Prologue: All Players

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Prologue: All Players

#1 Post by dmw71 »

The wolf and four goblins vanquished. The two original humans, Jareth and Kaltar, have, at least for the time being, been joined by Ewell. Now, standing before the three of you, are a halfling and an elf.

The elf speaks first: "Hello and well met."

The halfling removes a scarf he was wearing from across his hair and face, picking foilage from both. Then he tosses his cloaktails in the rearward motion, brushes himself off and smiles. Extending a handshake, he notices it's relatively dirty, wipes it on his knee, and with no noticable difference in the amount of dirt, Shannigans extends it once again and gives a neutral greeting..... "Hey."

Kaltar, lowers his mace. "Well met indeed. Who might you two companions be? We hope you have no connection with these foul goblins but I am thinking that would be extremely unlikely."

Jareth, relieved that the newcomers appear friendly, drops the point of his sword into the earth and sinks down to his knees in a quick prayer. Afterwards, he returns to his feet, sheathes his sword, and muses: "Well this seems to be a popular spot. Thanks to ye Master Ewell fer yer help. And greetings to you two new arrivals. Have ye encountered any of these creatures in this area?"

Ewell responds to Kaltar's statement: "No way... These two are too scrawny to be in with that lot." before becoming more serious: "Name's Ewell, from Alton. Curiosity led me here. What praytell brought you to this beautiful clearing?"


The group of relative strangers continue to exchange introductions and general pleasantries when a voice is heard from overhead: "Hallow!" The halfling and elf will recognize this person as being the archer. Jareth, Kaltar and Ewell see a tall, rugged adventurer descending the side of the cliff with the use of a rope.


All groups have been formally introduced, but there is nothing that says everyone must continue together as a single unit. Players have total freedom here. You can all go together, or all go alone. I have locked the "introduction" threads for the time being, but will unlock them again as necessary.

I plan on monitoring this thread and will answer any questions, but I intend on allowing for some dialogue between all the players for the immediate future and don't plan on pushing any action until everyone has had a chance to weigh in at least once. Feel free to share (or not) anything your characters have learned in their various group threads and ultimately discuss how you'd all like to proceed.

Once final decisions have been made, we'll begin again.
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#2 Post by Computer +1 »

When Jareth sees the figure descending from above he lets out a deep laugh.
Whats this then, another person? Hahahaha Kaltar and I stumble into a fight by ourselves and somehow everyone else appears. What are the chances? I thought I was all but dead fer a bit there.
He looks down at his wounds.
Ahhhh me teacher would be upset seein' me let meself get poked through so often. I guess I should'a used this and this more
He gestures to his shield and his head.
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#3 Post by Alethan »

Gwillt reaches the bottom of the rope and hops the last five feet to the ground, clearing the two dead goblins and landing heavily with bent knees.

He straightens up, nods his head at the others, and says, "Name's Gwillt. Appreciate you lot not trying to shoot me or anything as I climbed down..." He walks over to the goblin he skewered to the ground and tries to retrieve his arrow.

"Blast... I knew that shot was better than the arrow when I let it fly," he grumbles, throwing the splintered shaft down to the ground after removing the head from it. He slips the metal broadhead into a small side pocket of his quiver, apparently added by him for just such a purpose.

While he's stooped over the two dead goblins he killed, he sorts through their belongings to see if he can find anything of interest or value. As he is sorting, he chats quietly.

"Saw these two headed down to join their friends, hoping to catch you unawares from behind. Thought I'd give you a hand by tossing that rock there to 'em." He stops, looks up, and adds, with all sincerity, "They couldn't catch it."

Gwillt shrugs. "Saved me one arrow, anyway," he concludes, a hint of disgust in his tone at the thought of wasting a perfectly good arrow on a savage goblin.
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#4 Post by Computer +1 »

Jareth watches Gwillit recover his arrows.
I am glad you were with us friend. I was so focused on the wolf I never saw your work until now. I fear I would have made a pretty pincushion if ye were with them.
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#5 Post by onlyme »

Ewell hears Gwilt's speech with a mixed thought. While disgusted by the less than honorable methods used, he admires the skill necessary.

Can't blame one for doing what they believe they must. Though to me, those things take away from the spirit of the contest. as he looks at the arrow.

Then, he gently wipes the blood dripping from his lance, and continues.
My name is Ewell. I will be glad to teach you the true way of fighting, if you prefer...

Afterward, Ewell, respectfully positions the wolf as if he were a brave slain warrior who fought along side the armiger. He doesnt do the same for the equally dead goblins.
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#6 Post by Alethan »

Gwillt shrugs, "I don't claim to be the most honorable man I know, Ewell. But," he looks down at his uninjured body, making a point of examining his arms and chest, "it got the job done without putting me in much danger. Where I come from, injuries like that," he nods at the three humans, "make you lose your edge. You lose your edge and... well, let's just say you don't want to lose it. Sometimes life depends on not being the slowest runner."

He pauses and looks up at the top of the cliff, "I suppose I could have fought them all man-to-goblin like at the top of the cliff. But maybe they would have gotten the upper hand on me and pushed me off the edge. Or slipped in with those thin blades and hamstrung me. They're a sneaky lot," he spits on the body of the goblin he dropped the rock on, "better safe 'n sorry."

He continues rummaging through their pockets. "You going to check those others? Or you want me to do it?"

Then he watches with interest as Ewell arranges the body of the wolf. Furrowing his brow, he asks, "Eh... you going to draw a picture of it before you skin it, then?"
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#7 Post by onlyme »

Alethan wrote: Then he watches with interest as Ewell arranges the body of the wolf. Furrowing his brow, he asks, "Eh... you going to draw a picture of it before you skin it, then?"

Ewell shakes his head. No, nothing like that. I just think it the right thing to do. He fought me fair... unlike those cowards who hid behind him. I dont want nothing from 'em.
Oh speaking of cowards... meant to ask. Did any of you see someone bout my height wearing full plate? I ran into him back an hour or so. He had two servants chained and sicced them on me. Then he ran off. I was actually walking this way trying to find him.
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#8 Post by Alethan »

Gwillt shakes his head, "Those two at the bottom of the rope are the only creatures I've seen today. There is a trail at the top of the cliff that they were using... I followed it for a while, but decided to turn back and make your acquaintances. I wouldn't mind checking it out further, though. It appears to be a newly made trail, which could mean a change in goblin occupation in this area. I'm sure someone would be willing to pay good coin for that kind of information."

With a twinkle in his eye, he adds, "You do that great wolf a dishonor by NOT skinning him. Useful in life AND useful in death is much better than just being useful in life..."

If Ewell makes no move to stop him, Gwillt will take the next half hour to skin the wolf. That is, of course, after he searches the other goblin bodies, again if none of the other humans wants to do such a menial task. He makes a point of taking anything he finds on the goblins he didn't kill and placing it in a pile by the wolf for them. He doesn't care if HE gets the spoils of the dead, just that someone put it all to use. Of course, it won't sit there untouched for long before he will pick up anything useful and stow it away.
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#9 Post by onlyme »

Ewell nods his acceptance. .I think it just. And if you want to return to that path up yonder, I'll climb up with you. Should we check around here first? Anything behind the falls itself? Seems odd they chained a wolf without wanting it to scare off venturers. Must be a reason, right?
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#10 Post by Stonjuz »

The halfling eyes the druid long enough to discern that Garth is probably overthinking his reply. Shannigans eyes turn to Gwillt, still amazed at his prowess with the bow. "I saw the whole thing, he was crawling out from the rock but I was ready on him too. I wasn't gonna let him sneak up on the others either, but you, are much faster than I."

Turning to the others, "We saw you handle those ..., goblins you say, quite well also. You are all adventurers aren't ya? I can tell, I've heard stories. My name's Shannigans. Can we come with ya?" Shannigans looks again to the elf to see if the idea of joining the humans is agreeable to him. "But of you tie that poor man up into the tree and left him to...?" The halfling goes a little silent and doesnt persist on an answer, thinking that he may have prematurely mentioned the body, before the druid had done any questioning, wishing that he could take that statement back.
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#11 Post by Nuke66 »

After listening to the humans talk so rapidly, Garth waits for a while before adding into the conversation. "The name is Garth. We have not seen any goblins, nor any wolves for that matter, in our journey."

After the humans discuss the merits of a bow versus lance, and skinning a dead wolf, he decided to ask.

"What happened here? Did the goblins have the wolf trained?"
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#12 Post by onlyme »

Ewell thinks for a moment...
Trained? Not sure now that you ask. They had him caged and in a frenzy...
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#13 Post by Stonjuz »

Shannigans inspects the goblins' features. He has never seen a goblin up close. The tales told at tribal meetings by the elders are, up until now, his only reference. The wolves, on the other hand, were constantly a bother to his chickens back on the farm. The manipulation of the wolf pelt at the hand of the ranger is a sight not uncommon. "I've never figured out what to do with the paws.", he says loudly over the waterfalls crash.
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#14 Post by Computer +1 »

Jareth listens and answers Garth
Aye they had the beast trained to kill. Kaltar and I found this place by chance and once here tried to avoid any conflict. The goblins attacked us and left us no choice. As for the wolf, I am afraid it was either he or us.

Jareth then turns to Shannigans
Whats this of a body tied tree you say? I haven't come across anything like that? Where was it?
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#15 Post by Stonjuz »

"Sorry Garth, I know you wanted to find out more about these people but I got a feeling we'll never find out what happened back there without their help." The halfling stands outside the group's circle in the direction that he came from and raises a finger off to the treeline. "Clean up here and we'll show ya."
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#16 Post by Nuke66 »

"Good thing you all made it. Sometimes them Goblins are more sneaky."

He watches the Ranger loot, observing the proud ones standing there talking.
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#17 Post by saalaria »

Can't quote the old thread now as its locked so instead:

Kaltar prays with Jareth to the almighty to give thanks for the victory He bestowed on the companions.

"I am Kaltar of The Reach. Ewell sorry for not giving a more considered welcome to your timely intervention but we were somewhat busy at that time! My lack of experience with the mace requires me to give it my full attention to get it right and I think this dilligence was well-rewarded. Anyway thanks for steppping in to help myself and Jareth. I see you have a grievious wound - I have some skill in the healing arts and can call on my God for his aid. Would you be averse to receiving some magical healing to speed your recovery?"
The cleric glances at the others as he speaks but waits for Ewell's response.
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#18 Post by Computer +1 »

Jareth nods to Shannigans,
Just a moment if you please

He takes a step to the side and kneels in apparent prayer.
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#19 Post by onlyme »

saalaria wrote: "I am Kaltar of The Reach. Ewell sorry for not giving a more considered welcome to your timely intervention but we were somewhat busy at that time! My lack of experience with the mace requires me to give it my full attention to get it right and I think this dilligence was well-rewarded. Anyway thanks for steppping in to help myself and Jareth. I see you have a grievious wound - I have some skill in the healing arts and can call on my God for his aid. Would you be averse to receiving some magical healing to speed your recovery?"
The cleric glances at the others as he speaks but waits for Ewell's response.

Not sure how to play this... 1st, are these questions what go in the Almost anything goes thread, or just in the game thead using ooc text? Ewell has 10 of his 16 hps left plus he doesnt "die" until he gets past -3. So he has 13 more to give, the way I read the description. It's been a while since I have played a game that lasted long enough to require healing or magic. Isnt it only once per day? So, if we came up on another group shortly, would it be better to hold off and use on someone closer to dying? Obviously, he isnt adverse to being healed. Just not sure we want to waste it as a group. THoughts? Also, how many hps are healed? All or a set number per time?
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Re: Prologue: All Players

#20 Post by Alethan »

onlyme wrote:
saalaria wrote: "I am Kaltar of The Reach. Ewell sorry for not giving a more considered welcome to your timely intervention but we were somewhat busy at that time! My lack of experience with the mace requires me to give it my full attention to get it right and I think this dilligence was well-rewarded. Anyway thanks for steppping in to help myself and Jareth. I see you have a grievious wound - I have some skill in the healing arts and can call on my God for his aid. Would you be averse to receiving some magical healing to speed your recovery?"
The cleric glances at the others as he speaks but waits for Ewell's response.

Not sure how to play this... 1st, are these questions what go in the Almost anything goes thread, or just in the game thead using ooc text? Ewell has 10 of his 16 hps left plus he doesnt "die" until he gets past -3. So he has 13 more to give, the way I read the description. It's been a while since I have played a game that lasted long enough to require healing or magic. Isnt it only once per day? So, if we came up on another group shortly, would it be better to hold off and use on someone closer to dying? Obviously, he isnt adverse to being healed. Just not sure we want to waste it as a group. THoughts? Also, how many hps are healed? All or a set number per time?
OOC: You can do either, Onlyme. Use OOC coloring here in this thread or just ask the questions in the OOC thread. Kaltar has a wisdom bonus, so gets three spells at first level. Two of those appear to be healing, not that Ewell would know any of that information... :) The way I usually play it is when I know the spell cast is CLW, I'll request healing if I'm down 6 pts or more. Anything less, and I feel like I've wasted something, especially if the cleric rolls an 8 and I only have like 3 points of damage.

Of greater concern is that C+1's character is down to two HPs and should probably receive healing first. Also, I don't know if there is a Bind Wounds rule or not in this game (question for the DM). If there is, I suggest we try to take advantage of it when at all possible. Might be too late for anyone's wounds from this first conflict, but something to keep in mind for the next fight.
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