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Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 11:30 pm
by max_vale
Approximately 2:36 PM, Sunday, June 14th, 1987; Somewhere in the Modoc National Forest, California near the Oregon Border

Yojiro 'Yo' Akiyama was NOT having one of his better days. He pressed his back into the big rock he was squatting behind and subconsciously flinched away as a bullet ricocheted near his head, sending stone chips flying every which way, but luckily none hitting him. He clutched his Mini-14 to his chest and let go a sigh....

He had been hiking through the woods with no real destination in mind when he had spotted the pool of freshwater, fed from a spring that trickled down from a 100 or so foot high, steep hill and lined with boulders that had tumbled from the same hill over the years all around it. It was a nice spot to fill his canteen, but almost as soon as he had done so, he suddenly heard foot-steps from up above and when he looked up, he suddenly noticed a trio of Soviet soldiers crouching there and pointing at him while yelling in Russian. Before he had a chance to do or say anything, they saw his weapons and they immediately went for their AKs. Yo had dived behind a boulder, shots were fired and now his perfectly fine day was ruined and hot lead was flying his way....

Billy's old pickup seemed to groan under the weight of the combined gear and presence of 5 freedom fighters as it made its way through a dirt road somewhere in what Barstowe sincerely hoped was the Modoc forest in the North-Eastern corner of the state of California. Jenny and Raph were cramped in the front cabin with him, both of them drifting in and out of sleep and Saul and Deacon were in the back with the gear, probably doing the same. Billy's bladder was screaming, so when he saw a nice little clearing right off the dirt-road, he pulled over and announced; "Pee break"....

Billy and company had spent the past 6 weeks slowly figuring out this whole 'Freedom Fighter' business they found themselves in thanks to the Soviet take over of the U.S. of A. The Russians had moved in swiftly and were quickly spreading throughout the massive nation; with the massive riots and resistance of the first couple of weeks rapidly crushed and now leaving only scattered bands of resistance, usually in the more remote areas of the country. After several shoot-outs with some Soviet patrols and a couple of 'every-man-for-himself' bands of American bandits; the group had retreated into North-central California and Billy had visited his Dad at his remote cabin. There, the older Barstowe had shown then his old ham radio and the group had heard the dulcet tones of one Antonia 'Tony' Hawkins and her 'Radio Free America' network.

From this network, they learned the truth behind the lies blasted by the Soviet-taken over media; of how most of the military and political leaders of the country had capitulated and how the Soviets were quickly cracking down on any resistance members. Massive reprisals were the order of the day if they learned the identity of any freedom fighters; but there was still a significant, if unorganized resistance movement. Radio Free America was clearly being broadcast on a homemade radio and soon other ham operators were doing the same and a resistance movement was being forged. The group of 5 from Oakland soon made contact with a few such groups and had been given the radio code name of 'Raider Company'. While everyone had enjoyed that, the day to day life of a freedom fighter had been a tough pill to swallow for all of them....well, except maybe for Saul....

Jenny had kept them all in good health and was in better spirits than those first tough days after burying Lisa and rolling out of the Bay Area. She managed to scrounge medical supplies anywhere she could and was quickly becoming more and more adept at combat and living in the great outdoors...

Saul was his typical indomitable, unflappable self; guiding the team more than leading it and proving to be the bedrock of the company in more ways than one.

Deacon looked weary most of the time, but was as courageous and dependable a teammate as anyone could ever hope for. He had personally saved all of them, more than once and never balked from doing whatever was needed to keep the group on its feet and moving. He had been a little angry and moody after his beloved Oldsmobile gave up the ghost a couple of weeks back having been through several fire-fights and cross-country trips; but he was bouncing back nicely lately...

Raph had probably had the hardest time adapting to this life on the run in mostly rural areas. The street-raised kid felt out of his element most of the time and all this green and trees and open spaces was just so.....UNNATURAL....but he was a tough and adaptable guy, so he was making do.

As everyone finished up their business, they suddenly heard shots, that they recognized as coming from Soviet AK assault rifles echoing from the woods off to their right. Everyone quickly rushed to grab their weapons; but it was rapidly apparent wherever the gunfire was coming from, it was NOT being directed at them. Saul quietly said; "I count no more than 3, maybe 4 AKs.....let's check this out"; and in the blink of an eye was stealthily moving into the woods with his M-16 at the ready.

The others cursed, but being a team, they quickly followed suit; Deacon clutching his M-16 as well; Raph his aquired AK-74, Jenny her captured AKSU carbine and Billy with his scoped Winchester Deer Rifle. Moving quietly through the woods, they soon came to a clearing that showed 3 Soviet soldiers shooting down at a man crouching behind a boulder on a perpendicular angle to them. The Soviets were about 50 yards away from them, the crouching man perhaps 75 yards away and they were in the cover of the tree-line. The Russian soldiers did not seem aware of them in the least....

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:20 am
by Nuke66
Raffy doesn't hesitate. He kneels and takes aim before looking back to the rest of the group. "I got the one on the right"

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 5:33 am
by ottarrus
[/ooc OK, for the record, I don't know Japanese in real life. Whatever I post up in Japanese is from a Google search. Your mileage way vary... Japanese phrases will always be in italics and I'll leave translations at the bottom of my posts.]

[Unaware of the rest of the party]

Yo hunches down behind the boulder and looks for a way to extract himself from the world of shit he's just found himself in. He didn't honestly think the Sovs would get this far north so quickly, but then the interstate system works boths ways, doesn't it?
He'd come up to the pool from the low side, so he hoped that the patrol hadn't found his truck. Still, if he could keep their heads down a bit he might be able to retreat tree-to-tree and break contact. Assuming, of course, the sum'bitches didn't have a radio...

"Chikusho...", he muttered to himself and checked the safety on his Ruger. Popping out from the left side of the boulder, he aims and fires five rounds rapid at the center Soviet, then jukes right putting the boulder between him and them and sprints for a likely tree trying to open the distance between him and them.

[Translation: chikushudo = 'Oh shit!' or 'To Hell with it!']

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:18 pm
by Dram
Saul- Waits for the others so that they can take out the commies in one volley. He takes aim with his M-16 at one of the Commies squeezing off a round.

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 9:43 pm
by Scott308
Billy Barstowe

I'll take the one on the left. Someone wanna count off, so we all fire on three? Billy will take aim at his chosen target, breathing slowly to prepare for the shot.

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 3:16 pm
by Nuke66
Raffy asks "Who's taking the middle one?" We waits for a response before counting down. "One, Two, Three" and squeezing his trigger.

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:12 am
by Dram
Saul- I will take the one on the middle. ONE TWO THREE. He fires his M-16.

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 9:43 pm
by max_vale
Approximately 2:37 PM, Sunday, June 14th, 1987; Somewhere in the Modoc National Forest, California near the Oregon Border

Yo Akiyama took a deep breath and then in a sudden burst of motion, he wheeled around the boulder he was taking cover behind and pulled the trigger twice on his Mini-14 carbine in the direction of the Soviet soldiers on the top of the hill who were shooting at him and then he sprinted for the tree line on the edge of the pool. His rounds never came close to hitting the Russian troops, but then again they weren't supposed too and he could hear rounds from the enemy AKs zipping past him to splash into the pool or clip the ground in front him in little explosions of dirt and/or green plant bits when he was helped along in his final dive towards some trees by the stinging pain of a round tearing some of the skin on the back of his right shoulder. By the time he had rolled behind the tree though, he realized the wound was merely a grazing one and no real damage had been done. He also had to blink in confusion as he wasn't hearing any more AKs firing his way and had he heard the sounds of M-16s and a thirty-aught-six rifle firing a moment ago? A Russian solider falling face-down to land in the pool in a bloody heap seemed to confirm SOMETHING unexpected was going on....

Saul counted it off and aimed his M-16 at the center of the Soviet solider in the middle's back and he squeezed the trigger watching his man stagger forward from his shot and then collapse a second round from Deacon finished him off and the veteran soldier snapped his rifle to the left and right, but he noticed both of the other Russian troops had fallen as well, the one on the left had fall over the edge of the cliff/ridge while the one on the right had joined his target on the ground in not moving....

Deacon Hays lined up on the center target as well and he took a deep breath, let it out and squeezed the trigger, sending a 5.56mm round slamming into the Russian soldier at about the same time as Silverman did the same thing and the Russian fell to the ground in a heap, not moving a bit...

Billy Barstowe aimed slightly to the left of the middle of his chosen target's back and with the cross-hairs all lined up, he pulled the trigger of his powerful Winchester rifle. The .30-06 round slammed into and through the Soviet's back to tear out of front of his chest and the Russian pitched forward to fall forward and over the edge of the cliff/ridge he was standing on and that was one less Commie running his country he'd have to worry about....

Raphael Cabrera aimed at the Russian soldier on the right and he fired a 3 round burst that tore into his target and left him in a heap on the ground, twitching for a moment before laying still; his AK clattering to the ground next to him...

Jenny, instead of firing at the Soviets, watched the man down below move to the tree line and it looked like he may have taken a wound on the back of his shoulder, but from the way he moved, it didn't seem to have been a particularly bad one....

Everyone was rather shocked by the sudden silence that descended over the area as the guns fell silent....

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 12:14 am
by Scott308
Billy Barstowe

With the three Russian soldiers down, Billy will stand up and wave to the stranger. Hello down there! Are you okay? If the Reds were trying to kill you, I think we have a lot in common! Looking around to make sure there are no other Soviet troops on the way, he will start making his way down the hill.

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 12:52 am
by ottarrus
Scott308 wrote:Billy Barstowe

With the three Russian soldiers down, Billy will stand up and wave to the stranger. Hello down there! Are you okay? If the Reds were trying to kill you, I think we have a lot in common! Looking around to make sure there are no other Soviet troops on the way, he will start making his way down the hill.
Picking himself up out of the dirt, Yo eyes the waving man...

"Yeah, I'm good! Thanks for the assist. You spot any more of those bastards up there?"

Putting his weapon on Safe, he heads for the pool and pulls the Sov out of the water. If possible, he'll retrieve the guy's weapon. Then he'll strip off the sum'bitch's web gear and check him for documents, money, etc.
As the adrenaline wears off, the knick that he took will undoubtedly start hurting. He'll have to find someone to help with a bandage soon. Not like he can just run to the hospital.

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 1:41 am
by Dram
Saul- Takes a quick look around to see if sees any more movement. I think we got them all. But we better move in case they have friends around. Scavenge what can from the bodies and lets leave. He turns to man they just saved. I am Saul These are my friends. He continues to introduce the group. Do you know this area well?

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 4:11 am
by ottarrus
Dram wrote:Saul- Takes a quick look around to see if sees any more movement. I think we got them all. But we better move in case they have friends around. Scavenge what can from the bodies and lets leave. He turns to man they just saved. I am Saul These are my friends. He continues to introduce the group. Do you know this area well?
Yo nods and in a voice that is pure Califorinian answers up.

Hey. I'm Yojiro Akiyama. Friends call me 'Yo'. As to knowing this area, nah, not really well. Driven to Eugene a couple times, but that's it. I grew up in the Central Valley, south of here. I caught the announcement from 'Radio Free America', whatever the fuck that is. Figured on heading that way to see if they could use another gun. Been moving with the help of a couple Triple A maps, driving mostly at night, but I figured it would be a good time to get off the highways. Commie fucks will undoubtedly have roadblocks above Yreka in the Siskyous Pass.

[/ooc I'm from the NW and know the southern Oregon area fairly well. In between Ashland OR and Yreka CA [that's 'WHY-reeka'] is a pretty steep pass over the Siskyous ['SISK-yooz'], a spur of the Coast Range. While it's not particularly high, it is steep. People overheat their cars on it all the time, as it is often closed in the winter for snow plowing; During particularly bad snowstorms, the roadblocks can take over a day to clear as people will stall on the grade and leave their cars running... this melts the snow under them which refreezes as they crawl forward. Turns the snow into an ice rink, which then causes crashes... you get the drill]

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:26 pm
by Monsieur Rose
Nice to meet you Yo, I'm Jenny. Let me take a look at your shoulder while we get acquainted.

Jenny will try and tend to his wound.

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 2:38 am
by Nuke66
Raffy speaks up. "Rafael is the given name, call me Raffy, and yeah, let's get the hell outta here."

He then goes to loot the bodies as well, looking for any intel as well as mundane supplies.

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 4:35 am
by Scott308
Billy Barstowe

Billy helps Raffy search the bodies. Nice to meet you, Yo. I'm Billy. Billy Barstowe. We should get out of here pretty quick. If there are any other Russkies around, the gunfire'll get their attention. I don't want to be here if anyone shows up.

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:13 am
by ottarrus
Piling the dead Commie's crap on the ground, Yo let's Jenny look at his shoulder. These guys don't look anything like organized collaborators, and besides, it isn't as if he can tend the back of his shoulder himself. If these guys wanted to waste him, it was 4-1 anyway.

Saul, Jenny, Raffy, and Billy. Did I get everybody? Look, I got a Bronco parked down the hill a ways, so how about I go get it and meet you guys back here? Gotta make sure the gunfire didn't spook my dog.

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 3:22 am
by max_vale
Approximately 2:38-3:00 PM, Sunday, June 14th, 1987; Somewhere in the Modoc National Forest, California near the Oregon Border

Jenny quickly patches up the graze on Yo's shoulder as the group gets better acquainted with each other. Soon, Yo leads Raffy and Saul to his Truck after the weapons and incidentals are taken from the dead Russians* and the group continues on thier way to the north; explaining to Yo that they are headed for the town of Milner, Idaho; where Billy's older sister lives.

According to Radio Free America; Idaho was quickly going to host a Soviet Motor Rifle Division, probably due to the rise of the 'First Freed Idaho Brigade'; a guerrilla band that had recently gone on the offensive and hit some Russian outposts. Billy wanted to check on his sister and his nephews to make sure they were okay and to hopefully get them out of the way of the incoming Russkiesā€¦.

*3 AK-74s and about a dozen 30 round clips were taken from the Russians along with some papers that identified them as belonging to the 124th Motor Rifle Division and a Jeep that had been painted in Soviet green with Red Stars. Due to the obviously Russian markings and the fact that they didn't have any quick way to re-paint it; the vehicle was torched and left on the side of the road; afte the gas had been siphoned out of it of courseā€¦.

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 4:52 pm
by Dram
Saul- Listening to YO's information. Billy I know you want to get to your sister and nephew. Travelling at night. Seems to be working good for Yo. With a Mechanized infantry Division they are sure to have scouts on the road.

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 7:48 pm
by Scott308
Billy Barstowe

Night, day, whatever, man...I just want to be able to check on my family. If Yo thinks travelling at night is safer, I'm fine with that. If it is bright enough from star- and moonlight, maybe we can travel without headlights, making it harder for the Russians to spot us.

Re: Price of Freedom: Interlude: A walk in the woods

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 9:48 pm
by ottarrus

Max, did we happen to pick up any grenades from the Sovs? That's something we're gonna want to get and hoard. It isn't like we'll be getting air drops any time soon.