Posting guidelines and rules

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Posting guidelines and rules

#1 Post by ToniXX »

This will be a Basic/Expert game. I will be using the Moldvay/Cook basic/expert rules. You can use them or the Mentzer set or the Rules Cyclopedia if you'd like.

Please follow these guidelines for posting in the action threads:
  • Regular action in black text
  • Dialog spoken to each other IN CHARACTER is blue. Use the 'dialog' BBCode.
  • OUT OF CHARACTER discussion in the action thread in red. Use the 'ooc' BBCode.
You can use any dice roller you want, but why not use the UnseenServant roller? If you do, use campaign number 206

I'll visit the forums most everyday, and post if necessary. I'd prefer it if everyone can post at least three times a week. If you can post more, that's great. We all have real lives (you do, right?), and if something happens and you can't post or have to go missing for a while, just let me know. I'll run your character as an NPC while you're gone. If you want to completely leave, that's okay too, just say so and we'll find someone else to run your PC.

If you go missing without notice, I'll send you a PM to see what's up, so make sure you're set to get emails when you get a new PM.

I will communicate with players via PM when there is something happening to that PC that the others can't see or know about.

When it comes to ability checks, mainly thief stuff, I'll make the rolls for you. You roll saves and most everything else.
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