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Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:03 pm
by Jester
Hello Everyone,

I got this idea from Max's in the Out of Character thread.

We don't really know much about one another, so, It thought this tread would a good idea. Just post a little about yourself (no more than you feel comfortable with).

I'm an old school gamer with lots of experience with running and playing games of all sorts and an aspiring writer. I'm currently back in college to complete my degree.

I'm an old school geek with a love of fiction, expecially Horror (H.P. Lovecraft), Fantasy (Michael Morecock), and Science Fiction.

I'm fond of several TV shows and movies, not the least of which (and in no particular order) Star Wars, Breaking Bad, Dexter, Alien, Terminator, and Burn notice, just to name a few.

I'm sure that there are things I'm missing but this should be a good start.

I will list my gaming resume below to give you some idea about what I've played in the past.


Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:40 pm
by max_vale
Okey-dokey....I guess I'm next up....:)

Okay; I'm an East Coast gamer in the DC area....

I'm in my mid 30s and have been playing RPGs since I was about 9 or say, from around '85 to present....

Most of my RPG experience is with AD&D; 1st and 2nd Edition.....I took a look at some of the 3rd Edition stuff and basically; the artwork; stat-blocks; Feats and Prestige Classes just made me run for the Hills. I played a couple of games of 4th Edition...but just felt it was too much of a board/war game for my tastes....I'm very wierd in that I like Board and War games...and I like RPGs...but I don't like combining them. To this day; if an RPG uses miniatures for anything more than just giving an idea of where things are...I'm outta there! :)

I have played and enjoyed BECMI; AD&D1; AD&D2; Star Wars d6 (the 1st Edition of this game remains my all time favorite RPG); the Cortex System (Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, etc.); and Hollow Earth Expedition.

I very much enjoy the settings but not the rule systems for the following RPGs: Spirit of the Century (though the character background paragraph trading remains one of the most AWESOME character creation bits I've ever seen in a game); Shadowrun; Aliens the Adenture Game; Deadlands; and Godlike.

I have not had the chance to try the following systems I own, but would very much like too: Savage Worlds; The One Ring; and Gangbusters.

I very much enjoy "classic, Tokein-esque" Fantasy...i.e. stuff like TSR's Greyhawk setting or 'The Known World' of Mystara; I'm not really into Low-magic or really High Magic settings and I especially don't care for "steampunk" settings of Fantasy. I also like most non-hard Sci-Fi settings; Western settings and I REALLY dig Pulp settings. NOT a fan of horror.

Not sure what else to say besides that.....I have learned to only watch shows on Cable; because if I like a show on network TV; it gets cancelled. I loved Life; Pushing Daisies; Journeyman; Better off Ted; etc. Basically....because I liked them...they had no chance. Now I stick to Cable and Jon Stewart; Burn Notice; A Game of Thrones; Baseball; Football; Basketball; and any number of re-runs of shows that I'm pretty sure won't stop being played on at least 1 of the 8 trillion channels in existence! :)

I'm a lover of lost causes like Naturally Brown Haired Women who don't dye there hair another color; non-tattooed people; Blues Music and the Baltimore Orioles (though the last...might; JUST MIGHT; manage to break even this year for the first time in 14 seasons and if they do; I'm streaking my block at 3 AM on a weeknight when everybody's sleeping....because hey....our neighbors are good people and they didn't do anything to deserve that!)

I'm married to a wonderful woman from West Africa who had the misfortune of meeting me in college before she had the chance to realize how many better dudes there are out there (ha-ha, sucker! :) ); and I have a 2 year old daughter with brown eyes that are SURE to get her a pony in a couple of years if her mother leaves me alone with her for more than a few hours....

I guess that's about it....


Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:06 pm
by Delazar

Fausto's the name, gaming is ... The game... Ok, that didn't sound as smart as I thought. Anyhow, I'll be your elf for the night (ok, that also sounded kinda weird).

I'm italian by birth, but when I was 22 I moved to Belgium, I'm married, and have two daughters (2.5 yo, and 1 month old).

I've been RPing since I was twelve (now I'm 34), mostly DMing. I've played lots of games, but my game of choice is DnD. I tasted all editions, then went back to ADnD and Birthright.

This is my first PbP, so pls have mercy on me... :)

Aw, and Pearl Jam rock!

Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:46 am
by Distorted Humor
your resident DM....

Started playing in 1992 at age 12 with the red box Basic D&D set.

Played or DMed Basic D&D, AD&D 1st and 2nd editions, played one bit of 3rd edition, Also have enjoyed GURPS and a few other RPGS.

I am most likely the only person who likes spelljammer, one of the few who think Star Trek, DS9 is the greatest Star Trek series, I read too much and spell check is my friend.

Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:40 am
by Delazar
Distorted Humor wrote: I am most likely the only person who likes spelljammer
since my ADnD rebirth, I'm in love with Spelljammer! So, I feel ye, brotha!

Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:59 am
by JobaTett
Distorted Humor wrote:your resident DM....

Started playing in 1992 at age 12 with the red box Basic D&D set.

Played or DMed Basic D&D, AD&D 1st and 2nd editions, played one bit of 3rd edition, Also have enjoyed GURPS and a few other RPGS.

I am most likely the only person who likes spelljammer, one of the few who think Star Trek, DS9 is the greatest Star Trek series, I read too much and spell check is my friend.
Um, I like Spelljammer too! I LOVE DS9(it was the best Star Trek, followed by Enterprise).

Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:32 am
by JobaTett
Joba Tett is the name, and, contrary to popular belief, trolling is not the game. My age is unknown, though I'm thought to be around 17. I'm half Turkish, half Canadian. Moved to USA some months ago. Started tabletop RPGs with Pathfinder some months ago. First RPG I ever played was Morrowind on XBOX.

So yeah, started with Pathfinder last July.
I started online, so I feel somewhat more comfortable playing online(So I enjoy it a little more).
I've played a lot of systems, well not too many, mostly D&D(any) or D20. I hate D&D 4e, superhero games, and games like GURPS and WoD. I also REALLY hate magic point spell systems in a tabletop RPG(it's good in a realtime video game RPG.).
I'm not going to lie, I've been banned from games before due to bad behavior, but I promise it's all better now!

Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:45 pm
by max_vale
I have never really seen any Spelljammer stuff; so I don't have an opinion one way or the other....but I'm game to give it a try!

And is great to see some other DS 9 fans out there! I thought I was just about the only one! :) I think I'd have to say the Original is my next favorite.....though I did like Enterprise too for the most part.

Anyway; nice to hear about you all!

Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:13 pm
by Stonjuz
First started playing around early 90s , so I missed out on alot of classic stuff.
Im most familiar with 2nd edition. I have been playing 2.5 since Skills and Powers.
I can appreciate 3rd edition, and 3.5, but will never play 4th again. (action point?, gimme a break)
I have just recently joined the forums where i have now created a character in OSCRIC with vargr, another in 1e phb with dmw, and now I'm studying the differences here in BECMI. It's all new to me. I'll try not to slow anyone down, but...

Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:00 pm
by Epichicken
I'm joining in on this so I might as well post my info. I'm from northern Virginia, and have absolutely no experience in any role playing games. I mean- I play rpg video games but that doesn't really count now does it :P. I'm 15 years old (Yes I know I'm kinda young to play this) But I can assure you I'm not one of those hollering annoying brats that people usually imagine whent hey hear the word "teenager" To be honest, this is my first DnD game, although I know a few basic rules from podcasts and such. Hope you can put up with me for a while :D

Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:36 pm
by robertneaves
Thanks for the invite. I can't wait to play. I've only played in person, so it will be weird for me. I'm an old BECMI fanatic, and ran a several year long campaign, set in Mystara of course, from the mid 80s through the early 90s that fizzled out just before the players became immortal. Then I took a hiatus from gaming for far too long. Now I'm back, but currently only in a 4e campaign. Other than the occasional one-shot, I've always been the DM. So it will be great to be a player.

Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:29 pm
by Distorted Humor
Welcome :)

First step is to use the unseen servant dice roller and roll yourself up a character.

Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:00 pm
by robertneaves
It looks like the only thing not represented, among the standard classes anyway, is a dwarf. I'm not set on anything in particular, so a dwarf sounds fine with me unless you can recommend something else the party may prefer instead.

Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:06 pm
by onlyme
robertneaves wrote:It looks like the only thing not represented, among the standard classes anyway, is a dwarf. I'm not set on anything in particular, so a dwarf sounds fine with me unless you can recommend something else the party may prefer instead.
A magical vial of healing waters?

Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:10 pm
by Stonjuz
Now wouldnt it be fantastic to see his character comin' out of the temple holding the waters....?
Wishful thinking i wager.

Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:27 pm
by Epichicken
I figure a dwarf would fit right in

Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:11 pm
by Distorted Humor
Stonjuz wrote:Now wouldnt it be fantastic to see his character comin' out of the temple holding the waters....?
Wishful thinking i wager.
IF this party is bored with this adventure, it could happen, as i am just running something out of Dungeon right now...

Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:30 pm
by onlyme
Distorted Humor wrote:
Stonjuz wrote:Now wouldnt it be fantastic to see his character comin' out of the temple holding the waters....?
Wishful thinking i wager.
IF this party is bored with this adventure, it could happen, as i am just running something out of Dungeon right now...

Not at all... Just attempting some humor...

Re: Player not "character" Introductions

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:06 pm
by Distorted Humor
onlyme wrote:
Distorted Humor wrote:
Stonjuz wrote:Now wouldnt it be fantastic to see his character comin' out of the temple holding the waters....?
Wishful thinking i wager.
IF this party is bored with this adventure, it could happen, as i am just running something out of Dungeon right now...

Not at all... Just attempting some humor...
ok, just making sure :)