Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

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Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#1 Post by Vargr1105 »

DAY 1 - Dawn/Early Morning - The Nest

It is the strangest meeting of your lives...

Dawn gives way to early morning as you get acquainted. By exchanging your stories you determine all here had visited the Rheene tents at the Greyhawk festival and share a dream-memory of the flight on back of the giant bird. Of what force of agency has translocated you to the upper reaches of a mountain none among you has an inkling of.

One thing is certain. Wherever you are, it is not anywhere on Oerth that your previous travels have taken you to. Neither do you recognize the lay of the land from any maps you have seen or any traveler's tales you have heard. From what can be gauge the winding river on the plain flowing to the small lake with the island stands to the north, which means the valley below is on the southwest face of the peak while the mountain range extends both to the North-Northeast and South until it is lost from sight.

It is cold and the sky is overcast with clouds that offer promises of a drizzle. Back in the City of Greyhawk the days had been warm and sunny, a prelude to the beginning of summer. If this mountain is part of the Flanaess you think it is located somewhere to the north of the Old Ferrond region where, by your reckoning, you were only yesterday. But there are no mountains anywhere north as the crow flies from the Nyr Dyv until the gelid coasts of the Icy Sea, so where is this exactly? Northeast or Northwest?

Is this mountain part of the Rakers? the Griff range? or maybe even the faraway Corusk mountains of the Thillonrian peninsula where the Suel barbarians live?

Or are you on the opposite side of the Flanaess? In the Yatils maybe, the range that separates Perrenland from Ket and the plains where once the Empire of the Baklunish lay before being undone by the Sueloise Invoked Devastation, one millennium ago.

You'd have to ask a local to know for sure. That is, assuming there are any locals around.

Of enormous birds there is no sign. The huge nest seems to have lain abandoned for years; Ogridor the Suel Ranger and Priest of Python, God of nature, is familiar with these matters and can confirm this much. Except for size, the structure is remarkably similar to disused bird nests found in the forests where he did his apprenticeship.

A cursory poking around the mass of branches, moss, litter and bones of catle, horses, sheep and about a dozen humans and demi-humans that surrounds you soon produces some usable items. After a quarter of an house the party has gathered:

- A helmet, painted and decorated with semi-precious stones. It looks as it could fetch a pretty penny on an armory store

- A leather backpack, on its interior is a 50-foot length of rope and some dried food which seems edible, perhaps enough to sustain a person for one week

- A wine-skin, whole and full of what sadly proves to be spoiled wine

- A vial of holy water (according to the design of the crystalline container)

- A dagger with a blade made of a steel-silver alloy, similar to those that could be purchased in Greyhawk City for around 20 gold pieces

- A long sword in a scabbard, which has survived the elements due to being sheltered under a mass of branches

- A small wooden shield

- A ceramic bottle with an inscription in common reading "healing brew"

- A quiver holding 11 arrows, six of these have silvered heads

- A leathery bag containing 50 gold pieces!

And more revealing, a thin, crumpled sheet of copper with a neat inscription in the Common language is also found. It reads:


Ji Surefoot, Horse Thief, Murderer. Fearing the Guardian of the Island, you have chosen to seek The Serpent's Eye on Hardway Mountain. Such is your right. Go then. Nothing but death or the Snake's Precious Jewel can give you back yout Honour.


Below the inscription is a stylized picture of a writhing snake and next to this words have been crudely inscribed with the point of a dagger or a similar implement:

Evil old Fool, death and honour have I found but the Serpent's Eye was your all along!



Hardway Mountain.

The name does not ring a bell. Where in blazes are you?

Continuing the exploration of the area you finally notice that there is a rocky ledge some 40ft below the nest, offering a chance of escape down the mountainside. Seems like the only way out.

What does the party do?
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#2 Post by Sir Clarence »

"It should be possible to use the rope we found here to get down to that ledge", says Andrin. "By the way, is anyone except me interested in that healing brew?" He flashes a smile at his new comrades, holding up the bottle while asking.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#3 Post by Vargr1105 »

Due to GM oversight, the opening post was missing the musical theme. Here it is:

Hardway Mountain
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#4 Post by zebediah »

"I would not readily assume the contents of that vial to correspond to the inscription master Andrin." says Ogirdor "I also have no objection to you taking it but it appears we have all been put together at a challenging situation, I hope we can all count on each other's resources to come out of it together."

He eyes the objects collected by the group "Having said that I suggest that we split and carry all this between ourselves as it might come in hand. And I second Andrin's suggestion of testing the ledge with that rope. If none of you is particularly skilled in mountaineering I will also volunteer to go down first."

I will post a proposal to split the objects in the OOC thread.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#5 Post by Buzz »

"I've seen little of any mountain myself, but I have a strong arm, Ogridor," Malone says, clipping the longsword to his belt. "You forest-men should lead for now. I have another rope this length in my bag, and hooks, should they be useful."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#6 Post by Vargr1105 »

DAY 1 - Early Morning - The Nest

Musical Theme: Defying Gravity

After the party splits the items recovered from the next they turn their efforts into descending from the structure proper. The rocky ledge some 40ft below, as far as can be told, does not have a gradient and is wide enough for two grown men to stand abreast. Clumps of snow, sheltered from most of each day's sunlight by the mountain face itself still cling here and there, had the year been younger the ledge would surely have been fully covered in a white mantle.

Setting the rope is an easy matter. Many of the large logs that form the nest are considerably heavier than a man. After the rope is tied around one, and thrown down into the ledge it hits it with a couple of feet to spare that coil into a circular shape. Having volunteered to go down first, Ogirdor takes the rope into his hands and begins his descent under the watchful eyes of his companions. A breeze blows as he makes his way down...

Ogirdor Athletics Roll (60%): [1d100] = 71

Ogirdor climbs down over three fourths of the rope without impediment, but when the distance between his feet and the ledge is perhaps about what the average adult could jump in length with a running start, a stronger gust of wind affects his equilibrium and he falls onto the ledge.

Ogirdor Luck Roll (80%): [1d100] = 61

By fortune or fate, he lands right atop one of the snow patches and it proves to be deep and soft enough to cushion the fall. After a moment of stillness to certify himself no injuries where sustained (except to his pride) Orgidor rises and cleans the snow of him.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#7 Post by zebediah »

Ogirdor waves to the others, signalizes that they should wait and starts assessing the safety of the ground and the surrounding area. He also leaves his bow handy in case anything comes in sight.

If there is no apparent risk he will beckon his companions to come down.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#8 Post by Ra the monk »

After doing a quick once over of his gear Oz turns to those around him "A pleasure under other circumstance I am sure. Names Ozborn Greynight, but you can call me Oz. I think perhaps that hitting on that pretty young thing may have been the wrong thing to do...". He will vonunteer to carry the wooden shield, saying that he has never had much use for such but it seems a good idea now. He will travel down the rope sometime after the first man, but before the last. Before heading down he pulls his cloak tight, muttering that this was not the summer he had expected.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#9 Post by Vargr1105 »

DAY 1 - Early Morning - The Nest

When Ozborn turn to take the rope comes, he uses it with an adroitness worthy of the monkeys said to inhabit the far-off southern jungles of Hepmonaland. That ability, and the fact his companion Orgidor can hold the rope still to avoid the wind, with its nasty tendency to shift between a breeze and strong sudden gusts, turning the climber into a pendulum; means he arrives at the ledge without hitch or problem.

GM fiat applied here. Ozborn's thief skills combined with Orgidor holding the rope at its base means he does not require a roll to climb down.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#10 Post by Buzz »

"I guess its my turn." Malone waves that he is headed down and then moves to descend. "See you flipside, Andrin."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#11 Post by Ra the monk »

Upon reaching the ground Oz says in jest "Well Origdor, that was a lot easier than you made it seem, of course only with your help. I think you should accompany me in the future, leading the way."

OOC: I thought I would mention this, if the party gives OZ the dagger he will give up his claim to the gold and pay an extra piece or two to make it even among the group. So 50 gold 3 ways would be just 1 GP shy of 17 a piece. Oz will gladly pay the single GP. So if everyone is OK with that we can split the gold, Oz will take the dagger, and throw a gold to the man who ends up one GP short. I will change my character sheet after everyone agrees.

Also I am glad for the DM fiat, I rolled a 59 for my climbing check before I checked the board...
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#12 Post by Sir Clarence »

Before leaving the nest, Andrin glances at the sky. He doesn't like those clouds and their promise of rain, which might lead to dire problems when the rock up here will be coated with ice. Pulling his cloak tight and securing his should bag, he waves at the others and then starts climbing down the rope.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#13 Post by zebediah »

Ra the monk wrote:Upon reaching the ground Oz says in jest "Well Origdor, that was a lot easier than you made it seem, of course only with your help. I think you should accompany me in the future, leading the way."

OOC: I thought I would mention this, if the party gives OZ the dagger he will give up his claim to the gold and pay an extra piece or two to make it even among the group. So 50 gold 3 ways would be just 1 GP shy of 17 a piece. Oz will gladly pay the single GP. So if everyone is OK with that we can split the gold, Oz will take the dagger, and throw a gold to the man who ends up one GP short. I will change my character sheet after everyone agrees.
"My fall was calculated o you fellas would not be overconfident when climbing down." Ogirdor jests smiling "You look skilled on the outdoors, are you by any chance familiar with trapsetting and identifying hidden threats? That has always been my weak spot when hunting."

OOC: I refer to my suggestions on the OOC thread, I believe for the time being we should direct any loot to whoever can make better use of it. We can appraise and ensure equal shares once we're safe in some town.

Ogirdor holds the rope and assists Malone and Andrin. Once Andrin reaches the ground Ogirdor asks "Saw anything of concern in the sky master Andrin?"

How the surroundings look like Vargr? Do we have a straight path ahead or is does this lead to a more open area?

Assuming everyone is safe and there is no apparent danger ahead (or around, above and below) Ogirdor will commence scouting forward, using his spear to test unsteady/suspicious ground.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#14 Post by Ra the monk »

With a wry smile Oz responds "Well Origdor as a youth I did not have much and indeed set a few "traps" to catch my food. Though I must say I have little knowledge in the ways of the outdoors" Oz will keep a look out for a likely places to place traps, but will not actively search for them, feeling that the mountain is dangerous enough without anyone needing to set traps.

OOC: Varg can any of us see anything that looks like a trail or a clearing in the surrounding area? Maybe a clear path to the river? My guess is if we are to find a town it will be near the river.
Last edited by Ra the monk on Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#15 Post by Vargr1105 »

DAY 1 - Dawn/Early Morning - The Nest

Malone Athletics Roll: [1d100] = 92

Malone Luck Roll: [1d100] = 31

The warrior Malone climbs down the rope confidently, but when he is still some 15ft above the ledge where his mates await he suddenly slips and falls like a rock. Miraculously, he slams into a snowbank similar to the one that cushioned Orgidor's descent just a while ago, but unlike the ranger-priest, Malone's body takes a small beating due to the velocity of impact.

Fall Damage: [3d6] = 5

Malone takes 2 points of damage. Updated on the HP Tally thread. Do the same on the character sheet.

Then comes the time of Andrin the Half-Elf.

Andrin Athletics Roll: [1d100] = 41

Being extra-careful in taking his time down the rope, after having seen two of his party members fall victim to the entrapment of gravity, the druid eventually makes it all the way down to the ledge whole and unscathed; even if he was the one that took the longest to realize the descent.

From where the party stands and without the mass of wood that formed the giant nest impeding sight, all have a better vision of the lay of the land below. The valley appears to be divided into several basins, hemmed in all sides by cliffs, that stand in sequence going down and towards the Southwest.

The nearest valley-basin, which is the sole one you can perceive any meaningful details about, is of an irregular squarish shape with a few miles of area. Most of it is occupied by a lake with white sheets along some of its margins; ice most likely, stubbornly clinging in defiance against the coming of summer even while most of the lake's surface has become liquid. From this faraway it is impossible to discern anything about the ice's thickness. By dead-reckoning, and supported by assurances of Ogirdor and Andrin (both wise in the ways of nature), you figure the first valley basin to be about 4 miles distant from where you stand.

The ledge extends in two directions, clinging to the mountain face. It does not take Orgidor long to discern that a downward gradient beings taking a hold of the left way. Scanning down the can see it forms a path, if one wants to be generous enough to call it that, which weaves serpentine-like down the mountain face towards the Southwest until it is lost from sight among the cliffs. You cannot tell if it will lead all the way down down the mountain and into to the valley, but it will be sure to be a quite longer walk than a mere 4 miles as it weaves to an fro.

What is visible of the "path" itself engrosses and thins out as it goes along, varying from as wide as the ledge, were two of you can stand side-by-side to as narrow as to force single-file travel in some places. It is humid and here and there are water puddles, clumps of snow and unmelted ice (hard to discern against the dark rock of the mountain) littering the way. This should not present challenge or danger if care is taken in travel. Attempting the walk once the sun sets however, might be a different matter.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#16 Post by Sir Clarence »

Relived that he made it safely to the ledge, Andrin wipes his hands and turns to the priest of Phyton. "I'm concerned about the weather, Ogirdor", he replies. "It might start raining soon, and as we're still high up that rain might come down as sleet or snow and might turn to ice in places. Let's hope that we can make it to some safe place in case this should happen."

"Does anyone of you happen to another coil or rope, by chance?" After having followed the path for a while, Andrin gives it a skeptical look, seeing that it has become quite narrow. "I'd suggest that we rope us together under these circumstances."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#17 Post by zebediah »

Let's see if I understood correctly: the left path is a 4 mile climb down and the right path might take us down too, but we cannot tell from our current position and it will probably take much longer.

If that's indeed the scenario I would vote for checking the right path. I produce Ogirdor and Malone's climbing performance as exhibits A and B.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#18 Post by zebediah »

Vargr1105 wrote: The warrior Malone climbs down the rope confidently, but when he is still some 15ft above the ledge where his mates await he suddenly slips and falls like a rock. Miraculously, he slams into a snowbank similar to the one that cushioned Orgidor's descent just a while ago, but unlike the ranger-priest, Malone's body takes a small beating due to the velocity of impact.

Malone takes 2 points of damage. Updated on the HP Tally thread. Do the same on the character sheet.
Ogirdor checks if Malone is well and in need of any healing.
Sir Clarence wrote:Relived that he made it safely to the ledge, Andrin wipes his hands and turns to the priest of Phyton. "I'm concerned about the weather, Ogirdor", he replies. "It might start raining soon, and as we're still high up that rain might come down as sleet or snow and might turn to ice in places. Let's hope that we can make it to some safe place in case this should happen."
"Fully concur with you, plus it is difficult to tell how many days it will take us to get out of this mountain, so finding shelter should be our first and foremost concern."
Sir Clarence wrote:"Does anyone of you happen to another coil or rope, by chance?" After having followed the path for a while, Andrin gives it a skeptical look, seeing that it has become quite narrow. "I'd suggest that we rope us together under these circumstances."
"Good idea. We have at least two ropes, I believe, so I'd suggest securing ourselves in pairs. A I am walking ahead with Ozborn some steps behind it might be better if you and Malone take the other ends of each ropes." he pauses a bit and grins "I hope this makes sense."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#19 Post by Sir Clarence »

"I am by no means what can be called a mountaineer", answers Andrin, "but wouldn't it be better if we four rope us together? I imagine that we have more combined strength this way to keep one of us from falling, should this happen."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#20 Post by Buzz »

"I'm fine as I am, the fall wasn't as bad as it looked." Malone grins. He takes a minute to find his rope in his pack. "I don't want one slip to cause a fall for all of us, I think pairs would be more prudent."
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