Out of Character Banter

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Re: Out of Character Banter

#161 Post by Blackrazor »

Work is a bear, I dropped my Humanspace game as I could not devote the energy and time it needed. I have no intention of giving up on Carcosa, but posting may be spotty.

I look forward to seeing how events unfold with the archer.
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Re: Out of Character Banter

#162 Post by Merctime »

I'm still here also, checking in and posting spotty a bit myself. Work and things around the house etc have me doing so. In other news, my print-on-demand "Delving Deeper" rules have shown up!! If you like 1974 D&D rules, I highly recommend them. Simon Bull and crew hit the ball out of the park with them! Please note that I am a fan and not 'advertising for money' here. The rulebook is around 5 bucks! And awesome!
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Re: Out of Character Banter

#163 Post by Blackrazor »

Ways is a good guy, very very intelligent and kind. I hope DD does well. I enjoy Labyrinth Lord myself, but DD is very good. I really like Turanil's Swords and Witchery - I think I have the title wrong but his stuff is insanely well done. Excited about moving forward.
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Re: Out of Character Banter

#164 Post by Blackrazor »

You can post actions if you want, or I can post again with more info and move things along.
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Re: Out of Character Banter

#165 Post by Blackrazor »

Pease hold of on posts as there is more to come - looks like Body may offer some explanation...we shall see.
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Re: Out of Character Banter

#166 Post by Blackrazor »

Work has been a bear recently, and my free time filled with family, wife and vegetating. Been dreaming up crazy crazy stuff for the campaign while I sleep, hope to post a reply no later than Friday..hopefully sooner.

This weekend may mark a rare opportunity actually, as I should have abundant freetime. If we are all about this weekend - Friday night til Sunday afternoon -we may be able to move the game ahead a good nudge.

If our circles overlap cool, if not, no biggie. I do hope they will.

Thanks for your patience.
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Re: Out of Character Banter

#167 Post by Alethan »

Family time is the most important time of all. Never apologize for taking it. ;)
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Re: Out of Character Banter

#168 Post by Merctime »

Agreed with Alethan! Soak it up, brother!
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Re: Out of Character Banter

#169 Post by Grognardsw »

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Re: Out of Character Banter

#170 Post by Blackrazor »

Just got home from work, cooked and ate dinner, and getting that post up shortly. :).

Update - Post is up, I will be checking often for posts ready to reply - every 10 to 20 minutes, until sleep drags me into dreams.
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Re: Out of Character Banter

#171 Post by Grognardsw »

Memories of Blood Skald of Doom (placed here for easy reference compared to searching PMs)
Blackrazor wrote:The battle was nearing it's end, the bodies of your kin and foe everywhere. They fought bravely, mercilessly, but the great white ape beasts were so strong. The footing was treacherous, from the heavy rain, blood and gore.

An ape leader, half your height taller than you, just dispatched a brother and sister duo, their spears jutting through it's massive torso.

You had climbed an outcropping of rocks, staring down upon it a few feet bellow, waiting for the right moment, it is now upon you. The beasts beat upon the broken bodies in triumph, you jumped, your great sword held high, a scream of malice erupts from you as you descend. Lightning strikes, illuminating the world in a frozen flash. The beast looking up, in a snarl of defiant rage. You covered in rain, sword ready to split the ape's skull and...

You are somewhere else that is dryer, warm and you are not alone.
Transmigration of the Self
Blackrazor wrote:You stand in a roughly circular clearing surrounded by strange forestation. Overhead twin suns small and cool cast a bright light. The larger of the two ulfire, the smaller dolm. A great moon dominates the sky as well, large of full, it's blueish face smooth though it bears a handful of enormous dark circular scars.

Here you see is a yellow man, with a bow who looks puzzled and a man of pale blue, lean and wiry who seems surprised.
Dream Quest of Unknown
Blackrazor wrote:You are in the rain, the ground is littered with dead Vhurrmis, and your kin, it seems familiar. Around your is the gore and blood of the fallen. There is no pain, you are alone, without weapons, without equipment. You stand, but feel no weight, the gore and blood does not stick to you, you are clean...it seems like a dream. The world suddenly fades, the sky turns quickly black and shadows envelop the world. The blood rains upward from the ground forming a circular pool before your eyes, it is a red liquid mirror, that seems alive. You see your reflection, and are calmed that it is you, but that images dissolves and another takes it's place...

It is faded, worn out, the colors muted and a bit fuzzy but you see someone who looks almost like Gibbering, so much so he could be his twin, though his clothes are strange and tight fitting, his hair in tucked into a neat topknot on the top of his bald head. A thick, jagged scar runs round his head, seemingly cut by some viscous blade. Strange symbols are tattooed on his forehead, above his ears, and down the left side of his face. These symbols seem to glow ever so slightly. But the eyes, those are his eyes, and they look afraid.

A voice, familiar yet strange speaks from somewhere, "Did it work?" The strange Gibbering replies, "Yes, Sorrow, I am linked, your summoning spell worked.". That is it, that disembodied voice it is the strange blue man's voice.

Another unfamiliar voice chimes in, "Did we, I mean did they all make it?"

Gibbering moves his hands, fiddling with something, and looks down.
"I have three parietal induction data streams, sadly none of them are yours."
"Where am I then, errrr is he?" The unfamiliar voice queries.
"I don't know," Gibbering says, his hands fiddling more quickly, "I am not completely familiar with this, maybe the summoning was off."

Sorrow answers, "I called out to four, and four replied, That I know."
"Then where am I...is he," says the strange voice angrily.
Gibbering barks back, "I have no clue, you could be out of range, this tachyon beam is fairly tight. Maybe somewhere far away, you might not even be then yet, hell you could pop up at any time. If Sorrow says the summoning worked, it worked, you are somewhere."

Sorrow's voice says grimly, "I sense them, they have found us,"
Gibbering pounds his fist down, "Damn it, we needed more time."

Another person enters the image, it is large and yes there is no mistaking it, it is You, or your twin brother. The other you is even larger and his arms shimmer with metal and crystal...you are shocked... His arms are metal and crystal.

"I will hold them off as long as I can," says the other you, his voice familiar and true. The warrior turns to go...you blink twice...his spine is also of made metal and crystal. He then stomps off loudly and disappears.
"Listen, all of you, this is important. You have to stick together no matter what," Gibbering calls out to you.
"They should find me," calls out that unfamiliar voice.
Gibbering turns around and yells, "No they do not, We do not even know if you are in their when, now shut up and go help Blood Skald he will need your skills to fend them off."
"You are right." says the unfamiliar voice.
Gibbering turns back to you and says his voice tinged with weary and regret, "We have gone through so much, died so many times, across so many Carcosas to get this chance to send this message to you."

The horrifying sound of thousands of babies screaming in pain sears your ears, then the roar of an explosion erupts loud and deafening.

Gibbering ducks instinctively and regathers himself and looks back at you.

"Go to...," A series of explosions roar loudly, followed by the sounds of many lightning strikes.

Gibbering ducks down, you can just see his eyes and his topknot.

Behind Gibbering walks figure in a strange dark helm, with what appear to be horns and worms decorating it. A voice emanates from the helm chanting a strange verse, that you can not make it out. That voice though is that of Sorrows.

Your voice cries out, "Well done Sorrow, now I can see them, and what I can see, I can kill!!! "

Gibbering continues his voice frantic, "Get them to join you and assault the....," there is a bright flash that fills your eyes and another explosion.

Your vision quickly clears, Gibbering is pulling out a strange device. "We have to go, we needed more time....Gibbering, Gibbering, listen whatever you do do not trust........

You awake.
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Re: Out of Character Banter

#172 Post by Blackrazor »

Merc never did get that cookie I baked for him. Lost in translation I suppose. Regardless :). I have been thinking about Carcosa and how to describe it. Carcosa is a world unlike ours, thus can not adequately be described by our words - best we can do is use simile and netaphor. But it s like our world too. I think alien, strange, esoteric has to be grounded in our human experience to be alien, strange etc. If the world is too strange then strange loses it strangeness - everything just is different with no frame of reference. The horror of the world, the alien of the world, comes from it's so like what we understand but isn't. It's a world we can see ourselves in, a world we can touch, breathe, smell and understand only then to be jolted from our familiar by those things that shock, confound and terrorize us.

I hope that makes sense. This Carcosa, my Carcosa, may appear very mundane, it is....and it is not, but that's the yin yang of it.
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Re: Out of Character Banter

#173 Post by Grognardsw »

“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of the infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.”
― H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories
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Re: Out of Character Banter

#175 Post by Merctime »

Yes, folks... Happy belated halloween! BOO!
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Re: Out of Character Banter

#176 Post by Blackrazor »

Halloween was ok this year. Work still sucks. I will be free from most of it come Christmas. Hope to post Tuesday. Hope all is well in your corners of the earth.
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Re: Out of Character Banter

#177 Post by Blackrazor »

Sorry no post yet. Work ugh and life and buying a house and stuff. Thanks for your continued patience.
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Re: Out of Character Banter

#179 Post by Blackrazor »

In response to Grognardsw and hs image of the forest - this was my inspiration for it

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