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Awarding XP

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 4:55 am
by SilverBen
In a previous post, I mentioned that there is a scripted plot line with clear objectives and a designated time limit. The main villian, the trespasser, will attempt to enter the graveyard and raise the dead to attack the inhabitants of the parsonage. If unsuccessful, the villian will repeat this for 1d6+1 nights until fleeing without returning:

Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil
In a single day of game time, the characters gather at the temple for hiring, receive their orders, and have a chance to ask questions about the temple and graveyard premises. The party may strategize their security detail and begin their watch for grave robbers.
Act One: Running into Kendra
That night, the characters begin what seems to be a boring watch until they spot a trespasser and confront her. A chase ensues through the graveyard over a limited number of rounds. If successful, the party apprehends the trespasser, or chases her off into the heavy woods beyond the graveyard fence. Otherwise, the party loses track of her in the darkness and she wreaks havoc inside the graveyard.
Act Two: Enough to Raise the Dead
Later that night, the trespasser responds in vengeance and reveals a powerful magical ability to raise the dead. This encounter will feature increasingly difficult combat against more and more undead rising from the grave.
Act Three: The Parsonage Siege
The night becomes a desperate struggle to survive as the trespasser directs the animated dead to march from the mausoleum to the temple parsonage and attack its inhabitants. The party must protect the temple staff and minimize any damage.
Epilogue: Sunrise!
At dawn, assess how well the party achieved its objectives and award rewards, both in-game and out-of-game. At this point the mini-adventure will be complete.

Game Objectives (and Rewards):
  • Survive Kendra's siege of the temple and parsonage (up to 100 XP each character)
  • Kill Kendra (up to 500 XP each character)
  • Protect the Temple staff, the edifices, and its burial grounds from damage (up to 500 XP each character)
  • Drive Kendra away from the Temple after 1d6+1 nights of attempts (up to 850 XP each character)
  • Capture Kendra alive and turn her into the temple authorities after 1d6+1 nights of attempts (up to 2,000 XP each character)
  • Character Role playing: develop a memorable personality, incorporate a plausible backstory, use clever dialogue, interact with the game environment, creative problem solving, drive the plot to successful completion (up to 3,000 XP each character)
  • Collaboration: engage other PCs, demonstrate leadership, enhance camaraderie (up to 1,000 XP each character)

Re: Awarding XP

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:13 am
by SilverBen

Re: Awarding XP

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:14 am
by SilverBen

Re: Awarding XP

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:20 am
by SilverBen