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Re: Player Characters

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 7:17 pm
by Gerrin
Elerik Van Der Haas
Human / Cleric / Level 7
XP 50,000/100,000

== Attributes ==
WIS 16
CON 10
CHA 15

Attribute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3


No more than 100 words, please.


Prodigy - Cast one extra 1st and one 2nd level spell
Divine Grace, (2 rolls/day)

Wilderness Survival

== Combat ==
AC: 17 AC is ascending, added to 10.
HP 27
Movement Rate : 30'
Initiative Modifier : -1
*Primary Melee Attack: Mace
*Secondary Melee Attack: Spear
*Primary Ranged Attack: Spear

*Petrification & Paralysis - 11
*Poison & Death - 8
*Breath - 13
*Staves & Wands - 9
*Spells - 11

== Equipment ==
Plate mail
Pack of torches
50' rope

*Money: 250gp, 11,750gp stashed

Pack of torches
50' rope

Re: Player Characters

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 2:21 am
by Pulpatoon
== Aldus ==
Human/Thief/Level 7
XP 57,438/100,000

== Attributes ==
STR 8 (-1)
INT 11 (0)
WIS 8 (-1)
DEX 14 (+1)
CON 14 (+1)
CHA 13 (+1)

== Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

Ostensibly an itinerant tailor, several of Aldus’ sewing pins are bent into lockpicks, and his shears can be used as a stiletto.

Aldus’ family were urban poor, with just enough money to apprentice their children to the less scrupulous tradesfolk in town. Aldus enjoyed his training, and has enthusiastically pursued both haberdashery and skullduggery since leaving his master for his journeyman years.

Although more comfortable in cities than wilderness, a botched job for a powerful syndicate has led to Aldus laying low in the hinterlands and taking up adventuring.


Rogue’s Luck (+1 to Saves)
Toughness (1d8 HD)

Athletics: Skilled (≥10)
Deception (Disguise): Skilled (≥10)
Profession (Tailor): Skilled (≥10)
Riding: Proficient (≥15)

===Class Abilities===
Backstab +2d6
Follow-Through: if you kill an opponent on an attack, you can attack again with reasonable range. Repeat #HD times as long as blows kill opponents.

Thief Abilities (1d20 ≥ 14; faster disadvantaged; slower advantaged)
Climb: 10’/round (+6)
Disable: 1 minute (+6)
Hear Noise (+2)
Read Languages: 3 Turns (+3)
Sleight of Hand (+6)
Sneak: 1/3 movement (+6)
Spot Hidden: 1 Turn per 10x10’ (+6)

Fighting Style: Ranged. +1 to hit, no penalty to fire into melee.
Combat Maneuver: Defensive Stance: Proficient (≥15); success = -2 to be hit

== Combat ==
AC 3(13)
HP 38/38
Movement Rate 90’
Initiative Modifier
Attacks 16 (+4)

*Primary Melee Attack: Sword
*Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger
*Primary Ranged Attack: Short Bow

Saves: (Adjusted per Rogue’s Luck)
*Petrification & Paralysis 9
*Poison & Death 10
*Breath 12
*Staves & Wands 11
*Spells 11

== Equipment ==
1,704 GP Cash
7,313 stashed or invested

Short Bow
20 Arrows (1d6)
Leather +1
Ring of Spell Turning, with 5 charges remaining

*Packed in Backpack:
Spindel: Sword +1/+2 v. Lycanthropes (1d8)
Snip: Dagger/Shears (1d4)
Thieves’ Tools disguised as sewing kit
Coinpurse: 100 GP
5 flasks of oil
Tinder Box

Athanathius: Horse, riding

*Packed in saddle bags:
10 Days Rations
10 Silver-tipped Arrows (1d6)
40 addt’l Arrows
4 Large Sacks
Bolt of Cloth
Potion of Hill Giant Control
Sewing Kit (Genuine)
Water Skin

Re: Player Characters

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 3:01 am
by sulldawga
== Telemachus ==
Human Magic-User 6
XP 62,690/80,000

== Attributes ==
10 STR
18 INT (+3)
10 WIS
09 DEX
08 CON (-1)
15 CHA (+1)

Telemachus has learned all he can from the libraries of the modern world. To increase his magical power, he must uncover long forgotten spells from previous Ages.


Toughness (d6 for hit points)
Prodigal Caster (casts his spells as an 8th level Mage)

Knowledge-History (Proficient)
Magical Engineering (Expert)
Riding (Proficient)

== Combat ==
AC 10
HP 15
Movement Rate 90/30/90
*Primary Melee Attack: Dagger d20, 1d4 dmg
*Primary Ranged Attack: Oil Flask d20, 1d8 dmg

*11 Petrification & Paralysis
*11 Poison & Death
*14 Dragon Breath
*12 Staves & Wands
*12 Spells

== Equipment ==
5,712 gp in storage
370 gp on hand
thru 11/14/19 post
deducted CoL on 12/30/19

*Potion of Animal Control
*Wand of Illusion with 5 charges remaining
*Dagger, silvered

*Scroll of Ward against Elementals x2
*Scroll of Faithful Hound
*Scroll of Magic Missile
*Oil Flask x2
*Mirror, steel
*Rope, 50'
*Sack, large x2
*Tinder Box
*Torches x5
*Spellbook x2

Balius, riding horse
*Saddle and bridle
*Saddle bags
*Iron Rations x2

Xanthos, pack (riding) horse
*Saddle and bridle
*Saddle bags
*Iron Rations x2
*Oil Flask x20

== Spells ==
Magic Missile x2
Stinking Cloud
Fireball x2

1st level
Hold Portal
Magic Missile
Read Languages
Shocking Grasp
Spider Climb

2nd level
Mirror Image
Stinking Cloud

3rd level
Hold Person

Original Spellbook
Hold Person
Hold Portal
Read Languages
Shocking Grasp
Stinking Cloud

Bandit Mage Spellbook
Detect Magic*
Mirror Image
Spider Climb*
Ray of Enfeeblement*

Through 4thmonth, 20th

Lost in the Dark

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 4:32 pm
by thirdkingdom
PCs that have left the game go here.

Re: Player Characters

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 4:30 am
by Atlictoatl
== Haaki the Feather Witch ==
Human Witch 6
XP 51532/64000 (+5% XP)
Alignment Neutral

== Attributes ==
STR 09
INT 09
WIS 13 (+1)
DEX 08 (-1)
CON 15 (+1)
CHA 14 (+1) 6#3d6 11 11 11 8 15 14

== Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==


Haaki tracks the movements of those creatures who move through the night and its shadows. Observing. Cataloguing. Watching on behalf of those who move in daylight, and so do not see.



===Class Abilities===
Animals as Henchmen (dependent on Animal Handling skill)
Evil eye (2/day): single humanoid within 60' must save vs spells or have Disadvantage on their next roll. Can move and cast an evil eye, but can take no other action.
Steal animal senses (3/day): a seen animal within 60' must save vs spells. On failure, Haaki may use its senses up to CHA miles, while in a concentration trance and unable to use her own senses. One round to activate, and can maintain for WIS turns without risk of becoming trapped.
Brew potions
Craft fetishes

(L7: Dominate animal)
(L9: Scribe scrolls)
(L9: Lay curse/blessing)
(L9: Found coven)
(L11: Craft magical items)

L1: Familiar (great horned owl), 2HD, Syoksya, HP 11
L5: Shapechange

Witch L1: Healing (animals)[/b] (Skilled) 10+
L1: Animal Handling: birds (Skilled) 10+
L3: Animal Handling: canis (dogs, wolves, coyotes, jackals) (Skilled) 10+
L5: Riding: horses (Proficient) 15+

== Combat ==
AC 9 (-1 DEX)
HP 24/24

Movement Rate:
*human on land 120'/40'/120'
*flying as hawk 480'/160' (192 miles/day flying)
*riding horse 240'/80' (48 miles/day)
*war dog 150'/50' (30 miles/day)

Initiative Modifier: -1

Attacks (one handed melee, staves, short bow)
*Primary Melee Attack: mace, +2 to hit, 1d6 damage
*Secondary Melee Attack: silver dagger, +2 to hit, 1d4 damage
*Primary Ranged Attack: shortbow, +1 to hit, 1d6 damage, 50/100/150

*Petrification & Paralysis 12
*Poison & Death
*Staves & Wands 10

== Spells ==
Spell ritual: reading feathers cast upon the ground

4th (1/1): Charm Monster
3rd (2/2): Growth of Nature, Hold Person
2nd (3/3): Charm Person, Cure Light Wounds, Obscuring Mist
1st (3/3): Animal Friendship, Auditory Illusion, Hypnotism
4th (1/1): Charm Monster
3rd (2/2): Growth of Nature, Hold Person
2nd (3/3): Charm Person, Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame
1st (3/3): Allure, Animal Friendship, Hypnotism
Spell List:
1st: Allure (*), Animal Friendship (D), Auditory Illusion (I), Dancing Lights (I), Detect Illusion (I#), Glamour (I), Hypnotism (I), Locate Plant/Animal (D#), Predict Weather (D#), Speak with Animals (D), Spook (I)

2nd: Augury (C*#), Charm Person, Command (C*), Cure Light Wounds (C), Detect Magic (I#), False Aura (I), Fascinate (I), Obscuring Mist (D), Produce Flame (D), Quasi-morph (I), Slow Poison (D)

3rd: Cure Blindness (C*), Cure Disease (C*), Dispel Illusion (I), Fear (I), Growth of Nature (D), Hold Person, Invisibility (I), Phantom Steed (I), Protection from Poison (D), Suggestion (I), Tree Shape (D)

4th: Animate Dead (C), Charm Monster, Confusion (I), Divination (C*#), Emotion (I), Hallucinatory Terrain (I), Massmorph (I), Phantasmal Killer (I), Polymorph Other (M), Solid Fog (I), Speak with Plants (D#)

Added spells: Allure (L1), Charm Person (L2), Hold Person (L3), Charm Monster (L4)

== Equipment ==
**coinpurse (readied): 25 gp
**coinpurse x4 (bag of holding): 25 gp
**mounds of smelly dirt in a small bag (bag of holding), inside of which are: 1000 gp gems (x8), 500 gp gem (1), 100 gp gems (x4)

*Readied (70 cn)
**Ring of Telekinesis: move up to 2000 cn weight with concentration, as spell
**Boots of Traveling and Leaping: needs no rest during normal movement, jump 10' high and 30' length
**shortbow w/20 arrow quiver
**silver dagger

*Bag of Holding: holds 10K cn weight, only weighing 600 cn when full, items no larger than 10'x5'x3'
**Potion of ESP: hear thoughts of one creature within 60' by concentrating for 1 turn in 1 direction, through 2' of rock but not lead
**Potion of Diminution: shrink to 6" in height
**flask of oil (x10)
**holy water (x5)
**steel mirror
**rope, 200'
**grappling hook
**large sacks (x10)
**small sacks (x10)
**tinder box
*garlic (x3)
*wolvesbane (x3)
*standard rations, 1 week
*iron rations, 3 weeks
*large gnarled wooden staff
*extra shortbow
*two quivers of arrows

*riding horse, Lujana, HP 5
**saddle + bridle
**saddle bags
***330 gp

*war dog, Purra, HP 13, AC 14 (barding)
*war dog, Paukkua, HP 7, AC 14 (barding)
*war dog, Vahtia, HP 7, AC 14 (barding)

gp spent: 488 (5+30+25+5+75+5+25+20+125+10+5+4+20+10+3+1+25+15+30+50) + 450 (75gp each for dogs + 75 gp each for dog barding) +37 gp (staff, extra bow, extra quivers) = 975 gp
gp start: 10,000

Re: Player Characters

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 7:31 pm
by beniliusbob
== Zellar ==
7th level human dervish

XP 53,268 / 100,000
Alignment Lawful

== Attributes ==
STR 10 (0)
INT 14 (+1)
WIS 16 (+2)
DEX 14 (+1)
CON 14 (+1)
CHA 10 (0)

+5% experience points bonus

== Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==

Zellar was born in Kimrid; the youngest daughter, born into a Cycle of Chaos, she was beyond the means of her humble family and was committed to the Temple of Mnencir as a child. Her abilities both martial and mystical were soon noted, and she was selected for training as a dervish.

As the Balance tipped away from Chaos and towards Law, Zellar took on progressively greater responsibilities, serving as bodyguard, messenger, scout, and missionary to spread the blessings of Mnencir and further the purposes of Law. In this fourth year of the new Cycle, Zellar prepares herself with singular devotion to push back what forces of Chaos still remain near her homeland, and clear the wilderness for the productivity and safety of the good folk of Kimrid.

Common, faery

Lay on Hands

Wilderness Survival

===Class Abilities===
Holy trance
One-handed fighting style
Create clerical potions
Turn undead
Initiative bonus
Wisdom bonus to AC
cure light wounds, protection from evil, light, bless, hold person, dispel magic, cure serious wounds

Spells per day: 3/2/1/1
1st level. Command, cure light wounds, detect evil, light, protection from evil, remove fear, resist cold, shillelagh**, augury.
2nd level. Barkskin**, bless, detect magic, know alignment, hold person, holy chant, resist fire, spiritual weapon, find traps.
3rd level. Cure blindness, cure disease, detect invisible***, dispel magic, locate object, mirror image***, remove curse (reversible), striking, speak with dead.
4th level. Cure serious wounds, detect lie, exorcise, neutralize poison, protection from evil 10’ radius, tongues.
5th level. Atonement, commune, cure critical wounds, divination, flame strike, insect plague, quest, true seeing.
== Combat ==
AC 16 (+1 Dex, +2 Wis, +3 leather armor +1)
HP 27 / 29
Movement Rate 90'
Initiative Modifier +2 (+1 Dex, +1 class)
*Primary Melee Attack: Scimitar, +4 to hit (+3 atk bonus, +1 1h style), 1d8 damage
*Secondary Melee Attack: Spear, +4 to hit (+3 atk bonus, +1 1h style), 1d6 damage
*Primary Ranged Attack: N/A

*Petrification & Paralysis 11
*Poison & Death 8
*Breath 13
*Staves & Wands 9
*Spells 11

== Equipment ==
Leather armor +1
Coinpurse (8gp, 25sp, 25cp)

(in backpack:)
Holy symbol, silver
Holy water, flask (x3)
Scroll case with scroll of protection from undead
Dagger, silver
Flint & steel

===Warhorse, "Thunderhoof"===
Saddle & bridle
Saddle bags (x2)
(in saddle bags:)
Trail rations, preserved (x5)

===Mule, "Jepeto"===
Saddle and bridle
Saddle bags (x2)
(in saddle bags:)
Trail rations, preserved (x16)
Flask of oil, x3
Rope, 50'
Small sack with 380 gp and 20 round cut citrines worth 50 gp each

===Temple of Mnencir (Kimrid)===
8824 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp (1000 gp promised to Sigmari An as her signing bonus)
Crossbow bolt +1 (x5)

Re: Player Characters

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 12:32 am
by fireinthedust
Hi folks! I've been invited to join as a magic-user, and here's my first pass on a character. I've got a weekend to ponder and fiddle. I hope it's where I'm supposed to post this.

== Xandar Arkano ==
XP 40,000
Alignment Lawful.

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 11
INT 18
WIS 15
CON 16
CHA  12

== Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==


Xandar was a born prodigy among mages, and wants to “solve” the cyclic crisis of Law & Chaos, including finding an “acceptable” form of immortality so he can work on the problem past the limited lifespan of a human.
During a prior adventure was shattered in body – his back and leg healing over months, but still stiff. He leaves heavy lifting to hirelings, and uses cantrips where his body is weak.


I will list available languages in the subforum.


Self-Improvement, Primary (Int +2, raises 16 to 18)


2+int (3) = 5
Alchemy (1) Proficient
Magical Engineering (4) Expert

== Spells ==

== Combat ==

AC  9

HP 30 (6d4 (rolled 18!) +12)

Movement Rate: 

Initiative Modifier: 

Attacks 17 (+2)

*Primary Melee Attack: Staff +2, 1d6

*Secondary Melee Attack:

*Primary Ranged Attack: 


*Petrification & Paralysis: 11
*Poison & Death: 11
*Breath: 14
*Staves & Wands: 12

*Spells: 12

== Equipment ==



*Potion of Polymorph Self
*Scroll with 3 spells (these are from Lab Lord Advanced)
**Darkness Globe
*Treasure Map to the Crypt of Alcazear the Rotund, worth a rumored 10,000 gold
*9 arrows +1

Re: Player Characters

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 12:26 am
by PresGas
== Sumer Seskin ==
Human Female/Magic User/6
XP 50,706/80,000
Alignment Neutral

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3 13 15 10 12 10 12
STR 13 +1
INT 15 +1
WIS 10
DEX 12
CON 10
CHA 12

== Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==


Sumer, grew up in a minor noble's household. Not wishing to be married off for her family's ends, she ran away at 15 and wandered for some time. Life on the streets taught her how to fight, but local hedge mages took her in after seeing some promise.


Combat Mage

Magical Engineering (Int)
Knowledge (etiquette and history)

== Combat ==
AC : 12 (AC is ascending, added to 10.)
HP 7/13
Movement Rate 90
Initiative Modifier 0
Attacks THAC0 - 17 (+2)
*Primary Melee Attack: Sword (d8)
*Secondary Melee Attack: Spear (d6) Brace, Melee, Missile (5’–20’ / 21’–40’ / 41’–60’)
*Primary Ranged Attack: Short Bow (d6) Missile (5’–50’ / 51’–100’ / 101’–150’), Two-handed

*Petrification & Paralysis 11
*Poison & Death 11
*Breath 14
*Staves & Wands 12
*Spells 12

== Equipment ==
*Money: 8,000 GP


Short Bow
Arrows x20
Silver Arrows x2
Iron Spikes
Torches (6)
Tinder Box
Flask of Oil x2
Iron Rations (7 days)
50' Rope
Small Sack x2
Large Sack x1
Riding Horse (Thera):AC 7 [12], HD 2 (9hp), Att 2 × hoof
(1d4), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 240’ (80’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 7, AL
AC 7 [12], HD 2 (9hp), Att 2 × hoof (1d4), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 240’ (80’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 7, AL Neutral

Potion of Control Giant and Polymorph Self
Scroll with two magic-user spells (1st, 2nd): Charm Person, Invisibility
Scroll with one magic-user spell (4th): Wizard Eye

Spell Book:
First level: 0/2
  • Read Languages
    Burning Hands (LL AEC)
    Spider Climb (LL AEC)
Second level: 0/2
  • Invisibilty
    Locate Object
Third level: 0/2
  • Water breathing

Re: Player Characters

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:56 pm
by Leitz
== Name == Ardath Malfen
Race/Class/Level Human Cleric, Male
XP 60,000/100,000
Alignment Lawful, but not religious about it. :)

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3

INT 14 (+1)
WIS 18 (+3)
DEX 10
CON 9 **see Knacks
CHA 14 (+1)

== Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==


Ever the frugal sort, Ardath plied his skills in healing and speaking to reduce the cost of his trip to the new posting. No matter that there wasn't a Solvergn temple within, well, anything less than a month's journey. "All the better for us, my love," he told his wife Brixa. "We break new spiritual ground with word and deed!"

Breaking ground was just one of the chores he did to help the caravan. He would water horses and souls, and then mend a broken arm while talking about the brokenness of life under Chaos. Ardath gave counsel to families and then went to his own tent to lovingly spend time with his own. By the time they arrived, Ardath had offers for help in building the temple, as well as names of people who knew the area well.


The Solvergn enjoy life in its creativity and diversity. Not a faith of fluffy unicorn farts, the Solvergn know that hard work is required to keep life vital. "Chop wood, carry water" is a common meditative technique. So is smashing the strength and spawn of Chaos. The latter can be more fun, too.


Spontaneous Casting (1st CLW, 2nd Delay Poison, 3rd Dispel Magic)
Self Improvement (Primary) Con +1, Wis +1

(+1 slot for Int)
Healing (Skilled, 2 slots)
Performance (Public Speaking, 1 slot)
Bargain (1 slot)
Animal Handling (Horses, Mules, normal riding/pack animals, 1 slot)

== Spells ==

1st 2 Travelling: Detect Evil, Purify Food and Drink. Dungeon: Detect Magic, Protection from Evil
2nd 2 Travelling: Speak with Animals, Bless. Dungeon: Bless, Find Traps.
3rd 2 Travelling: Striking, Continual Light. Dungeon: Striking, Locate Object.
4th 1 Neutralize Poison
5th 1 Raise Dead

== Turn Undead ==
Hit Die/d6 roll required (Roll 2d6 for Number of Hit Die Turned)
1/Dm, 2/D, 2*/D, 3/D, 4/T, 5/T, 6/7, 7-9/9

== Combat ==
AC 17 (Chain +2, Shield) AC is ascending, added to 10.
HP 22/22
Movement Rate
Initiative Modifier
*Primary Melee Attack: Sword (1d8)
*Secondary Melee Attack: Spear (1d6, 5’–20’ / 21’–40’ / 41’–60’)
*Primary Ranged Attack: Short bow (1d6, 5’–50’ / 51’–100’ / 101’–150’)

Saves: +3 vs Magic
*Petrification & Paralysis 8
*Poison & Death 9
*Breath 11
*Staves & Wands 13
*Spells 11

== Equipment ==
*Money: 10,000 GP


== Gear ==
Warhorse, tack, saddle bags
Sword, Masterwork (group property) (Primary weapon)
Sword, Shield, Spear
Short bow, 2 quivers (of 20 each) arrows. ( 1 on horse, 1 on him)
Silver Holy Symbol
8 jars Holy Water
Lantern, 3 jars oil (1 in backpack, 2 in saddle bags)
Backpack, belt pouch with spell components
Bedroll, slicker (horse)
Rope (horse)
1 Week rations
Feedbag for horse

== Magic Items ==
Carpet of Flying (Brixa)
Bracers of Armor (2) (Brixa)
Trident of Submission (+1) 17 charges left (Brixa)
Chainmail, +2 (Worn)