Action Thread 2: Boarding the Seahawk / Departing Karagonia

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Action Thread 2: Boarding the Seahawk / Departing Karagonia

#1 Post by Argennian »

Day 1: Coast Trail (TOD: somewhere between midnight/early morning)

... The elven wizard Lathalamas turns his head at his young charge’s desperate and horror-filled cries. He smiles silently yet broadly in response, looking back tenderly through tear-filled eyes of no longer pain and defeat but of joy, relief and reckoning. The former archmage to King Amstillion himself and the High elf royal court and a living legend from the Great War admired by the not just all elves but the many human soldiers he saved and served with, steps over to the floating spinning staff and holds the massive, now glowing brilliantly-blue gem above his head. It instantly glows much brighter and begins pulsing with infinite speed. The ground, the trees, the brush and very air around you becomes still, as if time itself has stopped. For what seems like a great span of mere seconds, everyone remains conscious but momentarily immobilized by a force of magic and nature not experienced nor understood since ancient times. The only one not frozen in time is the elven archmage. He slams the pomegranate-sized magical star sapphire down upon the spinning staff where the tentacle emerges from it. A brilliant light and mighty force explodes forth from the contact. All are blinded and hit with an invisible force that feels like the impact of a giant tree being swung like a toy. Blinding light and force rip the hearing from your ears, the sight from your eyes and the very breath from your lungs. You feel yourself fly backwards, end over end into the dark oblivion of the very void itself…

IC ~ … You continue to fly backward, end over end, in darkness and through what must be all of time and space. You try to focus, to understand, to snap out of it, to do anything but you cannot. For what seems like an eternity, you just fly backwards end of over end until you lose all conscious reckoning or understanding.

The next thing you realize, you are no longer flying backwards but merely floating. When you stopped and just where you are, you do not know. Your mind, intellect, identity and very being, float alongside you in the darkness. You reach for them but they are fleeting. Suddenly, you realize a reddish glow has appeared all around you. All sense of fear, misunderstanding and uncertainty is replaced by your old self coming back to you. As you try to remember, a bright bluish light approaches. It comes near you and shines on you for a brief moment. It is in that moment that you see something incredible. There is an armored human knight with a great sword over his shoulder in a sphere of soft blue. He talks with a magnificently armored dwarf warrior that holds a massive two-handed war hammer standing in a sphere of soft red. They appear to communicate somehow and even look over towards you occasionally, almost as if in consideration of something. As soon as you begin to think, they both look at you and shimmer out of existence. You suddenly realize that you are no longer floating in blackness.

You look around and then realize, in some impossibly and incredulously way, that you are now standing on the coast trail right above where your body lies! You feel tingly and electrified with a weird sensation as you look down at yourself. You float closer in both sudden shock and panic. Although you don’t know how you know, you are alive. You "stand up" and look around. There is now a large break in the fog and you can see all of the others lying about around you. You also notice that fallen trees line the trail on both sides. In fact, almost every tree around you has been bent eastward. Some of them have been broken and smashed upon the valley floor. You look westward and are both surprised and baffled to see that mere dozens of feet away, there is the edge of a massive crater in the earth where the demon, the wizard and the trail used to be. It must be near 100 feet across, as well as you can figure in your invisible, out of body state. Beyond the crater is a meager line of still partially standing trees and then the beach and Bay of Ghosts beyond that. There are no signs of anything at all within the crater and it must be near 30 to 40 feet deep at the center. In continuing to scan around, you easily get the impression that had you not been this far away and on the trail when this event occurred, you’d likely be vaporized or smashed to a pulp.

You continue to look around in your OBE state. Although you cannot see the spirits of the others, you do soon notice some lights and then figures approach the crater from the western side. There must be a dozen of them and they appear to be in much more shock and dismay than you are. A matter of seconds later, a familiar sound erupts from the silence. It’s a… bark?! You spin around softly to see that Sheba, is starting to slowly stand up over near Gentleman Billy and the gnome that was carrying him before it happened. Sheba barks again, louder this time. Looking at Sheba now suddenly makes you incredibly tired and feel fatigued. You start to drift back to yourself. As you fall back into your body, you think you hear voices and see flashes of light coming your way. You lie back down in your body, close your eyes and feel at peace.

The tranquil, momentary span of seconds is then rudely interrupted by a frantic and shaky voice. "Cap’n! Cap’n! Over here! Cap’n, we found ‘em!"
More voices and then flashes of dull but brighter light... You slowly begin to open your eyes and try to focus. You still feel woozy and efforts to make even the slightest move are near impossible.
"By the gods, Cap’n! Some of ‘um be alive! Soma them’s alive, Cap’n!"
Another voice, louder and deeper, arrives. "By Dagda, Manannan Mac Mir and all the gods. I… I cannot believe it..."
The other shaky voice blurts out "Cap’n! Cap’n, I found Billy! I found Billy!" Figures and lights move around you as you begin to focus more clearly.
The deeper voice responds. "Billy! Billy, can you hear me? Billy!"
The shaky voice answers with another announcement "Cap’n! There be other dwarves here! Sorta look like that one we found on the beach, only not burned!"
The deeper voice clears its throat and then barks off a flurry of orders. "Alright you men, lissen up! You two, creep up to the meadow the back way and check the bunker. You see anything hinky, you whistle. You men there, set up positions on the trail there. You others, stand guard over em here and help Shanny. Fetcher, go get Shanny and those potions out of me longboat and call the others in. All of ‘em! You got it?! And signal the ship to be ready to sail!"

Voices along with the sounds of others setting to their tasks fills the next minutes. Then the deep voice finally booms again. "Well dammit all, Fetcher! Help her over! We need to get Billy and these others stabilized and out of here. Fog or no fog, we couldn’t have been the only ones have seen and heard what happened!"
Moments later, a weird and shrill female voice arrives. "Ahhhh, they be touched by the ancients, Cap’n!"
The deep voice responds "Dammit, Shanny, can you help ‘em or not?!"
The shrill voice answers. "Ehhhhhhh…"
The deep voice grows louder and even more desperate. "Dammit, Shanny, for the love of the gods!"
The shrill voice finally proclaims its conclusions. "Charm of da ancestors will bring ‘em about. Then we give ‘em a few sips ‘o the Chokma elixir!"

The next thing you realize, a weird visage with missing teeth, leathery skin and bubbles for eyes is in your face. She touches what looks to be a strange sea shell on your forehead and a hot pain shoots throughout your body. It is then followed moments later by something salty and hideous being poured in your mouth and down your throat. You suddenly near choke but take a deep breath! The pain is excruciating but you amazingly have your senses back! A big man with a strange black mustache then helps you to sit up. In moments, you are somehow able to catch and slow your breath. You look around you again. You see the wild woman Shanny and her two young helpers attending to all present on the trail. Another group of men arrive and begin to help out.

After many minutes, all of your fellow members that were conscious before it happened, are all finally conscious again now and are looking about. Gentleman Billy, the old man in the bright-colored robes and the elderly half-elf are all still unconscious and already being loaded onto stretchers in preparation from departure. You suddenly also notice that the young nobleman is among the unconscious and being stretchered. Sheba is already pacing around Gentleman Billy woodenly and moaning little barks by her master.

The deep voice of the dark-haired captain calls out. "Alright then lads, make sure that their legs ain’t broken and then help ‘em up. Give ‘em a moment to see if they can stand and hopefully walk back towards the boats shortly. If they got broken bones and can’t walk, we’ll have ta stretcher ‘em!"

Another man, dressed like a sailor and smelling heavily of salt water and sweat, comes over and checks you out. One he realizes that you have no broken legs or other visible bones, he begins to help you up. You realize that you can stand with help and after a few moments, to your relief, feeling begins to return to your arms and legs. You clear your throat and move your limbs around to stretch. Blood begins to circulate again and after a dozen blinks and swallows, you finally feel like you did again. You think that you can make your way slowly. With a little help, you're able to gather any dropped weapons or equipment you had previously.

The others are gathered up a bit closer and the dark-haired, deep-voiced man comes over to assess your party. He looks each of you over quickly and then addresses your group. "Alright then. I am Captain Billings of the Seahawk. Sound off and tell me your names, if you can. Nod your head yes or no if you cannot speak..."

OOC: OK, then, everyone's PC is conscious and at the same hit points they were at before (unless noted differently below) The effects of the explosion sapped most of your strength temporarily by overwhelming subdual damage, but it's coming back slowly steadily. For now, you have some balance issues but are otherwise able to move at 1/3 normal movement. You are able to slowly gather all of your gear and weapons that were in your hands when you fell.

~ Please go ahead and respond IC to the good Captain and also to each other if you so wish. The action will then move forward again and we’ll hopefully be able to post with some more frequency from here on out, now that the party is all back together

HPs/Status: Bog* 6/9 ; Caelvanna 2/8 ; Emm 6/6 ; Griffo* 5/10 ; *Hartnid 9/9 ; *Ulrich 8/8 ; Lauranna 3/3 ; Thalion* 5/5
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword* (1st spear thrown); Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-13, silver arrows fired-8); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Hartnid – flail/SC; Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
MO(all grouped together with Capt Billings and his men): 1: Lauranna, Bog, Thalion, Ulrich, Griffo, Caelvanna, Hartnid and Emm
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#2 Post by Nyctos »

Griffo shakes his head while making smacking noises with his mouth as if trying to clear an awful taste from his mouth by force alone. He then reals and nearly falls as his movements nearly overbalance him. He glances around and finding his elvish friend gathers his gear and moves over near her. "Are you all right?" He askes her. "I'm a bit dizy but i should be able to carry on myself." He looks towards who he assumes is the captain, and asks him. "There are others of our group still missing do we have tome to swing around and search for them?"
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#3 Post by dmw71 »

Argennian wrote:With a little help, you're able to gather any dropped weapons or equipment you had previously.
Caelvanna takes a moment to collect herself, not wanting to rush and possibly disorient herself any further. A quick inventory of the immediate surroundings and she is able to locate all of her equipment (ooc: right?) and recognizes many faces in the process. She's surprised at the feeling of comfort the familiar faces provide her with as her normal attitude is general disinterest when it comes to other people. She notices Griffo. The sight of her halfing ranged companion immediate draws her memory to the halfling savior. The halfling, she wonders. Not even waiting to allow her eyes to fully adjust after the blast, she scans one person after another, hoping this halfling hero is amongst those present at her current location. (ooc: Is he?)
Argennian wrote:"Alright then. I am Captain Billings of the Seahawk. Sound off and tell me your names, if you can. Nod your head yes or no if you cannot speak..."
While she's quite confident she'll be able to speak, she merely nods when acknowledged.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#4 Post by Alethan »

Bog slowly sits up... again. A weird sensation of deja vu overcomes him and he looks over to see if the body of the dead guard is still 10' off to his left. When it isn't, he furrows his brow for a moment, until he looks down and sees the guard's sword, belt (with dagger, sheathes, and pouches), tong/pouch, and ring clutched tightly in his hands.

He relaxes his grip on the items and slowly reorganizes them, first sticking the tong/pouch and ring into his own pouch so as not to lose them. He stands up and straps the belt around his waist, then slides the second longsword into its scabbard, as well. Only then does Bog look around and realize he's dropped his second spear somewhere and never was able to retrieve his first one.

"Ah..." he mutters, surprised to hear how gruff his voice is, "spears is cheap."

He slowly approaches the captain, looks him up and down, as if he's still not sure if he's dreaming or... dead. His eyes move over to the field where he fought the dark creature with the elf, the halfling, and the guard, and tries to figure out where it all took place. But the landscape is foreign to him now, with trees blown over and torn assunder. He looks back at the dark-haired captain and simply says, "Bog..."

After a moment's pause, he adds, "... needs a drink."
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#5 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna lays for a bit while her sense come back to before slowly getting up and gathering her gear. She is glad to see faces among the crowd, the two other elves and that nice druid.

She listens to Captain's speech before approaching him and extending her hand. "Lauranna, pleased to meet you Captain Billings."
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#6 Post by tkrexx »

Emm's memory is full of strange dreams from the time she was a child, but none can approach the strangeness of this one. Her eyes try to open before she realizes she's actually awake, then snap shut again at the overpowering brightness of the morning. The voices are all around her, yet none of the words make sense. If she had a rock, she would send that annoying barking dog scampering away with it's tail between it's legs. There is pain as she tries to move even the slightest, then someone drips an excrutiatingly foul liquid on her lips. Her eyes flutter open again, sighting a nightmarish face, one she imagined from a story her Father had told her of the wars past, a story of rings and Lords, Rangers and Elves, and a horrid creature that persued them. She shakes and tries to scramble away from the image, only to find that any movement intensifies the pain. The face cackles at her discomfort, then quickly moves from her to someone who lies not far away.

The Druidess manages to roll onto her stomach, propping her arms beneath her and raising her head. A booming voice dominates the air above the others, causing her head to throb. Familiar voices suddenly can be heard among the others, and she looks about, as if for her eyes to confirm what her ears tell her. Yes, there is the Halfing archer. The intimidating Half-Orc. The quiet, catlike Elven warrior maiden. And yes, the Elf girl who came to her aid. They are speaking, responding to the bold voice. They are giving their names. It suddenly comes to her, until now she did not know their names. She makes an attempt to give her name, but realizes that her mouth is full of a mixture of sand and the bile-like liquid that was administered to her, and a convulsive hack-fit overtakes her.

THE CHILD!! Where is the Child? Emm makes what must be a rediculous jump to her feet, which do not land beneath her. Again she tries to rise, only to fall. Dizziness and nausea overwhelm her, and her head feels like the bones comprising it are being pushed apart from the inside. Memories of her Father invade her thoughts again, as she recalls the mornings after local fiestas, when he had taken in too much spirits. She manages a crawl, and a baleful moan in her near-sighted search for the Child.

Stats noted.
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The party regroups and heads towards the beach

#7 Post by Argennian »

~ Captain Billings queries the surviving party members on their names and status as everyone struggles to come to terms with the situation and what just happened.

Griffo moves over to the Wild elf to check on her condition and then turns back to the captain to inform him about the missing party members. Billings calls over two sailors and gives each an order to search the area nearby and around the blast crater. The two men call out to a few others and they begin searching around for the fallen and missing. It appears from what is overheard being discussed that, along with finding four of their fellow mates dead by the original boats down at the beach, that the search parties have already found a badly-burned, barely-alive armored dwarf at the foot of the trail leading up to the crater and also what is said to be a strange-looking and clothed but very dead human and a completely charred corpse north of the trail.

Caelvanna finishes gathering all of her belongings and securing them. She looks around for the previously-cloaked halfling, but does not see him anywhere among the living. The Wild elf acknowledges her halfling archer counterpart but merely nods unspeaking back to the captain’s question.

Bog gathers his senses and looks around uncertainly for a moment. Realizing he still has possession of his items, he secures them and answers the captain’s query. The captain nods and hands the burly half-orc a flask from inside his cloak.

Lauranna sits up and begins gathering herself and her items, startling a nearby sailor looking through the brush for more victims. She makes her way slowly over next to the others and addresses Billings. The captain nods back, looking her over quickly and appearing baffled by the High elf’s matter-of-factly demeanor.

Emm struggles with her balance, attempting to get up too quickly and then falling back over in an awkward, fretting manner. She suddenly snaps to, a most serious look and begins looking all about her. Her vision mysteriously yet thankfully restored, she spies, lying not four feet to her side and near hidden under a leafy fallen upper branch of one of the smaller coastal pines, is the child. She awakens up with a terrible start when checked by the druidess, and reaches up to her to be picked up from the trail. Her eyes are wide as saucers as she beckons up to be returned to the safety of her new savior.

Nearby, both of the cousins Rachstaad share a very strange look at one another and then the others, as if unsure how to consider what they just saw and experienced. Ulrich helps up and hands off the still very woozy and disoriented Wood elf Thalion to a waiting sailor’s care. He then picks up his staff and nods back to the captain. Hartnid looks himself over, again with an air of disbelief, and then stares blankly at Billings when they make eye contact. He looks again to Ulrich as his cousin moves over to stand next to him.

The two gnomes somehow appear more cognizant and lively than the others, issuing refusals for care and fussy instructions on caring for and carrying the unconscious wounded. The older half-elf woman looks over to Billings with a familiar nod and smile, and the sea captain bows his head to her and looks with concern at her fallen mate lying unconscious and unmoving upon a stretcher. Sheba is coming around and getting more vocal in her whining and yipping. She paces near Gentleman Billy’s stretcher, and looks up occasionally at the female gnome.

About this time, two sailors make their way back to the party on the trail leading east back up to the meadow. They look grim as they approach Captain Billings directly and report.
"We found six of Billy’s men dead on the north side of the meadow, Cap’n. Couldn’t tell what got ‘em but they’s all lying dead with eyes and mouths opened wide and strange reddish blots on their faces. Neither us touched ‘em for fear of poison or disease, sir. Bunker's empty and we’s still ain’t found hide nor hair of Rufal, Cap’n!"
Billings does not lose or lessen the amount of evident concern upon his visage as he momentarily contemplates his response. "You two relieve Zimba and Troc on rearguard. Tell ‘em get to helping with those stretchers then. You see or sense anything, and I mean ANYTHING, you signal, got it?"
"Aye, aye Cap’n," respond the two sailors as they take back up their weapons and move to their cover positions.

Billings turns around and assesses the party. "Alright then, let us make towards the beach and those waiting boats!" He shares another look with the elder female half-elf and begins leading the party back west towards the beach around the north side of the crater...

OOC: if anyone wants to post anything at this point either before or during their moving out, go ahead and do so. Regardless, the party is moving back towards the beach where there are boats awaiting.

HPs/Status: Bog* 6/9 ; Caelvanna 2/8 ; Emm 6/6 ; Griffo* 5/10 ; *Hartnid 9/9 ; *Ulrich 8/8 ; Lauranna 3/3 ; Thalion* 5/5
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword* (1st spear thrown); Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-13, silver arrows fired-8); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Hartnid – flail/SC; Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
MO(all grouped together with Capt Billings and his men): 1: Lauranna, Bog, Thalion, Ulrich, Griffo, Caelvanna, Hartnid and Emm
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#8 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna can't believe the degree of destruction around the blast zone. She too wonders what happened to some of the others. She splits from the group, heading south and west, to the west side of the crater.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#9 Post by Alethan »

Bog takes a few sips from the flask before handing it back. He then walks over to Thalin and makes sure the elf doesn't need any help making his way to the boat. He will walk along side him, even if he doesn't need assistance, the bonds of fighting together against the dark creature already forming a friendship.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#10 Post by Alethan »

OOC: just edited my last entry... It was Thalion, not dmw71, who was fighting with me against the dark leader. But I don't see an update for Thalion the Grey in The DM's last post...
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#11 Post by dmw71 »

Alethan wrote:OOC: just edited my last entry... It was Thalion, not dmw71, who was fighting with me against the dark leader. But I don't see an update for Thalion the Grey in The DM's last post...
ooc: I didn't want to be next to stinky Bog anyway... so there! ;)
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#12 Post by Argennian »

Alethan wrote:Bog takes a few sips from the flask before handing it back.

Billings takes the flask back and takes a quick draw for himself. Bog can recognize the sharp yet subtle taste of fine dwarven spirits.
Alethan wrote:He then walks over to Thalion and makes sure the elf doesn't need any help making his way to the boat. He will walk along side him, even if he doesn't need assistance, the bonds of fighting together against the dark creature already forming a friendship.
The sailor looks to be struggling with the weight of the Wood elf. When he sees the burly half-orc move up next to him, he looks up at him and then down at his massive, muscled arms. "Here, yu take 'em then. I'll go and help Shanny back ta da boat." The wiry sailor hands off Thalion to the half-orc and heads over to where Captain Billings is struggling to help Shanny along. It is obvious to any that observe her that by the way she walks with small steps and her hands out in front of her that she must be apparently blind.

The Wood elf, feeling more of his own weight and load lessened, starts to come around a bit more and looks up to smile dizzily at his new helper. “That you, Bog? What happened? Did we best him?” Thalion queries as he blinks his eyes and swallows again.

Alethan wrote:OOC: just edited my last entry... It was Thalion, not dmw71, who was fighting with me against the dark leader. But I don't see an update for Thalion the Grey in The DM's last post...
OOC: No worries, Al! :) Thalion has been AFK for a while now and I've been NPCing him in the interim. I did make mention in the game thread that Ulrich had handed him off to a sailor, but he was still kind of woozy and hadn't yet spoken.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#13 Post by Argennian »

Nuke66 wrote:Lauranna can't believe the degree of destruction around the blast zone. She too wonders what happened to some of the others. She splits from the group, heading south and west, to the west side of the crater.
Lauranna moves away from the others on her own power, albeit slowly and calculated. She appears to be searching the brush for something or someone...

* PM sent
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#14 Post by tkrexx »

As the duo of Sailors react to the Captain's orders, Emm manages to choke out a call to them. Wait! There was an old Man...He was hiding on the trail...
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The party makes its way out of the trees and onto the beach

#15 Post by Argennian »

~ Surprising enough for their ragtag appearance, Captain Billings' men search and work about the area like an organized colony of army ants. They not only find the bodies of the old man that was with the child previous and the older burly guard lying on the trail near the edge of the crater, but they recover the body of the younger burly guard and that of the beheaded soldier. Although Billings explicitly told his men not to touch any of the enemy humanoids, Shanny points to the powerful one that was killed by the dwarven clerical duo and insists that it be taken along for some reason. A large sailor nearby scoops the strange and alien-looking warrior up and follows the old hag and those helping her along.

The already thin fog clears out a bit more and the great moon’s solemn, eerie light illuminates the chaotic scene as the party makes its way around the crater and to the edge of the woods. About 200 feet across the beach directly west sits four longboats at the water’s edge, corralled in a small area between two massive rocks jutting out into the mild surf. There are sailors about preparing to receive the approaching party and what appear to be some bodies lying on the sand nearby. Another 100 feet or so beyond the beach, just at the edge of a thicker bank of fog floating upon the dark waters of the Bay of Ghosts is what looks to be the looming shape of a decent-sized merchant cog. It appears to be one of foreign and perhaps eastern design or influence.

Lauranna the High elf * and a few sailors continue to search for and possible gather up a couple of last minute items that are strewn about the sides of the crater as the party heads west across the beach towards the waiting longboats…

* PM going out

HPs/Status: Bog* 6/9 ; Caelvanna 2/8 ; Emm 6/6 ; Griffo* 5/10 ; *Hartnid 9/9 ; *Ulrich 8/8 ; Lauranna 3/3 ; Thalion* 5/5
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword* (1st spear thrown); Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-13, silver arrows fired-8); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Hartnid – flail/SC; Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
MO(all grouped together with Capt Billings and his men): 1: Bog, Thalion, Ulrich, Griffo, Caelvanna, Hartnid and Emm, 2: Lauranna is away from the others at the southwestern edge of the crater
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#16 Post by tkrexx »

As Emm is led to the longboats, she will try to get a look at the bodies lying in the sand. Unless she recognizes any of them, she will continue on with the child.
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Re: The party makes its way out of the trees and onto the be

#17 Post by dmw71 »

Argennian wrote:Lauranna the High elf * and a few sailors continue to search for and possible gather up a couple of last minute items that are strewn about the sides of the crater as the party heads west across the beach towards the waiting longboats.
ooc: That reminds me, is it too late for the ranged attackers to recover any of their expended arrows, or has that ship sailed (pun intended)?
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Re: The party makes its way out of the trees and onto the be

#18 Post by Argennian »

dmw71 wrote:
Argennian wrote:Lauranna the High elf * and a few sailors continue to search for and possible gather up a couple of last minute items that are strewn about the sides of the crater as the party heads west across the beach towards the waiting longboats.
ooc: That reminds me, is it too late for the ranged attackers to recover any of their expended arrows, or has that ship sailed (pun intended)?
OOC: Unless you want to head back into the sundered treeline and displaced flora and begin looking about the area, then yes. Just wanted to reiterate that although everyone's character continues to recover, you're condition is still somewhat stunned (current movement rate of 30 feet/round for most PCs). And with many of the trees toppled and broken, this would not only be much more difficult but would take much, much longer than normal.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#19 Post by Alethan »

Bog considers his spears lost; he will get new ones later... or do without.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#20 Post by dmw71 »

Caelvanna sighs as she considers her current stock of arrows. It's much too low for her liking, and she will miss her arrows with the colored flights, but, given her current condition, she makes no effort to return to the multiple scenes of battle and hopefully recover something.
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