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Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:16 pm
Lets use this thread for any character generation questions and discussion.

For those of you ready to begin the process, please go ahead and do so......

The Campaign ID# is 637

Standard 1E PHB classes and races only, please! (no UA classes)

I would like you to use a macro for your ability scores so they can be seen at the top of your roll history.

Ability score rolls: [4d6c1] [4d6c1] [4d6c1]

Make this roll twice and organize those 6 numbers in any order you prefer.

I am usually not real big on the old "2-for-1" deal, but if you had your heart set on running something that your rolls do not qualify for, let me know and perhaps we can work something out.

*If any of you absolutely hate your initial rolls, feel free to use one "do-over". I would prefer that you all play a character that you are content with. :D

If your rolls are not what you were hoping for, use a 72 point "buy system" with a 17 max and an 8 min. Racial bonuses will not apply unless original rolls are used.*

This game is designed as a 4 hour convention tournament, so it wont be totally crucial to flesh out your character in super detail.

Since we should have a full crew to start out, you will all begin with enough XP to get you to 3rd level, regardless of the class you choose. Since this is a "shorty", no XP will be tracked or awarded during gameplay.

*Multi-class is fine and would start out with 4501 XP to split between the 2 classes.*

*Max hit points for your first level, then roll the rest. (you are allowed to reroll any 1's)*

You will be allowed one set of non bulky armor (if applicable) that is 30 pounds or less. (no plate, scale, or splint)

You will be allowed to possess 1 melee weapon and 1 ranged weapon at the start of the game. (you'll see why soon enough) :D *Feel free to choose and document the rest of your characters weapon proficiencies though, just in case you might find something useful along the way.*

*Your characters will be granted one magic item of your choosing. (within reason) Pick something that you think would fit well, and I will let you know if it is acceptable.*

*MU's/Ill's can start with 8 first and 6 second level spells in their books.*

I strongly suggest that you do not overburden your characters with several pounds of unnecessary equipment. You will NOT want to be carrying a heavy load at the start of this one. (again, you'll see why soon)

Since this is a one shot tournament mod, there will be no need for a lengthy character background. You can give me as much or as little as you like.

The adventure starts out on a ship that is sailing the Azure Sea. The only tidbit I will require in your characters backstory is the reason they are on the ship. I will use those tidbits to create the games intro. (hopefully) :lol:

Feel free to post your questions about any of this as we get started and once again, thanks for playing!!!

*Red type is recent additions to the original post*

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:40 pm
by Mister-Kent
Working on mine now! Name was filler at first but I like it now - Challenger.

My numbers are 13, 13, 12, 12, 11, 10.

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:51 pm
by Alethan
Ability score rolls: [4d6c1] = 11 [4d6c1] = 15 [4d6c1] = 17
Ability score rolls: [4d6c1] = 9 [4d6c1] = 16 [4d6c1] = 10

Oh wow. Not bad.

I'll have to ponder this a bit, but will work on it today.

Anything special for determining HP? Max first level and roll the other two? Roll all three? Max for all three? :D

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:55 pm
by Zhym
Ability score rolls: [4d6c1] = 12 [4d6c1] = 10 [4d6c1] = 4
Ability score rolls: [4d6c1] = 11 [4d6c1] = 10 [4d6c1] = 4

Wow. I assume I can take a mulligan on this guy? If not, I suppose he can be incredibly stupid and foolish, or really weak and clumsy, or frightfully ugly and frail. Who's up for adventuring with him? ;)

The inverse of this character would be pretty darn good: 9 11 17 10 11 17. How about I use those instead? It would be kind of a fun house rule: you can play your stats as rolled or the inverse of what you rolled. It would help in situations like this, where the initial roll is really awful.

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:56 pm
Mulligans are definitely allowed. (especially in that case :? )

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:59 pm
by Zhym
What about using the "opposite" rolls (i.e., 21-<actual roll>)? That's not a bad character. Or I can re-roll if you prefer.

Are multiclassed PCs allowed?

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 4:18 pm
Reversing them is acceptable.

Multi-class is fine and would start out with 4501 XP to split between the 2 classes.

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 4:50 pm
by Rex
Here are my rolls

ability scores [4d6c1] = 15 [4d6c1] = 13 [4d6c1] = 16

ability scores [4d6c1] = 7 [4d6c1] = 11 [4d6c1] = 11

If druids get the wisdom bonus for spells is a half elf Druid/Fighter possible?

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 4:59 pm
by Rex
Looking at it I think I will go straight Druid.

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:17 pm
by Monsieur Rose
[4d6c1] = 9[4d6c1] = 14[4d6c1] = 6
[4d6c1] = 9[4d6c1] = 14[4d6c1] = 10

Ok, then. I'm thinking old magic user. Possibly working on his bucket list.

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:35 pm
If any of you absolutely hate your initial rolls, feel free to use one "do-over".

I would prefer that you all play a character that you are content with. :D

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:37 pm
Alethan wrote: Anything special for determining HP? Max first level and roll the other two? Roll all three? Max for all three? :D
Lets do Max for 1st level and roll the rest.

(I don't allow 1's so any of those can be rerolled)

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 6:37 pm
by ChubbyPixie
Ability rolls for Sprig Dently:

Ability score rolls: [4d6c1] = 10 [4d6c1] = 15 [4d6c1] = 10
Ability score rolls: [4d6c1] = 14 [4d6c1] = 10 [4d6c1] = 13
Hmm. Not too bad, though I was hoping to play a Gnome thief/illusionist, in which case this won’t cut it. I think I’ll use my mulligan and hope for the best...
If that doesn’t work I’ll pick a new class.
If my reroll is horrible, can I come back to these results? :)

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 6:43 pm
by ChubbyPixie

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 6:48 pm
by ChubbyPixie
I wouldn’t mind playing an Elf thief, unless someone else had their heart set on that role... maybe thief/MU...

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 6:51 pm
by Zhym
I was thinking about playing a monk for once, but that's not going to happen with the rolls I got.

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 7:00 pm
Rex wrote:Looking at it I think I will go straight Druid.
Hey Rex.

I don't know if this will matter to you or not, but about 98% of this adventure is indoors.

That's not to say that a druid wouldn't be handy to have, I just thought you might want to know that first. :D

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 7:03 pm
by Monsieur Rose
I plan on playing an old magic user. Freshly set off to find adventure after years of studying and scribing the adventures of others.

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 7:08 pm
Would it help if I implemented a 72 point-buy system and we forget about the rolls? (unless your rolls were better, obviously)

I think any character class could be accomplished with 72 points.

I wouldn't allow anything higher than a 17 in the buy, but at least you could build what you want that way.

Any complaints about something like that?

Re: Pre Launch Char Gen Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 7:10 pm
by Zhym
Sounds like we might need a regular old fighter. Or a fighter/thief. Or a fighter/cleric. Or maybe even a regular cleric. Hm.

I like the point buy system, especially for a tournament module. A monk needs 56 points in four required stats, leaving 16 for the other two. Yeah, that'd work.