A New Beginning

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Re: A New Beginning

#541 Post by sonofotho »

The monsters wail eerily, although you cannot see their mouths, hidden beneath the mass of tentacles. They charge towards you, their long, loping gates rapidly eating up the distance between you.

Ragnus and Wylo do their best to steady the villagers. As soon as the Moon Things are within range Finton casts his sleep spell. The young mage is happily surprised when five of the six things stop, obviously under the effects of the spell. However they don't drop to the ground. Instead they sit up on their rear legs with their faces pointing up in the air, tentacles slowly waving upwards.

The lone remaining monster continues its charge, oblivious to what happened to its comrades. Ragnus takes careful aim and when the thing gets close enough that the fighter feels comfortable with the shot, he lets loose. The bolt strikes the Moon Thing in the chest, just beneath its tentacled face, disappearing into the grey flesh. The monster drops to the ground, motionless.

The villagers pat Ragnus and Finton on the backs, looking upon them with newfound respect. "The Moon Things cannot stand before your might. Come, let us crush them," cheers one.

"That did seem a bit easy," offers Dermox. "And what about those guys over there," he says, pointing to the 'sleeping' Moon Things with his sword.

ooc: Actions?

Finton's spell affected all the Moon Things and only one made its save.
Ragnus to hit (16, success) for damage (6); Moon Thing killed
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Re: A New Beginning

#542 Post by badams30 »


Wylo nods at Ragnus "Nice shot. Let's finish these things, quickly and carefully, shall we?" And Wylo will cautiously approach the seemingly sleeping ones, preparing to bash one in the head with his mace.


Finton smiles at the praise from the villagers, but glances sideways at Leena and shrugs "I didn't think that would work..." he whispers....
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Re: A New Beginning

#543 Post by spanningtree »

Ragnus - Fighter

Hah, fine indeed... let's see about bringing down the resting ones. He will say as he slings his crossbow and draws his sword approaching. He is intent on dealing deal blows to each.

Leena - Mage

Very nice effect Finton, could not ask for more than that. She will move up with the party keeping an eye on the tree line.
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Re: A New Beginning

#544 Post by sonofotho »

You cautiously approach the 'sleeping' Moon Things, although Finn and Ugly Thena refuse to get near the monstrosities. The swaying face tentacles make your skin crawl. Ragnus and Brother Wylo motion for the villagers to join them in surrounding the things. On the count of three, you all strike as one and the Moon Things fall limp to the ground. Leena scans the treeline, but there is no sign of anything.

After taking a moment to catch your breath, the villagers grow inpatient and motion you on. A path which leaves the clearing and heads to the west is the desired direction and you move out. You follow the path for almost an hour, ever mindful of attack from the undergrowth. But thankfully none comes.

You enter another clearing, similar in size to the previous one. A pond, perhaps two hundred meters in diameter, takes up most of the clearing. You notice a small creek branching off into the trees heading to the north. In the middle of the pond is a small island, no more than ten meters across. On the island stands a stone altar atop which you see a bowl.

The villagers seem torn. Some of them point to a path leaving the clearing to the west while the others motion towards two small canoes on the edge of the pond. You soon realize that the altar is a shrine to another sea deity which the villagers revere, and whose blessings are sought by some of the villagers. Voices grow loud and the villagers become quite divided.

ooc: Actions?
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Re: A New Beginning

#545 Post by spanningtree »

Ragnus - Fighter

I don't know if we should dally but a blessing may not be the worst thing that we come across right now.

Leena - Mage

Hmmm.... might be worth it indeed.
How long should this take? She will ask the villagers.
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Re: A New Beginning

#546 Post by sonofotho »

spanningtree wrote:Ragnus - Fighter

I don't know if we should dally but a blessing may not be the worst thing that we come across right now.

Leena - Mage

Hmmm.... might be worth it indeed.
How long should this take? She will ask the villagers.
Amidst the heated exchanges, you understand that the idea is to take the two canoes (room for only four in total) out to the island to make a prayer to the sea goddess - preferably leaving a pearl or other small trinket in the bowl on the altar. Dermox and Orstad seem to perk up at the mention of pearls and gaze suspiciously at the bowl out on the island.
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Re: A New Beginning

#547 Post by badams30 »

Brother Wylo

Wylo shakes his head and says "I respect their choice, but I'll stay here." He clutches his holy symbol and says "Eno shall protect me." He stands by, shifting his gaze from the island to the paths, fully expecting something to take advantage of our chaotic situation.

He finally musters as much Charisma as he can and says loudly, much like a drill sergeant: "LISTEN! The time for action is at hand. If you want to avenge your fallen, we must act NOW. Let's get this sword and move on these things while we have the momentum. Anyone who wishes to pause and leave an offering can stay, WE are leaving. Now let's go!"

OOC: Wylo isn't bold enough to pretend he is in charge, but he hopes his display will provoke someone into moving. He prefers to move, and if anyone wants to stay, it's on them.


Finton points a finger at Wylo and says with a broad smile "For once I agree with ol' goody two shoes. Let's get moving!"

He prepares to move out, standing next to Wylo with a broad grin, tapping his staff on the ground.
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Re: A New Beginning

#548 Post by sonofotho »

Wylo's impassioned words seem to quell the growing discord amongst the villagers. Tempers cool and it is agreed that time is of the essence. You form up and head down the path, leaving the pond behind.

As you head down the wide path, one of the three villagers walking in front informs you that the next clearing is the location of the sacred burial mound wherein lies the Sword of Terik-an. The clearing is perhaps a half a mile further ahead.

Just as you prepare to ask a few questions about the burial mound, several Moon Things crash through the bushes on to the path in front of you. There are six of the otherworldly things, tentacles waving in your direction.

ooc: Actions? The path is wide enough for four to fight side by side, or you could break off and try and engage in pockets. There are six villagers plus you and the hirelings. Missile will be difficulty beyond Round 1, and should you use missile in Round 1, you will need to take the next round to drop and draw a melee weapon. Let me know actions and I will then roll initiative - the Moon Things are close enough to engage in Round 1.
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Re: A New Beginning

#549 Post by badams30 »

Brother a Wylo

Wylo curses under his breath and draws his mace, shouting "stick close together and concentrate your attacks, we can beat these things!"

Wylo waits for one of the things to advance.


Finton says a bit too loudly "Dammit!" And he gets behind Ragnus as he tosses a dart at the most convenient target.
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Re: A New Beginning

#550 Post by spanningtree »

Ragnar - fighter

Ragnar will let loose a bolt without even thinking about it. Damn ugly...

Leena - Mage

Leena will let loose with a dart of magic at the rear most one.
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Re: A New Beginning

#551 Post by sonofotho »

The Moon Things charge ahead and you move ahead to engage. Ragnar fires a bolt, but curses as it flies harmlessly off into the undergrowth. Finton's dart finds its mark but doesn't seem to do much. Leena targets one of the trailing beasts with her magic missile spell. The fiery bolt strikes the Moon Thing in the chest, leaving a large black, scorch mark.

The melee is joined and the fighting spreads out along the wide path in numerous small clusters. Leena and Finton hang back with Finn and Ugly Thena, not wishing to get caught out by one of the Moon Things.

Several of the villagers score hits with their simple, curved blades, spilling black ichor. Orstad and Dermox, fighting together, both strike the beast in front of them. The skewered Moon Thing falls limp to the ground.

The momentary joy of the first kill is drowned out by the simultaneous screams of several of the villagers. Two villagers drop side by side, entrails spilling from stomachs ripped to shreds by the wickedly sharp floor claws of a couple of Moon Things. A third villager suffers a large gash across his thigh and crumples to the ground. Half of the villagers are down after just a few seconds.

ooc: Summary of rolls below. Wylo takes 3hp damage and 3 of the 6 villagers are dead or 'out', while one of the Moon Things is dead. I judged you are fighting in 'pockets' with Leena, Finton, Finn, and Ugly Thena out of the melee.

For Round 2, Ragnar will need to drop crossbow and draw sword. Dermox and Orstad will join other fights. Please send me actions for others and I will then roll initiative.

Round 1 (party wins initiative 3-1)

Finton tosses a dart at Moon Thing 4 and hits (13) for damage (2)
Ragnar fires a bolt at Moon Thing 2 and misses (1)
Leena casts magic missile at Moon Thing 6 and hits for damage (4)
Wylo attacks MT1 and misses (9)
Villager1 attacks MT1 and hits (17) for damage (6)
Villager2 attacks MT2 and hits (17) for damage (2)
Villager3 attacks MT3 and misses (3)
Villager4 attacks MT3 and misses (10)
Villager5 attacks MT4 and hits (14) for damage (3)
Villager6 attacks MT5 and misses (2)
Orstad attacks MT6 and hits (14) for damage (4)
Dermox attacks MT6 and hits (17) for damage (6) - MT6 is dead

MT1 attacks Wylo with claws (5,15) and hits once for 3 damage
MT2 attacks Villager2 with claws (3,2) and misses twice
MT3 attacks Villager4 with claws (16,12) and hits twice for 7 damage - Villager4 is dead
Mt4 attacks Villager5 with claws (19,12) and hits twice for 10 damage - Villager5 is dead
Mt5 attacks Villager6 with claws (6,13) and hits once for 3 damage - Villager6 is knocked out
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Re: A New Beginning

#552 Post by badams30 »


Wylo grits through the pain and swings again at the closest creature.


Finton tosses another dart at a wounded beast. He shakes his head in helplessness at his tiny darts...
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Re: A New Beginning

#553 Post by spanningtree »

Ragnar - Fighter

Ragnar draws his sword and attempts to cleave the closest moon thing.

Leena - Mage

Leena will throw a dagger at a moon thing assaulting a villager. Finton, help the villagers... we don't know where we are going without them.
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Re: A New Beginning

#554 Post by sonofotho »

With three villagers lying dead on the path, the tentacled attackers press the attack. Dermox and one of the villagers suffer gashes from the sharp claws of the Moon Things. Orstad and another villager fall victim to another form of attack. Two of the monsters wave their face tentacles in the direction of Orstad and the villager. A strange wailing sound emanates from the beasts and the men stagger back clutching their heads, taking a second to shake off the affects.

While Ragnar drops his crossbow and draws his sword, Leena and Finton try ranged attacks. Leena's dagger goes flying into the woods, but Finton's dart finds a target - unfortunately the barbed missile grazes a villager's shoulder instead of a Moon Thing. The villager doesn't seem to notice the wound and drops the monster in front of him. Another Moon Thing is slain by a villager, leaving only three.

ooc: Round 3 actions? Same?

Round 2 (Moon Things win initiative 6-1)

MT1 attack Wylo and misses twice (1,12)
MT2 attacks V2 and hits once (18,4) for damage (1)
MT3 attacks V3 with mind blast for damage (3) - makes save (19)
MT4 attacks Orstad with mind blast for damage (2) - makes save (14)
MT5 attacks Dermox with claws and hits once (13,2) for damage (4)

Wylo attacks MT1 and misses (7)
Finton tosses a dagger at MT2 and misses (2), but hits V2 for damage (1)
Ragnar drops crossbow and draws sword
Leena throws a dagger at MT3 and misses (6)
Orstad attacks MT4 and misses (6)
Dermox attacks MT5 and misses (5)
V1 attacks MT1 and misses (6)
V2 attacks MT2 and hits (16) for damage (5); MT2 is dead
V3 attacks MT3 and hits (20) for damage (7); MT3 is dead
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Re: A New Beginning

#555 Post by badams30 »

Wylo and Finton:

Wylo will continue to swing his mace, and Finton will toss another dart.
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Re: A New Beginning

#556 Post by spanningtree »

Ragnar - Fighter

Ragnar will engage the closest moon thing with his sword.

Leena - Mage

Leena will draw another dagger and throw it at a moon thing that presents the least chance of accidentally hitting an ally.

OCC: Dagger struck from Leena's sheet.
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Re: A New Beginning

#557 Post by sonofotho »

Orstad dodges the claws from a Moon Thing, jumping to the side at the last second. But Wylo and Dermox are not so lucky. The Moon Things facing them both attack with their wailing, mind blast. The cleric and the man-at-arms both drop to the ground, unconscious. A trickle of blood runs from Dermox' nose.

With two more of the party down, Leena and Finton decide to take the risk of hitting a friendly and toss weapons into the melee. Leena's dagger again flies wide of the mark, disappearing into the bushes along the trail. Finton is not so lucky. The mage cries out in disbelief as his dart grazes Orstad. The mute fighter turns and scowls, but immediately turns his attention back to the remaining Moon Things.

ooc: Round 4 actions? Wylo and Dermox are out of it. The latter on the brink of death.

Round 3 (Moon Things win initiative 4-3)

MT1 attacks Wylo with mind blast for damage (1) - Wylo drops unconscious (save - 6)
MT4 attacks Orstad with claws and misses twice (12,13)
MT5 attacks Dermox with mind blast for damage (3) - Dermox drops unconscious (save - 12)

Finton tosses dart at MT4 and misses (3) but hits Orstad for damage (1)
Leena tosses dagger at MT5 and misses (5)
V1 attacks MT1 and misses (1)
Ragnar attacks MT1 and misses (3)
Orstad attacks MT4 and hits (15) for damage (6)
V2 attacks MT5 and misses (6)
V3 attacks MT5 and hits (18) for damage (2)
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Re: A New Beginning

#558 Post by badams30 »


Wylo dreams of helping the poor and fetching coffee for Eno.


Finton winces as his dart turns into friendly fire and he says meekly "Sorry." He curses under his breath and produces another dart to toss at one of the creatures.

OOC: NOT looking good. Damn critters.
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Re: A New Beginning

#559 Post by spanningtree »

Ragnar - Fighter

Ragnar swing at the same one he's been missing.

Leena - Mage

Leena will throw another dagger.
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Re: A New Beginning

#560 Post by sonofotho »

The last two Moon Things are slain and you stand in the middle of the trail, panting heavily. Three of the six villagers lie slain and two others nurse minor wounds.

Dermox and Wylo lie unconscious, under the effects of the mind blast from the Moon Things. Dermox also sports serious wounds and you wonder if he is also on the verge of dying (again).

ooc: Actions?

Round 4 (Moon Things win initiative 6-4)

MT1 attacks V1 with claws and misses twice (6,2)
MT5 attacks V3 with claws and hits once (19,10) for damage (1)

Finton tosses a dart and misses (9)
Leena tosses a dagger and misses (7)
V1 attacks MT1 and misses (2)
Ragnar attacks MT1 and hits (14) for damage (7); MT1 is dead
Orstad attacks MT5 and hits (18) for damage (6); MT5 is dead
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