Character Generation

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Re: Character Generation

#21 Post by DocBennie »

where in upstate NY?
I currently reside in real life...
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Re: Character Generation

#22 Post by DocBennie »


everyone feel free to post your character's theme song...

I stand by my selections of Jump Around for Sir Sieg, and '70's porn themes for Chancetarget, but I will GRACIOUSLY allow them to pick "real" theme songs...

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Re: Character Generation

#23 Post by DocBennie »

Character (I hope I did this right!?!?)

Player: DocBennie
Character name: “John”
Physical Attributes: Caucasian male, 6 foot, 165 pounds, lean and wiry build, blue eyes, and close-cropped brown hair
Current Stamina: 52
Recovery Rate: 4
Current Willpower: 58
PT Defense: ?
Unskilled melee score: 60
Penetration bonus: 0
Wounds: 13
Profession: Camera Man (Photo Journalist)

Strength: 44
Dexterity: 62
Agility 74
Personality: 34
Stamina: 52
Willpower: 58
Perception: 56
Luck: 30

Journalism (photo): 60...(Pcn+Per)/2 +15 Specialist
Electronics: 65...(Pcn+Dex+Luck)/3 +15 Specialist
Stealth: 83...(Dex+Agl)/2 +15 Specialist
Martial Arts: 75...(Str+Dex+Agl+Wpr)/4 +15 Specialist
Pistol: 77…(Dex) +15 Specialist

Items on hand: FLASK (full of Sambuca-a 43% alcohol that tastes like black licorice, and gives a nice warm feeling!!!), basic clothes-shirt/pants/socks/underwear/t-shirt/shoes/jacket, wallet with $80 and all the basic ID (no CC at this time), iPhone, belt knife (3&1/2 inch blade, which I carry in real life, good for opening things but NOT as a weapon), TV camera with extra battery and power cord, small electronics repair kit (tweezers, screwdrivers, small wrench, penlight, etc-nothing that could be used as an obvious weapon, portable small light (for photos, etc)...NO weapons of any kind...


Growing up in a small Pennsylvania town, football was everything. Unfortunately, he didn’t have what it took (too little brawn, and too much brains!) to measure up on the football field…instead, he turned to his real passion…photography…oh, his old man LOVED that...”MEN play football, GIRLS take pictures!”…
He’d finally gotten tired of his old man’s drunken beatings…started taking martial arts classes…got pretty good at it…after he’d used a particular move to throw his dad over the sofa and into the wall head-first, the beatings had stopped…but the verbal abuse never did…

With his old man constantly berating his “lack of manhood”, he briefly tried a stint in the military…however, an unfortunate incident between his fist and his drill instructor’s face had quickly ended that ill-advised experiment…
So he turned to what he knew best…photography…over the past decade or so, he had covered human conflicts across the world; in mud-covered, mosquito-infested jungles, sun-backed dusty deserts, overpopulated slums…anywhere warfare broke out, he was there to cover it…first as an independent photojournalist, then as a camera man for The Company…
Heck, he’d even gotten himself a nice scar on the side of his face, almost lost an eye…a little memento of his time in the trenches with the troops…

It was after that brush with death that the drinking started…he wouldn’t really call it a “problem”, per se…heck, he could more than hold his own, often drinking larger men (and women!) under the table…but every now and then, he would have a wee bit too much…

And that is when all of his current troubles started… He’d gotten drunk one night, and had an argument with his reporter (the “face man” war correspondent)…eventually, he punched the sanctimonious prick right in the mouth…smashed that perfect model nose, and knocked out a few teeth as well…
The Company didn’t bother pressing charges…they just yanked his travel pass and blackballed him in the industry…fortunately, a few of his military buddies were able to sneak him on board a troop transport headed back to the states…

Back in the states, he’d quickly found out that The Company had, indeed, destroyed his career…no one in the national news field would touch him…who wanted to work with a hot-headed, violently drunk camera man, anyway?

To make ends meet, he had wandered around the country, doing odd jobs here and there…until one day, he found that he had come full circle…back home to beautiful Pittsburgh, PA…eventually, he even found a gig as a camera man at the local news station, WGON…thankfully, The Company’s wrath hadn’t reached the smaller local media outlets…

And so he found himself travelling across the state, covering inane events like The World Tiddlywinks Championship…oh well, at least it was a steady paycheck…
Besides, that reporter, Derek Lancaster, had turned out to be an alright kind of guy…unlike certain big name reporters, Derek was humble and conscientious…plus, the guy had a wicked sense of humor…all in all, a good kid…
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Re: Character Generation

#24 Post by Bloodaxe »

DocBennie wrote:Marcel...
where in upstate NY?
I currently reside in real life...
Im in Allentown, Pa. real life. The Golden Gate Diner is a real place. Not a great diner in real life either.
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Re: Character Generation

#25 Post by Bloodaxe »

In character background- no one is from this immediate area. You can be from Pennsylvania, but you are not close to where the game takes place and do not know this area. You can be from anywhere, but have a reason to be here, even if just passing through, business, or whatever.

No skills above specialist. Any weapons will have to be approved by me. You can pm me with any questions or something you want to keep secret.

Please put your character photo with your finished character sheet. Thanks!
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Re: Character Generation

#26 Post by Bloodaxe »

Once everyone is completely finished with their character we will really begin the game.
Right now just some chatting, interacting with other PC & NPC, and some background.
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Re: Character Generation

#27 Post by ybn1197 »

Bloodaxe wrote:Im in Allentown, Pa. real life. The Golden Gate Diner is a real place. Not a great diner in real life either.
Really?! I grew up in Phillipsburg, NJ; right across the river. I live in Baltimore now but I still have family in Easton and Bethlehem. I don't know if you get to the Jersey side often but when you started talking about rural diner, I started thinking of the Key City Diner on Rte 22.
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Re: Character Generation

#28 Post by Bloodaxe »

ybn1197 wrote:
Bloodaxe wrote:Im in Allentown, Pa. real life. The Golden Gate Diner is a real place. Not a great diner in real life either.
Really?! I grew up in Phillipsburg, NJ; right across the river. I live in Baltimore now but I still have family in Easton and Bethlehem. I don't know if you get to the Jersey side often but when you started talking about rural diner, I started thinking of the Key City Diner on Rte 22.

Don't go to Jersey much. Never heard of Key City Diner- I'll have to look it up. Im right by LV Airport.

Character looks good. You ok with skills?
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Re: Character Generation

#29 Post by ybn1197 »

I'm working on it. Just figured I would post what I have at the moment. Hope to have the skills and everything else posted by tomorrow. Today is my wife's short day at work so I will be spending the entire evening with her instead of just part of the evening.

Out by LV airport (I remember it as ABE airport, lol)? I got an idea of where you are. I used to go out that way back in high school to Cap's Comics on Catasauqua Rd.
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Re: Character Generation

#30 Post by Bloodaxe »

ybn1197 wrote:I'm working on it. Just figured I would post what I have at the moment. Hope to have the skills and everything else posted by tomorrow. Today is my wife's short day at work so I will be spending the entire evening with her instead of just part of the evening.

Out by LV airport (I remember it as ABE airport, lol)? I got an idea of where you are. I used to go out that way back in high school to Cap's Comics on Catasauqua Rd.

Ok, I just didn't know if you needed help with skills. We are going to get started, but nothing major. No huge rush, Friday would be great.

Caps is gone. There is The Encounter on Hamilton blvd(I think) and The Portal in Bethlehem. Im right on Airport Road , next to the Airport itself. Yeah it was ABE, that's how I remember it- now LVIA. Small world.
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Re: Character Generation

#31 Post by AleBelly »

Since I have no freaking idea of the rules yet, I used the link on the first page. How does this look?

Chance Chang

Strength 68 Willpower 44 D.O.B. Mar. 22nd Hometown New Orleans
Dexterity 62 Perception 50 Profession Salesman
Agility 32 Luck* 48 Education Bachelors Ethnicity Half Asian/Half Caucasian
Personality 54 Stamina 56 Height 5' 7" Sex Male
Penetration Bonus +10 Unskilled Melee 50 Weight 138 Eye Color Brown
Age 36 Hair Color Black
Current Statistics
Current Stamina 56 Current Willpower 44
Stamina Recovery 4 Stamina Loss/Rnd 0

Skill Name Level Modifier Base Score
Stealth Specialist +15 47 62
Polearm Specialist +15 50 65
Equestrian Specialist +15 50 65
Shortbow Specialist +15 62 77
Javelin Specialist +15 65 80

I can edit as necessary. I changed some stats like age and occupation, but no stats.

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Re: Character Generation

#32 Post by Bloodaxe »

I'll work on it tonight & PM you. Im looking for something a bit more modern. I can see some Martial Arts & maybe pole arm/for a staff/bo stick skill,. You need more modern skills, & I need to rearrange stats a bit to make him a Salesman.
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Re: Character Generation

#33 Post by AleBelly »

OK, here's an updated draft of my character, with some input from the CM. I don't have access to the game pdf right now, so a couple of values are missing..but I should be good to go.

Player: AleBelly
Character name: Chance Chang
Phy. Attributes: Male, Age 36, 5'7", 138 lbs. Black trendy cut/dark brown eyes.
Current Stamina: 56
Recovery Rate: 4
Current Willpower: 44 (WP recovery = 10pts./1hr. sleep)
Unskilled melee score: 49
Penetration bonus: +5
Wounds: none
Profession: Pharmaceutical salesman

Martial arts: 57+15=72
Polearms (bo stick, staff): 59+15=74
Medicine: 48+15=63
Computers: 45+15=60

Strength: 50
Dexterity: 62
Agility 68
Personality: 56
Stamina: 54
Willpower: 44
Perception: 48
Luck: 42

Items on hand: Car; extra clothes; toiletries; bag with pens, pencils, laptop; some pharmaceuticals (generally the kind that will only help zombies get boners...nothing too useful)


Chance is from Marysville, OH. He was the product of a mixed race marriage, his father a hotshot executive with a Japanese car company that was establishing its first manufacturing plant in the U.S. and his mother a beautiful local from a prominent family in the area. In school, he was the only minority student in his grade - this, and his slight frame meant he was bullied regularly. He did not enjoy his formative years. In high school, he took up martial arts, and has enthusiastically studied them for 20 years.

He went to college studying microbiology, planning to become a doctor, but he got sidetracked by dreams of opening his own martial arts studio. Not having the confidence to do such a thing, he half-heartedly pursued a career in pharmaceutical sales. His mediocre performance has left him with some less-than lucrative sales regions. Nagging injuries from his hobby, easy access to the drugs and weak will power have conspired to make him suffer from addiction to opioid pain medications. This certainly hasn't helped his sales performance, and he's in danger of losing his job. Chance has decided to try to kick the habit and find success in his career...for the fifth or sixth time.
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Re: Character Generation

#34 Post by Bloodaxe »

That's good Alebelly. Sorry for the confusion. :oops:
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Re: Character Generation

#35 Post by AleBelly »

Nothing to apologize for. I'll post Chance in the character thread.
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