...just another day on Carcosa?

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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#81 Post by Blackrazor »

Responding to Sorrows' questions, the lead bearer of the archer's litter motions with nods implying that up ahead answers will be found. Body, reaches over to touch Sorrows, getting his attention and nods with a reassuring smile.

A young girl breaks ranks, jogging beside Blood Skald, her face beams with smiles and awe. "Are you here to be one with us?" She chirps, as she grabs hold of his muscled led, hugging it, as she looks up longingly at the great white man.
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#82 Post by Grognardsw »

Blood Skald of Doom looks down upon the face of innocence. He smiles at the young girl. "We are travelers, but who knows? What is your name little one?"
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#83 Post by Blackrazor »

The little girl, eyes wide and full of warmth, smiles and says in a bright full voice, "I am Body!" A woman dashes forward, head bowed and pulls the child gently from Skald's leg. With the small smiling girl in her arms, she says quietly, "Forgive us.". The woman bows her head again and retreats, the young girl waves over the woman's shoulder as they disappear behind the wall of people.
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#84 Post by Grognardsw »

"No trouble," says Blood Skald reassuringly to the woman.

He wonders if the village is all of one Body.
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#85 Post by Merctime »

Sorrows catches this; One ear, and eye, and the corner of his lip listing upwards 'pon his blue face. It would seem that he has derived the same, interesting question within himself as has Blood Skald.

"An interesting development," he mutters softly, much to himself and the scenery as to anyone else.... "I should wonder... Where we might find the head?" A brief pause, before a bit of an ominous look upon his face grows, and "...And are there, 'fists'?" finally drops from his mouth as if the words sought to escape lest they should be reigned in by a controlling mind.
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#86 Post by Blackrazor »

A few score paces along the wide dirt path and you begin to approach to the great stone head, and the large circuar open area before it, the heart of the village. A party of folks await ahead of you at the termination of the path, blocking further access.

As you near you can clearly see that these figures are clearly different than the common folk. The group is composed of thirteen figures. The most striking is the centermost. This figure wears an elaborate, horrid, skeletal nightmare as a helm. With it's wicked horns, the helm is nearly half the figure's size, and thoroughly hides the figure's features. Oddly shaped items hang from the horns. The figure's body is obscured as well in a wide suit of red leath...no that is skin....man skin. The suit is wide and round near the ground, and tapers near the neck area. The figure's two arms are in long sleeves, the hands hidden within them. The skin suit is marked with odd symbols and patterns, painted, dyed and in some cases burned/branded onto the skin. The symbols hurt the eyes to look upon and leave one unsettled, even after looking away.
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#87 Post by Blackrazor »

Behind the horned figure in man skin, stand two very all women. Their bodies a long, lithe, and unproportioned, more arm, leg and neck. Thier skin peculiar and appears a sort grayish, blue. Thier whitish/yellow hair is done, long, elaborate, tight, braids, that are tied back from thier faces. The braids hang down thier backs past thier necks. Thier eyes are dark and glint with malice, though thier faces hold bright smiles. They are scantilly dressed in grey leather bras, and short gray matching skirts. They wear low, soft, furred boots that are also a matching gray. Pairs of long, thin knives, hang from thier hips in sheaths. Other smaller knives are tied to legs, and arms - within easy reach to grasp and use. These two odd women look like twins, nearly indenticle. The differentiating features -- thier use of cosmetics - as one favors dark eyes with reds, while the other favors dark eyes with blues. Also thier jewelry s different, one has ear studs of a bright clear stone, the other small hoops of white bone.
Last edited by Blackrazor on Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#88 Post by Blackrazor »

A group of four gaunt men stand back as a group behind the women, they wearleather like low hanging loincloths/open skirts of dark hide. Thier lower faces obscured by odd leather masks, that tie behind thier ears, basically covering thier mouths and lower noses, but not thier chins. These men are hairless, thier heads a mass of symbols and sigils, painted on in whites, reds, blues and black. The masks are painted with fanged mouths open and snarling.

The other six figures are armed guards with blood ire breastplates, graves, those odd sword like weapons and metal tipped spears. They seem muscled though lean, and eye you up and down as you approach.

The helmed figure waves the litter and the porters forward. They approach, lower the litter and go unto thier knees before figure. The figure waves them up, and away, which the pair does without hesitation, maybe glad to be out of the figure's presence.

Body, rises from the bed, but can only sit up, his face pained by the effort.

The figure speaks, his voice clear and strong though aged, "So archer, you have returned. Do you have the seed?"

"No elder, the brothers...the beast was too strong. Great elder, I regret that I bring more poor news. The sky lords have returned, we eluded one of thier scouts. I know...

"They are early, that is unexpected," says the elder' cutting off Body. "It is disappointing that you failed in your task, especially given the blessing bestowed upon you. The great lord will certainly be upset."

Body nods, "I did bring you these strangers, great elder," and motions toward you.

"I have eyes archer, and I admit, I am intrigued. These are your rescuers then?"

"Yes Elder."

The strange figure steps toward you, the tall twins follow behind him, walking causally.
Last edited by Blackrazor on Fri Nov 28, 2014 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#89 Post by Blackrazor »

The elder stops before you just out of arms reach, his helmed head turns facing each one of you in turn. You feel disturbed by this, as if the elder is gleaning some secret from you, an odd violation. When he turns to look upon Sorrows, his hidden gaze lingers, devouring every detail. All the while, the twins smile, thier heads cocked to one side ever so slightly.
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#90 Post by Merctime »

Sorrows of Vale and Mire gives off body language, in a subtle yet noticeable fashion, of being... Unsettled under the gaze of this strange elder being and his cohort.

The washing of their eyes upon him, even as they give it, are returned back to them in kind as well; Returned not yet only in the looking, but also in the portent of that looking... His eyes twitch openly, as the corners of his lips curl ever so slightly. What does Sorrows see in these people? His manner and demeanor betray him... He sees... something.

After the moments of traded stares between he and this group, those stares that hide things, Sorrows chooses to speak in moderate, even tones. Tones too even, too moderate. Tones forced.

"We have brought your archer home. Return our good will with food and some courteous passage in this, your place." At these words, Sorrows emphasizes the context of his discussion to the Elder by pointing first at body at mentioning him, and then spreads an arm wide to sweep about this alien place. "Shall we open the pleasantries with introductions? I am Sorrows of Vale and Mire. My companions are well capable of introducing themselves, as I do not command them."

At this, Sorrows cranes his head towards each of his companions Gibbering and Blood Skald.

...To each, in that instant of looking towards them in silent introduction, he widens eyes at each man so that they alone can see him do so. A momentary look of seriousness flashes upon his face as if he means to silently communicate some thing of great import to his friends, an important secret to each one, or some warning, before returning to his forced cordiality towards the gathered folk before them.
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#91 Post by Alethan »

Gibbering gives no thought to Sorrows' look and quickly replies, "Gibbering. Name."
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#92 Post by Grognardsw »

Blood Skald wonders at the strange dress of these village folk. The talk of sky lords and seed, it makes him think of his dream. The large albino steps forward.

"I am Blood Skald of Doom, and I come from the land of the ice and snow, of the midnight sun where the hot springs flow. We are strangers here, brought by means unknown."
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#93 Post by Blackrazor »

"Strangers that much is true," replies the elder placing hs sleeves together, holding his hands within. "Strange indeed," his head once more turns to Sorrows. "You are welcome here, and our thanks for returning our own to us. My Dyoc'tare will see that he becomes one again and whole." The elder makes a audible clicking noise, like sucking air through ones back teeth, and the masked men dart forward. They each grasp a limb and lift the wounded archer off the litter, who gasps in pain. Having hold the group then trots off towards the stone head, disappearing into its open maw.

"Come you must be hungry," say the elder and with a flourish his voice rising he calls out,"Prepare food, drink, and entertainment for our new found .....," the elder hesitates slightly, "..friends."

The elder turns and walks into the common, the twin approaching in his wake with smiles. Bowing slightly they wave you to follow the elder, as the guardsmen flank you.
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#94 Post by Alethan »

Gibbering hesitates for a brief moment before following the elder.
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#95 Post by Merctime »

...As does Sorrows as well. He casts a quick, concerned glance at his companions, that he quickly puts away.
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#96 Post by Grognardsw »

Blood Skald nods at the elder's words.

"Body fought bravely against the beast," the reaver says as the wounded huntsman is carried off.

The northman notes the flanking guardsmen. He also notices the twins and their strange beauty. He smiles at them and walks along with the others.
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#97 Post by Blackrazor »

The furor and fuss of the villager's fills the common area with a blur of hustling forms. Loud and shrill shoots pierce the din of work and rattle. When it's over, you are each seated on square reed mat, before a squat tray table which could also act as a short seat. Before you is a collection of fruits and edible roots and leaves. A pair of men, cook a skinned beast over an open fire, rotating it slowly as they slather it with rubs, and drizzle it with juices. The aroma of the fragrant spices and roasting meat is appetizing.

Behind you is a large high table of wood at which sits the elder in a high backed wooden throne, the knife women guarding him casually. The elder has removed his great helm, which rests on a pole to his left. His features now hidden under a full mask of red man skin, but you can clearly make out his eyes, dark and discerning.

The elder picks up a fruit and bites deeply into it, juices run down his mask as he plops it back down on the table smiling satisfied.

"Now, enjoy our modest fare friends, and tell me about your peoples and how your arrived in the forest." The elder intones, picking up the fruit and taking another deep bite.
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Re: ...just another day on Carcosa?

#98 Post by Blackrazor »

Going to start a new thread please post there.
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