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Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 2:07 pm
by GreyWolfVT
New Beginnings: Survival of the Fittest

Praek and what was left of his tribe having survived the vicious assault on their original home decides to change his plans and caves in what used to be his home, then has the rest of his tribe move out the back secret entrance to begin searching anew for a better home away from evil adventurers and so the tribe sets out on their long journey to find a new home.

After a long search finding the old goblin settlement that was destroyed by the adventurers to be unsuitable for retaking your tribe journeys on. Having found no real suitable dwelling for weeks a good month later and a long distance from your old home and the human village your tribe finds a cavern that is near an old castle or fortress ruin. Along the journey your tribe picked up some other creatures wandering about a hobgoblin, bugbear, kobold and some other goblins with no tribes to return to they take up with yours and ventured forth.

Having found a new dwelling the female goblins and children goblins are left in the cave protected by some of the males in the tribe that are not elderly or sick. Praek himself takes up the mantle and forms an attack party to venture into the castle/fort ruins and kill anything within and take the place as your tribes new home with plans to tunnel back to the smaller cave. From the looks of the place no humans have dwelt with in for many years.



Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 2:00 pm
by Rex

"Move out, Keeng is with me. We will search the ruins and clear out anything we can handle. If we run into something we can't handle, fall back, but don't lead them to the women and children." With that Praek leads the way towards the ruins, ever vigilant.

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:42 pm
by shaidar

The night before they left their old home Upchuck performed a dramatic ritual to appease the ancestors and the gods and ensure the ancestors are able to follow them to their new home.

On arrival at the new cave, while the woman and children are being settle he falls into a trance, communing with the tribal ancestors. After a few minutes he regains his composure and reports to the tribe "The ancestors are giving their blessings for our new home, if we can prove to them and the gods we are worthy by taking control and showing our strength!"
Rex wrote:Praek

"Move out, Keeng is with me. We will search the ruins and clear out anything we can handle. If we run into something we can't handle, fall back, but don't lead them to the women and children." With that Praek leads the way towards the ruins, ever vigilant.
Upchucks nods at the clan chief, he gestures to Fizniags to move forward "Time to show your worth Fizniags", Upchuck follows with the main group.

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:49 pm
by PyroArrow
VLEX SREENAK : Male Goblin Fighter : Chain mail w/ great helm: AC 5: Short Sword & Military Pick

Acknowledging Praek, Vlex Sreenak, gets up puts on his short sword scabbard, makes an adjustment, then reaches for his military pick.

Vlex then jabs Wroig, with the pick, to get his ass up and get moving.

Vlex then moves out with Fizniags, Keeng, Praek, and Upchuck, to search their probable new home.

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:30 am
by Cwreando

Razke says, ”I will go with you and ensure we our tribe does well.”

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:54 am
by Dram
Stixy takes the lead as his skills make him the cannon fodder. Before he moves out he turns to his new friend. Hands him the biggest dried rat in his pouch. IN hobgoblin. Remember buddy if things go bad you come and save me. Then he runs off ahead of the group to make sure the way is safe.

Hide in shadows(35%)
Thieving Skill Check[1d100] = 10

Move Silently(35%)
Thieving Skill Check[1d100] = 44

G.W. do you make these rolls.

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 11:53 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
Madadam squats in the middle of the floor, drawing arcane symbols in the sand, and scattering rat bones and a few drops of blood. He begins speaking in tongues as his eyes to back in his head. When he settles down he reveals what he has learned from the ancestors and their god. This new home is good for the clan, but some will be hurt or die as we make it safe. Bargrivyek says we must be one with each other! Strength together!

He moves to join Praek, Biskins close by, acting as a bodyguard of sorts.

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:46 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Ruins: Taking a closer look...

The group forms up in a marching formation and proceeds forward towards the ruins. Stixy Hanz moves a bit ahead of the group acting as the scout and trap checker. He manages to blend into the shadows proving how good he is in his work the group loses sight of the thief until they hear the crack of a stick up ahead, apparently he is not as light on his feet as he had thought. Upon a closer look the place looks like it has seen a great battle many years back most of the walls are for the most part intact enough to keep most prowling animals at bay, unless they can fly, climb or burrow. beyond the opening in the wall Stixy Hanz doesn't see anything moving beyond the wall. The rest move up and now are looking at a large double door entry made of iron one door left open part way. Inside what must have been the court yard is nothing save for some rubble and old skeletons of long dead humans nothing but rotted rags hang from them and most of the remains are partially buried by grass and moss growing over things every few you to see a part of a weapon or shield protruding from the earth but other than that nothing stirs. A crow flies over head cawing and it startles the group for a heartbeat until they look up and see the bird fly off. The keep within looks about as quiet as the rest of the place.


Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:18 pm
by Rex

Whispering, "Two of us should scout around the walls and see if there are any other ways in."

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 3:48 pm
by shaidar
Upchuck is considering uses for the human skeletons when Praek's whisper brings him back to the present

He nudges Fizniags in the ribs "Go with Stixy and take a look"

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:06 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Fizniags looking lost in a daze looks at Upchuck "What me? Okay." the goblin thief says pointing a finger at himself then half shrugs and moves to go with Stixy. You can tell from his reaction he is wanting to say more but likely doesn't want to get hit upside the head.

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:46 pm
by PyroArrow
VLEX SREENAK : Male Goblin Fighter : Chain mail w/ great helm: AC 5: Short Sword & Military Pick

Vlex whispers, "Wroig and I, will go around the walls in the opposite direction and meet Stixy and Fizniags, on the other side."

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:51 pm
by Cwreando

Razke does a dance and checks the ground saying softly, "This place good. Inside may be trouble but we make it good for us. Dulzeekig you stay with me and protect. Lets go with VLEX SREENAK and be ready."

I'll try and get my spells together tonight.

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 2:44 am
by Dram
Stixy- Come Fizniags we shall take a look. Turning to Perdreg. Perdreg you stay with Upchuck till I return.

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:35 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Perdreg the hobgoblin mercenary scowls and merely nods once and moves near Upchuck standing on guard arms crossed over his chest.

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:09 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
Madadam crouched down by a few skeletons to try and determine what species they were, and how they died. He keeps Biskins close by. Biskins scavenges in the tracking grades looking for serviceable weapons.

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:54 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Rusty Tincanne wrote:Madadam crouched down by a few skeletons to try and determine what species they were, and how they died. He keeps Biskins close by. Biskins scavenges in the tracking grades looking for serviceable weapons.
The remains for the most part appear to be humans though there are some "stouter" skeletons that appear to have once been dwarves is your best guess. Nothing found is serviceable unless you want a really rusty weapon or a very rotted wooden shield, some of the shields are metal but very rusty if someone had a lot of oil and a lot of time perhaps the items might be serviceable.

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 10:12 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
Madadam retreats to the rest of the group, looking uncomfortably up at the open sky. After a lengthy cross-country trip, he looks forward to getting back underground.

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 12:57 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Other entrances

Circling around the ruins there are found a couple other "holes" in the outter wall that might let someone or something into the grounds but most of the holes are no taller than a dwarf or are far to high up the wall to have been used unless something flew or climbed the wall to the gap in the wall. A badger hole is found not far from one section of the wall closer to a large oak tree. The keep however has windows with bars on the lower levels that small rodents or birds might be able to use, and there are at least 3 doors that could be used to enter and exit from the keep. One around the back of the building one the two large double doors in the front of the building and a single door on the west side of the building possibly was a servants entrance, at least from what any of you know about humans and other surface dwellers.

Re: Scenario #2: New Beginnings

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 4:46 pm
by Rex

"Looks like it is time to go in. Lets try one of the back doors and see if we can get in without making to much noise."