lower on that number of d6's as follows:

Easy 2d6
Normal 3d6
Hard 4d6
Very Hard 5d6
Nearly Impossible 6d6

(example....your fighter wants to climb up a giant crabs leg and crawl across his back in order to chop at his eyestalks in order to blind it. I would decide how difficult the action is, in this case I would say it is Very Hard. So, the fighter would need to roll a DEX check at 4d6 and get his DEX or lower to succeed in climbing the leg. In order to hang on to the live crab he may have to make a STR check in the same fashion and so on.)

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#2 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Clerics and Druids

In my games, healers automatically get a skill that's called Channel Energy. They can call forth the power of healing that cures 1d4 damage to anything in a 30' radius around the Cleric. They can do this skill 3 times per day +1 for each point of Wisdom above 16.
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#3 Post by OGRE MAGE »

This isn't really a rule but, I wanted to let you know that I'm not one of those "bean counter" DM's. I will assume that you have enough rations and water, spell components, ammunition, etc. to get you all through the adventure. You don't need to keep track of the little things like that on your sheets.

However, if you have picked a magic item that you constantly abuse by using it every single round, I might have to put a limited number of charges on it or something to that effect to minimize over usage of certain items.

I do require you to keep track of the spells you cast each day or any other functions that have a certain number of uses.

I plan on taking the time to comb through each of your sheets a bit before we start, just in case there was something on there that I missed or if I see something that doesn't make sense.
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#4 Post by OGRE MAGE »

As far as die rolls go, you will make all of your own characters rolls and link them to your posts. DMs rolls will not be posted. The storyline will reflect what happens from "behind the screen" so I don't like spending a bunch of extra time organizing and posting all the rolls. In fact, when I'm at home, sometimes I get crazy and actually roll real dice. It's hard to link those rolls. :)
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#5 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Nat 20's and Nat 1's

When you roll a Natural 20, I will allow one of two possible outcomes. You can choose to do max damage with the weapon used, or I will use the damage rolled with the 20, and roll for a "special" outcome. This could be anything from a fumble that disrupts the next attack to something much worse. (think decapitation)

When a Natural 1 is rolled, there will be no choice involved. I will roll for a possible negative effect. The result could be something fairly innocuous, or could be something much worse. For example, damaging your weapon or injuring yourself or your comrades.
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