IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

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IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

#1 Post by Marullus »

Inspired by this post, making a thread where we can compare backstory for this half of our group and add flavor while waiting for the main action to progress. :)
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Re: IC Backstory: Lorian, 3of4, Awwrak

#2 Post by Marullus »

jemmus wrote:[This isn’t OOC, but I guess this is the best place, so as not to clutter up the IC thread].

Here is one of the druid stories Lothien told 3of4.
“This story is called ‘The Peeper Found a Wife.’ I heard it at a druid campfire, from an old elf archdruid who must have been 500 years old.”

Hundreds of years ago, a young wood elf druid from right here set off on a solo Wisdom Quest. He would travel the forests, mountains, hills and plains, all the way to the sea, seeking to gain greater wisdom, understanding and power. He bid farewell to his kin and friends, and set off to the southwest.

He had traveled through the forest for most of the day when he came to the River Calroch, which you all know. There he planned to fish for a catfish or two for his evening meal. But as he approached, he heard female voices chatting and laughing. Wary of fey trickery, quieter than a mouse and stealthier than a mink, he approached the river bank, concealed. There he saw three elven maidens, bathing in the river, naked as newborns . One had long blonde hair, one had blue, and one had black. Each was lovelier than the other.

Well, our young druid couldn’t take his eyes away. Wanting to look just a little longer, but fearing to be discovered spying on the lasses, he wildshaped himself into a little rabbit and continued his peeping. Of the three wondrous beauties, it was the black-haired one that charmed his heart. He fell right in love with her, right there as a rabbit in the bush by the River Calroch. His little rabbit heart was fluttering so much that he didn't pay attention his big rabbit. With no warning a big, fearsome goshawk came diving in and snatched our rabbit druid right up, carrying him up over the river. There was nothing for it but to shape back into elf quick, or be dropped from a high height or be eaten by a bird. Which he did, to the goshawk’s great surprise, finding not a rabbit in her talons but an elf. She couldn't hold on, of course, and elf, fishing rod, pack and boots came crashing and splashing down into the river, right by the bathing beauties.

The blonde one cried out and ran away. The blue-haired one readied a spell of attack or defense. But the black-haired, surprised, but being both kind and brave, rushed over to aid our submerged hero. Emerging into the air and finding himself in the grasp of the girl of his heart’s longing was like being in a dream.

Well, that druid was old Andreth there, sitting right here with us. And that young druid sitting there is his great-great-great-great or some number of greats granddaughter, descended from him and that kind, brave and lovely black-haired lass. We also call this story “Wisdom Quest to the River Calroch." Because that’s as far as young Andreth got before his heart carried him away.

“When I looked over to the old archdruid Andreth, he just smiled at me with mirthful smile and kind of winked.”
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Re: IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

#3 Post by Marullus »

The three of them sat around a small campfire just outside the eaves of the forest. It was early in their acquaintance, but one of their first opportunities to sit and learn of each other's ways.

Awwrak sits upon a large rock, clawed feet perched beneath him, as the tales begin. He has been carefully shaping arrows, whittling a shaft, he plucks a feather from under his wing with his beak and splits it for fletching. As the druid begins his story, he stares at Lothien, listening intently. At the conclusion, he blinks. "What is the moral of this tale?" he asks, tilting his head.
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Re: IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

#4 Post by Bluehorse »


Would have taken some time to think on this tale. After what seemed much to long he would speak on the topic as if out of nowhere, directly speaking over whatever conversation was happening. Was this druid not in violation of some law about observing the females like this?
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Re: IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

#5 Post by jemmus »

To Awwrak: I don't think there's a moral. I think the old archdruid was just telling a funny story about his friend. Maybe he wanted us young druids to know that even a wise and powerful old archdruid like Andreth started off as regular person, with regular feelings and weaknesses. And that powerful old guys like him and Andreth still have a sense of humor.

To 3of4: That's correct friend. He was violating some rules. Elves and humans don't like other people to see them naked, unless they give permission. And secretly watching people without announcing yourself is considered bad. Unless they're enemies and you're in a conflict, of course.

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Re: IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

#6 Post by Marullus »

Awwrak ruffles his feathers, hunching his head down. He thinks on Lothien's words. "It seems to shame an elder by showing he lacks wisdom is an ill purpose." He clicks several times inside his beak. "I have though elves to be exceedingly wise. After many lifetimes of preparation, he travelled less than a day and returned to hatch children rather than pursue duty." He falls silent, ruminating on this.
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Re: IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

#7 Post by Bluehorse »


Takes a long moment standing absolutely motionless as he considers this. Tactically it was sound. He observed and knew which one was most likely to flee, to stand ground, and to come to his aide. He chose wisely.
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Re: IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

#8 Post by jemmus »

Lothien is surprised by Awwrak's comments. I'm just a novice druid, so I don't have deep insight into the tradition. But I think the druids I know would think Andreth did his duty. Hatching... is essential to life continuing in the world. And the druids believe that Life is... well, that this world was created only to support Life. Andreth didn't do the Wisdom Quest with faraway travels he planned, but he did become an archdruid. So he completed his Quest in another way. Druids also value not being... rigid. They value accepting and adapting to circumstances as Nature presents them.

Lothien chuckles at 3of4's comment. Well, I'm not sure he decided that way. I've heard that when it comes to hatching, Nature decides for a person. They can hardly think clearly, much less make a wise decision.

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Re: IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

#10 Post by Marullus »

Awwrak ponders for a minute or two, the crackling of the fire filling the silence as his fingers deftly tie the fletchings to the arrow in his hands with a length of sinew.

"No." his assertion breaks the silence. "Oggling naked women, returning home in less than a day to have sex, is not meritorious. Nor is long life and children a sign of knowledge." He tucks the finished arrow away in his quiver. "What is worth having is worth sacrifice and trial. The All-Father didn't content himself with drink and women and say his success was in many sons. That is what the Giants before him had done. The All-Father nailed himself to the world tree and sacrificed an eye to show his worthiness for greater knowledge." His fingers trace the runes embroidered with silver thread around his cowl. "As a druid, you have devoted yourself to protecting nature. You were given strength to do this -- you are not a brood-hen or elf-mare. That protection requires dedication and sacrifice. The nobility of your vows lies in the sacrifice you make to fly far, to remain alert and steadfast, to journey and protect those who cannot protect themselves."

"When the Jotun marched over the fjords, my grandfathers left their roosts and came south; they made new nests and more eggs. When the the deathless spawn of Morgau clambered up our slopes, my grandfathers moved again, making new nests and having more eggs here in these peaks. Now the dragon-spawn of Mharot teem in our mountains. I am here on the ground, at your fire, because it is not enough to turn back and put hope in more babies."
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Re: IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

#11 Post by jemmus »

It's silent around the fire as Lothien ponders Awwrak's words. Thank you Awwrak. I knew little about your Aarokocra people before. My home of Blackacre has been overrun by the dragons and their servants, and some family members have been lost. So I can feel for your people's troubles.
I know of the All-Father you speak of. (Thinks to say the name, but decides it might be disrespectful or offensive to). I believe he is a wise, good and just god who counters imbalance in the world. In their words druids would call what he did a supreme Wisdom Quest, if I may call it that without giving it offense. They would also call what you and I are doing a Wisdom Quest. They believe that is who is conscious of trying to gain more wisdom and understanding is on a Wisdom Quest, whether it be druid, a farmer, a mother raising children, or a feeble old grandfather. Perhaps our friend 3of4 here is also on a Wisdom Quest of his own.

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Re: IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

#12 Post by Marullus »

As Lothien offers words of respect for the All-Father and appeasement in his words, Awwrak spreads his wings slighly and bows his head low, bobbing a few times, to show respect in return. As he straightens up, he looks to 3of4 to observe how he processes this information.
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Re: IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

#13 Post by jemmus »

This is another story told to 3of4 and cleric Awwrak, while roading and campfiring, with not else to do. "This one was a teaching tale I think, friend Awwrak. It might be true, or it might be a fable. Nobody told us. But I think it's just a teaching tale."

There was a druid who believed that the world is a hard and bad place, and that one must take, and quickly, before one be taken from. That one must do whatever ugliness is needed to survive each day, and continue on.

When he reached a certain level of expertise in divine magic, he left his druid teachers and mentors headed out on his own. In the morning, he came across a pond and cast Call Lightning on it. Every turtle, fish, frog, crayfish, bug, worm, plant and moss in the pond was instantly killed. The druid looked at the floating fish and took only the three tenderish-looking catfish and cooked and ate them. And continued on.

At noon he saw a young deer, and cast Animal Friendship on it. The deer of course had no fear of the druid, so he easily killed it with his knife. He cooked and ate its liver and tongue and left the rest. And continued on.

In the afternoon he came upon a farmer's wife gathering dandelion greens. He cast Charm Person on her, and in that way seduced her. And continued on.

At dusk he saw a little thatched hut by a stream. It appeared to be a hermit's hut, and although usually hermits own almost nothing at all, not even a cake of soap, sometimes they are odd scholars or strange sages with valuable books and scrolls. The door to the hut was closed, and there was a glyph on it painted in red. The druid called out a hail, but no reply came inside the hut. He wanted to enter it, but he was wary of the glyph. So rather than touch that door, he took logs from the hermit's woodpile and arranged them in front of it. Then he stepped back and cast Thunderwave towards it. The logs flew and with a great crashing sound smashed it away.

The druid cautiously approached the doorway and peered in. But from above him in the thatch, an, alarmed, frightened and angered centipede dropped from its home in the thatch onto his neck. Its sting hit a vessel going straight to the druid's brain. He had only a chance for a little scream before he dropped like a stone, in agony and his thoughts scrambled by a headful of armored-leg venom.

It was now nightfall, and all of the noise had brought the attention of one who likes the night. A wee evil little goblin, only one, out on his lonesome, had come to investigate the noise and had been watching. Seeing the druid go down, he gave a gleeful little shout and quick as a breath he closed the distance and delivered a wound from which there was no recovery. The druid, who had spells which could dispatch a band of orcs, drive away packs of dire wolves, or allow him to fly and see the world from the height of a young eagle, could do nothing.

That was the end of the druid's day, and the end of his story. He didn't continue on as intended. In this world, at least.
Last edited by jemmus on Wed Jun 03, 2020 1:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

#15 Post by Marullus »

Awwrak ruffles his feathers, allowing a long moment of silence to be sure the tale has ended. "Hmmm. You recognize this as a teaching tale. What is the moral you have derived?"
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Re: IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

#16 Post by jemmus »

I believe there are several morals. First, that having a cynical and selfish viewpoint can lead one to doing bad deeds. To the druids, killing living things and then not making use of their bodies is evil, as is using magic to seduce a person. The druid's distrust of the world led him to bad deeds.
Second, that using Divine Magic for selfish goals is unwise, and it can lead to bad results.
Third, that a small little force of Nature-- in this case, a centipede-- can cause the fall of a mighty spellcaster.
And last, that Evil-- the goblin-- is always waiting destroy or enslave. The druid's cynical and selfish pathway led him to an unexpected encounter with Evil that destroyed him.

Not all druids believe the way my group does. Some would say that the druid did nothing wrong, and that whoever made this story was a naive simpleton who doesn't understand the real character of the world. And there are also some druids who are actively aligned with Evil.

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Re: IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

#18 Post by Marullus »

Awwrak nods solemnly. "Then your order is perhaps greater in wisdom than most. It is also good to recognize that divine justice can take the smallest forms and yet remains their retribution."

He shifts on his perch, talons locked on a fallen tree near the campfire. He shakes his tail feathers side to side and then settles in once more. "The All-Father is the wisest, the ruler of Aesir, the gods of Asgard. They are the innangard - the most civilized, those 'within the fence' if I am literal. Your people speak as if they are like the Vanir of Vanaheim, the other tribe of gods, those of the utangard, those 'outside the fence' -- telling your tales to warn of the Jotuns, those of wild creative force and chaotic divine power that know no civilization, that their name means 'the devourers.' It is important to hear your story, but moreso the moral your people take from it. It is in that that I learn you."

"Civilization does not live alone, and came from the wildness of creation. The All-Father is born of the Jotuns, and many Aesir have had children with the Jotuns that are now of the civilization of Asgard, watching over and governing this, the Midgard. The All-Father's wisdom came from his sacrifice, taught by an enternal Jotun with understanding of deeper creations. But the All-Father sacrificed portions of his base nature to gain that which was more refined - a living eye for divine insight. His blood drained into the roots of the World Tree before he learned divine justice. To follow the All-Father is to similarly seek knowledge by rising above base things, to protect the eeries from the ravages of chaotic, evil comings."

"But the wild devourings of the Jotun are also truth. Like your wasteful druid, they are the opposite - relishing their raw power and flouting all civilized things. Thus the All-Father's justice arrives through your centipede. Thus, it is finished."

The bird clicks his beak several times, then fixes Lothien with an unblinking eye. "There is more to be learned of the War Between the Aesir and Vanir, such that it was. The two tribes of gods, those within and without, those of civilization and those of nature. They were more alike than different, both unlike the devourers, the Jotun. Yet they were fraught with misunderstanding and came to harsh words, then to blows. The morals learned in tales of that time are that peace can be found. Differences set aside.
The two tribes were still weary of fighting a war that was so evenly-matched. Rather than renewing their hostilities over tragic misunderstanding, each of the Aesir and Vanir came together and spat into a cauldron. From their saliva they created Kvasir, the wisest of all beings, as a way of pledging sustained harmony."
He dips his head low, wings partially spread, and is quiet.
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Re: IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

#19 Post by jemmus »


As often happens, Lothien is a little confused by 3o4's statement. It first he thought he meant it wasteful of the druid to lose power and his life that way. But then he thought he meant the creatures killed and not consumed. Yes, wasteful indeed. And tragic for the creatures to have their lives cut short, for no benefit to anyone. You don't eat or drink, friend 3o4. Do you need some of sustenance to keep you alive?

Time warp to after Awwrak spoke.
Just as Awwrak finished speaking, a log in the fire slumped an a little shower of sparks rose up in the dark. "Aho!" Lothien thinks. He quietly ponders for awhile. So, when the more orderly gods and more wild gods joined together, they created a new life, a being of Wisdom. Truly, that must be true! Oh, I'm sorry friend Awwrak, I don't mean that I doubted it, but I just caught the truth of it. It's like the joining of the female nature and the male nature, which is needed to produce new life in this world. Even an earthworm must do it, even a turnip plant must do it,with the help of a bee. Male or female on their own cannot create new life. I have heard that long ago there was a war between "law" and "chaos," and even people here on this earth took sides. Do you know if it's true, Awwrak? It seems a strange thing to fight over, for ordinary people. Not like Good against Evil.
Last edited by jemmus on Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: IC Backstory: Lothien, 3of4, Awwrak

#20 Post by Bluehorse »


To Lothien: I require only routine maintenance which I perform nightly.

After Awwrak's tale: An alliance. But how can two factions so fundamentally different in ideology be expected to work together? One surely cannot exist with the other.
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