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Training Log

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:42 am
by joertexas
ffilz wrote:I'd also like to draw everyone's attention to the training log. Classic Traveller allows characters to start a self improvement program.
Do we have a training log thread?

During the week in jump, Vee applies herself to studying everything she can find about House Foix, including interviews with its current leader ;)

Working toward Admin-0, possibly?

Re: [013] On to Damkina

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:45 am
by Ramona
Ana will train in training.

Re: [013] On to Damkina

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:41 am
by ffilz
joertexas wrote:
ffilz wrote:I'd also like to draw everyone's attention to the training log. Classic Traveller allows characters to start a self improvement program.
Do we have a training log thread?

During the week in jump, Vee applies herself to studying everything she can find about House Foix, including interviews with its current leader ;)

Working toward Admin-0, possibly?
There's a training log in the Google Doc. Vee tried to start Medical training and failed, she has one more slot to work with. Let me think a bit if Admin-0 is something you have resources to train for (the more academic skills generally require schooling, on the other hand you're on a noble's yacht and Admin is something they might well have some kind of training tape for).

Re: [013] On to Damkina

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:44 am
by ffilz
Ramona wrote:Ana will train in training.
Ana is already training in Blade and failed to start training in Engineering so both her slots are occupied. In a bit less than a year she can try and start another training.

Also, there is no Instruction or Training skill... (I'm pointedly NOT using the Book 4+ stuff there... Books 1-3 Classic Traveller (Proto-Traveller) works best with the slow and steady self improvement from Book 2).

Re: [013] On to Damkina

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:16 am
by SpinwardMarch
Cmdr. Taheri is going to work on improving her laser rifle skill, since she has one from the previous adventure.

Re: [013] On to Damkina

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:38 pm
by ffilz
Tiglath wrote:Foix trains hard during jump. He puts in range time with SMG and pistol (oddly spending time in one handed target practice as well as "combat" shooting) and uses almost fanatical practice of his forms with his heavy rapier as physical exercise. He also makes himself available for lengthy interviews with Vee.

He also monitors those on the away team on Arthiop to ensure no complications arise from rad exposure.

Grimaud puts on one three course formal dinner during the jump but it is a modest and actually rather "informal" affair by his standards so as to not overwhelm the new crew members.

Foix will be anxious to hear any news from Damkina accessing local news feeds as soon as possible after arrival. He authorises contact with House assets on world using Lady Alicia's authorisation and studies this information for anything awry.
Foix is already training with Autorifle, so he has one other slot.

If Grimaud spent one of his training slots on Vacc-Suit, he could also train one other person to Vacc-Suit-0 (I will figure out how long that will take - hmm, maybe I'll make training a new skill to 0 take a year but after 4 weeks of training, 2 jumps, you get a brevet skill 0 as long as under supervision). Taheri could also do that with her other training slot.

I'll post later about Damkina.

Re: [013] On to Damkina

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:43 am
by ffilz
SpinwardMarch wrote:Cmdr. Taheri is going to work on improving her laser rifle skill, since she has one from the previous adventure.
Taheri finds training in Laser Rifle quite satisfying (dedication roll 7+2 success, so she has Laser Rifle-0 (1) now, if she is able to maintain the training for 4 years the increase will become permanent to Laser Rifle-1).

She also has one other training slot.

Re: [013] On to Damkina

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:25 am
by ffilz
SpinwardMarch wrote:Cmdr. Taheri

In order to shift to her new position as advisor, she is going to start working on Admin as her second training slot. Unless the referee has another suitable suggestion.
Taheri doesn't have Admin-0 or better so that isn't available for training and is definitely something that would require schooling. One option though is she work on Vacc Suit and then train someone else up to Vacc Suit-0. Another option would be to train a secondary weapon to skill-1.

Re: [013] On to Damkina

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 7:16 pm
by SpinwardMarch
Cmdr. Taheri

Thank you. She will start working on vacc suit training, and offer to train someone else needing improvement. I envisioned her as someone being able to see the "bigger picture" because she wound up with a variety of skills (including JoT).

The only secondary weapon I have listed is blade combat-0, and I am not sure how useful that would be for her current circumstances.

Re: [013] On to Damkina

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:39 pm
by ffilz
SpinwardMarch wrote:Cmdr. Taheri

Thank you. She will start working on vacc suit training, and offer to train someone else needing improvement. I envisioned her as someone being able to see the "bigger picture" because she wound up with a variety of skills (including JoT).

The only secondary weapon I have listed is blade combat-0, and I am not sure how useful that would be for her current circumstances.
PCs have level-0 in all weapons including Gunnery and Brawling so you could pick up any other weapon like a pistol or another long arm.

Re: [013] On to Damkina

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 10:37 am
by RotFuchs
Petrov would like to continue training in his shogun skills and Jack of Trades. Both are are at 0 if I remember correctly. He would also like to get his case with the rest of his equipment aboard the ship.

Re: [013] On to Damkina

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 10:34 pm
by ffilz
RotFuchs wrote:Petrov would like to continue training in his shogun skills and Jack of Trades. Both are are at 0 if I remember correctly. He would also like to get his case with the rest of his equipment aboard the ship.
Petrov has Shotgun-2, he doesn't have Jack of all Trades.

Re: [013] On to Damkina

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 6:37 am
by SpinwardMarch
Cmdr. Taheri

How about she starts working on blade combat (currently at 0)? Seems like a useful skill, and won't go through the bulkheads.

Re: [013] On to Damkina

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 2:48 pm
by ffilz
SpinwardMarch wrote:Cmdr. Taheri

How about she starts working on blade combat (currently at 0)? Seems like a useful skill, and won't go through the bulkheads.
Which specific blade? I suggest Cutlass or Broadsword. Broadsword is a really good weapon, on par with SMG and Auto-Rifle as the best weapons against Battle Dress at appropriate ranges... Cutlass of course is the weapon of the Marines and is common shipboard and a bit easier to handle in close quarters.

Re: [013] On to Damkina

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 5:30 am
by SpinwardMarch
Cmdr. Taheri

She will go for the broadsword. Let the Marines have their cutlasses, the broadsword seems a better weapon. Yes, interservice rivalry exists far into the future. :lol:

Re: [013] On to Damkina

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 9:58 pm
by ffilz
SpinwardMarch wrote:Cmdr. Taheri

She will go for the broadsword. Let the Marines have their cutlasses, the broadsword seems a better weapon. Yes, interservice rivalry exists far into the future. :lol:
Oh, did you want to do Broadsword or Vacc-Suit?

Who doesn't have any Vacc-Suit skill who would like training? That might help sway Taheri's decision.

Re: [013] On to Damkina

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 9:59 pm
by ffilz
ffilz wrote:
RotFuchs wrote:Petrov would like to continue training in his shogun skills and Jack of Trades. Both are are at 0 if I remember correctly. He would also like to get his case with the rest of his equipment aboard the ship.
Petrov has Shotgun-2, he doesn't have Jack of all Trades.
So Petrov could certainly train in Shotgun, but note that as a skill > level-0, it will take 8 years of training to solidify it into Shotgun-3, however, if he passes his dedication roll, he is Shotgun-3 for the next 4 years (at which point he has to pass a second dedication roll).

Re: Training Log

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 10:07 pm
by ffilz
Ana has one more training slot available, she could train in any of the skills she has (other than Medical), work any weapon up from 0 (including Brawling and Gunnery) or if someone trains in Vacc-Suit, she could work on gaining Vacc-Suit-0.

Foix has one more slot available.

Grimaud has two slots available.

Faanku has two slots available.

Taheri has one slot available.

Petrov has two slots available.

Larry Corona has two slots available.