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Macro weirdness

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 7:42 pm
by Zhym
I just tried to roll [1d6]+[1d3]. But, not remembering the macro syntax, I entered it as [1d6+1d3]. Here's what I got:

Falling: [1d6+1d3] = 5+1000 = 1005

Well, that character is pretty well dead. :lol:

How does 1d3 end up getting converted to 1,000? That's 10^3, obviously, but I don't see how 1d3 turns into 10^3.

Re: Macro weirdness

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 7:49 pm
by ToniXX
Whoah, that's weird. Hmmmm I'll have to take a look at the code and see if I can figure out why that happened. In the meantime, the best solution to this problem is to not do that anymore! LOL!

No but seriously I'll see what's going on.

Re: Macro weirdness

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 8:07 pm
by Starbeard
I've noticed that too.

I've also noticed that if you write a dice code outside of brackets, it can screw up any dice codes inside of brackets.

The macro "Strength test (3 dice ≤ STR 12): [3d6]" works out as intended:
Strength test (3 dice ≤ STR 12): [3d6] = 11

But if use the dice code in the description, it comes out weird.
"Strength test (3d6 ≤ STR 12): [3d6]" produces:
Strength test (0 ≤ STR 12): [3d6]

Using multiple formulas can lead to strange behaviour too.
"Ability scores (3d6 down the line): [3d6] [3d6] [3d6] [3d6] [3d6] [3d6]" produces:
Ability scores (0 down the line): [3d6] = 11 [3d6] = 11 [3d6] = 16 [3d6] = 7 [3d6] = 13 [3d6]

"Sword (ThAC0 19, STR +1, 1d8): [1d20+1], [1d8+1]" is okay:
Sword (ThAC0 19, STR +1, 1d8): [1d20+1] = 6+1 = 7, [1d8+1] = 7+1 = 8

But "Sword (ThAC0 19, 1d8): [1d20] [1d8]" produces:
Sword (ThAC0 19, 1): [1d20] = 13 [1d8]