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SCAVENGER HUNT: Opening Credits and Adventure Script

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 4:47 am
by max_vale
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.....

The Empire has attacked and destroyed the Rebel Alliance base on the planet Dankayo. Although most personnel were evacuated in time, data detailing Alliance activities in the neighboring Sectors of space was left behind. The ruins of the base; including the important data; were picked up by the Imperial Armored Transport ship Elusive for transport to an ISB (Imperial Security Bureau) decrypting facility.

This data, when analyzed, will identify Rebel Agents, Contacts, planned Operations and the location of several Alliance 'Safe Worlds' in the Outer Rim territories. The Empire has not yet realized what it has captured, but when it does, thousands will be at the mercy of the Emperor and his legions. Only one band of veteran Rebel Agents is near enough to catch the Elusive before it reaches its destination.....

Opening Script: As some of my long time players know, many of the early 1st Edition West End Games modules (like this one) had a 'Script' that was to be read out loud by the PCs as the 1st session of the adventure kicked off. I will list the one for this module (modified SLIGHTLY to suit our group a bit better...i.e. the adventure as written has the players utilizing a stolen Imperial Shuttle) as I enjoy the 'slightly cheesy, but FUN aspect of these late 80s modules and I hope at least some of you do as well....

1st Rebel: Is the Stolen Transponder code we've got running REALLY going to trick the Imperials into believing we're a Cargo Ship in the service of the Empire?

2nd Rebel: Of COURSE it will.....those laser-brains will NEVER doubt for a second we're just a fellow Impie ship.

3rd Rebel: I hope you're right...or we'll all be taking that FINAL jump...

4th Rebel: Jeez, cheer up a bit would ya? The Alliance's finest covertly snatched this Transponder Code to make us read-out as an Imperial Freighter.....they'll have no reason to doubt us.

5th Rebel: That's right! We'll be able to get up real nice and close to them, all friendly like, then arm the weapons and-

6th Rebel: BLAM. They drill us with several heavy laser blasts and we're Rancor chow....nice plan, very simple.

5th Rebel: So the odds aren't so hot...when did that ever stop us before? The Case Officer didn't have time to come up with anything better and when he saw we were close by and with our track record, he decided we were the best chance to get this mission done. We're the only hope!

4th Rebel: That's right. Think of the consequences if we can't take out the Elusive before she gets to that ISB base.

3rd Rebel: We heard the speech....if we don't stop that transport, the entire Alliance network in three Sectors will be compromised along with several Safe Worlds....

2nd Rebel: I can't believe Dankayo's base personnel left those databanks intact! What were they thinking?

1st Rebel: There were probably busy saving their lives. That's what I'd be doing if my base was under Imperial attack.

4th Rebel: I just hope the transport's still in orbit when we get to Dankayo.

2nd Rebel: We'll know soon enough....everybody strap in, I'm cutting in the sublight engines.

GM: The swirling, mesmerizing streaks of light that indicate hyperspace vanish and are replaced by the pinpoint lights of numerous stars against the black field of space as the Nova Kestrel drops back into realspace and the sublight engines kick on.

6th Rebel: There's the Elusive! By the looks of that trail of garbage she's dumping, it looks like she's about to go to lightspeed!

3rd Rebel: Isn't it nice how Imperial procedures never change? So what do we do now?

2nd Rebel: What we came to do! Okay, I'm maneuvering us in closer, get ready 'cause here we go!

Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Opening Credits and Adventure Script

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 8:58 pm
by max_vale
Final Log of Alliance Agent ZNT-8; transmitted from Dankayo Base to Alliance Comms Buoy 965-C shortly before all contact lost with the Base:

Entry 1:

-As instructed, I am to remain behind until the last transport carrying Dankayo personnel has departed safely into hyperspace. Imperial vessels are so thoroughly blasting the base, that I fear I will survive the bombardment, even in this deep, subterranean shelter....

Entry 2:

-The last of our ships has escaped and the bombardment has ceased for the moment. I've crawled up to the surface and tt looks like most of the Imperial Squadron has left the system now that the fight's over; leaving an Armored Transport with the name; Elusive, on the side sitting on its landing gear right outside the ruins of the base. I'd guess she's carrying a crew of maybe 50 with a Flight of 4 TIEs patrolling the skies and what looks like a squad of Imperial Stormtroopers sifting through the rubble of what was once Dankayo Base and loading any piece of salvage they can find they give to some of the ship's crew, who put it into repulsor-carts, probably to transport to an ISB base for a thoroguh analysis.....oh no, it looks like part of the main base was left intact! The self-destruct mechanism must have failed in that section of the base....I'll have to risk getting close enough to see if I can't ensure the destruction of any computer data-banks....

Entry 3:

-Worst fears realized....part of the Alliance computer system survived the bombardment and a failed self-destruct mechanism. The Imperials are downloading anything they can salvage off the data-banks and they'll be sure to take it to an Imperial Security Bureau base for analysis....possibly learning the identities and operations of Alliance Agents throughout 3 different Sectors.....possibly learning the location of the Safe Worlds of New Alderaan and/or Hollington. I've got a thermal detonator, a fully charged powerpack for my Blaster and a couple of cubes of Detonite.....I'll see what I can do with them. If I don't succeed, remember, you have to stop these Imperials on the ship's been a helluva war.....and May the Force be with us all.....

End Transmissions