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#381 Post by phil285 »

Vanco Basou, cleric
Vanco concurs enthusiastically with Tev's proposal to support their nine new followers.
Once he has spoken with Sr Casria, collected his possessions and fitted himself for the coming conflict, he asks around to see how many people have been travelling in or out (he expects few if no goods have been transported).
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#382 Post by Wyzard »

Severi Silvertongue, Elf

"Let's take a day to recover ourselves and outfit these men. Then we can attempt to strike at the enemy however seems best, and travel to Verge in search of aid once we have weakened and confused the enemy."
Basically, once we're ready to go we can view from the walls what their disposition is, and go from there. I do like the idea of picking at their flank some more from the causeway, but we could also just help out with an attack launched from the city.

Also, I don't think setting fire to various things inside the orc camp would break invisibility, so we should send two PCs out with oil and so forth to set fire to their supply wagons, tents, any siege equipment they've started to construct, etc. They have to stay away from the camp with the wargs in it, though.
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#383 Post by thirdkingdom »

phil285 wrote:Vanco Basou, cleric
Vanco concurs enthusiastically with Tev's proposal to support their nine new followers.
Once he has spoken with Sr Casria, collected his possessions and fitted himself for the coming conflict, he asks around to see how many people have been travelling in or out (he expects few if no goods have been transported).
The glabrous goblinoids have laid an effective siege to Threshold. As far as the adventurers have been able to determine, no one has been able to escape since the caravan the adventures had encountered several days ago, heading north. No travelers have reached the city, either. It is likely that they have been intercepted by patrols before reaching Threshold.

Sister Casria and the captain of the city militia lay out the tactical situation for the adventurers. "There are three tribes of goblins encamped around the town; one north, one west and one south. You have vanquished the tribe that was stationed east of the city; there is still the terrible creature guarding the waters, however, and I have little doubt that given time the eastern route will be garrisoned again. The general in command of the enemy forces is clever, and disciplined."
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#384 Post by Atlictoatl »

Tev Meren, Fighter
What's the disposition of enemy forces in the southern and western camps? The 29 orcs "guarding the island and causeway" are spread out on Fisherman's Island, or are concentrated in one location? If spread out approximately how long would it take them to rally to the aid of either bridge-based group?

I like the idea of setting fires invisibly, if that works.
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#385 Post by thirdkingdom »

Casria points to the map. "The goblin tribe to the south calls themselves the 'Bone-chewers'. Their forces number around thirty goblins, and they are blockading the Duke's Road south, towards Verge. The tribe to the west of Threshold is the most dangerous, and apparently they command the allegiance of all the goblins present. They are the 'Flesh-eaters', and number about thirty as well, with at least a half a dozen riding on the backs of dire wolves. We believe that at least one of their number is skilled in the arcane arts; they also fight with an almost berserker fury, refusing to back down or surrender. My prayers have not revealed the source of this insane bravery."

She points to the camp north of Threshold, between the town and the village of the fisherfolk. "This last tribe -- the 'Fish-stealers' -- is the smallest, and took the heaviest casualties in the initial assault. We estimate that over half their numbers were killed that night; there are fewer than a dozen left. The night after the attack the tribe attempted to desert en masse; the Flesh-eaters killed their chief and have forcibly kept them here, guarding the road north. Their bolts and blades are coated with a mild poison; not strong enough to kill, but it will make you miserable enough for a day or so that you might wish you were dead."

She points to the western encampment. "The wolf riders make regular patrols around the city, in groups of three, both to discourage any of us to escape and keep the other tribes in line."
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#386 Post by phil285 »

Vanco Basou
"The siege is, for most purposes, complete. We have some limited movement, but nothing else seems to be moving. Some form of skirmishing and sabotage seems our best option. A head-on confrontation will be a waste of our lives."
To Sr. Casria, he gives 1000gp of his share, so that it may be put aside to buy food in the city's eventual recovery.
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#387 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

Quint Kacie
"If the goblin patrols are on any sort of regular schedule, perhaps we can use that to our advantage, timing our raids against the orcs so as to avoid any goblin interference. If we can whittle away the orcs until they are routed our slain outright, then we can look to the goblin tribes. The "Fish-stealers" to the north first as they are the weakest, and of poor morale."

Seeing Vanco, Rhys and Tev all contributing to the cause of the distressed citizenry, Quint too, wants to help, but decides it best to wait. Coin for food and supplies is all well and good if such are to be had at whatever price, but with no trade entering the beleaguered town, there is little to purchase. Verge, he feels, will have supplies, and he intends to do what he can to bring aid back to Threshold after the siege is broken. It is then that aid will be needed.
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#388 Post by Atlictoatl »

Tev Meren

"Agreed, though if we can return to having our base outside the walls of Threshold, it would help to alleviate some pressure on the town. If we sally from here, the enemy will just press their attack the harder. What if we engage the island orcs with a fresh complement of spells and Severi's camp distraction idea as our first attack? If we can remove the orcs of the island, it will force the enemy to redistribute its forces."
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#389 Post by Alethan »

Rhys agrees with going after the orcs and making it difficult for the enemy to reinforce the eastern side of the town.

"The biggest concern I have is the water troll. A fight on or near that island is sure to bring it forth, which could be quite a challenge if we're taking on some score and ten orcs. And we must be sure and have a way of disposing of it properly, if the rumors of such creatures' regenerative abilities hold any truth."
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#390 Post by MonsterMash »

Thurgan, dwarf

"Maybe give the archers plenty of fire arrows to try against the troll as they may hurt it. The plan seems sound and the only other one I could think of would be trying to kill the wargs with arrows and crossbow bolts to weaken the goblin tribes. Maybe the fish stealers would be the last one to attack as if the other tribes were weakened they might flee without fighting us".
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#391 Post by Atlictoatl »

Tev Meren, Fighter

"We should bolster the morale of our troops before asking them to fight wargs. If we build portable barriers for the bridge, we can contain the fighting field to something more manageable. Our archers can be prepared to fire flame arrows -- that's a good idea -- and we can build a fallback position or two if we need to retreat from a troll reinforcing the orcs."

"Even if we have to fight a retreating action, any casualties we give the orcs will shift the makeup of the larger battlefield."
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#392 Post by Wyzard »

"If we rode out in force, on horseback, we could destroy the Southern or Northern force of goblins, and return to the city gate, before they were reinforced. A dawn raid would be most appropriate. The northern force is weaker and could more easily be eliminated completely. The southern force is stronger, and their blockade of the road is more strategically important." Severi inquires of Casria if the city is willing to open the gates to allow such a sally.

"We'd probably want our force of archers to forgo armor. Rapid marching would be the best defense available by far, in any event."
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#393 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

Quint Kacie
"My thought was to hit the orcs, first, but you may be right, Severi. If we hit the weakened goblin encampment to the north, it may force them to commit troops from either the orcs or the goblins to the west, which would lower the numbers in either place to our benefit."
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#394 Post by phil285 »

Vanco Basou
"I believe such a strike against one of the goblin encampments would do much to raise the morale of these people."
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#395 Post by Wyzard »

Severi studies the map in some depth before approaching Casria. "What resources could you offer us, if we agreed to be the point of the spear to free this city? We can lead men into battle, but we need men to lead, and mounts who are appropriate to the task. In return for these considerations, and what loot we can liberate from your oppressors, we will turn our swords and sorcery to the task of destroying your enemies. We also are in possession of no small amount of treasure. If there are smiths and armorers who still demand coin for their services, we can assist in arming whatever troops or levies you can lend us."

"With even a few scores of men, we could deal such blows to these snot-slurping simpletons as will make them relieved to die."
Severi has, if you will examine his character sheet, a score of 18 in most of the relevant skills for negotiation.
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#396 Post by thirdkingdom »

Casria thanks the party profusely. "Our problem is chiefly a lack of strategic planning; anyone who has the capability of coordinating our forces is either away or trapped within Tarnskeep. If we had the warhorses I would gladly see that you get them, but we do not. We are prepared, however, to reward you all handsomely for what aid you can give in our time of need."
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#397 Post by MonsterMash »

Thurgan, dwarf

"If we have a diversion from another attack on the opposite camp to where we place our main effort it will make it hard for the goblins to reinforce them and make them unsure where we are putting our true effort. If we destroy both then we can make it hard for them to maintain their siege successfully here and at the keep".
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#398 Post by thirdkingdom »

Sister Casria

"Very well. I hereby appoint you all 'Defenders of the Realm', and authorize you to requisition any supplies or manpower you need in the defense of Threshold. You will have ultimate authority to oversee the defenses of the city; I only insist that if you do sally forth into the field of battle, you leave us enough men to see to the continued safety of the city, if you should fall. The three hundred members of the Citizen's Militia should be enough."
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#399 Post by Wyzard »

Severi begins directing preparations for the attacks. Of the 300 rabble available, he places 125 men at the northern gate, and a like number at the southern. If any of the enemy manage to pursue the retreating army back into the gate, they are to be allowed in, then swarmed and overwhelmed as the gates slam shut behind them. The remaining fifty stay along the docks as a reserve force, with oil, torches, and pitch-soaked arrows, in case of an attack by raft or the appearance of a lake troll.

He also commands that the city's seamstresses should make a number of battle standards for the heroes and their followers. He suggests a design of a white skull, surrounded by black flames, on a red field. He also ensures the troops are equipped with flasks of oil with flammable wicks, and torches. He makes it clear that their job is to burn out the infection that the goblinkind represent.

The following standing orders are issued:
1. Kill any enemy you see. Fallen enemy should be stabbed once or twice more for good measure. No prisoners shall be taken. Enemies who attempt to surrender are to be fired upon by crossbows.
2. All materiel and supplies which cannot be safely captured are to be destroyed. Tents are to be slashed or set alight. Supplies are to be fouled or burned. Weapons are to be carried off.
3. Orders from the Commanders (the PCs) are to be obeyed immediately, especially orders to withdraw in an orderly fashion. Failure to do so may be deemed treason.
4. Any booty or treasures seized from the enemy are to be turned over to the commanders. Shares will be paid out at the conclusion of the campaign. Severi ensures that tales of the heroes' open-handed generosity are well-known.

He also delivers a rousing speech to the city's defenders, in which he promises that if they follow the adventurers with courage in their hearts, they shall see their enemy stomped into the earth, and their ashes scattered to the winds.
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#400 Post by thirdkingdom »

A score of seamstresses and tailors quickly volunteer, and are soon hard at work sewing the standards and banners as Severi specifies. One matronly woman takes charge, and inquires of the adventurers if they have sigil, crest or coat of arms to be sewn onto tabards or painted on shields.
I don't usually give XP awards for doing things outside of killing monsters and taking their stuff, but I'm going to award 3OO XP to everyone who comes up with, and posts a picture of, a crest, sigil or coat of arms.

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