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A supplement thread for character creation, how Gurps works

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:42 am
by Rukellian
I typed all of this up a while back, and didn't feel like retyping it, so here it is.

The first link brings you to a page full of Gurps Dice rolling mechanics, what sort of rolls you will be making and such.

The next link brings up some posts on Gurps character creation basics. It goes over the terminologies used and what everything means, as well as provides some lists and charts.

The next link is a brief introduction on Advantages, the abilities and powers of supers in this game. It is not complete, but it shows a few abilities as examples. For a complete list of advantages, please get the core rulebook. The other option is to tell me what you want in your character and I can look up some up for you. Disadvantages, another core component in character creation, brings fun handicaps and realistic traits to a character, that supply points for character creation use. A partial listing can be found in Gurps Lite, a full one in the Core Rulebook. Again, you can tell me what you want in your character and I can look up some appropriate disadvantages and go from there.

I don't have a link for skills, but it is arguably just as important as the core creation basics and advantages/disadvantages. Skills represent what your character knows how to do, outside of his special abilities. Does he know how to use guns, knives, how to read a map, perform first aid, lie effectively, stay hidden, etc.? You roll dice against a Skill to perform almost every action in the game. I do not have a list of skills to look at, would take too long to type them all, and I'm sure I would be violating some copyright law in the process. Anyways, like I said with everything else, Gurps Lite has a partial list to choose from, the Core Rulebook has the full lists. You can tell me what you want for your character, and I can help fill in the blanks using your points as a budget.